HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-10-27, Page 8Protect your car from rust• and corrosion. Have the under- part of your car thoroughly Steam Cleaned and sprayed with Gum Oil Effective on either old: or new cars. For free information, xr about the complete coverage offered phone or drop in to' T H E LESLIE E. MckAY INSURANCE AGENCY All Kinds of Insurance Including Life Phone: Brussels 49 r 7 Monkton, R. R. 1 • MAJESTIC W. I. TO SPONSOR HOMEMAKER'S COURSE A flint ditiaketS detiree, "The Third :Meal" will' be conducted in the text few weeks, sponsored by the "Majestic" Women's Iii tittite, The course will he ,gt•ten In tour nails — MI6 tatetriden each week completed, Members of institute and htiy other Interested bometiutkere ,of the etireiniiinitjr are invited to ettoll. There wilt 'uceettiodattou for 10 Mein:hers; ' mantels. timst be Ordered; so those' ; .interested are asked to call 'Mrs. Cart ilebtfogwAy (25'1'5) or Mrs. Nfailie,out *Sy as soot; its possible. A. RANN THE BRUSSELS POST M be 190Q Tburso", og . . l'eme rmrmr•m7rmmrm 77.7m,MMrr•MMIT7! rir7rmrmoMMM.mrrmrs Airio 411‘0010101 01041P~In 11 Agatirr " ..,r;z41 i„c.pre iiggirA.41 s VANS* Sp poirregita rmrm7mmtrilefraip.., 'I•rrmormmmmr. eea$60naletle 'Items LADIES WINTER COATS Petite sizes to large — Reasonably Priced ***** R• * . .......... • .. • ........ Car Coats for the Family at reasonable prices - - Smartest Styling Hydro and Work Jackets for Men . .....,.,..,,u.,...•, Snow Suits a n d 3 piece Sets Canada's. Largest Selling VITAMIN TABLET 9 Important Vitamins plus Liver and Iron. One Tablet Daily helps to maintain Good Health and build resistance against colds. No other Vitamin Prc-Nct gives more for the mwey 72 Day Tretment 184.98 DRAPERY FABRICS and NETS from Canada's-Leading Fabric Centres at Very Reasonable Prices ....•••••••• Kitchen Nets — Reg. to 69c Now 39c yd. onkton ody uto tt Save 63c Rexall Fluroda.ted Tooth Paste 3 — Large 63c Tubes Regular Value $1.89 for $1M9 Monkton, Ontario. Phone 634R21 inlpoctant' ankruptcy keferatettertgootrcogookokowilowei0401101wwwwwwitiftiftiowt _ - - — COLD WEATHER AHEAD Now Is The Time To Have Your OIL STOVE OR FURNACE CLEANED and SERVICED for the steady winter months approaching For RELIABLE MAINTENANCE WORK ,Contact HOWARD BERNARD PHONE BRUSSELS 47W Ms Autumn Time Take some of the many fine Pictures in the Fall Back Ground. Prompt Photo Finishing Over $50,000.00 Lumber Dealer & Contractor's Stock l& Equipment of The Bankrupt Wingham Building Products Limited Corner of Josephine and Water Streets, WINGHAM, ONTARIO FRIDAY, and SATURDAY OCTOBER 28th and 29th 11:00 A. M. Daily FRIDAY AT SAWMILL SITE (BLOCK SOUTH OF ABOVE ADDRESS) — Sawmill building and equipment, excellent storage sheds for removal, large stack of Ten - Test, sheathing, Staincote, cedar, spruce, molding, assorted mixed timbers, barn pales, GYproc lath, lime, underlay, fir, pine, insulation, frames and sash, Home. sets, spruce, shiplap, trusses, hemlock, siding and similar stack with a value in excess of $20,000.00. - mmommorm.m.mommkomm WE WILL REMEMBER THEM Remembrance Day, with its .,poignant memories of glory and of grieving, • once more draws near to remind all 'Canadians of the two World Wars and the Korean conflict in Which more than 100,000 of our follow-conntrymen made the su- preme sacrifice. The years may pass, and pass they do, steadily and all too quickly, but the fleeting time rau,st not dim the memory of those gallant men nor 'the recollection of the inspiring chapters they wrote into the history of our Dorainion. What more. sacred duty is there than remembrance, solemnly and sincerely expressed, of the immortal souls whose sacrillice•ensured for all of us our freedom and the independence of our country. But Remembrancetide• has not only come to be an annual occasion for spiritual- remembrance of the dead, although that is its main purpose, It- has, as well, become the season for practical remembrance of the Living and recognition of a responsibility which war has bequeathed to lid and which must not be shirked. We