HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-10-27, Page 41:„kirk .35.4-W.$4,WAS POST Qcteber 27th, 1QQ vonetten•ronarnt•te...ttn•Antowntr.rtantestFigtOstono•ert _,, 0 0.06 66,6 6 6‘ 6. *6 ,••11,166,..6666,6 FOR SALE --- Sliburban Coat, size .11bone 1 Boar in At. condition 1 Box Some Household Effeots Quantity of Hay and Grain. Terms Cash or Elizabeth and Brussels. For further meet- Mg, Home ASsignmenta and notes Were given. The meeting was closed with the 4-H Pledge. the Cattle. ' FOR SALS 23 n'arlinglierefercl Steers, 700 lbs. , heavy Roosters. Pliga • Titlovalo 20 York Chunk a mcn, 5tii, Urnsocir • I 3 York Sows Machinery. Ferguson Tractor Fergaatia MI-MP, Spreader Ferguson Cultivator Ferguson'? -ft, Mower One way Disc Ferguson 2.-furrow Plow 7 fit. Aft IT, Binder H, Fertilizer Drill Land Roller !Set Drag • Harrows International Side Rake Wagon .• Nay Raelc Wagon Little Beaver Hammer Mill -Fanning M,dll Wheel Barrow 10 gal Electric Water Heater Stone Boat Sot of Sleighs Cedar Xosts Woven Wire FLOCKOWNERS WANTED — MODEL 400* 9 59" tt.rnplete with 12 inch onochntents complete with 16 inch onochoonis MODEL 600 S 2112" A Pioneer chain saw adds off. season earnings to the former who harvests his woodlot—a perfect farm maintenance tool in fence and building ocnstruction and in the cutting of firewood. A Ps.14:$1 Walton, Ontario to jestic Merry Makers" celled until a later date. 't.21e Seventh Meeting The roll call The seventh inee.ttrig of the .'3asiestic Merry Makers" was held Zst Friday, Oct, 21st,- .at 7:00 p. 41.. the Brussels Pahlie Library, The Meeting was opened with the, ing of O Canada followed by the zr.iltutes read by Sbaron Storey. 'The roll call was "one duty' of at pleasing guest." 'The tea which was to be held on DAttrday, October 22nd, was can- Ugtett you et 4- out 0,06 .. Pinging of 0 Canada tellOWed 1.)y the Athletes read by jean The roll' call Vas "What 1.110,Yel gained trout this preleet." Tuk). lenders Oittltried what to cap. i for obloymeAt; Day, There was a discussion on to a;it and thee. pesters,„ The meeting Was closed, with 441 Pledge. HALLOWE'EN DANPE WALTON commurvry HALT-- FRIDAY, OCTOBE R 28th Garnet Ferrier's Orchestra Prizes for Costumes Admission; 75c Lunch Booth CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of ; of Farm Stock; Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 19, Con, 2, Morris Twp, 3% North & 3 miles West of Brussels on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2nd at 1 P. M. Cattle 25 Choice Feeder Hereford Steers Pigs 1 Purebred York hog York Sows bred 1 York Sow with litter at foot 35 t'ork Chunks Implements John Deere 430 Tractor 3 point hitch A, 1 John Deere Hydraulic Cultivator (new) John Deere Tractor Manure Spreader Sohn. Deere 5 section Harrows Inter:lational 15 run Fertilizer Seed Drill (nearly new) 2 furrow International PloW International Side Rake Ritzbber tired Wagon and Rack Sic-Littler Roller International Hay Loader 6 ft. Deering Mower. Disk 2 Hay Fork -Cars and Ropes Set Sleighs 2000 lb. Scales 2 Trailers with Racks 2000 Bales Clover Hay -Qnantity Mixed Grain Quantity of Oats Qvantity of Elm Plank C'-Oar Posts and Lumber Electric Pail 4 Range Shelters 1'21ectrio Brooder Electric Motor. Forks - Chains Etc. eading Chute I Cement Water Trough Household Effetts Chesterfield, Chair, :Extension Table 5 Kitchen Chairs 13edroom Suite Congolerilin Rug 9x12 Dinoletin Rug 9x12 Glass Cupboard Davenport Number of Tables Rocking Chairs Other Articles Too Nmerous To Mention No Reserve Farm Sold Terms Cash Roy Turvey Propriet•r Auctioneer: Harold Jackson Clerk`— George Powell • 6 6 6•1•',4•11?6,,, 6 6. , • er r e 66. 6,•••• CLEANING tti tial4 4ew IR the iliac. t ?