HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-09-22, Page 1m `Coe and Meet Your Friends ...ereee el' " 'TAT .,• Thursday, September 220.4, 1960 thirdU04 04 Men, East, Ofictoe. ki.Apriztiroeui. SettiturtiNe4. 6E0 t Publishing House F Nom.M.N.0,,”1/1111.4., CR:ANUROQ Tie! Brussels Home end BehOol pp eld their annual pOt.1 n luck suer on Wednesday' Septette,: Ad Su apport Your ka .1 •.1 . dtl her 1,4th, in Brussels United Ch 10 areh. , * .. 1 A.... h Members of the graeting clasa There is no better place to "if" 35c I 1 / were honored guests with many: telende and nieghboitrs than at Patients, as well as insmbers; Your 10 051 fair- You, can a-dioire the nretient. 6, ASSOCIATION HONOR GRADUATES Melville Presbytorian Church$ The 106th Anniversary *erVieeS Will be heict Asrr SUNDAY, SEPTEM.I.BER.) 25th t'1 t:r'1;S: 1.1 dad 7.30 P.M. Guest Preacher Rev, Samuel Kerr B,A,, .13,De gx-ttter Former Minister of this CongregetIort, Organ Recital at 7.10 P. M, Special Music by Choir and Male Chorus Everybody Hee rtli y Invited A well attended anniversary ser- vice was held on Sunday moraine In Knox Presbyterian Church., Mkr, E. tic Nelson. new student minleter for Oranbreok and Ethel occupied the pulpit.. Solos were eoutribated, by .elr. Glenn Lodge, Goderich„ and Mrs. Kenneth It/ akc Donald, Oran- brook, 39c 1 prealeots of their labour and discuss 39c I Everyone- enjoyed e boenteme tbe inerite of the Various exhibits I supper Convened by Mrs. Malt' ytlett 01 You are Interested, in cakes ' Smith, and her social eatinidetee." or horses; trait and vegetables or 25c A few musical numbers, in swine and sheep, or any of the Other eletrge of of Mrs Wm. Mini;, Jr,., were i many exiliKts• which yea Will see le appreciated by those present, in-' the Crystal ,Putttee, or in the out-. eluding the Highland Fling daneed'' door silowrings. YOU: will be able to, i Campbells Tomato Soup 3 for Stokley's Ping Pineapple Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup Mix 2 for York Cream Style, Corn 2 oz. 2 for .64,1414mommuro• :mama , enjoy the many attractions featuring 1 by Joyce Iluether, ! herse racing;'' MicKillop Squarettes; The highlight of the program was District. He told the graduates that midway; Anne May Mineture Rodeo; vetriteue 441 'aertivities; children's' Regional Red and White Show; MA, Wilfred Strickler deal J. H. Kinkead, an address by Mr. School Inspector for North Huron' ' Hostess for the September meeting I they should always remember what : of the Women's 'Missionary Society sports and of coarse the parade of 1 their parents, teachers and church i schools led by the Brussels- Legio h M e leader was rs Alex Stelse ; -had done for them and be thankful.; i Pipe Band and the Seaforth High — ' - and the topic was given by Mrs, Now they are starting, in High' School Bugle Band. Strickler. A verse containing 'the 1, John Hanna, M. P P. will officially ' School, they should .have a definite 1 word '"uederstandine was given in goal, 'or purpose in life instead of i open the fair, response to 'the roll call, Plans were , . --. - -• • •!, •-• 1 going through scheol, and life, made -for a special Thank-offering , ,444.--,...............,,--4,-, „ ' Heve Yon bought plenty of tickets 1 for the petty draw?: "Spotty" the . W, M, S. Meeting e or. •••••../. ••••••••••••.• • era...a... •••••••••••• ANNOUNCING CLEANING a n d SERV/CMG Of Oil Stoves and all types of Furnaces. I have taken over all C. & G. Kraufees. stove and furnace maintenance work HOWARD BERNARD' Phone Brussels 47W lOCERY CCUTCHEON 1110111/11•••....3.01.1•••rania.R.1111101•1., Phone 293 We Deliver i aimilossly and carelessly. meeting in the church. Guest soviet , leautiful Shetland pony, will delight IVA.LTON Mr, , Calvin Kkaatter expressedi ies the heart of some child lucky wilt be invited and. the date set I. the thanks and appreciation to Mr. - lta,er when a special speaker has enough to become the proud owner Kinkead on behalf of the Home anti been located, Mr's. Stanley Fischer of this lovable animal. will be hostess Lou' the next regular The Crystal Palace will be open meeting", Thursday night for you to admire roll call to be answered eith a remembrance 'verse, Mrs.: the displays there at your leisure. Earl Dunn leader, and topic by Miss Friday night there will lib dancing A. Forrest. Refreshments were ser at the palace to the music of Ken • Wilbee and hie orchestra. 'r'ed at the close by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gordon Knight and The Fair offiders and dieectore Mrs. Earl Dunn. MITCHELL FALL FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER 27 and 28 $6000.00 in Prizes CLUB GIRLS :MEET Group No. 2 The third meeting of the "Brussels Happy Hostesses" was held at the • home of Mrs. .Wheeler at one, o'clock on Sept. 1.7th' The meeting was opened with the ,tie !Pledge, This was followed . 'by the iminates from the last meet ing read by Audrey 'Wheeler, roll - call and notes cm. table setting and etiquette were given, Mrs, Wheeler then gave an". etiquette quiz and Dianne Kirkby demonstrate) table setting..,., • The meeting closed with • the Queen. Horse Races • have worked 'hard to make this 1960 East T-Turon Agricultural Society Mrs.Ellen Braham and Mrs, Sofia Fair one everyone will enjoy, Sup- Peter. both of Detroit, visited lest! p6rt it by your participation both as 'week with Mrs, Perdue and Mrs. exhibior and spectator and aid Stnart Evans, After leaving here, • 2:22 and 2:2$ Classes- School Association, The 1900 graduating class of Grade I. were honored by the- & S. Association when the -president, NITS. Robt. Raymond, presented edeli one with 'tin engraved pen Mr. Glen Meehan thanked the Assoeletion on behalf ! Of the grad-, Miss Ruth 'Ann Emits has returned ; to Kitchener Waterloo hospital where she is on the staff. Gordon Matlavin has . returned, from a trip to the U Scotland,1 ene England. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald. and; family were week end visitors in,! Hamilton with Mr. and MrS. Edgar Bollinger,' Air, and. es. Roy 'Bennett and Mei and Mrs. Lloyd Porter were London visitors on. Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Dorothy 'Bolton of Rochester, N. Y., is a visitor with the. Humphrey Rae Houston, and john Hislop "THE BIGGEST LITTLE FAIR IN ONTARIO" The Rev, Lloyd Brown, on behalf' Of the school Board, presented the f Martin Murray Award for highest! marks English in Grade 8, . Pdill Anne and Linda Johnston. 1 The meeting adjourned after the. singing of God eeve the Queen". in preparations for the "Centennial Fair" next year. Meet your friends at Brussels I Fair on Thursday and Friday,- Sept. 2,9th and 80th. YOU'LL Thursday afternoon their ear; crashed head•on into a northbound thick on highway 4 south of -Birr. • Both women, who are employees of, Henry Ford Hospital, arc; in St.I Joseph's hospital, London, with • serious injuries, • Celebrates 91st Birthday • Cranbrooks oldest resident, Mes e Jas. Noble, quietly' eelebrated her' 91st • birthday on Tuesday, Sept,i 13th, Her sister, Mrs. Oshorn.e, ed. Mitchell, spent the day with 'heel While not able , to get around the house to any great extent since she( sustained a ifraCtured hip in a tali; several years ago. Mrs, Noble is up' each day