The Brussels Post, 1960-10-20, Page 7AIL. Al. 41111.4 .4.114. 4416 41. 44111. 411. .. ./14.4 411/. III 141 CUNARD at Thrift Season .i.n Fall Sal gs _a .. .. . . . .. 1-- Rates 11 The scenic St. Lawrence and the invigorating Atlantic are particularly lovely in autumn. And in Europe you'll enjoy a wider choice of accommodation at lower rates. li I I FROM NEW YORK a NAtliat FROM MONTREAL; inifint IVONIA Oct. 14; Nov. 426 SYLVANIA Oct. bk. '0,16 CARINTHIA Oct, 29 bet: 23.14 SAXONIA Nov, ft' Dec. 1 3-14 SAILINGS TO 'ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, IRISH m.)6.140464 PORTS ALTO MST, akitaitie AIUNGS FROM NEW YORK • Flawless trills+ titiiite Cuisine ill debght till tot tla Dentine', partieti Duiy-triellaiiiiiing • Stetsilherilar sinieth titling elr$ plundt tree baggage ellewaIcl ' AU. 10000iii 04. YOUR Il 10% REDUCTION FOR ROUND,TRIP IN THRIFT' SEASON SEE' YOUR LodAL Mt Nfl ONE CAN SERVE Vod atittit I~I Corner Bay RI W,rllntgtar Sts.,. lit TkirOntd, tint I telt_ iMpltet.1.49t1 1 , . 41464 MAR* MatellitaNia a caftotela e e inVatetit e riL A v v Mtnik • • ,,,,,vrvvever.vv- • *mew ri 4:114,147 tin ftiirtiP:1 • ratintit rt..414• damages- vowing out of lin ac- cident. Noting WC the driver of the car and his two passengers had been drinking heavily before the crash, Judge Layton said that it is no less the duty of the passenger, where he has the opportunity to do so, than of the driver, to learn. of the dan- ger and avoid it if possible — To permit those two passengc.rs to recover here would be a mis- carriage of justice , . , they were guilty of assumption of risk or contributory negligence, it does not matter which.'" In the minds of many laymen, at least, the person who gets drunk and drives an automotive vehicle has automatically serv- ed notice that he does not care what harm or damage he may do,. It is interesting to find a judge extending that idea to take in drunken passengers of a drunken driver, What learned limbs of the law' may think about such a ease is beyond 4,414, but it does, at least, emphasize at something like its preaser drunk in a powerful machine. - Commercial Appeal, Found At Lost —The "Lost Bison", ,CLA$SIFIED ADVERTISING._... .ACecieMPPA.e see , A WARM wo.comei. Seeineei eaTIUNS. iN itaarlitealeere-- Preston SP-rings Gardens is an addreat et distinctiOn- haven of comfor t and content, Private bathrooms; luxurious sitting rooms on bedroom fivers spa. pious. well-furnished lobby. About two acres of terraced lawns. Our train. ed competent staff under the OPPer+ vision of registered nurses le gap, able et cervittg all but those reemiring ,hospital or institutional cam Monthly rate for single rooms $150.00 to $200.00. Meals included. Write Or further information and illustrated pamphlet. Preston Spring' .0arderis, 'Preston Ontario 4 1 I A I I I I AGENTS At greeting card, cosmetic and other sales people. NEW presonal. And pietttre lamp, Made from any size negative. Ideal gift for Christmas, Birthday, Wedding, Mother's Day, any occasion. Tasteful design, hand rubbed wooden base. For bedroom,. living room, TV, etc. Ease to sell 401,77 com-mission. Free details. Write Skyline, 4030, St. Catharine W., Montreal, Que. WE beim a few territories still open for agents to sell our Premium Qual- ity Perm Seeds. Complete line of all Farm Seeds, liberal commissions, Write to Martin Weber Limited, 330 Phillip Street, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone slier, wood 5.6103 AGENCIES WANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANADIAN manufacturer offering seamless Micro-Mesh hosiery, specially packed for grocery store in beautiful polyethelene bags. Guaranteed first quality. Only $5,65 don, plus tax. Sam ples on request. Box 222 '123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. ,..„— FOR RELIGIOUS ART'S SAKE - FBI agent Bill Robinson, back to camera, and Father William. William B. Davidson, assistant pastor of Holy Name R.C. Church examine "Madonna and Child," a bronze and mosaic work by Lester Raymer. It is top prize winner in this year's National Religious Art Exhibition. Robinson and the priest began the show to encourage worth- while religious art. This year, 200 artists entered. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 'Moor St W„ Toronto Branches: 44 King St. M. Hamilton 72 Rideati Street Ottawa The wod bison, granddaddy of the fare/liar plains buffalo, big- ger (0 feet high, 12 feet long, 2,300 pounds), blacker, and wool- Onee ranged in )11111.10,0$ fa = the Korn Mountains in Ca, Palo's subarctic to the Color- ado plateaus, out such was the Slaughter as civilization moved WeetWard that in the U.S. the Wood bison did not live out the nineteenth century; only in Ca- nada did a few hundred, protect- ed by law, struggle into the twentieth century. The decline of the survivors began hi 1906, when Canada, Outsmarting a reluctant U.S. Congress, bought the last surviv- ing herd of plains buffalo in the U.S, loaded them into cattle cars, and shipped them 1,200 miles to Wainwright, Alta. Sonic years later a genetically ignorant Ottawa bureaucrat adde ccl the•plains bison to the herd of wood bison. The newcomers swamped the wood bison, By 1949, inbreeding had left no known pure-blooded bison atlta- vascac rhoads - the zoological name of the woodland species. For years, hope lingered that maybe in a remote valley some of the wood bison had escaped hybridization, but none was ever found. Then in 1057 wildlife officers, taking an aerial census of buf- falo, spotted some animals in the northwestern corner of the Wood Buffalo National Park in northern Alberta, They were 75 miles from the nearest hybrid herd, separated from it by rale- keg swamps and lakes that are impassable except in winter. They were big and black; could they' be unhybridized wood buf- falo? Last year a ground expedition crossed the muskeg to find out. Five bison were shot and brought back to Ottawa for stu- dy. Finally, last month, a zoo- logists' report confirmed the home: These were pure-blooded wood buffalo, indeed. Now, Canadian conservation- ists have launched a crash pro- gram to find the animals a new and , isolated range where they could survive and even rebuild • their ranks. Once the site has . been selected, a wintertime trac- tor-train expedition will cross the frozen muskeg barrier to bring out young cows and bulls to start new herds. The old herd will be left to continue its fight for racial survival. Not far from the wood buffalo's present range, the whooping crane (world po- pulation: 40) nests and battles for its right to a place on the planet. BABY CHICKS --„, 15.22 WEEK old Pullets, some start, ed chicks, prompt shipment. Order February-March broilers, now. Hatch. ed to order dayold chicks, dual pur-pose, specialty egg producers, Contact local agent, or write BRAY Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. Harvest Of Misery In Pennsylvania The Post-Gazette series on migrant labor brings Into drama- tic fectis the fact that a great a n d theoretically enlightened state, Penrisylvenia, allows thou- sands of men, women and chil- dren to be exploited like beasts of burden, In a well-documented report, Frank M. Matthews, Harrisburg „Correspondent of the Post-Gaz- ette, has brought out: That between 6,000 and 7;000 Southern Negroes and Puerto Ricans are brought North in rickety vehicles to work on Pen- nsylvania farm's- from July to October for starvation wages. They "arrive broke and leave broke," Mr. Matthews reports, with the pittances they earn in "stoop-labor" going into the "company store" operated by the labor recruiter who brings them North. tired and went home to Englaad. In England, Miss Cable died in 1952, and the French sisters took Topsy to live with them in Doe- set. A book, "The Story of Top- sy," was written about her and she became a naturalized British subject with the official name of Eileen Guy, And it was under this name that last week she was informed of the final act of kindness of her benefactors. Under the terms of their will, which was probated after the death - within a month of each other - of Evangeline and Fran- cesca French, Topsy, now 42, be- came the beneficiary of.a $42,700 trust fund. This was roughly 30,- 000 times the amount of her on market price in China and. it brought with it a 'flood of bittersweet memories. Asked for her reaction to the bequest, Topsy wrote Out a sen- tence using the nettles she had .always called the sisters: "Mama Law and Mama Eva gone to Hea- ven with Jesus." When asked if there was any- thing in particular that she wanted to spend some of her money on, she again, laboriously wrote out more words: "Green wool, short Chinese frock." How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I remove discol- orations from marble? A. Wash thoroughly with soap and water, and dry. Then mix a paste of powdered bath brick and lemon juice. Rub the discol- ored parts vigorously with this; rinse off with cold water. Drunks. Can't Sue In Delaware! Three Men were killed about two years ago in an automobile- truck crash near Wilmington, Del. The driver of the car, ac- cording to post-mortem tests, was ruled to have been under the influence of alcohol to such an extent as to be liable crim- inally. A similar ruling was. made as to one of the passen- gers and the second passenger was judged to have been under the influence of alcohol, though not perhaps to such a great ex-, tent as the other two. Survivors of the two passen- gers brought suit for $100,000 hncl the case was tried in United States District Court. Judge Caleb R. Layton III in a 17-page' opinion held that intoxicated passengers of an automobile' driver who is under the influ- BACKACHE May be Warning. Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dia• turbed rest or that tired•out and heavy. headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, That it isn't uncommon to see an eight-year-old working in a field, his legs wrapped in gunny sacking or an old inner tube to protect them from thistles, That Pennsylvania has no minimum wage law for agricul- ture workers, no, minimum age , law applicable to children work- ing in agriculture and no unem- ployment compensation for which migrants can qualify. What schooling children of 'migrant workers obtain is made available, by charitable funds and this source of financial aid appears to be drying up. The State Public Welfare De- partment Operates four day-care centers for ehigrant children up to 14 but there is nothing .for youngsters of these' workers in six counties. Efforts of the State Labor and Industry Department resulted in the closing of a number of aban- doned barns and chicken houses which -migrant laborers had call- ed "home." Now they have such "luxuries" as screens, a water spigot for as many as 20 people and eight by ten-foot cubicles in which as many as eight persons live. Last year the House approved a legislative package to better conditions of migrant laborers but the Republican senators, ears attuned to wishes of farm- ers who .elect them, killed all of it except payment of $1 a day to local school districts for each migrant pupil, But what need 'the Senate care, for, as Mr. Matthews concludes: "The migrant is the landless farmer, the voteless citizen, the voiceless stoic , , "-Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Son: Are we rich, Daddy? — I don't mean rich because we're secure and have each other. I Mean, are we loaded? They Didn't Forget "Little Lonely"! Near the Tibetan border in a wind-racked and bitterly impo. verished Chinese village called Spring-of-Wine, a ragged, half- starved little girl stumbled through the streets carrying a beggar's cane and cotton bag. Because she was deaf and dumb, she had no warning of attack when dogs were set upon her and so her legs were always raw and bleeding, When her begging did not bring in enough food or coins, she was beaten unmerci- fully by an old hag who owned her as a slave. Named "Gwa - gwa" (Little Lonely) by other street beggars, the girl was the offspring of marauding Tibetan chieftain and a Mongolian' girl who gave her away when she was a baby. Un- til she was 10 or 12 (no one knows her exact age), Little Lonely lived in her own world of silence, cringing at its hor- rors •yet unable to cry out in pain or anguish. The story is an old 'and piti- fully familiar one in China, but this one has a happy ending. One night Little Lonely tapped at the door of .a British-China Inland mission, Three spinster missionaries led her inside to the light and warmth. They were the sisters Evangeline and Fran- cesca French, and their friend and fellow missionary, Mildred Cable. All three were so appall- ed by Little Lonely's plight that that • they immediately began bargaining through a local man- darin to buy her away from her owner, The sale , was finally made at the asking price of 10 shillings ($1.40) and the girl's name was changed, to TOPSY, Showered with love and at- tention, Little Lonely, whose new name in Chinese characters means "Love Bond," became a happy, healthy child. Taught to write English words and to speak through sign language, she accompanied the indomi- table missionaries on their tra- vels to out-of-the-way places around the world until they re- acs 7. '44 „.7.(71 eeat.,44.tee,4.7, :SAILING THIS, ONE OUT lotkey Bill Riot Is still in the fate; iiff-er" "O' taSfilati, ilifferinf thoUjihti itikibuf w liuredit 'tif ftiee track in 44144, NURSES A AN NT WA N NR ST I END° JOSEPH BRANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Burlington, Ontario Applications are Invited from • Registered Nurses • Certified Nursing Assistants • Apply director of nursing ,Joseph Brant Museum 1240 North Shore Blvd NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE', All the signs point to a bright and pro. Ilan; market for this luxury fur BUt success will come only through proVer breeding methods, quality founclotioe stock, plus a program based on sound businesS methods. We oiler all of We to you as a rancher using out exOlu• stye breeders plan Special otter to those who qualitfY, 'earn your mania under our co-operative ranchers Plan'. Write; Canadian Nutria ltd R.R 1. Richmond Bill. Ontario OPPORTUNITIES __- OPPORTUNITIES unlimited available through The Franchise Bulletin. Can-ada's only franchise magazine. Write today, Box 223 123 1:11h si root New Toronto, Ont, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free PERSONAL AUTHORS invited submit MSS an types (including poems) for book pub- lication. Reasonable terms. Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. teetd. 1898), FREE Booklets: On Life, Death, Soul, Hell, Bible Standard, '2105 South 11th, Philadelphia 48, Pennsylvania. WANTED: Will pay cash for your old 1959 telephone directory of your town or community. Write or mail to W. E. Alger, 346 Sabiston St., Nanaimo, B.C. ADULTS: Free samples, price list on personal Hygienic Sundries, Special Assortment $1.00, mailed in plain, sealed envelope. Cotter Company, Box 1089, Station "C", Toronto 3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES B.A. 011; service station, porcelain, 2 hay, available for lease, one in Sat, nia, one in Chatham, to responsible party, some capital required but as- sistance available to person qualify- ing, Apply to A.A. Hope, British Ame- rican Oil Co, Ltd., Chatham, or phone El. 4-3160; evenings EL. 2-6024 TAXI business, presumably the largest In Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, with a great future due to the recent open. ing of the Trans-Canada Highway through here and the expected open- ing of the new airport next year and the new International Bridge between here and Michigan Soo the following year. IF interested write Sault Radio Cab Ltd., 357 Queen St. E. DEALERS, Salesmen & Farmers to sell chicks and turkey poults for one of the oldest and well established Hatch- eries in Canada. Offering the best franchised layer and all other popu- lar breeds of chicks and turkeys. Lib- eral commissions paid. Apply Box Num- ber 224, 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. TAXI BUSINESS OAKVILLE CAR taxi service. Excellent turnover. Circle Taxi, 4 Cowan Ave., Oakville. VI. 4-3241, • BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SUMMER resort on' Hay Bay, known as Blakewood Lodge, accommodates 40 guests (dining hall); 2-acre site with 300' waterfrontage. Ill health forces sale of this popular resort. Bruce 3, Wagar. Realtor Napanee. MOTEL, 9 units plus 3-bedroom living quarters, well located on No. 2 High- way near Napanee; nicely furnished, broadloom, TV. Grossing $8,000-$10,000, year round business, Bruce J. Wager, Realtor, Napanee, RESTAURANT FOR SALE AIR conditioned, fully equipped, seats 52, Turnover 63,000. Long lease on Main Street at $70.00. Full price $12,500 - half cash, Fastest expanding town in Western Ontario. Priced low for quick action. Box 250 - Goderich, Ontario, DRY cleaning plant, with cold storage unit, in Napanee; 2 apartments and store for' extra revenue; thriving bust. ness. Bruce 3 Wagar. Realtor Napa- nee • - - -- BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT • DEALERS AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Dealers and salesmen to sell chicks and turkey poults for one of the oldest established and largest Hatcheries in Canada. Offering the best franchised egg breed, all popular dual purpose and broiler breeds,,tur key poults. Liberal commission paid. Apply Box number 220, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT, Films developed and 8 magna prints 401 12 magna prints 600 Reprints 56 each. KODACOLOR Developing r o 11 900 (not including prints). Color prints 300 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m.m. 20 eat- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color prints front slides 320 each, Money re- funded in full for Imprinted negative*. PROPERTIES FOR SALE . CATTLE ranch for sale. Situated in Manitoba's kentucky blue grass Inter- lake area, 1,000 acres deeded land. 2,001 acres pasture available. Two small lakes. Good well. Hay crop failure un- known. Hereford stock. Modern home. Hydro, good roads. Will consider trade as part, city home, car, what have you. Apply F. H, Erickson, Overton, Manitoba. SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen Wonted TO REPRESENT THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES TERRITORIES OPEN IN Eon. TOWN AND 'RURAL DISTRICTS COMMISSIONS PAID WEEKLY NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL 1960 AND SPRING 1961 Write Stone and Wellington Ltd. P.O, BOX 40 FONTHILL ONT. U,S, VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA Low summer rates to Dec t, Special December and Januar3 rates. Write for brochure, Lillian Mc Millam 538 llayShore Dr 4 Colony Apts. Port Lauderdale, Florida, Doves DOVES, Ringneck 55.09 pair, 'two or more pair 54,50, Whites $7.50 pair. Cash with order. loss UorheY, 5l8 Car-negie Avenue, Qshawa, Ontario EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION EARN up to $100 weekly as sparetitne Business Associate. NO elttieriertee needed. Pleasant work, No selling, AP' plication informatien$2.00, OaVerYa. 