-„avo that old Chesterfield 1:111,e N r.1.)11 , • t i 'Vuu Will he. thriihtti With the results: • i. ,441V your two-piece 'Chesterfield Suite coin, plctay ulArolzteved and re-styled .at the labor p-rice of CHESTERFIELD „$ 25.00 CHAIR „ „ 15.00 $ 40.00 Rebuild your furniture and cover it in your choice of handsome decorated fabrics to give you like-new furniture at half-price, We repair the frame, retie the springs and replace webbing, Then cover your ferr.!t-re in your choice et the newest fabrics. Our 26 years et emergence assures you of ti.e. Lnest in Workmanship. We GI:1y ut.e, the BEST in materials. Just give us a call and We will be glad to show you the newest samples and make a free estimate. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY We also do TruCk and Car Upholstery We Rave the Newest Leatherettes Just Call (Collect) 446, Seaforth Box 644 SEAFOL UPHOLSEERY Centre Street — SEAFORTIE -06.6,..•••••••66,••• "Would like to thank my many 143W Brussels, would like to • thank the com- g,ro„-mi l,uainess to Allen Mitchell I ','eture call Allen Mitchell, telephone At3 ay 1.0.s:orltaC sand and For the same service in the !TAY TO THE ORDER OF..." • CLEARING AUCTION SALE o1 Farm Stook; Machinery and Household. Effects at Let 21, Pon. 2, Morris TwP. 334 North & 2r z miles. West of Brussels en MONDAY OCT. Slat at 1 P. M. contact Sack Wilson VISIT — the renovated Furniture Show- rooms at Mildmay. Select a Kitchen outfit including; Table, 4 Chairs, glassware, eatery etc. 95 Pieces for $70.35 Free Delivery. Schuett, Mildmay The Eighth Meeting The eighth meeting of the "Ma- jestic Merry Makers" was held on Friday, October 21st, at 3:00 p,m, at the Brussels Public Library. The meeting was opened With the FOR ..5ALE OrY Ettn Vurattee VoiA Phone 4311S, Jelin 101,61tt • One. .of the best buys 1 ever made for )-,., • • • • • 44. oh, for the next Square Timbers Wood I Phone 39065 Brussels ' Roy Sellers .-7- Proprietor ; green, size 4; Girl's Coat Set, sand, t Harold Jackson — Auctioneer size 5; Navy Snowsuit with attached i George Powell — Clerk ! parka, either for boy or girl, size 5; t ' A girl's suit' color blue, size 5; Pair / FOR SALE -- i of , child's white, fur trimmed i Comfortable 5-room House, corner overshoes, size 4. One dining room t Flroa streets, table. All these will 'be sold very Information Ueasonahle, over 70 years in business? Write W, T. Rawleigh, Dept. .-152-013, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, FOR SALE — Electrical Appliances: Frigidaire Refrigerator; Sunshine 4-burner Range; Easy Washing Machine; Hot Water Heater. All in g,00d condition. Torrance DUndas, Walton ViA";'71:t — A man to feed 23 3t) steero on the gain basis. Phone 24-16 gordon WHO IS INTERESTED malting $10 to $15 a day selling quality, products of a reliable firm, FOR SALE — Gi'1' 3 C t t, for i s piece 00' '0 co t Tip to 2,5c per dozen, more fo :'our eggs over Grade A. price ie worthwhile. We pay this fo fiat hint eggs and require all breeds. On some breeds-.'We take eggs every week of the'year. For full detail , write TWICEDLE ofIreg IIA.TCII 1,1•PaEf), • LIMITED, FERGTIS, ONT- ARIO. "."--777 Phone 514 i t inanity for their patronage. Toni Kirkby It took only moments to write Jim's cheque from !home; it will take him only moments to turn it 6.,into cash at his local bank. Jim's cheque is only one of 2,500,000 handled every day by a clearing system operated by the • chartered banks that reaches into every ,corner of the nation and runs around the clock. This vast and efficient system which enables Canadians to transfer money simply and conveni- ently from person to person, place to place, is one of many ways in which the chartered banks keep pace with the needs of a growing, expanding Canada. •hf .4 .60 to we' . • ••.” 6. • THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY te,z1 Marie Fuser's nevi' "Canadian Cheese" eicipes, Write today! !Ai • 1961 ENVOY Thir is t.1;:' • "- 61r r-VitoM st'!Ei a wider of exterior adonis ra',•r ttlur the antoniobilt.s built in England by' ,Al.4.3 Limited end tliJti.sibuteci iri C4no.11,t by .C4otter:t1 Motors of etttiatia, Limited. • • • DAIThr re:animus or. atimnott 40g Huron Street, Toronto UMW