The Brussels Post, 1960-08-11, Page 3AGENTS WANTED BABY CHICKS EARN EXTRA MONEY Agente,Clubs e tc. Sell Canada's finest Xmas Cards, -Nov.eitles, etc. Over 250. itepts;InandiPS ,d eluxe, Religious, 141- Chrome, Everyday and Personal earda, Wraps,, niebees, Ilecks„ Dells .and, jewelry. Many Gift items, Prompt Service, .leor colored catalogue and samples On approval, phone W. V. JEANDRON GREETING 'CARD. CO,, 1253 .KING ST. "Ilentliten, on. ht, 4.1311. BE YOUR. OWN pope: lefueeelV oi,leeizel rue; Tot V 4e9 ',,ip,r(p)deut,keit rssa4vneas distributors wanted for most areas, Ineestmeot of $200, up gives ,you a start, save On Fuel CO., Disnsford, Ont, 10-12 WF,EX old pullets, and started chicks, at new low prices, Prompt ship- Tnent, Dayold chicks to Order. Book October-November broilers now, Re- quest list, see local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Ham' liton, Ont, . BARN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE BADGER Northland barn cleaners, silo unloaders, auger and tube feed- era, round-the-silo feeders, feed carts and barn equipment, fully equipped for complete installations. Complete stock available at warehouses. Harold Row and. Sons, R.R. No. 1, Belmont, Out, Phone Uarrietsville 76, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE RESTAURANT, serving full course meals and lunches. Established over thirteen years, steady clientel, close to three highways, fully equipped, air, conditioned, six-room apartment above, large lot, 66' x 1$0' deep, will sell for cash or half down. Interested parties write Box 129, Comber P.O. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN PROFITABLE spare or full time earn. ings. Study this interesting and use• tut profession. For free brochure and charts, contact; Canadian College of Massage, 18 Farnham Avg„ Toronto 7. STAMPS 26 DOIVIINICANA, Stamps! All new. Without press, beautiful. Cleans and Unusual, Something odds, for only $1,50 money order. Alejandro Mole, Box 336, Ciudad Trujillo, Republica, Dominlcana. TEACHERS WANTED BLACK River Township School Area No 1 requires a teacher for a rural school of 35 pupils, Grades I to V inclusive. Salary $3,000 to $3,800, de- pending on qualifications and experi-ence. The school is 12 miles west of Matheson on Highway 101. Apply to Mrs. Kelly Griffiths, Secretary, Shil- lington, Ontario, stating age, qualifica- Lions, experience and name of last in- spector. PUBLIC School Section No., 1, Stevens, Thunder Bay District, requires in Sept. 1060 a qualified teacher for grades '1 to S. Teacher's 'Federation salary sched- ule in effect: Furnished teacherage will accommodate married couple, available at $15 per, month. APPLY in writing, stating age, ace demic qualifications and name and ad- dress of last inspector, to C. Riach, Sec.-Treas., P.S.S. No. 1, Stevens, OS- , tarlo. RUST LODGE. cottages and motel, Route 1A on S mile sand beach, ocean front. 50 large modern buildings. 1 to 4 bedroorns, equipped with kitchen- ettes, bedding, linens furnished heat- ed. H, Rust, proprietor. phone York, Maine. 8110; write York. Reach. Maine, PROTESTANT teacher required for Public School S.S. No. 13, Manvern, County of Durham, duties to coin-silence September, 1960. Enrollment 20, grades 1 to 8. APPLY, stating qualifications and sal- ary, to James Gray, R.R. No. 2, Janet- villa, Ont. SUMMER RESORTS FREMAURAY LODGE, housekeep,ing cottages, Wilson Lake, head of Pick- erel River. Good pickerel, pike, bass. Boats, motors. Fisherman's holiday at family camp. Write for folders, Port Loring, Phone Golden Valley 9R25 or Toronto RU 7.6441. THUNDER BEACH, ONTARIO ANCHOR VILLA 2 HOURS drive from Toronto on beau- tiful Georgian Bay, (near Penetang), comfortable beds and bedrooms, excel- lent food, private beach, swimming, surf board, boats and outboards for hire. Friendship and comfort are our business. Write Jas. Redmond or phone Lafontaine (Ont.). 211123. U.S.A RESORTS Most Orientals place a low value on human life - that was proved during the last war by the Japanese "kamikaze" pilots. But the East's 'complete disre- gard for what we regard as nor- mal emotions was brought home when a retired RN officer was telling „recently of the time he served in a Persian Gulf patrol before the war. His commanding officer had been asked by the local British Consul to take a Sheikh - a mili- tant character - for, a local cruise. The purpose of the trip being 'to demonstrate to the terrific fire power of the ship's guns. After a couple of days at sea, some distant, targets were des- troyed by high-explosive shells. The Sheikh gazed open-mouthed at the sight. Then he turned to the cap- tain and, pointing to a dhow afloat nearby, said: "See if you can destroy that boat," The captain warned him that if the guns were trained and fired on the craft, she and her crew would be blown skyhigh. The Sheikh smiled reassuring- ly. "That is all right," he said. "It is my dhow and manned by my own elaves," A virus is when the, doctor doesn't know what else to call it, An allergy is when he knows what' to call it but doesn't know how to get rid of it. 