refer ,i-t the thousands of necessitous ex- servicemen for whom GOvernment assistance is not aivailmble and who. are given help through the Popii-Y• Fund of the branches of the Canad- Ian Legion from coast to, coast. So -1 this sand anniversary of the nr,4t Armistice Day. let every Can- ndian liIri, a. nonpy and proudly wear It on the eleventh Of November, 'thus honoring the dead and re- Itemberifig the living' tea. Peppy Day in Brussels will be on Saturday November 5th cfAFTWC RCY,ALL DRUG STORE i :401 IL la. Brussels '--.714tAtintrtagtttigOfttii Phone 62 REAL' ESTATE 100 Acres high. rolling land suitable for cash crop or pasture. Good water supply. 99 acres clear. $7000.00 100 acre farm with good house and barn. On payed, highway. Furnace and 8 piece bath. $3000.00 Apply to: WILLIAM C. CAMNPBELL, JJtstowel, Ont., Phone 556W rrir1,301 WiVtill ' aftij t ; Oa. 1.4 1959 chevrolet Belair V - 8 Sedan Automatic transmission — . . usiness gir ds 1958 Oldsmobile 2 - Door Hardtop Power steering, Power brakes, Automatic 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne ,Sedan Radio & Automatic L,. DR. R. W. STEPHENS arailloste University of Toronto PHYSECIAN and SURGEON ilkibese 45 OrEssmilas SATURDAY AT MAIN BUILDING — Oil pumps, air hose, plug cleaner, DeWalt radial saw, Craftsman planer-jointer, bricks, large quantity top quality shingles, cement blocks, glass, file cabinet, billing machine, cash register, adding machine, soft drink cooler, nearly 1,500 gallons gasoline, stock of hardware items Including paint, stainless steel sinks, tapes, hinges, hardware, lock sets- adhe- sive and similar items, plywood, Masonite, pegboard, nails, Arborite, insulation, 16'x10' insulated and electrically heated building suitable for office or small cottage, 1952 GMC dump truck, 1957 Ford stake, 1952 pick-up, steel float, 1949 'Monarch automobile, Internaional bulldozer with skid shovel, good fork lift en 11-I tractor, roofing and many additional pieces. On View Thursday From Noon To Five O'Clack and From Nine The Mornings of Sale Terms Cash Or Certified Cheque Unless Other Arrangements Are Made Prior To The AUctilon. 2 - 1957 Chevrolet Sedans Racho & Autrmlaimic transmission WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP QUALITY, SERVICE, CRAFTSMANSHIP Open Every Week Day CEMETERY LETTERING Your Guarantee ror Over 35 Years of cCutche n Motors Or' Your Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer Supertest Produele Brussels, Ont. Phone '56 P. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham 7r.m7,3114.7.1-41,r7',7A:717. rrr oromawrinkeu ORVAL HARRISON TV AND IILMOTRIC RD CAN YOU AFB I Phone: Brussels 32944 R. R. 1 Mcnkton Ontario ELECTRICAL CON-rRACTING This Is An Attractive, [Diversified Stack Interesting To The. Contractor Or Handyman. to 11aVe your investments earn less than 5% interest? Not Malty ,oaf us can. GEO. R. GARDNER & SON, Auctioneers. F. 0. KIME, ESQUIRE, Trustee In Bankruptcy. RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SERVICE. Arawire R. S. Hetherington, K. AI ses s.zcw-mwat to Lk. 11,1, .1 it PRONW/ Nod astordiay sat etay — &pea every 'Em and Bfeiltt7,14 lv 1. rrooribionpAiwidINIP Invest in a British Mortgage certificate to earn 5% for each year of a 1,0-year period. ..•17,..1111001:103, Teaching Traffic Safety Starts at bonie To invest — see your local agent :or mail us mil' cheduc Bat don.% delay 5% interest begins the day you make the investment. John Longb..1!;,. Optometrist OPTICIAN OF SEAFORTH f announces a Chanke of OftICe Ideation in GOdorien, St. 174 adjacent Retaorth Clinfe DrOtrid, Plebe Parking. Oculists t3tdordttotibti5, entitles you to' ati gniiiietUient adliiStriienta t I I I) 1ST COMPANY BUM MOIR GAGE & Founded in 1877. Head 6titAtPOilb- ........ BRITISH. MORTGAGE & ttkDS't COMPANY; STRATFORD enclo' gne fo for iiVeettient elfe Please Send nie a free folder thiing full itifeitinatioit Teadb them to 106k both ways, before crossing the street ; •- Mifiritm,' Anti AmiLikalcEsolAct iFthne,,, Mlne' -I /iddreas . . . L mom 3. or 35 , urr.Mt iriar MUMS, *aro 4 •