HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-10-20, Page 13 SS TilursdaY, October 20tb, 1960 **!,. •eereefe...ee"e••••erereer****,**•..."-armiree••***«",..*****•*1.1.**.1",11ere*..,.111..."- Clarks Pork and Beans, 1,5 oz. 3 for ........ ..... 47o Van Camps Spagetti, 15 oz. 2 for ..... 29c Top Crop Popping Corn, 1 lb. 2 for !Ark 29c D ANCE WROXETER COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2let Music by: Ramona Orchestra Admission 751 Lunch Booth in Hall ANNIVERSARY SERVICES MONCRIEFF UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd At 11 a.m. and 8 p.m, Guest Speaker:" Rev. W. J. Moines Granton Receiver General, Tax deductions Post Office. II, T. Stamps P. U. C., Light & power Public School, loan Wm. Bell. labour on streets Municipal World, Book of Statutes 5.41 Pollard Chain Saws, sharpening scythe - .75 Skeocli Office Supplies, % Cost of A.ddox McC,utcheon Motors, repairs to Truck Delbert Hall, work streets. Publishing, Tax notices Hardware, Sap- plieS Oldfield Hardware, Wash- room supplieS Post Office, BO: rental Ontario Welfare, Welfare _ book McOtacheOn Griocery, relief 60.00 Moved by J. 'C. Rtauter seconded by 0. S. Elliott that the Clerk advertise fOr tenders fOr snownlongh- the Village of Bro'ssels foir the season 1960,61, tenders to be in. the bands of the Clerk by 5 , O'clock ; October 24, 1960 M — Carried OVed 0. 8: Elliott, seconded by. NV, A. Willianison -that Connell 13.78 13.80 164.55 14000.00 40.00 172.00 14.75 on 34.00. PoSt 35.00 Machan 11.29 39.90 3.0g 2.15 D ANCE Cranbrook Crm/unity Centre FIRIDA.Y, OCTOBER 21st MusicBy: Ian Wil beeand hi Orchestra Admission: 75c Students: 50c Lunch Beoth Everyone Welcome Come and Bring Your Friends, ANNUAL HALLOWE'EN PARTY For the Children of the Community on 'MOND'AY, OCT. 31st. in BRUSSELS TOWN HALL at 8 P. M. Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club. Prizes will be awarded for the following Costumes: :Hallowe'en Indian Hobo . National Nursery Clown ' Pumpkin Ghost Witch .Thick Cat Cow Roy or Girl Everybody welcOme. Put on , costume and plan to attend. FRIDAY and sAt tillbAY. • •. October 2i1: and •• •Dofilile Ferittire "-HORRORS, 'OF .• THE 'BLACK MU§E.LIM0 . Adult. thidotattiiiiefif MichaelOatibtf,.. datifttilqiiAni• 4,TILLE -HEAbLESS. .OkOdTif Ftic Ltilarie '$`-datia'ne AdMiision '65e 12 .In 'Peee ii tieie Office °Petit. at B , Firtt She* it DOA. 0)-teai l Better Than Money... Canada Savings Bonds are better than mote, for saving. They provide good income and may be cashed at your bank at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest. Interest on the new bonds, which are now on sale, starts at 4%, in- creasing to 5% after four years until maturity in 1970, We recommend the new series of Canada &tangs Bonds without "citialification and will be pleased to help you enter your order: Ross, & Co. Ltd. 2,,AbEtAibt sTittET %E8T, total. Agent: Baker;. TeletihOtie likiigteta '11). or 2i 113 'YOU'LL ENJOY STRAWBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAM A DELICIOUS TASTE TREAT AVailable at Your Favourite COUSINS. Ice Cream Dealer's in Cones, Bricks,, or economical Half Gallon or 2lfzi Gal. Pack-6. Be sure To Take. Home Enough ytaix *4;2.04 'agar Publishing House „Latiportoed fi mooed stimiesRiM1a,Ppm iOtitos Alsiitas•tweitt. OWN: B AisirguAL .7134Z1 Ag Melville YviirtoWornerfs 0414 THE.' 1,113..RARY • . 