HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-10-27, Page 6to-07041v Neectie,s of Ora.nite Once, the slender needles of granite and ice congealed above the world where men lived, were no more than the cry of earth towards the iky. In the evenings, after supper, the peasants told each other legends. "There are in this region mountains of Pro, di$iotis height, particularly around the Vala and the Val d' Aottate, There is found what are called Glaciers, and what the na- tives call AccursedMountain, be- cause it is always covered with snow and, ice." Peter the Third of Aragon went to the summit of Canigou in 1280, and Petrareh ascended the Ventoux in 13313. Mont Aiguille was climbed at the oe- der, or rather the whim, of a king in 1492, and Leonardo da Vinci conquered, so it is said, a certain. Mount. Boso (in 1511?), But these ascents remained isol- ated instances. The mountains climbed were relatively low and Were only OD the edge of the great ranges and the eternal. snows, Were men afraid of the high peaks, whether in the Alps or the Himalaya? A few peasants ventured among them — crystal-gatherers and chamois-hunters.... Some foreigners, too, the great travel- lers approached little by little the terrifying beauty of the high hills, In 1741 an Englishman called William Wyndham, who lived at Geneva, organized with some of his countrymen "un voyage aux Glacieres de Savoie, dans la vat- lee de Chamougny." In spite of the local prior, a good Old man "who showed them a thousand courtesies and advised them strongly against proceeding higher," and in spite of the local inhabitants who told them "that even the crystal-gatherers and the hunters of bouquetins and chamois, not to mention all the strangers who came to Cham- ougny, had been content to see what they saw at present," they ventured as far as Montenvers. "From there we had a full view of the glacier the reader must imagine a lake whipped by a strong wind, then suddenly frozen." Wyndham and his companions were more intrigued by the gla- ciers, hedged aboot with legends of which they took small ac- count, than by Mont Blanc, which they do not so much as mention. None the less they were the first visitors to the. Mer de Glace: the English had opened the high Faucigny road to tour- ist traffic. Twenty years later the ascent of the Giant of the Alps itself was to be the order of the day, — From "Mont Blanc to Eeverest," by Gaston Rebuffat, Translated from the French by Geoffrey Sutton. Q. How can I cope with some wallpaper in one of my rooms, which has lest its grip and formed an unsightly bulge on the wall? A, Here's one good way of "battling the bulge"; slit the bulge with a razor blade and, using a knile, insert library paste thinned to a creamy con- sistency. Smooth the whole thing out with a stiff brush, and the appearance of your wall should be much improved. BOMBER'S VICTIM — A policeman rushes to the side of re dazed and bloodied man after a bomb exploded in Duffy Square, New York City. Six persons were injured. show busine,s, lie bought Da Theatre ifi Leicester Square and p4 04 musical comedies. Ife Might have been a success but he refused all professional as, Siatanee and even Insisted .on producing his. OWn shows, lie lost thousands of pounds.. Now the rumours began to fly; bankers who had been his close friends cold- shouldered him. What was )1e to: do? White made lap his mind to snake .a..corner in petrolehm but he could not obtain .any cial backing. In 192,7 he had to face demands for cash payments of 92,000,000, He had, no moneyl- his, Lancashire cotton '41.?0041" had burst, and thousands of small investors were ruined, On Toesday, June 28th, 1927, jimmy White left London for his country house called Vothill. Tie said to Williams, his butler: "Pon't worry about me; every- thing will be all right," He then told all the other servants to take the evening off and go to the theatre at Swin- don, and he gave instructions that he was not to be called un- til noon the next day. Next day at noon, one of the servants went to call White; there was no .answer, Climbing through a window into the room, the butler found White lying on his side with a sponge soaked in chloroform pressed closely to his mouth. There was a note say- ing: "Go easy with me, old man; I'm dead from prussic acid." The truth, however, was that the tycoon had taken too little prussic acid to kill him, so. he had fetched some chloroform front a medicine chest and had killed himself with that. After the suicide a Receiver was appointed on behalf of the Beecham Trust and it was re- vealed that White owed his bank 91,500,000, Six years before his death, Jimmy White was divorced from his wife by whom he had two. daughters. While he was in the money he set aside $180,000 to