and enjoys visiting With her friends. • ENJOY melee d last week after a terse , NOTICE • • There are still a few prize lists available at the Brussels Post. week trip in the Western provinces., ! Brassels United Church Fowl: Mrs, Gordon MeGavin was a • Supper will be held on October 18th. visitor with Mr. and Mrs, John Me Gavin of 'Owen Sound. HOME FROM EUROPE i TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pestel and Mr. TOWNSHIP OF GREY • I George Menzies went to Melton , „Tenders will be received by the: ttillinit lase Friday to meet Miss Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mutt have. I - Undersigned until 1 pee., Saturday, Anne Pestel who was returning by i • - i : let from England after spending sold their farm on the 5th line of ! October 1st. 1960, for snowplowing , : Morris township to Gerhart Wiebe1 for the 196061961 season in the • .,,, 1 an eight week vacation travelling of Kitchener and have parchased, Township of 'Grey,. Tenders to be in '1-1roPe• i the 200 acre farm of Mel Bradburn. in i by the hoar. State make and size , --., Ettet Wawanoili township." They, of equip(ment to be used. Lowest or move this week. . i . any 'tender not necessarily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff, • FARM SOLD BLUEBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAM Available in Cones, Bricks, and ' Half Gallon*: kt Your Favourite COUSINS' Ice Cream Deatenim. Be sure To Take Home Enough, PEOPLE iifE. KNOW. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gray of COUSINS' ICE CREAM Cleric, Towrighip of Grey Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 22 - 23 - 24 Nuommornes—oZessairraomosereemescrsarlegnatmearaer; Rossano Brazzl Mitzi Gaynor France Nuyen 1 where better, permanents cost less! Cut , Shampoo and Finger Wave, Moved to New Location formerly occupied by Walker Funeral Hemel PHONE 155 !..M0.ERMIBIBligiNir &MORN BROWN.I-E DRIVE-1N LTD, CLINTON, ONT. Get Your IRENE'S PERMANENT At BEAUTY SALON Mr and Mrs. Wm. IT, Sntaildon, Sudbury, were visitors this week St. Petereburg, Indiana, visited. With With her aunt, Mrs. I. W. and Mt% . his brother Herold and Mrs. Small. Fischer and other relatives . in the 1 • don, • Walton, and, cousins in nisi community, - ', I coMmutilty, • I Donald Homingway, son of Mr, and Mr: 'and Mrs. Brent Nelson and , • Mrs. Carl Hemingway, left -this week Mr, Glenn Lodge, Goderielt visitedl for Guelph where he will attend the On Sunday withelti.r. and Mrs. Nelson Veterinary College of the O. A. 0, and family at the manse. SHOP at ach n rcw it( In SOUTH PACIFIC. Adult Entertainment' LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAlts ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. V A 'S SEAti) V SHOP Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone Brussele 140 12,..*IIIIMMIUMIISMONIMPerroMYSIN•111 2....male' i.-•*...,•.••••,-.....INVAIS1f.12111-LAZSMAM=101====r, Music and score by Rogers and Hammerstein. Here is the entertain-, ment world's most wonderful enter. talnment. Brussels, Ont. `The Store With The Cash Discount' We now have a full line of Kern Glo Velvet Kern Glo anti Super Keintone also all Kern Tinting Colors We are now prepared to mik any shade required LLASHMAR li. DRWE-M THEATRE i i ......................--... ,.... „...