22nd c.request 111Pron County rfiAways. i ,POPPIES FOR RPIIPMBRiNf`IQB, G';:ct warning slguala art Mailer Itemeinbrenee Day, t'hoG , N. 11.1141way Crossingaa'Jll'U g tend -" “)1117 app Brussels j far the Logien again to. Wens • Carried! attune:0n On one of the important Moved • by W. A., WIlliamsOn, I ;lei-Mars of the Canadian 'Legion .- seconded by J. C, Krattter that the the annual Pol)PY CiaMpaiiga, meeting adjourn, to meet again y Next Math it will be ?A yews October 24th, or at the tall' of the I. .ince the custom. of wearing -a poppy replica for remem.brance was Carried' inaugurated in Canada. Front tin -NT T, J-f, King, modest beginning in 1921, the rust- Cierk ''°thnie l eta omiyt and this sltTeomegeae yeo,r althl'ol gh woi it; %%real preparations and planning by JJ,ogion branches everywhere • RoVeral million Canadians will lie Wearing the .familiar symbol -- the blond red Poppies wUiell grew on the graven of Canada's 'fallen who lie in Flanders Plelds, There are three _distinct phases - to the observance Of remembrance through, 'the poppy. First, there is the Act of Itenvnt.- brance, itself, symbolized by the wearing of a. poppy, a tribute to" ,those 'who paid the supreme snarl- •, rice In all wars ra which this Country has been engaged. Reeve BA KI NG SATURDAY) AT A P. M. CANDY APRONS NOVELTIES. Brussels, Council The regular Meeting of the, Village Council was held in the Clerk's office on Sept, 2001, all members being present. Moved by O. S. sevonded by IL R. Pearson that the-mtautes 'Of the meetings of Aug. 29(11, Sept, 14th, and Sept. 19th 00 adopted as ! read. ' Moved by W. A.. Williamson, seconded by ht, 12; Poar$04 that we purchase p Wreath for the 11th Of NOVember at a cost Of $14.25 carried: I 1VVIVed by .1. 0, Krauter, Seconded by S, Elliott that Joseph Bt0wer be -granted a building permit as pet application — Carried Moved by W, A., 'Williamson, seconded by C. IO'nuter that the' Clerk apply to the Department of Teti-rays for interim subsidy on the 1900 road expenditures --7 Carried' By-law No. ,8.1960 was introduced and read a first and second time. Moved .by 0, S, '9.111104, seconded by IL rt.. Pearson that By-4,aw Ne. 8--19Ci0 as read a first and Second time be read a third time — Carried Moved by J. C. I(rnster seconded W. A. Williamson that "By-,/Law 8- 1960 as read a third time he finally passed, the Reeve and Clerk autboxi7ed to sign it and the seal of the Corporation be attached This being a By-Law TutliCh4rir•11(1d •--r• the borrowing of 87,090 tomoet 196:) expenditures until. 1960 taxes a"e collected Moved by W. A.. Williamson; by IT. P. Prarson that the accre,nto as presented for payment he paid - Carried B, V. Baker, Atiol,st welfare $ 378.5 -- Carried COLD WEATHER AHEAD- Now Is. The Time To Have Your OIL STOVE OR FURNACE CLEANED and. SERVICED for the steady winter months approaching For RELIABLE MAJNTENANCE WORK 'Contact HOWARD BERNARD PHONE BRUSSELS 47W HONORED ON 48th W E DDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs, J. W, Fiseheit wept honored at a surprise family ins at the liome„of and Bartley Fischer on Sunday, October fah.. The occasion marked; !' their 48th wedding anniversary, two sons,: , Stanley, .CirarIbrook l.tartley, of Listowel and; twt• daughters, Mrs. Bernard Thomas Tip Top. Peas, 15 oz. 2 for 27c , of warm. ROCERY 1[01[3011C101.1•1.11CtIrg ' .* N • • 4". I We Deliver Mrs. ;:Wm. Kitchener, present at Phone 293 (Mae), Morris Twp., and Hastings, (Vella), of , with their families, were the happy gathering. ..as—wcrr*** 'rr•ramweirrrr**, .