provide his wife with an annuity of $9,000 for life. etting a. little practice, pal?" Skin Divers Make War On Starfish Skin divers armed with knives and other weapons have been attacking the great numbers of starfish which prey on oyster beds in the North Atlantic, caus- ing serious losses to fishermen. This is the newest way of fighting the starfish menace which has increased since the end of the last world war. The starfish is a highwayman, not of the open roads, but along the world's seaways where it ruth- lessly attacks mussels as well as oysters. "Devil's fingers," "crossfish," "cramps" — these are some of the names the oyster dredgers give this strange, voracious crea- ture, After a rough autumn tide you can generally find some of these five-fingered creatures ly- ing on the beach. Starfish are often found hunting oysters in the mouths of creeks on British south and east coasts. ' The underside of a starfish is mostly covered with little points of tubes and when these are filled with water it is able by their aid to crawl about. There ti are sucking discs on the ends of these tubes which can cling to any solid surface 'and thus, the creature is able to pull itself along. If a starfish loses an arm or finger it begins at once to grow another, When fieherrnen, en- raged because of starfish attacks on oysters, tried to destroy the pests by tearing them in half, they were amazed to see many of tile fragments growing fresh parts, When a mass of starfish ing vaded the coast of real, Xent, some years ago, thousands were stranded as the tide went down along a stretch of ten miles, Many of the starfish were taken to allotments and helped to man- ure the land. A pre-war Scientist Profes- sor .1. Arthur Thomson, ed the starfish as a creature Which represents efficiency with- out brains, Its stomach is elastic arid it can, without the slightest trouble, eject the whole of it through its mouth, he said, The starfish encloses an oyster hi its stomach then draws stomach and oyster back into itself so that it can digest its prey at leisure,, ArrENTIQIN greeting card, cosmetic and other sales people. NEW presonal- ized picture lamp, Made from any size negative, Ideal gift' for Christmas, Birthday, Wedding, Mother's Day, any Occasion. Tasteful design, band rubbed wooden base, For booroom, living room, TV, etc. Eesy to sell, 40% corn. mission. Free details, Write Skyline, 4630, St. Catharine We Montreal, Qua, WE have a few territories still open for agents to sell our Premium Qual- ity Farm Seeds. Complete line of all Farm Seeds, liberal Commissions. Write to Martin Weber Limited, 330 PhilliP Street, Waterloo, Ontario, Phone Stier, wood 5.6103. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SUMMER resort on Hay Bay, known as eisitewooe Lodge, accommodates 40 guests (dining hall); 2-acre site with 300' waterfrontage. 111 health forces sale of this popular resort, Bruce .L Wagar Realtor Napanee. MOTEL, 9 units plus 3-bedroom Living quarters, well located on No. 2 High- way near Napanee; nicely furnished, broadloom, TV. Grossing m000410,000, year round business. Bruce ,1, Wager, Realtor, Napanee. DRY cleaning plant, with cold storage unit, in Napanee; 2 apartments- and store for extra revenue; thriving bust- ness. Bruce J Wager, Realtor Napa- nee. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT GROUND floor offices. Corner loca- tion; business block; suitable for' den- tal clinic or other professional offices. Reasonable rent. Alterations to suit. Most progressive town in Western On- tario. Write P,O. Box 500, Petrone, Ont. • COINS WE pay $3 for 1925 Canadian nickel; complete buying list 10 cents. Crown Stamp ie Coin, 81 Queen St; E., Tor- onto, Paying 50e each for 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925 Canadian small pennies. Mrs. Mor- gan, 767 Wilson St., Victoria, B.C. FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sate. 100 acres, good build. • ings, all workable land, 20 acres newly seeded pasture 25 acres fall wheat. Will sell with crop, impleinents and livestock, Write Peter Van Wvchen 11,11, 1 Southwold OM FARMS— GUELPH AND DISTRICT IF you are Interested in a farm in the Guelph area, write or call ris, We have a wide selection. Forsythe and Getele, Real Estate Brokers, 100 Woolwich St., Guelph TA-2-6920. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GIVE health and beauty for Christmas our jewelled magnetic bi•adelets are health restoring and beautiful to wear. Priced only at $12.50. National Products; 346 Sable-ton St,, Nanalate, S.C. Agents Wanted. HELP WANTED MALE ELECTRICIANS OTTAWA WE require immediately Otratilled electricians for major construction and housing projects in Ottawa. Curtent rate $2.00 per hour. Contact us im. reediately, FEDERAL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD. 