'Two mothers-in-law,' replied Fred promptly, when asked by a fellow scrap merchant what the heaviest penalty for bigamy was. CHARM Bracelets, 6 animal charms gold plated` or silver. Reg. $1.98. Send $1.25. Listing of farm animals and award pins, teen age, jewellery, ladies, men's and children's jewellery. Special: Lassie' cuff and tie set for boys $1.00. Dexter Manufacturing Co., Box 324, St. Johns, Que. Gasoline and oil handling equipment - Tanks, new and used - Tank trucks - Truck tanks - Viking pumps and parts - Goodyear hoses - Johns Man. ville linings - Pipe used - Tank trail, era - Used Washmobile car washers; Special: $250.00 R, ST. GERMAIN 6568 St. Lawrence, Montreal, Que. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited, Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, 36 assortment 'for .$2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. Eddystone Light An Expert's Job Winstanley's drawing of the completed (1699) lighthouse is more than a guide to the build- ing. It is a' revealing guide to the man who built it, He com- pleted the picture with these descriptive notes on the various parts of the building. At the bottom of the light- house on the right: "An engine crane that parts at joints to be taken off when not in use, the rest being fastened to the house to save it in time of storms, and it is to be made use of to help landing on the rock, which without is very dif- ficult." Above this crane: "A gallery to take in goods And provisions rom the boat to the store room.' Winstanley sketched himself fishing from his gallery, The Window to the left of its roof is: "The window of a very fine bedchamber with a chimney and closet, the room being richly gilded and painted and the out- side shutters very strongly bar- red." The apartment immediately above the bedchamber and ex- tending as high as the gallery was: "The State Room, being 10 square 10 foot wide, and 12 foot high, very well carved and painted, with a chimney and 2 closets, and 2 sash windows with strong shutters to bar and bolt." . Above the State Room: "The Airry or open Gallery where is conveniency to crane up goods and a great leaden cis- tern to hold the rainwater that falls from upper roofs in pipes and to let the sea pass through in times of storms." The umbrella - shaped room above the Gallery: "The kitchen where is a large chimney, oven, dressers, and table, with a large closet and a large standing bed," The small hezagonal room above it: "A bedchamber with 2,, cabbin beds and all conveniences for a dining room with large lockers to hold a great store of candles for lights," Above this the lantern: "The lanthorn that holds the lights is 8 square, 11 foot diame- ter, 15 foot high hi the upright wall: having 8 great glass win- dows and ground plates for squares, and conveniency to burn 60 candles at a time be- sides a great hanging lanip There is door to go into the gal- lery that is all round, to cleanse the glass of the lanthern, which Po You: Remember '41/tonkey" TOW? The Or with the Louisiana plates came slowly into the tiny East Tennessee town, last month and slowly circled the court, inxesee 'hen the car stopped, and the de. e^ got out and told re- Porters his name: John Scopes. The town was Dayton; and Scopes (now 59, and an sili- coses :7 geologist living in Leuisiant) was the man who put it on the map, Thirty-five years ago to the month, Dayton was the news centre of the nation- There were gathered the top re- prom,Y. of the land (ILL. Men- cken and Adolph $, Ochs, to name only two) and the very cream of the country's legal talent - including the men whose debate was to echo down the eerridors of history: Clar- ence Darrow and William Jen- nings Bryan. This was the Scopes trial, and it was a supreme trial of ironies. It was made up of totally unre- lated items and Scopes put him- self into the middle of it all simp- ly because he wanted to help a friend. These were the divergent ele- ments: At that moment in his long and erratic career, in 1925, Bryan wanted to forge the entire South into a "Fundamentalist" move- merit; he was feuding - through the newspapers - with the en- tire concept of modern science, particularly the concept that man is descended from the ape. Simultaneously, Darrow was reaching