HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-09-15, Page 4 THE BRUF-SECS 'POST September 16th, 1900 Pre& Mark proser'o "Milk and Honoy" Rec.4)os. Write today! DAIRY FARMNRS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street,Toronto „ 2. The for an 3. A poster should be easy to EXC bird T lo on. ART may ho Iand the y read and understand at a distance contestant must st:ite with entry of ten feet or more. the bird for which it Is intended. 4. Colours should be bold and strong, such as black and white; bird house will be Judged strong, for originality, workmanship, and yellow and blue; or any other con- ; suitabillty for bird intended. trasting colours. 9. A poster should be effective 4. Every bird hugs" eutored in the orlpinal and have advertising local competition must have the name and address of the contestant. ► Suggestions (a) Do -not use expensive nutter- ; lass, old weathered boards, paeliine bos•es, bark of trees, pieces of hol!ow tree trunk, are all suitable and do not cost much. (e) Good bird houses look the part. • Remember it Is a house for a Bird, bo not a toy house that imitates a house for human beings. y stunt attention. purls from a public or Separate 2. The rioturo and Words should school. but may be done under the point only to the event, ' date, and supervision of parent or teacher. place. 1960 BIRD HOUSE COMPETITION , FOR THE FALL FAIR Rules 1. The work mast done 1960 POSTER COMPETITION FOR THE FALL FAIR Rules 1. The poster mast be designed by a pupil though suggestions may he offered by parent or teacher. 2. The competition will be open only to girls and boys iu Public or separate Schools. The Poster tal Poster must wheals,. Ifortieultural function. (b) Poster must measure 16" 24" (e) Poster should be designed or mounted on stiff paper. (d) No cut outs permitted. (e) Judging will be based on the following requirements of a good poster: 1.A poster should attract in- appeal. Neatness will count. Prizes From Horticultural Society 1st. $3.00; and, $2.00; 3rd $1.00 SMIPMPT 1,.r-.,p,,.-9w, ••••••••+..••••, ,t• Pi JOHN HANNA5 0 Antlailv Op AT L. 1-furscrt r at 2 P. M. G .ounties Regional F White Show a+at. Cattle, Light and Heavy Horses, High ibits and tornmerciai Features. tarps Bee Dairy a r in Cita rrusseis L °Won Pipe Band S aforth High Schooi Band CLASSES 2.282.24 and FREE-FOR-ALL PARI-MUTUELS INATTENDANCE PONY RACES ' quare main School, arade Children 9s Contests t pow treart...••••••••....4,...••••••••••••••ra fe) Colours: The best colours are ► nattrral weathered material, or brown, green, and grey eau be used avoid bright colours. (d) All bird houses should provide It means by which they can be cleaned every year. (e) The following dimensions at correct and should be followed carefully. BUM BIRD: Inside of floor 6 Inside depth 8" Size of entrance 1%" ROBIN SHELF: inside of floor 8" Inside depth 8" Size of entrance, open CRICADEE: Inside of floor 4" x 4" Inside depth 8" Size of entrance 11/4" WREN: Inside of floor 4" x 4" Inside depth 6" x 8" Size of entrance TA" )5. ,.? Huron County's (7 Foremost ii:r rlil ititral Fall F ar °. Club Girls Competitions. In Crystal Palace Ballroom Ken. iibee°5 Orchestra our in Tr.—.1' .°4 /4.9 iverlifr 25o or 5 v HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will most for a one-day session Oti MONDAY, SEPTg M r3ES 20th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chariiber i of the Court House, Doderich. Any comnuniontiono must be In the hands of the Clerk not later than' Tuesday, September 20. .TO/r.: C. BERRY, Olerk-Treasurer, ("punt), of Huron, Court /tense Goderich, Ontario. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS i n the VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Princess Street WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ?8th, at 1 P. M. Writing Desk Dining Room Suite Chesterfield and Chair Studio Cono1 McCiaer's Refrigerator, (neary now) Rangette Oil Stove Combination Wood and Coal Bed Springs and Mattress 2 I3edr000m Suites Sewing Machine 2 Dining room Tables Rocking Chairs 4 Nitehen Chairs 2 Toilet Sets Washing Machine Wash Tubs Pails 2 011 Drums Pillows Quilts Ironing Board Rake Hoe Kitchen Utensils Sliverwear Mops Quantity of Wood and Other Articles too numerous to mention. The Semi Annual WALLPAPER SALE SEPT. 8th to SEPT. 17th Patterns As Low As 29e per Single Roll THE WALLPAPER SHOP WINDHAM, ONT. Terms Cash Prop. — Mrs. Frank Woods Mrs. W. Michei Harold Jackson — Auctioneer George Powell — Clerk " I Sealers Dishes Brooms Coal Grey Drain Work Okayed By Council The ca ,..;:if .t.r'•• rep.:rt on the Burke Dive, v.:: re..,11 and adopt- . t t'lg of Grey T, c:crlt Mrs. • ia-trueted to .