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA PA. 3.3153 INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting eta, Les- sons 50a Ask for fine circular No 33. Canadian Correapondenee Coaarses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, MONEY fO LOAN WE have money available for first and second mortgage leans oh farm and toen property current -rates al inter- est tee/omits arranged to snit veer income. Sty... Metkle Ltd., 13reket. Welleste St W. Toronto fine 244. 5aelbetv 1,1,f1 1? Itoberil ice Q. how Can reldlitte tea SOWS front washab!c A, Rub- some lard over the spot and scrape it off as it dis- colors. Add more lard, and keep scraping mita the tar is out, After this, wash the fabric ilx heavy suds td cleanse it et the lard, 11. Hew Ott renew tite in softie jewoity. A. Soak in gasoline for a few Minutes, then polish with a dry cloth. WARNING: Be sure you're away from any lighted cigarettes or names! INStit 44 190 AnComMooa ION A WARM WELCOME! SENtUa CITIZENS IN RETrilEAlEN't tateetell SPriaga Gardens is an address of •tlietioetion a baven of comfort and content, Private bettireenle: lexuriettai sitting rooms on bedroom floors, spa- cious. wellefernished lobby About two acres of terraced lawuo.. Our train- ed competent stuff under the super. vision of registered nurses is. caps awe of serving ail but those rerenrinif hospital or tnstitutional care. IlltinthlY rate for single rooms $150.00 to $200.00 meals included, write for further information and illustrated Pamp hlet. Ruston On Springs GeGardens, Preston . AGENTS AGENCIES WANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANADIAN manufacturer offering seamless Micro-Mesh hosiery, specially packed for grocery store in beautiful polyethelene bags. Guaranteed first quality, Only $5.65 dez, plus tax, Sam- Street,, on request. Box 222. 123-28th New Toronto, Ont, BABY CHICKS PROMPT shipment on 15-22 week put.- lets, also some started chicks. Day- olds, dual purpose, specialty egg pro- ducers, to order. February-March broil- ers should be ordered now. Contact local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $7,000 CASH, small balance, owner forced to sell. Consisting of building, snack bar, 2 billiard tables, 2 bedroom apt. All-year-round business, in small town. George Bailey Realtor, R.R. 1, Wasaga Beach, TAXI BUSINESS OAKVILLE 6 CAll taxi service. Excellent turnover. Circle Text, 4 Cowan Aye., Oakville- VI, 4-3241. —"eer—re MERRY MENAGERIE • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Bet He Could Eat Peas Off.A Knife His name was James White, Jimmy to his friends and hang- ers-on, of whom there were many. He was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, in 1878, of extreme- ly poor parents. As soon as Jimmy left school he got a job as an errand boy and later became a bricklayer's labourer. Then he got ideas, ideas that were later to shoot him to the top like a rocket. With no capital at all he set himself up as a speculative builder; it was the heyday of the jerry builder and Jimmy did not do badly. He was not yet twenty but he began promoting local prizefights. Then came his first piece of sharp practice. A circus came to town and. Jimmy chummed up with the boss, persuading hint to sell a three-quarter share in it. He had not got the money to pay for his share but he touted around and sold it at a profit, This gave him a liking for show business so he started to run a theatre at Matlock in Der- byshire. Now he saw himself in the big money; he decided to launch himself in London. To London he went, in 1899, only to find that the Boer War was just starting in South Africa. He joined up, went overseas where he served as a mounted policeman. When the war was over, Jim- my White returned to Britain, where he met one of the greatest financial rogues of the time: Ernest Terah Hooley, who later served a term of imprisonment. Together with Hooley, White went into the flotation of corn- panies whose shares were "push- ed" unscrupulously; options on MOON SUIT — Little haute with. Tees was designed for the theort. Republic Aviation designed the suit to provide the moon itXplarer with a livable atmosphere, Dernetistrator puts down 'tripod withdrciws legS end sl,i1 On a smolt shelf to rest, While *he Model is experinietifcii, designers believe the some fendo- thentol concept will be orottitol for the first moon men. Tools thot toutd he token tire laid but on file' sorid, this and that, concessions of all kinds were bought and sold. But when Hooley went to jail, White was in the clear. Prizefighting was always Jim- my White's ideal and now he saw his big chance.