HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-10-06, Page 5HERE 444,44444' " 44 . •‘• . Syr 13RUSS4.14 POST date° 0th, 1900 444 44,44 44. 44k K. Tyerman FOR SALE 2 furrow Plow. Massey liar* eeA bottom. Phone eel's FOR SALE 1 Coal and 'Wood Heater; 1 elleetric Sieve; 1 MeCeeary Cook stove. All like new. Also Potatoes. D. McKinnon Phone 108W tie try +-co/ • k .7" re 4 TENDER FOR FURNACE • FOR SALE - Dreesed Ducks and Capons;; alee Chickens. D. McKinnon, Phone 05 FLOOKQWNERS WAN'' et) We pay up to 35c per dozen over :trade A. Large. We take some breeds every week la the year. For full iletells, write weedle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. STATIONARY ENGINEER FOR SALE 2 Garage Overhead Doors, 8' x with Traek and eel attachments. A real bargain. D. A. 'Itanu Apply to Phone 36 or 85 op'•••••••••., .,INANCING A CAR' Deere you buy ask about our Low Cont Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. GLEN RONNENBERG General Insurance Monkton - Phone 683 R 41 STRAYED Etrayed from lot 6, eon. 0, oils black steer, about 800 lbs., with mark in ear. Finder nettle Joo Holmes, Brussels, It. R. 4 Phone 151'15 NOTICE TA CREDITORS in the eatete 9f ROBERT JAMES McLAIJOHLIN ' ALL PERSONS having elahue ditlr,t tits, estate Of the ftheVe '2ft ,tr.:otti.d, late of the Village nt Lie ?l evee in the County Of Releert • tee levee rho died ott the aerenth day of Sipe Wier, 1960, aro required io Che proof of same with the endersigned on or before the Ph Rey or October, 1960. After that data the Pieecutrix proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the elaireilor which she then has had notice. ' DATED at Brussels, this 20th day of September, 1960. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister & c., BRUSSELS FOR SALE Healed applications, clearly malted as le einetents, will be received by Ithe undersigned until VridaY. October 21, 1.900, for the position of stationary •engineer, 4th class or better, at the Huron Comity Home, Clinton; duties to commence November 1, 1900. Starting salary $8,000. per aerelm, plus usual employment benefits. Please supply suitable references JOHN G. BERRY, Ceerk-Tree surer, County of Huron, Court House Goderich, Ontario. Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will ho received by the Undersigned until Friday noon, October 21. .1,900, for supply and installation of a new oil or gas furnace with a capacity of 187,000 NM's, or of sufficient capacity to guarantee proper operation and satisfaction for the Huron County Registry Office; price 'to include complete installation as required. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. JO}l} G. BERRY. Cleric-Treasurer Cpunty of Huron, Court House Goderich, Ontario. Wizard Motor Bike. Also, work wanted by the day or hour, chain saw work, blacksmehing of all kinds; gardens plowed Fred Soiling Phone 57W role SALE $4,000, to $6,000. AND MORE That is what a large number of our Dealers are making in their Districts. If YOU are interested in r tatting with au organization where you can work >lull time the year. round, write us immediately. Your ago must be between 25 and 55, no experience or capital needed, Preferably mantled. Rawleigh's Dept. .r-1.12e-ZA, 4005 )Richelieu, Montreal. ONTARIO WANTED - Elderly people 'with room and board, in Brussels. Apply at The Brussels Post 4. HONEY FOR SALE - Fresh Glover Honey. In your own coneilner If yor wish. Lloyd 'Wheeler Phone 21r8 Capons, drooped or oven ready., Apply to; Jim Williamson RR 5, Walton Phone 337115 THE GREATEST SHOW ON WORTH. Tom Matson has lived his life the way he likes, sailing his Great Lakes steamer through the maze of rivers, lakes and canals from the Lake- head to the St. Lawrence. After retirement next year, he's going to go on sailing in his own trim craft ... a happy plan made possible by banking his savings regularly. Mary Parsons doesn't know port from starboard but she keeps a very shipshape home. Paying bills through her Personal Chequing Account gives her a firm hold on household expenses and helps her save too. Two very different people, but both of them find the friendly, courteous service of The Canadiari Bank of Commerce a real help in planning their futures and enjoying the rewards of their work. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Call us your bankers N.I6oe IMPALA 4-DOOR SPORT SEDAN ed. es to de 19 Id NOMAD 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON AS 10 (1- Here's the car that reads you loud and clear - the new-size, you-size '61 Chevrolet. A car so right for you in so many ways that once you compare it with the rest of the crop you'll agree nothing else near the money measures up to it. We started out by trimming the outside site a bit (lo give you extra inches of clearance for parking and manoeuvr- ing) but inside we left you a full measure of Chevy comfort. Door openings are as much as 6 inches wider to give feet, knees and elbows the undisputed right of way. And the new easy-chair seats are as much as 14% higher - just right for seeing, just right for sitting. Once you've settled inside you'll have high and wide praises for Chevrolet's spacious new dimensions (in the Sport Coupes, for example, headroom has been upped as much as 2 inches, and -there's more legroom, too - front and rear). Chevy's new trunk is something else that will please you hugely - what with its deep-well shape and bumper- level loading it holds things you've never been able to get in a trunk before. Yet, generously endowed as this car is with spaciousness and clean-etched ele- gance, it holds steadfastly to all the thrifty, dependable virtues Chevrolet buyers 'have come to take for granted. Your dealer's the man to see for all the details that make this sensationally sen- sible '61 Chevy a new measure of your money's worth. le le in Tri.County Campaign For The Blind, Huron County Objective $6,000.00 SEND YOUR DONATION To: COUSINS, BRUSSELS, ONT. CORVAIR 700 4-DOOR SEDAN t Bring the whole family to the Lord Elgin -et low coat. This is a family hotel Where children are Morespace more spunk and wagons, too. More room - more for you, more for your things. More dependable operation. Smarter, smoother styling. More miles per gallon. Station Wagons, too. Corvair for '61: a complete line of com- plete thrift-cars from Chevrolet. To start with, every Corvair Sedan and Coupe costs less. And Corvair goes on from there to save you even more. With extra miles per gallon ... quicker- than-ever cold-start warniup so you start saving sooner . . . a new extra-cost optional heater that warms everybody evenly. Riding along with this extra economy: more room inside for you, more room up front for your luggage (sedans and coupes have almost 12% more useable trunk space). And oer new reeens7 You'll love them. They're the greatest thing for families since houses. The Lakewood Station Wagons do a Mati-sized job with cargo, up to 68 cubic feet of it. The Green- brier Sports Wagons you're going to have to see -- they Ow you up to 175.5 cubic feet of space for you and your things. Compare that with any other Canadian wagon going! Corvair's whole thrifty line-up gets its pep front a spunkier 145-cu.-in. air- cooled rear engine. Same rear-engine traction, same smooth 4-whM inclepett• dent-suspension ride. See the polished and refined 1961 Corvair first chatice you get at your Chevrolet dealer's. welcome. 4,•FAIVIILY RATES (Rooms only)-for children under 14 years accompanied by•parente. • Dependable baby sitters available and reaeon- able. • Meals for children under 10 years at reduced prices. ' • Formulas no problem-no charge CAR. PARK-supervised-on prentisee (100 ears). See Ottawn-Canathrs CoPital Lord- Eteht is only steps from the Partomeat Duildrnas, tout- ing stores, raliwdy terminal, and theaters.. Now the whote can relax 'wee 8. TFIfa CORVAIR '700 LAXEWOOD 4-1D0011 STATION WAGON Each a General Motors Value Whitewall tires optional at extra cost C.161C 1-10Tel. Elgin et Laurier Ceeqtkes Capital Cttr ilittM...Z.`fj.:1"--e:".."- • L... a. e, • ele'le: