HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-09-29, Page 6It isn't fall yet but the bide-
jays evidently think it should be.
They are congregating in the tall
trees nearby, occasionally leav-
ing them to swoop down to the
sunflower heads, picking at the.
seed before it is even ripe. Blue-
e tays ,are such lovely birds —
lovely but with an ugly voice,
even worse than the crows..How
different from the pretty little
canaries, their flashing yellow
matched:by songs of lilting mel-
ody. We have quite a number
around here. I love to watch
them, and I have been able to
do quite a lot of watching late-
ly as I have been sitting out-
side knitting mitts for the boys.
Mitts! Yes, that's right — eight
pairs of them, two pairs each
for the four oldest grandsons. To
avoid rushing don't you think it's
a good idea in summer to get
ready for winter — and in win-
ter to prepare for. summer? Not
that I always practise what I
preach but that doesn't alter the
fact of it being a good idea, does
it? Of course, most of us are pre-
paring to a certain extent any-
way — by canning, pickling and
jamming. Last night I put down
nine jars of raspberries. It is
nice to see them stacked on the
shelves for winter consumption.
In our family, during the sum-
mer, we hardly touch preserves
at all — not with fresh fruit on
the market, Raspberries, even at
thirty-five cents a pint, are still
just as economical as opening
a jar or can of berries. if you
grow your own that's even het-
i ter — which, unfortunately, we
don't. I just can't get Partner
interested in growing berries of
any kind.
Sometimes I wonder' where the
supermarkets buy their stuff.
The other day I was in a hurry
and, bought a five-pound bag of
"new" Ontario grown potatoes.
Almost half of them were partly
rotten. The next day I stopped
at a well-known fruit market
for raspberries and noticed they
had freshly dug Irish cobblers
that might have come from our
own garden. They were a treat
to serape and to eat, As for fruit,
I never buy it from a- superrnart
— except bananas and citrous
fruit, There are times when you
definitely DON'T gel what you
• pay for.
Well, this is the time of year
when little field mice try to find
a way into the house to set up
living quarters for the fall And
winter, And are they the cagey
little fellows! Many of them
manage to eat the bait Without
springing the trap. We are not
bothered' with them — Ditto
takes care of that little problem.
But just listen to what happened
to a neie.nbour family. They had
a really friendly little mouse. He
came out every night and ran
around the kitchen, oblivious to
anyone who might be around.
Traps didn't scare him one bit
but he enjoyed the cheese! We
lent Ditto to our neighbours, 1St
Ditto evidently thought it wasn't
Worth while hanging around for
title small mouse when she could
catch them by the dozen in the
field. So she curled up on the
chesterfield, and went to sleep.
Then came the weekend when-
our neighbours had visitors. The
mouse came out as usual —
which naturally led -to a mouse-
catching discussion. Said Ron to
Bill — "Why don't we shoot it —
you've got 'an air-rifle haven't
you?" So, to cut 'a long story
short, that's what they did. The
mouse was under the "frig" so
they blocked the sides to make
sure it would have: to come out
at the front. They waited .
two grown men against one lit-
tle mouse! Presently it appeared,
friendly and fearless as ever. Bill
got it — first shot, So that's one
way to get rid of a mouse. Per-
sonally I would rather put up
with a mouse than have any kind
of a gun used in the house. Even
an air-rifle.
My nephew Klemi was staying
with us most of last week. He
arrived from Peterborough in a
new Hillman, his first long drive
since getting his driver's permit.
I don't know whether to say he
had beginner's luck or the con-
fidence of a limited experience.
Anyway he drove through Tor-
onto during the rush-hour traf-
fic, via the Kingsway, with its
detours and construction confu-
sion at the Six Points — a drive
that even hardened drivers try
to avoid if at all possible. But
he arrived happy and serene and
all in one piece. He offered to
take me with him on his return
to Peterborough, from there I
could go on to the cottage. Also
invited me to the Stratford. Mu-
sic Festival next week. I appre-
ciated both offers but after a
trial run I decided a ninety-mile
trip would probably reduce rne
to a state of jitters. Not but what
Klemi is a careful driver but
. . well, you probably know
what I mean.
