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The Brussels Post, 1960-09-08, Page 5
Highway Safety Branch ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. John Yaremko, Minister ase ep US Ca # Mdsses Linda Dunn, Catherine Tacitlin, and Marilyn Knight arrijv'ed 1 1 home over the week-end from. their ; summer employment in KAtchener, Port Carling and Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Sinclair and ; 'fiamily, Detroit, spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Evans, Cduple Honored On Anniversary A pleasaht evening was spent I when Mr. and Mrs, Alex Cameron l entertained at a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cameron on the ,Occasion of their 30th wedding, anniVerSary. About 40 friends and neighbours attyinded. and Mr. and ,Mrs. Cameron were presented with a dinette suite, electric tea kettle, and miscellaneous gifts. The gues's, enjoyed games and music with Mr, I and ,Mrs.. Geo .. Evans on the violin ' and piano. A 'buffet bench and anniversary cake were served at the, close of the evening. Rela:ives were, }'resent from Conestoga, Brodhgaen, Drussels and Ethel. Mt. and Mrs.. Frank Smith and -I family spent the holiday in Oranerville. WALTON Brussels Dwelling For Sale This 13k, story home situated on Turnberry St. rzouth containing three bedrodms, large living room, Rage modern kitchen whiclh Includes nearly new comb- 5uation propane gas and cont stove, new oil space itr.eater new three piece bath, about 3' acre of land.. PoSsession immediately sign on property price $5200.00 Apply ,Poe Hamilton (owner) , 354 Victoria St. London, Phone GE 2 - 1725 or Gt..' 4 - 1864 HOUSEWORK'S AS E SY AS Buit0 maket- good food icale 6eiteri ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS IT'S ALWAYS BETTER WITH BUTTER 41.0101111011.1111WMOZKIRCOVIEE101 4...60.10.0000733.03300=airner.03.30.0000. * HARNESS RACING * LADIES' DAY * HORSE SHOW x- CHILDREN'S DAY * FLOWER SHOW * SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION 4- WARRIORS' DAY * LIVESTOCK SHOW * AGRICULTURAL SHOW * FARM MACHINERY EXHIBIT* PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW* WOMEN'S HANDICRAFT'S * ETCETERL ga EIJOY the P) HOW I EIGITEMENT Of the IISTUNO tn• .,) ‹.; hr lx, THRILL to Tri-ZE SPLENDOR and SPARKLE of the • po—:=41 41;11: N G 17--, t. S r , 62;4 ta.. comcz...ai\r's„,ALT..4.0.A.1\TAIDIA:LI E....ir)zamx4Arr "-,-...=,..framounlantri-a=ststesesemetsetemzortronsurteresiatmem Bring the whole family, to the Lord Elgin —at tow cost. This in a family: hotel where children are • *elcontei r 11112M11, O -,\9"eeei"tlesc (ePe4e/A."./ie:• • = • .rei.-e,ot.44, ,C=41Ww-Ir4 6V 4= Wr/TISTiri. ' • • tat (et; it.? tit 'a Western Ontario's colossal melange of unsurpar,saWy riatzriattms e;;;iilitions brings to the illustrious residents of Western Ontario such gloriously superb collections of amusing and educational features as will strain the credulity of the ls,:.holder. 1. • Thqrs447,, gePteinher Sell, 1960 leess7e4e-as.leylamele.. 131WS4R.45: VOST • And Mrs. Robert M4eMiehne4 • field tlzcluding The Hermon!. • • Miss dazia PrOolinrd, of Mitchell, .! cats of recording For reserved, silent 11.44t. •woolt with. Mir. And, Nfrfo,1 seats, write Wesfem :London. • AM .Anikersen. and Prieee miss. Prensee f494.404, of gMC1.411lrii_le, is aySry woman.eee ''WesternViIIIM/ig• 70W Seeencl apl iu l 14.0494 dhow with t7red Davis,, ster,, eeremeete,for, rrtofs show. will; be Monday afternoon grandstand 'September 12. Women will be, admitted free to. the fslrgrou4ds Mendel •alet,11 PAC Wigs, W. Stints,:,Kitchener; spe0 , last WedtsesdaY -with her P.ar"til" Mr. and MEH. Terraege Dinldas. i. Mrs, John MOnnia4111 is Ylniting with her daughter, Mrs, 1,4t MeGoo, Mr. and. Mrs. !Graham Sholdlee Butch and 'Rickey, lef..! on Monday for their new home at COoksville.. Mr. Malcolm Fraser visited with Mr, and 'Mrs. Glen Fraser, Stra'ford. Mr. John Ilislop and Mr. Rae I Houston. left last week on a trip 'o the Western Provinces, Mr. and MrS. 'George }ribber' and family moved to the Village leet Week to Mrs. Marshall's residence on West kreet. Mrs, S. H. Storey has returned home frOm a trip .43o• the Maritimes, Mn', Gerald Dressel left on. Fie:11day for TOronto, where he will be teach, lug for .11to coming year, Mrs, IT. Weiland, of Elagnialuivillo visited With Mrs, Mnilde Leeming one day last Week, Mir. ;and Mrs. J. Lenient rev] family of London, were holiihir visiter Nr. end Mrs. Lloyd Porter. Mr, Wayne MeMiehttel, of Windsor, IS belidaying with his parentS, Mr. ote, fanit can, ret, OIL weq—en • FAMILY RATES tRoonie only)—fOr'ehildrea— olAr fle under 14 years aceortipanied by parents., o Dependable baby sitters available and rettioni. 