the height of his fame as an exponent of using modern science to deal with crime. And in Dayton itself, a man named George Rappleyea had become outraged at a funeral oration delivered by a Funda- mentalist preacher, (An. 8-year- old boy had been killed by a mind car; the preacher told the mourners: "This here boy, 'cause his pappy and his mammy didn't get him baptized, is now a-writh- In' in the flames of hell.") Rappelyea was so bitter that he decided to 'attack all Funda- mentalism. Scopes, a friend of his, was 24 at the time and a sombined science teacher and athletic coach at the Dayton High School. Tennessee had a Funda- mentalist state law that pro- hibited the teaching of "any theory that denies the story of the divine creation of matt as taught in the Bible"; the idea that man descended from a lower order of animals was taboo. Rappelyea asked Scopes if he would mind being' arrested for breaking the law, provided they could dig up a couple of high- school kids who would give evi- denbe against him. The rest became history. The tiny town of Dayton became - for its moment - the most wide- ly publicized town in the world (such divirgent commentators as Will Rogers and George Ber- nard Shaw had their say about the trial); the cross-examination of Bryan by Darrow became a classic in the exercise of logic. Finally, of course, Scopes was found guilty, and fined $100, and left town. Last month, when Scopes came back to Dayton to take part in premiere ceremonies for the movie "Inherit the Wind" - dramatization of the trial - Dayton itself got back into the spirit of the old days. It was festooned with banners; the men wore the striped shirts and cel- luloid collars of the '20s;- soft drinks were a nickel apiece, and cigars two for 5 cents. Now, Dayton held a parade in honor of Scopes, gave him the keys to the city. And, of course, the law pro- hibiting the teaching of evolu- tion is still on the statue bboks 0 Tennessee, From NEWS- WEEK, Getting married is soinething like going into a restaurant with friends. You order what yeti want and, when you see what the other fellow has, you wish Y'ott had taken that. ISSUE 33 - 1960 Q. How can I remove -daubs and splashes Of paint on some of my window glass? A. Easy! Just rub gentle over these spots with some fine steel wool. FLYING BLINDERS - U.5, Marine Lt. John L. Pipa mUst feel some- what like a racehorse in Bridge- pOrt, Conn. Blinclem ieitrictect his field of vision to the Instru- .,Ment panel CIS he tested a hell. copter scheduled to pa into alt.-. Weather , service b e.twe e rr t rtrigapO-.' and Atleoule City. Y. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING i ',.'e. Oil fiAtl And Oysters Only Ntril is a large and flourishing vommercial town, sef forty Or fifty : thousand inhabitants, on the I south side of the great estuary„ } of the Amazon, end one hundred , miles from the coast of the sea i Thc:re are the remnants of sev,- : oral Indian tribes living around Para, who bring into its Market fish and oysters, and fruits of „tiny kinds, from the palms and other trees and shrubs of the for- ests. In the dense and lofty for- ests of palms on the islands and :Mares between Pap and the ocean, we see again, as we saw at the mouth of Orinoko, the Canoe Indians living in "nests" • built in the trees, These construe- 'i tions, though exceedingly rude, are nevertheless comfortable and secure for the people who live in them, and whose modes in mare/ otherits respects are equally curl- o These are very properly called Canoe Indians, for they live ex- clusively on fish, and oyeters, and to obtain them, and to travel anywhere and on any errand whatever, they must necessarily I be in their canoes. They cannot step out of their houses, except into their canoes. In their can- oes they dart through the dense forests of lofty palms with a swiftness which is almost incred- ible. They never travel in any other way, and very many of them seldom set their feet upon the dry lend. These stupendous forests of palms (called miriti) constitute one of the curiosities of the Am- azon, and perhaps of the world. Hundreds, and thousands, and tens of thousands of acres around the mouths of the Amazon and the Orinoko are completely cov- ered and shaded by these noble trees; their trunks, almost per- fectly straight and smooth, with- out knot or limb, rise like the columns of some lofty temple to the height of. one hundred or more feet, and then throw out their graceful branches, some- what in the form of an umbrel- la, which are interlaced 'together so thick that the sun seldom shines through them. At low tide these trees may be said to be rising out of the mud, and at' high