Anyway we are too busy look-
ing after properties around here
belonging to vacation neigh-
bours. Lawns to cut, plants and
gardens to water and berries to
pick. Also basements to bale out
if the hydro should go off dur-
ing a storm! As far as we are
personally concerned we find it
easier to be away one at a tine.
That way we know that things
Will be all right at home. After
all we don't need a vacation the
way most people do.
coma from the 'wide
open epaeee,' Buck, Yeti won't
t' lone fee item"
For Half Sizes
121/2-221 /2
THE NEW PRINCE — Queen Mother Elizabeth appears to have
quite an armful as she helps little Prince Andrew pose for his
latest photograph.
Stately Towers
WolcOre Visitor
Seven hundred- years ago,
you owned a. castle or palace
you would (in conformity with
the. •soeial customs of the time)
doubtless have dug a Wide, deep
moat around your home and,
having tilled that (the moat)
with water, have filled your
battlements with • itchy-fingered
archers, alert tar-boilers and
nettrere, and muscular rock,
droppers. The general aim then
was to keep visitors out.
A hundred years ago you
might merely have surrounded
your palace with iron 'fences and
perhaps • filled the surrounding
woods with mantraps and pit-
falls. •
Ten years ago you might have
caused your bailiff to nail up
your first restrained notice of
invitation outside your gates,
beckoning passers-by to enter
and, for a small fee, to share
with you the marvels or beauties
of your estate on Saturday after-
Times change. Today you
would buy space in the news-
papers and time on television to
drag as many people as possible
into your grounds • and you
would sit up nights in brain-
storming sessions with your
London agent (publicity agent)
dreaming up new gimmicks to.
make it all worth while.
What can happen in the mod-
ern age was rather drastically
illustrated the other day at Pal-
ace House, historic home of Lord
Montagu of Beaulieu (pronounc-
ed Bewley) where his lordship
11/ArLs. -444
Step into this scooped, back-
zipped sheath—step out happily
all summer! Easy-sew in breeze-
light cotton or shantung with
jacket to contrast or match.
Printed Pattern 4618: Half
Sizes 121/2 , 141/2, 161/2 , 181/2 , 20 1/2 ,
221/2 . Size 161/2 dress takes 31/2
yards 35-inch; jacket, 13/4 yards..
Printed directions on each pat-
tern part. Easier, accurate,
Send FIFTY CENTS (stamps•
cannot be accepted, use postal
note for safety) for this pattern.
Please print plainly SIZE,
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New
Toronto, Ont.
ha d staged the f'i'fth Beaulieu
Festival. of Jazz. Thousands came,
it Was not just that bearded tra-
ditionalists joined in a fight
that clean-shaven Dixielandeea
were having with a combined
force of midway skitters and
moder:ilsts„ but somebody 01,0
50 fire to the Antique Car Mu.
The Britian. Broadcasting Cere
poration meanwhile was driven
off the air while actually tele-
vising the festive'. Then next
evening ten historic villages
around were blacked out by a
power failure, Finally Mr, Hume
phrey Lyttleton's trumpet was
lost, to use a euphemism, and an
innocent horn player who was
later skieling in a New Forest
village street was pounced upon
by the police and detained for
some time while he tried to ex-
plain his trumpet, no easy thing
to do.
Lord Montagu of Beaulieu had
been hoping to turn Beaulieu
into "The Glyndebourne of the
jazz world," but at Glynde-
bourne they play opera and the
fans are willing to dress in
t.vening tails and. gowns in the
afternoon :e zl generally behave
more formally.
Yet n hat made this whole
thing so specially significant was
that, because of the informality
of this filth festival, Lord. Mon-
tagu had. to cancel his long.
standing engagement to race his
traction engine against the Duke
of Bedford's finest racing trac-
tion engine at Woburn Abbey,
historic country palace of the
The many thousands of peo-
ple who had gathered at Woburn
Abbey from the 14 corners of
the United Kingdom to race or
simply to watch traction en-
gines — there was a great An-
nual Traction-Engine Rally ad-
vertised — although they kept a
stiff upper lip, were a mite dis-
appointed. W o b u r n somehow
didn't seem the same, writes
John. Allan May in the Christian
Science Monitor.
For it is not enough these days
to offer a landscaped garden,
lunch in the historic 15th century
banqueting hail, a view of the
priceless tapestries of a unique
Palladian Villa, Lord Hertford,
for instance, when he invites you
to Bagley Hall, Alcester, War-
wickshire, may offer a Picasso
'EXhibition, as well as the dis-
plays of water skiing in the an-
` -central lake, but there are some
who are a little doubtful whether
Lord Hertford has yet gone far
enough, however well Picasso
draws the mobs. More may be
"Visit Alton Towers" advises
another advertisement. Alton
Towers is in Staffordshire, mid-
way between Uttoxeter and Leek
and is, the advertisement states,
the "Former Stately Home of
the Earls of Shrewsbury." It has,
it is said, the most magnificent
gardens in the British Isles. But
it now has also "fountains, tem-
ples, zoo (including lions and
elephants), the largest 00 gauge
railway in the world. . . . Trac-
tion Engine Museum ... boating,
scenic railway, first-class licens-
ed catering . . . and FREE PARK-
Such is the English love of
locomotives that the sure-fire
way of drawing in a million
visitors a year apparently is to
fill your stately home with trac-
tion engines. You would be well
advised also to race them, such
is the English love of racing,
over the historic landscape, to
the sound ,of trumpets (Dixie-
All, there is no home like a
palace, as they say in England,
and it is certainly a far cry from
the days of moats, archers, oil-
boilers, and rock-droppers. Or,
as Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
might well wonder, is it? Is it
all that far after all? Will they
make a comeback?
It's foolish to worry about the
confused teenagers. Give them
time and they'll grow up to be
confused adults.
New Royal Baby
Gets The Q,K.,
Exultant 1,;:nglisb newspapers
eeize.d on es rare treat and really
spread themselves out with the.
latest pictures — and. the first,.
since .shortly after his birth —
of cotton-topped, .ti-montb-old
.prince Andrew, The ..occasion:
Baby Andrew and the two other
royal tots, 11-year-old Prince
Charles and Blear-old Princess
Anne, visited their grandmother,
Queen. Mother Elizabeth, on her
00th birthday, The 'London. Daily
Sketch fetched in a pediatrician,
showed 'nine photographs of An-
drew, and printed the doctor's
obeeryations. Some of thorn;
Arms and legs: "Very well
covered — quite nice, Too fat?
No, no. Not a bit."
Expression: "Intelligent. Look
at those nice fat'pheeks and that
smile. He looks rather intellie
Shape of head: "A perfectly
happy head, that."
Snapping Pictures
Modern Passion
In a recent article, the Lon-
don Economist reports that one
family in every two in Britain
now owns a camera. But only
one Briton out of every five
or six says he is a camera user,
while in the Unitdd States, ac-
cording to the weekly, one of
every three individuals claims
to be an amateur photographer.
The point of the article is that
Britain may very well catch up
at the rate interest in the hob-
by is- growing-. Then, in passing,
it observes:
It is not for nothing that the
caricature 'of the -American
abroad has his, tine (movie cam-
era) whirring, . his exposure
meter and filters dangling at .his
side, and his tripod strapped
tightly over his arm . . . psy-
chologists assert that taking
. photographs has now become
such. an ingrained habit among•
Americans that pointing a cam--
era has itself become an essen-
tial part of seeing a view.
Whether that habit is a nation-
al characteristic peculiar to us
C O I. L LC T 1 0 N Little Linda
Huguely drags •a few of mom-
my's pans and utensils out of
the cupboard. Lin d a thinks
these will never be missed.
Wait and see, Linda.
is doubtful, Any traveler knows
that Germans and ;fapancoe
seem to have an equal passion
for "making a picture" of any
unusual or historic sight.. The
'real question is whether "see-
ing a view" suffers from getting
it, on film. Who has net exle"in.
Wed the tourist who, after a
quick glimpse of the Colosseum
or the; %Grand Canyon e; the.
Alhaenbrin or the redwoods, bets,-
ies himseg with his photographic
apparatus, all intent upon get-
tinier a clear, sharp "shot" of it?
