The Brussels Post, 1960-10-06, Page 3- Coming To Svrfnce At 'The North Pole ..st,:1;(t to „;LI.1,0.0!" The Wards went out on the loud- apes:titer system, electrifying the Vest of the ship. No one outside 'the control center could know eXactly where we were or how 'we stood Until that word was passed, But that order told all: we had gotten our periscope out eately and had found a place large enough to hold the ship, The team Went into action. Valves were opened and closed, switches thrown, reports Were made from all parts of the ship to tip diving, officer, Finally he turned to me and reported: "AB vents shut, ready to surface." I nodded assent, and he turn- ed and ordered: "Blow all bal- last!" ND need to hesitate now; we could see what we were do- ing. The roar of high-pressure" air in the ballast tanks was ear- ahattering after the strained silence of the past hours, The submarine leaped upward, as though glad to be at least mom- entarily free of danger from the ice. Yet so skillfully was the job done that the ship moved scarcely a yard ahead or back- ward. "Open the hatch!" I shouted to the crewmen poised by its locking dogs, He. spun the handles and threw the vaultlike hatch open to the fresh air. As we stepped out of it and into the natural atmosphere for the first time in days, I felt the slap of damp, cool air almost as a physical blow, The sky was lightly overcast, and the effect was like that of an unseasonably warm February day in New England, when. the temperature hangs just at freezing but seems warm enough to thaw. There was almost no wind. We climbed quickly to the bridge. The first impression was of being in an infinite desert of ice. On the bridge we were about 25 feet above the water and there was nothing to oh- etruc't our view to the surround- ing horizon. There was nothing but a flat patchwork maze of ice floes in every direction. Di- rectly before us the slender black hull of the submarine con- trasted with the deep blue of the calm lake water and the stark white of the surrounding ice, The Skate was (m the sur- face of the Arctic Ocean deep Inside the permanent polar pack, And she was safe. I let out a long sigh that seemed to reach to the bottom of the ship, My companion, who had been drinking all of this. In with me, ointed suddenly downward, near the port side of the 'ship. There, slowly climbing out of the water and up onto the ice was a full-grown polar bear. He shook himself like a wet dog ▪ and gazed curiously at this in- truder in his domain. No doubt he was seeing his first atomic submarine! And, judging from his lack of fear at the sight of the two fig- ures standing on its bridge, it was probably his first sight of man as well. — From "Surface at the Pole," by Commander James Calvert, USN. The teeth of the rodent group of animals never stop growing. ,Tml(C14Y MENAGERIE "Wonder where he got the sac( ty helmet!" BIG TALKER — The Vienna Fair boasts a guide, Rudolf lfkovics, who can talk almost anyone's language. This sort of a one- man United Notions boasts signs on his uniform listing the various tongues he speaks, ISSUE 41 — 1060 How to Treat 0/41 BACK PROPERTIES FOR RENT — • KITCHENER MAIN shopping area, Modern store fO rent, two floors, MOO sq. it cull, $500 monthly. Next to .A$41, Super• market, ball block from F.utoe'e. Swap* eOn'S, Kresge's, hoblaws, mueleipal parking lot. iicasonahle rent, long lease. Edward Lippert Estate, 3311 King W., Kitchener, phone tilt. 3.0631. SPORTING GOODS MUSKOL DEER SCENT CONTAINS Musk and other Scents that attract Deer $2.50 — Poly Bottle — oz, Dealers wanted, 405 McLean St., New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. PROPERTIES FOR SALE COLLINQW0013; spacious 12-rOOM brick hems ice voticlitiOn 4 acres, lOcated in on e good road near w No ith isy river, 12 miles south of Collingwood. 0$7r,e90ei011,0Lre , 2l .1912s.ay, Glen Huron phone .