920 Reservoir Cranston 10 Rhode Is. land. FARM EQUIPMENT "pm:ND/min" astute and propape driven lighting plants for farm and borne standby. Also separate genera- tors for tractor belt or power take-off d 02" rive, eettger Industries. Stratford 2 IIENSCHEN HD 50 ditcher. Hilly hy- draulic, 11 inch buckets, powered by a new Ford Major Diesel tractor and complete farm tiling equipment. Used less than 300 hours, Capacity over 500 ft. per hour. Must sacrifice, Oscar Gibson, Scotland, Ontario, FARMS FOR SALE FARM for sale. 100 acres, good build-bags, all workable land, 20 acres newly seeded pasture 25 acres fall wheat. Will sell with crop, imnieMents and livestock, Write Peter Van Wechen R.R. I Southwold, Ont, FARM, 50 acres sandy loam, all work. able. Rock well, all modern colleen', ences, large house and barn Earl Gingerieh Zurich Out, R R 3 Phone 90-R-7 LINDSAY-3 MILES 100-ACRE farm, Over 90 workable, barn 50' x 80', steel stanchions and water bowls, 8-room brick house, coal fur- nace. $18,000, half down. O'COntler O'Connor, Realtors, 47 Lindsay St., Lindsay, Ont, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS XMAS embossed plastic table cover. Extra large. 54 x 72 inches. Lend gaiety to your Xmas festivities. Wash- able, Save your linen, 2 for $1.00 - Also 8 x 12 ft. plastic utility sheet. 101 uses, Lowest price yet, 2 for $1.00. Postpaid, Money back guarantee, Gil- bar Products, 126 Wellington West, Toronto, HELP WANTED MALE 44.444,44.444.44 ELECTRICIANS OTTAWA WE require immediately qualified electricians for major construction and housing projects in Ottawa. Current rate $2.60 per hour. Contact us im- mediately. FEDERAL ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS LTD. 994 RIDDELL AVENUE OTTAWA PA. 2-3953 HATCHING EGGS WANTED - Flockowners to supply one of the largest, registered Hatch- eries in Canada with hatching eggs'. All breeds required - egg breeds, dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds. Extremely large premium paid. Apply Box Number 225, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. HUNTERS DEER and moose hunters; for accom- modation in housekeeping cottages near Algonquin Park apply Arthur Simourd (guide), Madawaska, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN More! Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 501. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses. 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scalding and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1565 59, Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 16 ^ WANTED: 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN suffering from all muscular pains, ar- thritis, nervous tension. GET QUICK RELIEF! Write for Free Salonpas sample today, NATIONAL PRODUCTS 346 Sabiston Street Nanaimo, B.C. GOOD ADVICE - EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 333 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect MONEY ro LOAN WE haVe Money available for first and second mortgage loans on farm and town property, current rates of inter- est. Payments arranged to suit your income. Joe Markle Ltd., Broker, 2 Wellesley St, W.. Toronto - Box 244, Sudbury, NAMES ATTENTION! New Mothers, Fathers, Newlyweds, 700 Christian Names, Their meaning and origin. Send $1.00 to: Names, Box 138.0, Oaklawn, Illinois. ISSUE 43 — 1960 • ei,,a...15e1 03I; UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away With Saea-Pelo. Sacs- Pete is different. It does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but, penetrates and retards growth of un- wanted hair. Lor-Beer Lab Ltd., 5, 679 Granville, Vancouver 2, B.C. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 36 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plaint sealed package plus tree Birth Control booklet a n d catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors 13ox-24-TF Re- gina, Sask. GROUND floor offices. Corner loca- tion; business block; suitable for den- tal clinic or other professional offices. Reasonable rent. Alterations to suit. Most progressive town in Western On- tario. Write P,O. Box 500, Petrolia, Ont, • CHAIN SAWS WANT A BARGAIN? GOvernment sur., piue chain saw chains. New, 36". Can be shortened, Cost $42,00., Throe - $20.00. Six - $35.00. Sample $7.50. Post- paid. Order today! Quantity limited. William Slack, Hague, New York, COINS WE pay $3 for '1925 Canadian nickel; complete buying list 10 cents, Crown Stamp & Coin, 81 Queen St. E., Tor- onto, COMMISSION Salesmen Wanted. To sell Chemicals for Septic Tanks, Cess- pools, Toilets, Sewers etc., Protected territories. L. G. Dumart & Co,. La- vigne, Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED REAL ESTATE TO represent us in your own district, large commission paid on every sale. You can earn good commisssion in Your spare time, Write for particulars to Epworth Realty Limited, 'Owen Sound Ontario.