This has its advantages, of
course. A good photograph, es-
specially in color, of a fine scene
is a pretty thing in its own
right. It has a degree of per-
manence. It can touch, years
later, all manner of triggers of
memory which otherwise would
be inactive. It renews the past
and keeps remembrance fresh
and detailed as well as accur-
ate. The disadvantage is that if
the vision of the actuality has
been skimped in order to get an
image of it, memory 'teat may
be thin and poor, no matter
how good the artificial stimula-
tion. Nobody recalls vividly and
fully what he did not look at
hard, long and thoughtfully with
his own eyes in the first place.
The most spendid of shadows
doesn't help if the personal ex-
perience of the substance was
hasty, meager and distracted by
-preoccupation with what the
lens was "seeing." — Baltimore
Brave! Men And
Cowardly Cats
Six husky young men walked
quietly up to the lions' cage at
Ueno Park Zoo lee Tokyo one
day recently and promptly be-
gan glaring into the animals'
eyes. After five minutes, the
lions grew fidgety, stopped star-
ing back, and, tails tucked be-
tween their legs, retreated to
far corners of the cage. Having
out-stared the king of beasts, the
members of the Japanese Olym-
pic wrestling team pronounced
their training complete.
"Wrestling began when stone-
age 'humans had to fight wild
beasts," explained Shigeru Sasa-
hare, who coaches the Japanese
wrestlers. "Survival depended
on watching the animal's eyes.
It's still good training for a
wrestler to face living beasts."
Sasahara smiled. "It would have
been better inside' the cage," he
Hard To Slow
Old. Master 'Down
For seven months of the year
he gads about the world in his
Rolls-Royce or by boat and train.
He feasts on—his beloved cities
street by street, prowling the
antique shops and the art gal-
leries, plunging into out-of-the-
way neighborhoods to take in
the sights and stores and people.
Not long ago he hied himself to
,nine operas in ten days in Vien-
na. He drinks a cocktail before
lunch, another before dinner,
and dines on anything that
strikes his fancy — and plenty
of it. All this must stop, a fin-
ger-wagging doctor cautioned
86-year-old British author
Somerset Maugham; better he
should find a quiet nook in his
ten-room villa on the Riviera,
plunk down in a big, soft chair,
and take life easy.
The world's shortest sermon:
"When in doubt, don't."
Cardinal Doesn't
Like Womenis Fonts
"As far as covering goes," said
Guiseppe Cardinal .Siri reeentav
commenting on the light, tight
clothes of summer, "pants elver
more than modern feminhie
"Rut it is not only a question
of covering," continued the 64-
year-old Archbishop of •Genoa in
a particularly testy warning to
hie Roman Catholic flock, "It is
also a 'question of tightness
In general (pants) can give a
greater tightness than skirts.
And it 15 this tightness which can
cause no less preoccupation than
the exhibition itself .
"Above all, in the use of men's
pants on the part of women
there is an aspect which appears
to us more grave: Male attire
worn by women (a) alters the
psychology of the women (b)
tends to spoil relations between
the woman and the opposite
sex, and (e) easily damages
maternal dignity before chil-
Needle Variety
41/ r444414 Witt&
Make your guest room lovely
with these linens! Unusual de-
sign combines embroidery with
a, crocheted edging.
Perfect for towels, pillow-
cases, scarf ends. Pattern 5351
transfer of 5% x 191/2 inch motif;
two 41/2 x 131/2 ; crochet direc-
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal not for safety) for this
pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box
1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor-
onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT-
New! New! Newl Our 1960
Laura Wheeler Needlecraft
Book is ready NOW! Crammed
with exciting, unusual, popular,
designs to crochet, knit, sew, em-
brodier, quilt, weave, fashions,
home furnishings, toys, gifts,
bazaar hits. In the book FREE
—3 quilt patterns. Hurry, seed
25 cents for your copy.
ISSUE 35 —1960
tHREE-WHEELING Ma. Calvin Bublin shows how the prOblern
of airing her triplets Weft solved — three darridges joined to--
gOhde. The Middle pram even hal on extra seat far the babies?'"
theresei 2.
RED PARTY LINE -- that great inveritien e- the chorus line has iiieeti adopted iii OussIdi
Where these 30 Russian girls cavort in the theat.e of Moscow's Gorky' Pork, Their nut*
ber is called "Heroines of Bocialist Lt2hOr'' id U,S.-sei.e revue titled