„. , NICE cozy 5-room bungalow. Lot 100' it 225, big barn, Near school located be- tween Simcoe and Delhi on paved road. Gee heating with modern new furnace, hot and cold running water. Sacrifice. ilcuepe4$r, 7O ,OU, Nixon, S0.,50nq do wn. George s N 7,n PersonalPERS PERSONAL r Goo(lsl 36 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet a n d catalogueof supplies, teinaste,ds,asgku,aranteed g , Mailed in plain Western Distributors, i3ox.24-TF, Re- SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen Wonted TO REPRESENT THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES TERRITORIES OPEN IN BOTH TOWN AND RURAL DISTRICTS COMMISSIONS PAID WEEKLY NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR FALL 1960 AND SPRING 1941 Write Stone and Wellington Ltd. P.O. BOX 40 FONTHILL ONT. ECSKY Strange Doings Over In Ulster Go wandering through Ulster and you'll get a laugh a mile! The wonderful humour of the lo- cals, with their quaint sayings, their superstitions, their anec- dotes about women, whiskey and smuggling, make it a glorious place to get away from it all. Travel writer. Oswald Blake- ston tells many amusing anec- dotes illustrating this slap-happy attitude to life. For instance, during a recent Our, a woman told him of a son- in-law who drove a van but was very short-sighted. When she'd been with himhe'd ask: "Do you know this road terribly well, Mary? Do you mind telling me when we get to the corners?" The police had been worried about him, so he'd put a pin in a tree close by where he often met the constable, and one day said to him "Isn't that a pin see sticking in that tree over there?" He walked across to get it— and tripped over a cow lying in his path. .An 91d felleve in Icilloug,h Blakeston Into a pub and told him how in Newcastle, Co. Down, he'd seen a nun outside one and she'd said, "Don't go in there, it's depraved." "Ah, sister," he'd zeplied, "a drop only warms you. Won't you come in and have one? Or let me give you one outside, if you don't care to come into the place your- self." Finally she'd said, "If you brought it out in a cup, . ." And the barman had exclaimed, "A whskey in a cup! Don't tell me it's that blessed nun again!" Blakeston asked another old chap who was drinking whiskey in a bar: did he get through a bottle a day? "God love you," he answered, "I spill more than that." In Sixmilecross Blakeston went into a shop for cigarettes. A traveller taking orders pro- tested 'to the shopkeeper "But the last time your mother order- ed three dozen cartons." "That's not my mother, that's my wife," said the shopkeeper. "My mistake," the traveller' apologized with red face. "Oh no," said the shopkeeper, "it's mine." Blakeston was told of an Eng- lish angling enthusiasts who hired a manor house, fishing JOSEPH BRANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Burlinaton, Ontario. Applications are invited from • Registered Nurses • Certified Nursing Assistants • Apply director of nursing Joseph Brant Museum 1240 North Shore Blvd. NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and bril- liant market for this luxury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods, We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using our exclu- sive breeders plan. Special offer to those who qualitfy, "earn your nutria under our co-operative ranchers' plan", Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd, R,R, 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; :nod wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue. Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 Xing St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa • PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films develo.ped and 8 magna prints 400. 12 magna prints 600 Reprints 50. each. KODACOLO R Developing roll goo (not Including prints). 'Color prints 304 „each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m,m, 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color prints from slides 54 each. Money re- funded in full for unprinted negatives. PONY SALE THIRD Annual Sale of Ponies and. Sad- die bred Horses including 1 registered Appaloosa Stallion, 2 years old; Appa- loosa foals of 1960; saddle bred mares, bred to Pollcadot Prince, (the great imported Appaloosa Stallion); Pala- wino bred mares and foals; Shetland and. welsh pony mares; 2 Crernel0 Stal- lions, Pd and 216, years; black and white Shetland Stallion; 50 select ant- mals to choose from. Auction on Sat. urdaY, October 15th at Clarksburg, Grey Comity, Boyden Hunter owner. MeLELLAND'S 14th Semi-annual pony and saddle horses and donkey consign- ment sale. Saturday Oct. 8th, starting at 11 o'clock. Always a good consign• merit of grade and registered ponies, all colours and Sites to fit every Pocket book, 130 Sure to attend Canada's Old- est pony sale, Pony equipment and dinner served on grounds. For infor- mation and Consignments, write or phone Dome IVIcLelland, R., 4, Kilmer. dine, OntatiO, Pherie Bervie 2233 or 2425. POULTRY „— LEORORN pullets, Mt. Rope andGhost- loYs ready to lay mist laying. John Stutzinan, Mt, Eight, Ont. LIVESTOCK AND FARM IMPLEMENTK . . FOR sate, a ben:lord Mys 1,0t11 OL048 by side, re bred hereford ban 15 montb. Also sumo good baud milked cows and their calves. 8 Loi.c.,mbe k ork boors 5 months ' 2.1t pigs 3 months, 1 McKee model 8 harvester with self un- loading rack- 1 fox i'oragc harvester. Apply Wilfred Curtis, itoftiSeY Oat MEDICAL. NATIJRES HELP DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEURITIS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IT. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect WANTED: 5,000 MEN AND WOMEN suffering froi's ell nuiseular pains, ar- thritis, nervous tension. GET qUIC1S RULIEFI Write for Free sulonpas sample toda% NATIONAL PRODUCTS 346 Sabiston Street Nanaimo, B.C. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Rezema Salve will not disappoInt you. Itching ' scalding and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respon d readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Putt Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR , POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St Clair Avenve East, TORONTO MONEY 1'0 LOAN - • WE have money available for first .and second mortgage loans on farm and town property, current-rates of inter- est- Payments arranged to suit your income. .roe' Markle Ltd.. Broker, 2 Wellesley St, 1Y,„ Toronto Box SA Sudberv. NURSES AND NURSING ASSISTANTS' WANTED. G S W EASy Self-Serve laundries are growing ha popularity ,all over the country. Steady customers are rapidly inereas• ing because of the exclusive Spiralator washing action Easy Self-Serve Laun. dries are owner operated and are profitable Like to own an Easy Self. Serve Laundry? If you have $6,000 or more to aivest we can set you up in a business that has great profit potert tion, requires little supervision with no payroll involved. Telephone or write for full details, Easy Self•Serve Laun- dry Division, General Steel Wares Ltd., 76 Miranda ave., Toronto 10. 11U 7-2471. ews 'which "were all drawn and twisted about." Ever afterwards she had to wear a big black how on her wrist. The folk there will tell you: "You may not believe in such. things, but too many of them happen in Ireland. Did we not have a squire without arms or legs who rode to hounds in a bucket, and was it not all due to the curse of a ghost?" Another anecdote concerns Baronscourt, the Duke of Aber- corn's home. A Marquess there heard that his wife was about to elope — and sent her a note say- ing she should do it in the fam- ily coach, for "it should never be said that Lady Abercorn left her husband's home in a hack chaise." Blakeston is such a gifted travel-writer that he makes Ulster's attractions irresistible. Most who read his fascinating book will want to go there for their next holiday, How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can 1. improvise some white ink for writing in a black photo