HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-09-22, Page 4, „ •• • ' • • 1969 POSTER. •OOMPSTITiON PQRTi-ig •FAIR • Rules 1. .14,1,4-`11,vhtleli)i"r astieor40Inks7gtgolziodoe:igmllaeyd .offered .1),F parent or teacher, • ?rn The sOMpetitien will be open only to girls and boys hi Vublic or Separate .$011Q010,. The Poster .• (a) Poster must .advertise Hertienitural .ittnction, • (b) Pester must measure • 24" • (e) 'Poster should. be • mounted on stiff paper, (d) NO cut outs permitted.. (c) judging will be based following requirements, of poste:: A POSter should attract slant. attention, 2. The rietareaad Words should seint onlY to the event, date, and place, 3.4 A poster should h o eaSY to read and understand at a titatanee• of ten feet Or more, 4, ,OOletirS Oval' be hold and strong, such as bin* A.114, yellow .and blue; or any other con- trasting colcsurS... 44, A poster .should he effective simple, original and have advertising appeal. " Neatness will count. Prizes From Horticultural Society 1st. $3:00s 2nd, $2,00; 3rd $1.00 a 16" x designed or in. on the 1960 BIRD HOUSE COMPETITION a good FOR THE FALL. FAIR Rules 1. The work must be done 'by pupils from a Pliblic or Separate • • • Huron County's Foremost Agricultural Fall Fair JOHN HAN 9 PA L, La A7g Huron.Bruce Will Officially Open T he Fair at 2 P, Si F C19 ter Col irk&s Regi nal Rea i. White S and Grade Cattle, Light an eavy lity Inside Exhibits a Commercial aJan Bre ua W9 Pure orses, High eatures. red r Brussels Legion P Band Seafortii Ira School Band . CLASSES 2.282.24 and FREE-FOR-ALL PARI-MUTUELS INATTENDANCE PONY RACES ' "Squarettes" qualm Daricing School Parade, Children s Contests, Pet Show Club Girls Competitions. .• ..Crystat Palace. aprons Ken ilbite's.. Orchestra: or! raw fo ottyi Get Your ariokt. or:5 for :$1.00 va WI 4 HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN, AND CALCIUM TO BUILD STURDY BODIES Free', Marie Fraser's "Milk and Honey" Recipes. Write toclayl DAIRY FARMERS. OF CANADA nti 409 Huron Street, Toronto 4 44, AUCTION SAL E d 9i ••• Auction Sale of HOUSEHOLD ,EFFECTS t o the VISS-AGE OF BRUSSELS Princess Street WEDNESDAY,, et 1: P, M., Writing: Co.ok Dining flown State Chesterfield and Chair Studio COU.Qh, ATO(31111)^'s Illgrigeratiat ,if,angette oil Stove• Combination. Wood and Coal Bed Speings and Mattress 2 dedr000m .$uttes Sewing Madhine 2 Dining. room Tables Rocking. Chairs 4. Kitchen Chairs 2 Toilet Sets Washing Machine Pails 2 Pillows Ironing Board Rake.. I-toe Kitchen Utensils Silverwear Mops Quantity Other mention. Terms Cash Prop. — Mrs. Frank Woods Mrs. W. Michel Harold Jackson --- Auctioneer George Powell — Clerk .••••••• ....4•••••••••••• No. .....,•••••,amwa••••11.•• • ....Mr. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale for ART COLSON Lot 11, Con. 13 Hullet Twp ) 1 I bury. ssrs , ,—, t , 'n • ItZ ,..:::y r MONDAY, poi, A it (neary new) f sSs• ▪ :;((ifs, • 77, Wash TubE. on Drum* ft Oulllgi V.e. Seale$ BroOnill of Wood and Coal Articles too numerous lei OCT. 3rd, 1 1/4 miles north of Londesboro arid 3% East; or 5 miles west of Lead- :v.! THE BAUM'S POST Thl4rffday, September 22nd, 1900 !4 AT...14! „ , school, but may be done under tile .supervision, of parent or teacher, 1. 2, The bird house may he for any i. b141 EX0101:7 a MARTIN, and the Contestant Must state with.entry i the bird for which it is intended, 1 3, The bird house will be ,edged t for originality, worlunauship, and il suitability for bird Wendell,. 4. Every: bird house entered in the local competition must have the name and address of the coetestant, Suggestions (a) Do not stse expensive mater- t lals, old weathered boards, packing' boxes, bark of trees, pieces of"hollow tree trunk, are all suitable and do net cost much. (c) Good bird houses look the part. Remember it is a house for a Bird, not a toy house that imitates a house for human beings. (c) Colours: The best colours are nattsral weathered material; or brown, green, and grey can be used avoid bright colours. (d) All bird houses should provide a means by which they can be I cleaned every year. (c) The following dimensions ars correct and