-. Jack John- son, the giant Negro, had just won the world heavyweight championship from Tommy Burns over in Australia and had come to London looking for a fight, Why not promote a scrap between him and Bombardier Wells the heavyweight champion of Britain? The match was arranged to take place at Earls Court, Lon- don, but then he found he hadn't sufficient money for the guar- antee, writes Harry J. Greenwall in "Tit-Bits". White decided to extract the last ounce of publicity out of his failure. He began secretly to ar- range opposition to the fight on the ground of the undesirability of a white man fighting a Negro in London, He managed to get questions asked in the House of Commons and, as a result, the Home Sec- retary forbade the fight. Jimmy White was by , now front-page news all over Britain. He pre- tended to be disgusted with the Home Secretary's action. But he was a hero in sporting circles and was made a member of the National Sporting Club! It was at the club that Jimmy met the late Sir Joseph Beech- am; the two men went into part- nership to deal in real estate. One et their schemes was to buy Covent Garden Market from the Duke of Bedford who was to be paid $5,000,000. It was White's idea to pull down the Market and replace it with colossal warehouses to be linked by subterranean roads to London's main line stations, but the Market tenants opposed the scheme so vigorously that it fell through. In 1918 there was talk of con- ferring a knighthood on Jimmy White, but he let it be known at a high level that he would be willing to forgo that if the war- time restrictions . oil company promotions were lifted, and, strange to relate, they were lifted! Now White went full steam ahead, forming company after company, Ile was always the chairman and his ,"share-push= ers" went out east and west and south and north, How the money flowed into his eoffersl He bought a large country house, a $150,000 yacht; he started horse-racing arid at one time owned seventy race- horses, Jimmy had a sumptuous suite of offices in the Strand, London, where his desk had solid gold fittings. The office led to a din- ing room which was decorated livith famous sporting prints. One of London's most famous chefs was engaged to provide a magnificent lunch every day for Jfmmy and his guests; if White was not there and if there were no guests, the lunch Was pro- vided just the same," At this period his fortune was estimated at $9,000,000. t{e used to make the most. fantastic bets. One day he was lunching with Holey when he made a bet of $75 that he would put thirty peas on the blade of his knife and swallow them without spill- ing one. Ihrany -won his bet! He also gave immense sums to Roman Catholic charities-; nuns who called at his strand ()Meet often went away with theoutS for $1,1300. ' Once again White went into NigOicA), IT'S- IMPORTANT '-f IVfrRY $UF,FFRCR 9F .fttigi4MATIC PAINS OR 10:T17AI:A 1011R9'A. DRUG STORE. 3 WANTED: 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN suffering frown all muscular pains, ar• thrills, nervous tension. GET QUICK RELIEF3 Write for Free Satonpas Sample today-, NATIONAI, PRODUCTS 340 Sabisten Street Norolmo, B,C, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of airy eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching scalding, and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and Not eczema will reepond readily to the stainless odorless ointment; regardieee of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sort Post Free on Receipt et price PRICE $3,50 PER JAR PQST'S REMEDIES 1$65 Et, Clair Avenue Rest, TORONTO NURSES WANTED REGISTEREO NURSES FOB general duty nursing in modern hospital in progressive community east of Pert..Arthur, Ontario. Starting sal. ary 5259.00 per month. Room and board provided at no cost in modern nurses' residence. Excellent employee benefits, and year-round recreational facilities available, Apply stating full particu- lars of age, experience, availability, eta, to Box No. 226, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Opt, NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and bril- liant market for this Weary fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using our exclu- sive breeders plan. Special offer to those who quallify, "earn your nutria under our co-operative ranchers plan". Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd. R.R. Richmond Hill. Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITIES unlimited available through The Franchise Bulletin. Can- ada's only franchise magazine. Write today, Box 223 123 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System nlestrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloer St W., Toronto Brandies: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa PERSONAL FREE Booklets: On Life, Death, Soul, Hell, Bible Standard, 2105 South 11th, Philadelphia 48, Pennsylvania, WANTED: Willpay cash for your old 1959. telephone directory of your town or community. Write or Mail to W. 11 Alger, 346 Sablston St., Nanaimo B.C. ADULTS: Free samples, price list on personal Hygienic Sundries. Special Assortment $1.00, mailed in plain, sealed envelope. Cotter Company, Box 1089. Station "C", Toronto 3, UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Saca-Polo. Sac& Pelo is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of un- wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab Ltd., 5, 679 Granville Vancouver 2, B.C. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Coeds! 38 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet a n d catalogue 'of supplies. Western Distributors. Box-24-TF Re- gina, Sask. PERSONAL Mieln $1.00. serentiatno tea days. CRAPS/011 INTI4itli:STS- Vaud* ‘ood, Ont. SUN. Avoid drugstore embarrasnient, Order personal needs. by mail. Cella. dential; prompt service. Persoeel Pbate IneeY, Pos. 98, Station 0, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA cLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and si emeriti priote 401 12 magna prints 601 neprtnts 50 each. KCalNaCOLOR Developing roll 991 (not including prints), Color prints SO/ each extra, Anse() and. Ekteehrorne 35 tri.m 20 e* posurps mounted in ones $1.20 Color prints from slides 3ee each, Money ra• funded in full for onorinied negatives. PET STOCK $1,A1ViV..SE kittens, Pedigreed champion stock, Hoese broken. Lilaes and blues. Very affectionate. Reasonably priced. A, B. Stewart. Phone 462 St. Marys, Ont, POULTRY WHEN you purchose Cashman Ill-Caste Production pullets, you can be sure that you are going to secure the maxis mum in egg production and the maxie mum profits. Cashman Pullets are gain- ing-in popularity all over Canada and the United States, There is only ono reason — they are reeking more money for poultrymen. Cashman planets are not only winning new friends, but they are winning Contests. The latest win was the Missouri Random Sample Test with 57 entries in the Test and win- ning the Florida Standard Test, They also stood higher than any other large franchised hatchery in the Pennsri- vanitt Test with 411 entries in. the Test. Send for folder on this famous money- Maker, Cashman Ill-Cash Production Pullet, Also available, all other popu- lar white egg, dual purpose and broil- er breeds. Turkey poults. Pullets, all ages, You save up to $2.09 per hundred on your chicks and turkey poults if order received before December 1st. Catalogue. TWEDDLel CHICK. HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA ST. Petersburg, Fla., lovely 5-room Spanish house, fern., 2-car garage, laun- dry facilities, palms and fruit trees, $13,000. J. either. 461S 2nd Ave S., St. Petersburg 11, Fla. SALESMEN WANTED COMMISSION Salesmen Wanted. To sell Chemicals for Septic Tanks, Cess- pools, Toilets, Sewers etc., Protected territories, L, G. Durnort 3, Co La- vigne, Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL. VSTATE TO represent us in your own district, large commission paid on et re sale. You can earn good commis.--.tun to your spare firma. Write for pal 1 P Pulses to Epworth Realty Limited Owed Sound Ontario. U.S. VACATION RESOTas FLORIDA Low stammer rates to Dec. 1, Special December and January rates. Write for brochure. Lillian Mc- Milian, 538 Bayshore Dr., Colette Apts., Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I- SCHOOL ; AT HOME IN SPARE TIME I Low monthly payments Include I standard text books and instruc- tion. Credit for subjects already completed. Progress as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. DIPLOMA AWARDED. THIS IS A CANADIAN HIGH SCHOOL COURSE AND WILL-PRE- PARE YOU FOR COLLEGE. OUR 63RD YEAR AMERICAN SCHOOL, 1 106 Adelaide St, W., Toronto, Ont. Please send FREE High School Booklet, I NAME LA..DDRESS See yeas roddt , agdift . lie -end- 'edit ..t'ffiV6 ybu Bellee CUNARD TO EUROPE at Low Thrift Season Rates Matte this the most Memorable Christmas of you': lag Vole more than a century Cunard has carried Canadians to joyful reunions with loved ones in the Old Countfy, lk Cnnard crossing is a holiday hi itself gala Christmas (agates first-tun movies . dancing superb food , l+ti lticss Service! ",Soti hi Won Ytirrk to Citorliotire & York & CObbi 1,0 mat't'e ttr.Sotithattijildii aS Not., 26 ,trolitkoiiirent yol,k to• tii6rboutk SOtii hartipttin Q00660 L'd I. -fritter sdiitithiiipiciii Dee,, 16 'troot NeW "chelstnias iri lrelaiiit" NOrsY Nov; ,rues No*, ,Sete VOrk,& Itaitfat to tkeeit• York to .1,1*.ektiorl LiverPool 014%07 trIZAbgilt Ciiiistinas in SAX:0MA Dee: 14 16 Ne4, bee. b - 14 --...froni Nor OtittlY ItfARy CHRISTMAS SMUNG's Cilitard fi.fle.7,7:1,api-,i.',„;,, • ti Wallin tort - o a o t. •