album, when the real thing is not around? A. White shoe polish makes a fine substitute. Shake the bottle well, dip the pen into it, and you'll find that some of this writes ever more clearly than white ink, Q. Hew can 1 rejuVeriate wilt- ed leaf vegetables, such as let- tuce, spinach, and parsley? A. By soaking them in cold water to which a slice of lemon has been added. In an hour or so, they will be as fresh as when gathered. Q. What is a good way to make use of every bit of catsup M. a bottle without Waatei A. When you have seemingly emptied the bottle, pour into it the correct amount of salad' oil, vinegar, a a d seasoning for French dressing, and shake vigr orottsly. That bit of catsup Vvtll add a piquant flavor, EARN up to $100 weekly as sparctime Business Associate. No experience needed. Pleasant work. No selling. Ap- plication information $2.00. Cavery, 920 Reservoir, Cranston 10, Rhode Is.. land, FARM EQUIPMENT "DEPENDALITE" gasoline and propane driven lighting plants for farm and home standby. Also separate genera- tors for tractor belt or power take-off drive. Bettger Industries, Stratford, 282". SPECIAL 180 AMP, A.C. transformer welder, 220 volt complete with accessories, $159. Tax included. Carter Welding Supplies, 186 Hunter St. E., Hamilton. FARMS FOR SALE NEW Automatic Wood-Burning Stoves will burn from twelve to eighteen hours. Write for complete information to: 3. T. Connolly, Riteway Manufac- turing Co., 1,87 Wolsley Street, Peter- borough, Ontario. FEED MILLS SURPLUS stock of new Tornado No. 15 feed mills, ball bearing with hopper. Must sell $49.00. Send for circular. 'Fed. eral, 185 King East, Toronto, "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor tot- lets. Eats down to the earth, saves cleaning. Directions, Thousands of users, coast to coast, Price $1.00 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products. 322 York Road, Guelph, Ontario, CARROT JUICE EXTRACTORS ELECTRTC, stainless Steel construction, (capacity 2 full quarts before empty- ing basket). For full information write. Health For All. Box 133 Station ES, Termite 1.2, or phone 111j, 54150. tiss, it.3- SS (PS'S, e tsts DES DO YOU NEED EXTRA •CASH7 THEN Start selling the largest assort. moil 01 boxed chrlsonas Cards :avail, ahlv In canade, English anil Freer!). Also name printed Clirlstinss Cards kind 0 marssilous selectioe 01 gift wrap- Pleg.Minevials, plus lovely inexpensive gift items,. Eversday rev's. Toys anci Novelties. Larre prolits and they sell like hot cokes. No experience IleCea, icon Write today for our illustrated eatalogee and price List A lovely $1,25 box Free with vour tmrst order. Maple heal Greeting Cards, 1407 Bishop Si., Dept. K. Montmpi. • - BUSINESS. PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUST sell. Motor Court. Ten 'nice renting units plus five room house, one acre un Three, good location. Lets of room for expansion, low down payment accepted. Ross Green, LW II, Dennville. Phone 884M4. ..„ „ CATALOGUES EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION REGISTERED Ayrshire heifers, accred'. Ited, listed with size and quality. Due early October, Reg. Angst R. 4, Guelph, Elora IIIgheray, . . SEND quarter, for best buys Cata• how,. credit .on first order. Hundreds of items at Wholesale, satisfaction. .guaranteed. Wilson Company, Box 55- 7285, Miami. e5, Florida, • • • - DEALER! AND SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: Dealer▪ s and salesmen to sell chicks and turkey poults for one of the oldest established and largest Hateheries in Canada. Offering the best franchised egg breed, all popular dual purpose and broiler breeds, tur- key poults, Liberal commission paid, Apply Box number 220, 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ontario, DO-YOURS ~ -YO_U:RSE'F PRE-CUT BLOUSES A REAL BUY — $1.00 EACH IT lakes less than one heur to sew these beautiful blouses patterns to- gether. Every thing you need Iup- plied; Color-fast cotton mastesrial, matching thread, and buttons. Take your choice of these eye-catching col. ors: Turquoise. Yellow, Lime, Green, White, Red, Sea Green, Black, and Pink. Sizes 12-14-16-18. Similar blouses sell in good stores for $3,50 and more, Act now — At this price they won't last long! 3 for $2,75 — 5 for $4.00. Be sure to state size and color desired. Naturally satisfaction is guaranteed or your money refunded, Dundonaid Ltd., ODneptat r.i0C.