11'o Meals for -children tinder' to years M reduced'able. . prices, o Formulas no Probielitio ctiarSe • CA lt PAktI s uliettiSedotin (100 car's). See Ottawa—Cdeado's Copifa Lord '#q(* ei Oily steps from the. Parliament Beildinge, tetrad rig stores, reilleey feemittat, and theaters., o • • • le liarriess racing will take over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, September 1g to 15, with, a sPecial Cliildren's Day program, Junior Olympics, Friday, All children. are ;guests. of the fair Friday With free admission to the grounds. SaturdaY Warrior's Day. 1-114ndreds of war 'iveterans from London and Western Ontario will parade to the. fair and will be ,gr.alndstand guiests, for the spectacular Armed Services , program. Holder% of advance sale tickes,, will have a, chance to win three 1960 sedans at the Saitttrday night I grandstand draw, and some lucky Person will win. Western Fair 11 Shrine House for $1, Tickets on this house will ho sold at the fair all Week by the Shriners, The house Is worth $25,000. • A governMent-designed basement fallout shelter will be on display close 'to the Shrine Show House, It Will be constructed and displayed by the London Free Press as a. public service. The Conklin Midway Show's and Niddyland will be back with many new midway rides and shows. All this adds up to a "a day at Western Fair beats two days anywhere." Advance Sale Tickets .are now ea sale at the BruSsels Peat. Get yours now, You might be the proud winner of one of the cars, WESTERN FAIR OWE LINK Here are just a few of the "Manhattan Rockets" outtanding datiosi Mae from New York, who feature four 'gorgeous production turnbers4 at the Western. Faiir, London, evening grandStand Perfortnanceo September 12 to 17. Write Western Fair, London, for reserved, seats, ptfice $2.00 and $1.50 .0.,14;04,070svooms, Teaching Traffic Safety starts of home -ACT•Z%1Z.A1‘, '742,11:&2reat-4rsatic.;„:ili;.,tit=a2%='"...-i-t1 t!'_7'7"- " ‘-"‘c1 trti YOU WILL REVEL in the FRIENDLY Wonderful World of the Truly A3 AMAZING collection of headline acts trOill the glAinetoug worlds of the circus, vaudeville and television,. In addition see four inagnificont PRODUCTION umbers including A TRIP TO OUTER SPACE. ' THE MANAGEMENT RESPV,IkITLIX DRAWS TO YOUR ATTENTION THE PACT THAT DURING THE HARNESS RACING (VMS,' "MD., THURS.) SPECTATORS WILL BE PRIVILEGED TO BACV.: ENTRANTS OP THEIR CHOICE WHIT $ $ : DOS T MISS THE UNPARALELLED OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A $25,000 SHRINE SHOW HOUSE nekati: $1.00 ea.— fi for :!;5.00 ON SALE DURING PAM wErsx ONLY Niketk.e*pasittoacalacistiiimmoramezum.....immo=paTer..m-mere ammstmat=swergrzczeavmmiimmnotomin ADVANdZ 8111,111 i OB:XTS —2 fox $1.00 (one adult tickd droita two 'children) DRAW 3 NEW CARS Chevrolet Dodge Meteor HOTEL Elgin at Laurier, 1 WA Ccincoddi Capitol City rY Teach them' fo look both ways before crossing the street so44-4$4,,st ss ii:', fl!.$ .... t, Mte 64 , ...... TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT THE BRUSSELS POST CRANI3ROOK: Mr, and Aire. NelSon Sr. and son Wane of ,Goderich, visited on. Sun- day at the manse with Mr, and MrS. Ted Nelson and Balmily'. ....School re-opened on Tuesday With Mrs. Jas. Bremner as the new tea- cher and. three beginners. Sharon Stevenson, ,IVOcrray FisCher and Dwight Nelson. 919, Ms% and Airs. Ceorgo Kirkby have Itil bed to Darwash after sPentling, a few weeks in the village vrt'4 H. B, Kirkby, WESTERN FAIR OPENS AT LONDON NEXT WEEK Western Fair, t,ondon, will open its gates next Monday, September 12, to the greatest week of pleasure and entertainment ,in 4ts entire , yeArs of service London and Western Ontario. Farmers can compare the breeding points of ; over a million dollars worth of live- ; stock and cheek the good features of another million dollars In farm machinery. Everyone will be inter- ested in the superlative displays in the Manufacturers and Confederation buildings. Feature ©f the Art 1. Building will be 6 number of famous Paul Peel paintings. A fabulous evening grandstand performance will feature "Dancing, Waiters," a magic cascade of waters in color that actually dance in perfect time -to music. Dancing Waters also provides a gorgeous background for production numbers of JOAO Hamid's famous dancing Manhattan Rockeittes. This is a Western Fair grandstand feature VOA will never forget . Every additional act is topS in its vaude-