***. H. & S. MEETING NOTICE THE BRUSSELS CREAMERY Will Be CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS for the Winter Months MASQUERADE DANCE ETHEL 'COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY OCTOBER 28th 'Made by: Archie Mann's Orchestra Admission: 75c Lunch Booth Proceeds for Swimming Pool, Ethel Sponsored by the Canadian Order of Foresters Court, Ethel 261 E HALLOWE'EN DANC WALTON COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 28th Garnet Ferrier's Orchestra Prizes for Costumes Admission: 75c' Lunch Booth i• The regular meeting cf the Brussels -Home and School Assoc- ititioit in the Public gehool. on -Wednesday evening Oct; 1.2. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada", followed 14 words of welcome to the -new- members, from the President, 'Mrs. • Bob. Raymond. After the business pa"t of - the meeting, . the - members enjoyed Naito solos by Mary Gibson and Jimmie Wheeler. Mrs. Tyerinan received the banner for her room as she had the Most parents attendance. - The special speaker, MrS. Robert other phases of Legion. activity Simpson from Hensall Was intro- duced by Mrs. Mui'i-ay Ituether and spoke on art with many lovely paintings of her own on display., Mr. Gerry Exel thanked tie speaker. speaker. after which ithe teachers 11 of the Public school gave a short talk -on art in their respective rooms. Lunch served by members of the, socjal committee. Next regular meeting Will he on NetVember 9th. W BOiIN GRIMSTBR — Ruth and Phil Grim- ster announce the birth of ;their son, Robert Leslie,- art Victoria , hospital, London, on. October 9th, 1960. IMENiorprIMIrreuldisfinkl•MorWarr•MIN Perk.1111•1••••••••• TURKEY SUPPER Duffs United Church WALTON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2nd Adults: $1.50 Children 6 to 12: 75c Program by the Listowel Quartette and other local numbers L. LYCEUM THEATRE %VINCI-1MA, okTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.00 p.m.' WEEK END SPECIALS - Hunts 'Tomato Catsup,' 11 oz. bottles 2 for 35c Trend Detergent, 12 oz. containers 2 for 59c SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY Banana Layer Cakes 39c Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct., 20 - 21 -22; Tony Randall Eddie Hodges Archie Moore in THE ADVENTURE OF HUCKELBURY FINN Action suspense and humor in this screen ;adoption .,of Mark Twain's famed novel. Phorlf... 132 Free Delivery NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GREY, The Gallia OS Revi&on on the 1961 Assessment Roll for the Township cf Grey be- held on Wednesday, 0&nber nth, 1960, at P, p,m., at the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ont. Edythe Mi. Cardiff • Clerk, Township -of Grey. ANNUAL BAZAAR and BAKE SALE Under the auspices of St,_ John's Churl''. Guild will be held on Nov, 12th. Watcli for ftirther notice. PEOPLE Wk KNOW, Mrs. S. Mix suffered extensive bruises and shoOk in recent, fall in her 'home. The Bit. Wor, Bro. J. L,itle 0-M., paid his official visit to' St. John's Lodge No. 2S-4 A.F. & A.M. at the regular meeting this month. Calvin Krauter; Bob Rayntond Wm. H. King„ and Jack Arnold were Welcomed as ne-W Members Of. the Brussels L,ions Chth. They were installed by Lion R, Cousins at.the regular meeting on Monday night. Mil, Torrance of Walton was the lacky winner Of. $1,500 in prizes at the, International Ploughing Match, Mrs, Dundas Was the winner of the grand prize draw at the IT,E.P.C, Cooking And Appliance Echow. Her prize was' electrical appliances. fa, Anglican Church OF CANADA ST. JOHN'S Rev. 