„ 2953 Yonge SL, Toronto 32, FARM, 50 acres sandy loam, all work- able. Rock well, all modern convent. ences, large house and barn. East Gingerich, Zurich, Ont., R.11 3. Phone 90-R-7 FARM for sale. 100 acres, good build- ings, all workable land, 20 acres newly seeded pasture, 25 acres fall wheat. Will sell with crop, implements and livestock. Write Peter Van Wychen, R.R. 1, Southwold, Ont, 100-ACRE farm adjoining No. 9 High- way, 15 miles west of Orangeville, 95 acres workable, balance pasture. 5- room brick house, sunporch, modern cupboards, 3-piece bathroom. Bank barn 60 x 66, equipped for beef cat• tie, room for 300 or 900 hens, imple- ment shed, water on pressure in house and barn. Hydro, priced reasonable, easy terms. Immediate possession, Al- bert Campbell, Rat 3, Grand Valley, Ont. FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTION EARN Morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les- sons 50e, Ask for free eircular No. 11. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Torent.o. LIVESTOCK Dehorn your calves with a Polled Shorthotn Sire front Donnywor farms, Mona Mills, Out, Foil Scidings tat' Thrift Se son R The scenic St, Lawrence and the invigorating Atlantic are particularly lovely in autumn, And in Europe' you'll enjoy a wider choke of accommodation at lower rates. • s aloseless terviri ▪ ttiiiirte in 'ciellettif all testes sibeitchim, eke-fiat, movies'. BUIS-free iliblipine eSintillizett ter tikaatii Selling al75 peen& free lieeeeee allaweate ▪ INallete IN' ttitiii ONAilatitiitt EW YORK a IlAtitax Dec, 9-10' bet. 13-14 Dec. 2-24 FROM MONTREAL a; GUM( FROM SYLVAPIIA Sept. 30, Ott, 21, Nov. 12 SAXONIA Oct., 7, Noy. 18 CARINTHIA Oct„ 28 IVEktsilA Oct, 14, Nov. 4, 26 sAitocs ta"ti,letisR, itOttiSfi, AND egeNCI4 eoats ALSO LAST, FREQUENT eAtLINCs F ROM NEW YORK 10% REDUCTION FOR ROUND-TRIP IN tfIRIFT tEAtoN SEE' YOUR LotAt AdEigi=- No ONE dAN SEkt,E YOU eetteit Corner Boy St Wellington Sf q, Toronto, Ont: Tel: EMpire' 14411 ougEN iLizAigH QUEEN MARY aMAUSittANIA (SYLVANI — cArselfel 7:4 Cr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING QUALIFIED 6tCTICiAN$ REGISTUED NURSES CERTIFIED MA811\11;74( ASSISTANTS for greatly •eseinlea .haseqe1Pregrans• further Information apply tot The. H0110011 Health AISPeletten pox 590. liemIlten, Pnt- ACCOMMOP AT I 0 N A WARM WELCOME, • SSNIQp. CITIZENS. IN itisrlitkiliiistiT.- Preston Springs Gardens is an address Of ill' tinetlon- a haven of melba and .content. Private bathrooms; luxurious sitting rooms on bedroom floors. spa-. .5100e, well-furnished lobby. About two eerie, of saasssaa lawns. Our trete. PO competent staff' under Hie super' vision of registered nurses is etile able of serving all but Owe requiring hospital or institutional care. Monthly rate for single morns $150.00 to $200.00, meals Write for further Information and illustrated Pamphlet. Preston Springs Gardens„ Prettier), Ontario. AGEN,CIES WANTED ATTENTION GROCERIES WHOLESALERS CANADIAN manufacturer .offering seamless Micro-Mesh hosiery, specially packed for grocery store in beautiful pelyetheleile begs,. Guaranteed .first quality. Only $.5.65 doz. plus tux. Sam- ples on request. request Box 222, 12.3.100. ,Street, New Taranto, Ont. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES NO PROST NO Fog on windshields, Gar windows, eye glasses. 