--....... . LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly, riaill U1: Shine First Show at Dusk Admission: 65c Children Under 12 in Cara Free Thursday and Friday September 22 and 23 Double Feature "THE RISE 0,ND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND" Adult Entertainment Ray Dantort Karen Steele "THIS REBEL BREED" Rita Moreno Mark Damon One Cartoon w Thurs • Frt. . Sept. 22 - 231 Double 'Feature "23 PACES TO BAKER STREET" Color Cfnemascope Van Johnston "View FROM •POMPEY,S HEAD" Richard Egan * 1 Mr. and Urs. Ward Buchanan, Cranbrook Women's Institute 1 Detroit, Were recent guests 'With The September meeting of the I, Miss Mildred Grewar while enroUte, Crenbrook Womien's In,atituta Was! to Delontihe, Mran„ to visit Dr. held. September 6th at the Twine of 1-Tervey Buchanan, who is seriously Mrs. Allah MeTaggart. ill, prior to going to Florida for , III the winter, i During the Intsiness part of the, 1 :!: *meeting it was enrioeneed that / 1 i Mr. 'and Mrs! Nerman hoover, a Leadership Course weluAd he held' Were week end visitors in London in April. Mrs. Glen Hnether is the With their son John Who had just 7racier for. the new club, "The Club reterned from ti, trip to the west Girl Entertains", with YVotote Me,i Coast after serving on a Mission' Taggart the alesisitent leaden Thai IrIeM during the summer. He is members decided to enter it, display t resuming his Studies at Western,. et the Brussels Pall Fair' in the trniversity, Section, fer Institute displays. The , display is for a four year old girl, IVIeltili,te Church . minister: Rev, j. H. Greene Mr. Louis D. Thornpson r Organist and Choir Director ANNIVERSARY SERVICES M, -- 7.30 P. M. Guest Preacher' gev. Samuel Kerr, B. A., B. H. Exeter Special Music Organ Recital at-7.10 BARD OF 'THANKS at. !, Mott. Sept. 24 - 261 1 FRESH BREAD and BAKING DAILY Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At All Times Double Feature "UP PERISCOPE" Color WarnerSceiPe James Garner; ..Edmond O',Brien 1 "THE VIOLENT 'ROAD" Dick Foran, Efrem Zimbajtit • r SATURDAY and MONDAY September 24 and 26 Double Feature - "DIARY OF A 1-11d10 SCHOOL BRIDE'", Anita Sands Retiaid Fester "GHOST OF DRAGStRiP HOLLOW"' ...lady Fair Martin Braddock ;Het Rod Gang One Cart0Oii tuet. = Wed. Sept 27 iS "ACROSS THE BRIDGE" Rod Steiger Quaker Corn Flakes 12 oz., v • BORN it WEEK END SPECIALS Rose Brand 3 Fruit Marmalade 24 oz. ghTihneg totill elatia%6Ntetist.oettegteroet:ig, 13 ., I would like to express thy sincere thanks to all any Needs, neigh. , garden, Mrs. Ross. Knight gave the bocteraid teletives, who gent me Motto; Free, for a good harvest, but bards, treats and floWeit while a, keep on lidoilig. patielkt it St. JOSepli's hospital, Following the, hitSitiess Mkt. Allan London, also thanks. ite all thoSe Who Oerit in baking before atid Motaggart introdUced. the speaker inY "return home', These Wild Mr. SaAes Muir of Brussels, Mr.' neeSeS _Will never be,' fergetteit. Mali' outlined the WOK: of the Fair Mrs, tit 'Pollard ', toftkl, Domestic. Shortenings 21/2 Plaqtic Container — Marilyn' and 'tickled dtAribtook, brit., wJeii, t6' hiiheitiliice' the htrilia of their &tighter, it Meritioritid Eiri6Pite1 Septenilier , Phone 132 P ree DefiliG Adrniiiiileri Sc6 - Chlidoen, undo ii In Care Orel§ Oak Office elkiii at 8 0.m. FirstShowii iiiiiic two inows, Niiiiiiiiii. Rain or •lealr The nett meeting is irttitilliti :•tteit, to be held Oil Oct. 4th It the I etithiiiithity Centre in the ferti Of itotAttek Stiiityer. The roll tali was atieWered bY "HOW keet *ite li•o•ops," A delieldig 'Wet; served the haste& ,daStated ley MrS, Bray, Tuesday and WediteadaY , tePtenibee 27 And 28 "NOR MOON th-r distoo tee Michael g 014 . Cartoon *III The on, toeiday Night tioind, The Whole -046,11'y Admits. a '&0-aid The tinited Or CANADA tilitlatatit, Rev. I. Brown ILAit A. E. Mirth, tt!. dlinfeh Eichoo1 tilt; A. At 'ley.• :IV...M. Tltoiiiar of *tau* Redpat>h Icing Sugar 216i, - •