HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-09-15, Page 5▪ AN, wry: ar •••.4SCS.1,101.,00441 VIT IbILV=C-:4 C1111.10,1M1r-. • — .7414r.."....1-:)...• ..C-.14211r^ arc rn f144040.4plim • Teach thorn to look both ways beFore crossing tho arta, Bring the whole funny to the Lord Elgin—A2 low cost. This is a family hotel where children are welcome. Thursday, September 16th, 196(f TIM BRUSSELS POST x-e a t e ON CREAM PRODUCERS' ig MARKETING BOARD RfPRESEaTiNG 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS ' .jj-#.w......,y.m.z._......... COUNTY CREAM PRODUCER ANNUALS. NEXT MONTH Watch This Space For Date and. Place WATERLOO CATTLE nig:DING ASSOCIATION " Where Better Bulls Are Used " Waterkoo's :MST PRIZE County Herd C.N.E. 1960 Kerr Sterling mother received the guests In a two-piece dross of green cruaked, taffeta with 'brown and beige eereepories and a corsage of bronze pompon mums. she was assisted by the groom's mother who wore a blue crepe dress with black access- ci"es and a red rose corsage. Following a wedding trip to Cape Cod, .Mass. and Quebec the couple will reside in Mildmay. -Prior to her marriage, the pupils of U. S. S. 15 Howlick and members of the community gathered to pre,' sent Barbara with a gift. Miss Isla Riddell entertained friends at a iniseellaneoue shower. The, members of the community gathered to honor Barbara with a miscellan- eous shower in the basement of the' I3ervie United Chtirch. .f..!.:7•ArA4-4-Ttects=rivok bow also also fell unpressed pleats over ; the skirt .with a matching bow in the back while the skirt fell in a into a chapel train. The entire gown was appliqued with Alencaa lace ; medallions. ITer fingertip veil of, '.:•1l rollea French i 11 e si on was held by' a pearl tiara and she I carried a cascade bOquet of white I roses and small leaved ivy. Her only ornament was a- string ..of cultured pearls, the gift of the groom. , Mrs. Leonard Sanderson of 'Gerrie, as matron of honor, Mrs. Albert Ttedley, Kinleas and Miss Isla Riddell of St. Thomas, as bridesmaids wore identical street length elteaths of toast brown lace over taffeta- with matching full overskirts of organza.. They wore small net hats trimmed with lace medallions and carried boquets of yellow elta.sta mums. The charming; little flower girls were the bride's . nieces, Miss Barbara Kincaid of , Greenwood N. S. and 'Miss Latirannd Sanderson of Gerrie. They wore dresses of beige organza over taffeta with -bronze pleated cumier- bonds and short bouffant skirts. They carried yellow nosegays of plumta mums with matching flower hea.ddresses. The groomsman was Ma'. Robert Wheeler, trussiele and ushers word Mr. Leonard Sanderson of Gorrie, and 'Mr. Bolted Fraser of Illuevale. Fer the recention which followed- in the church parlours, the bride's A pretty summer wedding was 1;. a z.-,riteit.4.5 hostess. solemnized in Berrie United Church W111,\ Mrs. Armstrong packed they she gave many when wedding vows were exchanged remember. 1 between Barbara Ann youngest daughter of Mrs. Laurence I Stirling and the late Mir. Stirling, and Walter John Kerr, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr, Brussels. Rev. G. Sach of Lawful performed. the ceremony before the altar decorated with white gladioli and , candelabra. Miss Norma Harper of R. R. 1, Clifford, was organist and I also accompanied the soloist, Mrs.! Beverly Fair of R. R. 2, Kincardine, wl'o sang "I'll Walk Beside You, imfore the ceremony and "0 Perfect ; 1 et e' daring the singing of li e et Mier. The bride, who was given In, marriage by her uncle, Mr. Ian , MacKenzie, R. R. 2, Kincardine,. was lovely in a floor length wedding gown of silk organza over taffeta. The bodice featured a scoop neck.; line dipping into a tiny 13, bracelet length sleeves and a bow at the 'waist from which rose unpressed pleats over the bodice. From. this CLUB GIRLS MEET Group No. 1 1st Meeting The organization meeting for the Brussels Homemaking Club No. 1, "Club OH Entertains" was held Monday, September 5th, at Mrs. Mann's. Ten girls joined the club from :which the following officers were elected: President — Yvonne Pollard Vico President — Yvonne Connolly Treasurer — Gall Wilson Pianist — Yvonne Connelly Jean Smith was nominated secre- tary for this meeting and Drees re. porter. Mrs. Jas. Armstrong Jr. outlined the club alms, requirements and objectives. She assisted the girls 'with measuring. Mrs. Mann demonstrated flower arrangement which gave the girls many helpful Watts. The meeting adjourned. 2nd Meeting Packing a week end bag was an Interesting point of the second meeting which was held Saturday, Sept. 10th, in the library. The girls chose "Majestic Merry Makers" for the name of their chilli. Three ring note books covered with pink bristol board was chosen for record books and reference files. - Many, helpful hints were given on large ina tion loafer Now the whole, carat can re week end bag helpful points -to Group No. 2 1st Meeting The girls of 'the Maissals group'; No. 2, held their first meeting at ; the Brussels library on, Sept. 8th' a 7:00 p.m. The meeting opened with. the 4-H Pledge followed by nominations: President — Anne Exel The. Pres:dent — Gall Meehan. Throughout the meeting the were given notes on. "Club Ob- jectives" and 41-Tospitality in the Homo". Audrey Wheeler demonstrated flower arranging. Meeting closed with the Queen. and Meeting The girls gathered at the library at 1 a.m. Sept. 10th to hold their ; F ne•ipd mese-Una which opened with the 4-TT Pledee followed by the, seerecarp's report of the last meet ; in•17. Baring the business it was decid. ; to name -the club "Brussels 1*-"pp;; Hostesses. ''Firs. 'Wheeler gave notes on Hos- pitality, Entertaining, InVItationS an-, room. t•1'1t.••1' Wheeler demonstrated how e t•-""k end suitcase. ee.eeee closed with itlod Save the fereee. 0n4 FOR SALE — "New Princess Pat" coal or wood Stove with good grates reservoir, warming oven, and pipes. May be seen .at Brussels -United Oh torch inlet contacting Bargain. -Mrs. Cecil McFadden, Phone 26A HONEY FOR SALE — Fresh Clover Honey. In your own container if you wish. Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21r8 FOR SALE — :*ational Electric Miliking Machine, double unit!, in good condition. Phone 10J4 after 6:00 p.m. Harvey Hood or06.4.0.4. FUR RENT •—• House on 10th, concession of Grey, paved road; remodeled recently. Apply to: Harvey Godbolt, at the farm or, Phone 201W Mitchell. roil SALE Wizard Motor Bike. Also, AVOrk wanted by the day or hour,. chain. saw worlc, blaeksmPhing of all kinds; gardens .plowed Fred telling Phone 97iiV REPRESENTA'T'IVE REQUIRED We have a Myth needed service for farmers as well as town and city dwellers. We reegire a represent. ativo in your area. A ear is essential and the man selected will have the opt,ortnnity o eetabila'a himself in; a h•IsIw.,,•• Vint 17, yell ;Ind has ; ,vigiscc ; The ie a fen time post ion bat ;en Will start a man on a part time Nqtrn as you Team" plan. Write 0,' Aneo for full information to Sales ; manager, Box 817, London, rancula. , GIRLS! 1400 Girls can join the Brownies if sheir 80 birthday was before April 1st, 1960. —PAINT & ASPHALT SPRAYING— Festering Arniet Heavy Duty Paints We Specialize In Barn Painting Robt. Noble representing Royal Eaton Co. Rhone Drayton 605R2 WANTED Flockowners to supply us with. hatching eggs, All breeds reenired. Eggs taken from some breeds every :week in the year. We pay up to 86e per dozen more than the market price for good hatching eggs. For full details, write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about. our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. r.ON:;:i.;:BERG General Insurance Monkton — Phone 663 R 41 rOR SALE — 3 bedroom, Frame House, lesul Sided, attached Garage, in Village of Ethel, Price $2,200, Half down. 3 Bedroom, Ranch Style House in town; all conveniences; attached frame House, Insul sided; Sun-, porch; Large Living room and Dining room; acres Of Land; Small Barn. Situated in Winghani. Price $3800. 2 storey Brick House; 2 piece Bath; attached Garage. Price only $3600. J. C. Long, Real Estate, Phone 2S2 Brussels, Ont. FALL FAIR SCHEDULE iP, Following is a list of 1960 district fairs and exhibitions: Bayfield Sept. 28, 29 BIYtli Sept. 20, 21 BRUSSELS Sept. 29, 30 rEEDredtewri:n Oct. 7 Sept. 21 22 Sept. 30, Oct. I IiIKIGiruniticivekthener en:t own Sept. AS to Oct. 1 Sept. 22, 24 Sept. 28. 29 Sept. eOpptcIt. 6 Sept. 12 3124: Palmerston 7 Mitchell New Hamburg Owen Sound Oct. 5, 6 Ripley Sept. 23, 24- St. Marys Oct. 7, 8 Seeaefsowraorth T Sept. 22, 23 Stratford Sept. 19 - 21 Oct. 4, 6 'reranil (Royal Winter Fair) Nov. 11 to 19' .1 Plowing SleiPatieNh2o,v, Nov. r 14% 26 2, 64 .3 Crrie+e Springfield, Oct. 11 to 14 It took the offspring of Unit sires to end the 22-year winning streak of Peel County for this coveted prize. The animals in this winning herd all carry from one to three crosses of Unit bulls. Our congratulations to the people who developed the above animals USE IVATERLOO UNIT BULLS AND BREED YOUR OWN WINNERS ALL BREEDS AVAILABLE For service or more information, call: Seaforth 96, Clinton TILT 2-3441, or for Long Distance, Clinton Zenith 9-5659 getweex 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. wc::1 days 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING Sa e This 1% story home situated on Turnberry St. south containing three bedrooims, large living room, modern kitchen witieh 4ncludes nearly new comb- and coal stove, new oil space acre of land. propane mss new three piece bath, about Va Preicressien iittmediately sign on property price $5200.00 Apply Joe Hathflton (owner) 354 Victoria St. London, Phone GE 2 1725 or GS 4 - 1864 • FAMILY RATES (Rooms only )-for childreia under 14 years accompanied by parents. o Dependable baby titters available and ream*. able. o Meals for children under 10 years at reduced prices. • Formula's no jitoblem—no • CAR PARK—supervised—On premiSsii (100 cars)t. See Ottawa—Canada's Capital Lord Elgin io only steps from the Pdrhament Etuildings, lei Aug stores, railway terminal, dad theaters. N HOTEL P.sin el Laurier WA Ceracickes Capitol Ciry WANTED — Elderly people with room and board, in Brussels, Apply at The Brussels Post FOR SALE — 1 light gray Sports Coat, like new. Also, 1 gray Topcoat, both size 12, to 14. A Colony House 10' x 12' in. gool condition. Machan Hardware, Bru,ssels, Ont. FOR SALE — Piano in good condition. ,Mrs. Stewart Lowe Phone 263W2 WORK WANTED — Dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. Donald Rock, Phone 50r6 ••••• 1..111 ••••=0,1•1.1111 ASSitIFD ADS --e-t .7 I pt . • The only way to make farming pay.. modern methods and machines You can't farm profitably today by using yesterday's methods and obsolete machinery. They simply don't meet the demands of modern farming . , high productivity and low production costs. The profit potential of your farm can only be fully realized through utilizing modern methods and the latest farm machinery. Today's farm machinery measures up to the task of doing more work faster and more efficiently. Farm labour, a major cost in the operation of any farm, is kept to a bare minimum while the amount of work done per day is greatly increased.- Critical farm operatic:01 get done at exactly the right time without depending on the availability of' high priced farm labour. Massey-Ferguson machines and implements completely fill the requirements of profitable farming—more work with less manpower at lower cost. See your Massey-Ferguson dealer. Llaszey-lrergusone, Lintited • ,01tONTO 4 I 4 4 1