2 year elm- ply "KrystisKler", $1.00. Pratt Labors tortes, New Haven 4, Conn., U.S.A. BABY CHICKS PULLETS 15.22 week old, some started chicks, prompt shipment. Order Jane- aey.leehruary broilers now. Hatched to order rtayold chicks, dual purpose, spe- cialty egg producers. Contact local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont, BOOKS BIBLE Dictionary!. 'Pocket size, over 350Q Biblical names, places, things, de- fined $1.10. Send for free book list. Len Company, Box 101-C, Bath. Beach, Brooklyn 14, New York, HE 'WALKS AWAY FROM IT — British racing driver Donald Campbell walks into a hospital in Tocele, Utah, after, the car he was driving flipped over at 300 m.p.h. He was attempting a speed record on the Salt Flats, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rights, and gillie. He caught only one salmon — on his last day. "Do you know," he said, "that fish has cost me aS200." "What a good thing, sir, you didn't catch more of them," the gillie replied. At Pettigo on the Eire border local smuggling stories included an account of how cattle are taught to walk backwards so that if they're spotted being smuggled into Ulster to claim the government subsidy', the drover can say they're walking the other way! A clergyman there, Philip Skelton, suffered from hypo. chondria and kept on announc- ing his imminent death from the 'pulpit until the church-warden said: "Make a date, sir, and stick to it. Don't be always disappoint- ing us." Blakeston records many quaint sayings he heard in a first-rate account o,f his tour: "Thank You Now". A fisherman finished a funny story: a Man, I haven't laughed so much since the day when my father and mother were married." When a whole family emerged from a farmhouse to talk to a salesman-, Blakeston 'asked the mother how many children she had. "Do you mean of the same kind?" she asked. At Victoria. Bridge, Tyrone, he gave a boy sixpence for showing him the grave of a giant. "I wish I were buried in such a nice big grave so that everyone would treat me decent," said the lad. At Portaferry he asked a fisherman what he thought of a project to throw a bridge across the fiord and let in a flood of tourists. "I've worked hard at the thought," was the reply, "but how do we 'know if we throw a 'bridge over, those tough Strang- ford boys won't throw it back again?" A Por tar! a w n schoolmaster said he had a friend who was a great fellow but he'd had to go to France because of girl trouble, and now he'd heard that he'd had to come bock to Ireland for the same rea,!en. By Lough Erne Blalteston gave a lift to an elderly American wo- man who said she'd been wan- dering at the lough side, looking for a nice spot to sketch in, when she'd startled a young man with his girl, "Come on, let's be going," the girl had urged,, but he whisper- ed, "One moment, clarlin i , I think this ould woman is going to corn- reit suicide, and that should be interesting." Driving through. Antrim, Blakeston heard this gem from a traffic cop: "You ought to go round me, sir, whether I'm here or not." Blakeston tells strange stories of the great houses and castles he visited. limey, the Earl, Eishop of Derry, who built Downhill palace, would invite his clergy Ito sumptuous ban- quets-, make them drunk with Madeira, then order their to jump and run races and prornOte ...the winners. He'd force them to mount horses and bet on the re- sult, and the next day preach a sermon in 'church on the evils of betting — with special refek.ence to 'the scandalous clerical steeplechase of the previous' dayt bromotea Gillian castle has a farnotis ghost, first seen by Lady Bereaford, It was her childhood 'sweetheart, sett of the Earl of Tyrone, Disbelieving that he was at phentern, she challenged him 'touch het to' prove it, though he warned heN 'Madam, the touch of a ghost is no gentle thing" Ilia hand on her aerial. "burnt Tike ice" and shrivelled her sin- STENGEL ROIRING? — f was reported hi New York that Casey tiendel (riqhf) will retire slitirtly after the Woricl Series chid Ralph Houk, how Yanked eoadr, Will Succeed him cis Man- ager of the Stengel, /0, ai been baseball fat years,