should be followed carefully7 BLUE BIRD: Inside of floor 5" x 5" Inside depth 8" Size of entrance 11/2 " _ ROBIN SHELF: Inside of floor 8" x 8" Inside depth 8" Size of entrance, open l -- CHICADEE: ........... Inside 9f floor 4" x 4" .." ' . Inside depth, 8" Size of entrance Ws" WREN; .: Inside of floor 4" x 4" Inside depth 6" x 3" Size of entrance Vs" UNION W.M.S AND W. A. GUESTS OF MISSION BAND Of Union Mission at 1 P.m. • '2 accompanied. by her' mother, rendered a violin selection, and Don., nrenmer gave S, seaclins, when societies from Brussels and Ethel are to be invited. Mrs. Herman Whitfield presided for the W. A. meeting. An announce- ment was made of a variety program and bazaar to be held at Moncrieff on November 4th at 8.30 is TO, 17110 Union turkey supper is to be on October 27th. Lunch was served by the mothers of the Mission Band. 29 Cher', 'TIfttek with 6x9 Stock Rack Woods 2-unit 'Milking Machine with Pipeline for 14 cows 1/2 Horse Leland Motor - 6 Milk Cans 12x14 Colony HouSe -- ill Brooder Stove - • 16 Cord Stone and Fuitate Wood Rolla Snow .Fence' slf*"11'5744 Set 'rota HarrieSs % 'lci 22 it. Illiktension tadder Tattoo Set, Ottaiitity of titinhot and Planii el 100 feet 'of 54 Cable I-lay and drain 1600 lIalos Tray 1400 bus.. Mixed 4ratti Some trenadhold No .fes.efive Terms Cash Pron. — Art Celan AtsAieneer; Harold inof<tori Clerk—. Gee. Powell W. t t NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the estate of ROBERT JAMES NidLAticiALIN " ALL PERSONS having Otani-a against the estate Of the ti,bife. Mentioned, late of the 'Village of 'BraastelS,• in the. tetitity of ];Teton: gentleman, who 'died On the Setentli„ day of Sentelisber, 1960 are required to file proof Of Mine With the undersigned oil or before the ttfi t •day Of October, 1.900; Atter that date the 114,oetttrig, *ill Proceed, to distribute- the estate bovine* resold eAflif to the elaiinS,•ef Whirit she then has had *Mace', • 1 DISTFI) at BrilisselS, • this •Pilth day , cif Santembr.r, 10e0, tttAW-trOttb' & "HttittkiNtri*OR Barrister ONTARIO„. The members Band were hosts to the W., M. S. Cattle and W. A, at Union Baited Church 2 Holstein gews, .6 yrs. old on Thursday, evening, Sept. 15th.1 2 Hereford Cows, 4 yrs, old with: Barbara McKay presided, and Lois' calves at foot Whitfield was secretary. Judy., 5 Polled Angus Cows, 4 yrs, old with Machan read the scripture,. Psalm 92, calves at foot verses 1 and 2, which was followed by 4 Yearling Polled Angus Steers the hymn "When I survey the; 1 Pearling Polled Anus Heifer Wondrous Cresol". 'The president' 2 Hereford Steers, 900 lbs. gave n. Meditation, Paul Machan read 2 Holstein Spring Calves, a portion of scripture, and Shirley Baker led in prayer, Samples of pigs Christmas cards which the Mission 2 Sows with litters • Band sell ..were passed around. 10 Chunks, 160 lbs. Bonnie Bremner and Marie Lake implements collected the offering, and hymn 623 Model D Case Tractor "Jesus Loves Me" was sung, 1952 Ford Tractor Carolyn, Marie . and Gail • Lake, Freeman Manure Loader accompanied by Lois Whitfield on' :STeCormick Tractor the guitar, sang ",Paper Roses" and Manure Spreader "Put Yeirf r Arms Around Me", A ! Massey Harris 10 St, Power Binder A story "Wide Open Windows" ( was read by Barbara McKay. Loi s,! with new Ebersal Feeder and Stgrat,ttiftlrit 2 ‘i 4-46 Threshing Machine y 4 - New DriVe Belt 100 ft. 7 ft. McCormick Power Mowerer The meeting was closed wish fnurii:inoww lCe!eseslets7Slietist= prayer by the president. f 17 tooth Massey Harris Cultivate The W. M. S. accepted invitations Eump Rake from MioncSieff for October 21 at Harrows 8,30 p. Wagon Hay Back ' and from Barbara Evans m y Loa d er Sleighs for her trousseau' tea on October Fiat Back with. sides for grain 1st. Plans were made for a Thank- Offering meeting on October 19th 1s0prfat; RTealillekr with hand pump .4 ,r Large Large Set Grain Rollers 14 Cire I • Saw _ New Titan. Chain Saw 1 Pig Crate Steel Pig Feeder 2000 lb. Scales Fanning IAIII ' Bag Truck Ensilage C;arf ' 131ackamith Forge Anvil 1 Backsmith Vice Flat Iron and Angle Tr en - L . as Blacksmith ;Press Drill 4 Hifeets '0arri1 Sold'