'H. L. Jennings, B. A:, L. Th. Organist: Mrs. 13, Elliott 11 a.M. 'Morning. Prayer and Church School , y ,Rector! PHONE 46 ,*.*************Wiiiion'xreamarrimstsmnt., Agi.4964ikl.../41TPPLYRIC150.*., 1 CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks is Oven to all the friends and neighbours for their ManY hes of kindness and- expressions of empathy at the time, Of the illness and death of our Set. Mr, and Mrs, John Waite and Carolyn. rogi R173 741 II' P. CI W 11: E S P. I V rT , CLINTON,ONT. 1 LLASHNIAP: DRIVEaIN THEATRE I LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IVIInister: Rev. ..!. H. Greene Mr. Louis D. Thompson Organist and Choir Director 10 A. M: Church School 11 A. M. Divine Woraltip The United Clitirch dAiklikijA 4intateii: Rev.• L. Brown' bAir S.D.' Oe eclat: Miqi; A. E.Martiii • 10 A, M. 'Church §eitotit 11.15 A N1. LayiiieWd Sunday Speaker Martin' Bann Of Wdltoid Subject "Be Ye Therefore • Ready Also'( TWO Shows Illbhrly, pain or Siting First dhow 'et•titItk: Admissicni Bye dhildreti tinder J..2' in. Cafg .teeifit FR?DAY and SATURDAY' 'Odimiee" 2.1 and' 22 Dotil3le Feature "WESTBOJND4' -Color Randolph' SCOtt Virfirritra 'Mayo -"FROM THE, tA341-iti-f Od.to"e) • 4eeetiti Cotton Debra- Paget and Sanders One daotioeit 14(Yrillt: As I Mauve soul my stand and gravel httg,ffies. to Allen Mitchell t Would like to- thank my many Would like to tiimik the dent, intiiiity for their patteritike, Per the sitine Serttlen in the future call Mien Mitehell, tclelihotid Bitt118148. • TOM Ttifithy• v A t, 4 d, E. E A di , V tiz H Carting Stytinr' 'oOld `!•?v'ra Specialty Phone. ttrifSeel'o "111. tilfth.ef notice "Jag's Beauty . Will -be open' 'MontlaYa Ctoardit Cii Wednesclaye! Q00, McCutelieon, Reeve Second,. there Is the use to which the Money raised by the Poppy •' Campaign is pint Thousands of ,, families net. e7ltirjel to Govornm"nt • assistance are being given a hPlp!n,, band through the Poppy Fund of I Legtan branches, • Third, there is the assistance given to- a considerable number of ; disabled veterans by sale of pennies -they have made in D. V. A's "Vet- craft shops in. winch light, sheltered employment is provided for them through the sale of theiT'uouni i"• Tt is a -firm rule that all cr. the net prOceeds derived from the Popir,- eminnaign must be -spent only on the relief el distress among ex-sexy:lee Men and their I c.enenflan commhinitiee in which, the poppies are sold. Not one cent goes to any MAJESTIC W. I. TO-SPONSOR HOMEMAKER'S COURSE. A Homemakers Course, "The . Third Meal" will be conducted -in- the next few weeks, sponsored by the "Majestic" WopOrs Institute. The course- will be given in foUr• Parts — -one afternoon each week completed. Members of the institute and any other • interested homemakers 'of the comp-amity are ififited to enroll, :There will be 'ancomodatiOn for 15 members Manuels must be ordered, so those interested are asked to call Mrs, Carl Hemingway (2-5r5) or Mrs. C Matheson (8991 as soon as POssible. F sf SALE Brussels Lives! tacit 14,1,0 "VERY FRi'D A Y Your home market where you are welcome ort Visitor. Consignor or Buyer BRUSSELS. ONT. FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables - At All Times