•. --.v • te:. by-laws. Itow.i‘ Ord P..r.h ,r. Treasurer Tit :...:counts were paid: '..mtwata, tile, Pear- Homer Hender- s.in, Lal;;:oit r;!,-14”-:lon Drain, 518.50; James A. Hanes, superin- Wilding construction Lamont Ex- tension Drain, $30; Corrugated Pipe Co., pipe, Scott Drain, $17.60; Mel- vin Ceram:Ilan, contractor, Scott Drain, $530; James A. Howes, sup- Prinfrndils ewstreciiea Sentt !;7y; (Aerie, lees, Seott brain, $35; Stratford Beacon • Herald, adv., 26.30Bafrinan Drain, $0.30; C. M. Dennis. levelline and fill, MeNaught Drain, $36.50; Tile Drainage Loan, $1,000.00; The Municipal World, supplies, $12.25; Provincial Treas- urer, insulin, $2.33; Harold Swift, groceries, relief, $87.91; relief for September, $72.43; Township of Arthur, relief, $11.30; City of To- ronto, nursing home care, $55; Stir- ling Hood, bulldozing Alexander's dump, $24; Beverley Mitchell, put- lets killed, $37; Pollard's Chain Saws, oil, fire dept., $1.20,• George Rowland, gas, fire truck, $3.75; firemen to Nelson, McLennan and Hart, $36; roads and bridges, $7,- 931.57. HURON COUNTY FEDERATION NEWS (By J. 'Carl Hemingway) No doubt many hog producers have noticed the announcement of the Federal Minister of Agricul- ture stating that effective October 3, 1960, the $1.00 premium on Grade B hogs will be discontinued, $a3n.d00.that the premium on Grade A will be increased fran $2.00 to This follows a change in the grading requirements of some months ago which changed the wcights and fat measurements, I think that most producers now re- alize that it hr' ''..^..-c more dif- ficult to produce Gilitle A hogs and therefore there has been a de- crease in the returns to the pro- d uchs•e. T recent change in premium pament will probably mean a fur- ii.tr reduction in the returns for likely to call; r llllllllllllll resent- ment.producers and is therefore m I do not feel qualified to express an opinion on wether or not the Goverment is justified in its ac- tion. but I do think we should understand why this has been done. First. I think that the producers of most farm products will agree that. the Government. is not :insti- l:fed in encouraging the productiol. of an inferior product by the pay- ment of premiums. There was a gced deal of complaint when the Government maintained a floor price for Grade B eggs. No doubt sthtic,onsg. same has been true for Grade B hogs, though not nearly as For many years there has been little or no increase in the produc- tion of Grade A hogs. United States has been carrying on a strorg program for the produc- tion of a bacon type hog for some time, and if we hope to continue export, a small but very impor- tant surplus of pork, we must keep the quality high. Secondly, the Government has stated that its policy is to help the family farmer. Records show that the family farmer produces a much higher percentage of top quality hogs than the large com- mercial feeder. By increasing the premium on top quality which can be exported at a premium price, the Government is giving the fam- ily farmer the opportunity to get some return for his extra care in breeding and feeding that is nec- essary to produce Grade A hogs. By doing this the family farmer is not only helping himself but al- so the whole industry: Perhaps the grading of hogs is more controversial than the pay- ment of premiums. Prom time to time I hear many complaints on weights and grades. In the case of dressed weight, unless you have the live weight from a -public; gev- errtrytent-inspected scales, your or- ganization can do nothing to get an adjustment. In the Case of ggrraaddeer,s.it would be necessary for the hog producers to employ cheek I • WIN A CARL BUY YOUR ADVANC SAL11 TICKETS HERA The Brussels Post is the place tO buy lboso tickets that cOuld. Blake you the proud winner of one of the three cars being given. away nein this year at Ile Western Fair, London. Only Advance Sale you to a chance to win one of those cars as well as admitting you .-o tiro ()mounds. Yeti do not hove to at end to win one of these handsome new cars. Just get your Wee ern Pair Advance 'Tickets, 110w, at the Drussols Post. Of.ait 'were .b:141cation to ,aoways fAr . expendi- rncted to ad- tenders, to .l,er 1. .;• loans under were accept-