tide they are rising Out of 'the 'water.. . . At low tide the Indian's canoe lies in the mud, and he is as sure to be lying, and eating, and drinking or sleeping •in his wig- wam of sticks and leaves. But when the tide rises, it' lifts his canoe to the steps of his wig- wam, when, with his gay red feathers in his head and his varii colored p,addle .' in his hand, his nets, his spears, and his black- headed little papooses in his canoe, he steps into it and darts off amidst the myriad 'columns of this mighty . temple, echoing and re-echoing the happy notes of his song. as he glides, and those of the thousand songsters above his head and around him; - From "Episodes from Life Am- ong the Indians and Last Ram- bles," by George Catlin. Edited by Marvin C. Ross. PERSONAL GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may reuse 75% es alckness, Particularly sieeplessties Jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, cal , your nerves with "Nelms", 30 ter $1.0 50 for 34.00. LYon's Drugs, 471, neefeet Toronto. FOSTER PARENTS AND EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANgeD. Understanding fester per- eine capable of supervising girls of acheol, age, mese girls have nerSOn- illity problems and will be under'board. Ins care, Domestic employment is also required for girls 16 to 18 In a ,good Family setting; reasonable wages, AP Pis Superintendent, P.O. 130x 397, cit4, Ont. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED, Beef cattle herdsman with general farming experience for small Angus herd bordering western Ontario city faintly manereund 40 with son interested em 4-II Club preferred., Free house, permanent position. Apply stet- ing experience, wages expected. Box 215, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, - • • • •- • . . • . MEDICAL PET STOCK SIAMESE Kittens. Pedigreed, Rom* Trained, ifealthy and affectionate. Cli Pelate, Bale, and Seel Point. Fro how whiners, R. k Ready, X& Byron, Ontario 342.33, PHOTOGRAPHY ULTRA FINE GRAIN PROFESSIONAL floe grain developing, for your miniature film -•104 Per ex, posure With' one deluxe enlargeMen3 of each. SivelitY develeping and priot, ing -,, 500 for exposuge roll 70s fog 12 exposure roll, with every print beau., Welly enlarged. For the ultimate quality, mall your films to: Apex Phot Printers, Box 25, Station 4, Toronto CONSTIPATED? Be cured, now for life! No Drugs! No Medieine! Satisfaction Guaranteed! Only $2.90. GABRIEL, 7469 Champlain, Chicago 19, Illinois. DON'T DELAY. EVERY SUFFERER 01' * RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 tapress Collect POST'S. ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scalding and burning ene- ma, acne, ringworm, rampies and foot eczema, will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent' Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES ISO, St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO .- MISCELLANEOUS DOMINICAN Tourists View! Land's best places, Receive fabulous, beautiful package! Send $1.50 M.O. Alejandro Mola, Box 336, Ciudad Trujillo, Repub- lica Dominicana, cSaAtValEogume.oRneosys Jamieson,74flif.mnies1Pwrreit Rd., Toronto 14, FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. nJY1rira gdneav eilertds and 12 magna Prints 004 Reprints 50 each Developing KroollpAgocooltnOQRt inninding prints). Color prints 304 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color prints from slides 324 each. Money re-funded in full for imprinted negatives. PIGEONS ROLLING PHONE - Jahn J. Allen gets a kick out of making in- augural call in Washington on first phone installed on a bus. Trailways hostess Jean Monronev looks on. He called London, England. HOMERS Yellow, white. Blue racers, Stamp Please.. Thomas Woodcock, 7T West St., Belleville, Ont, 11.R, 8, PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS. THREE month membership with regu-lar monthly benefits including models, extra income and royalty privileges, Enjoy these fun filled opportunities! Mail $1 00 to: Models, Box 13363, Tamps 11, Florida. is often dim'd by salt water that washeth it in storms.".. . But nothing illustrates Win- stanley's quality of purposeful whimsy so much as the six graceful candlesticks bracketed to the outside of the lantern. This was how he described and justified them: "Great wooden candlesticks for ornament; but the irons that bears them is very useful to stay a ladder to clear the gl'ass." There was a final masterly touch. Winstanley had not for- gotten his rough handling by the French privateer two years pre- viously. The lighthouse must be equipped to resist invasion, Pro- jecting downwards from the rail of the 'gallery on the right-hand side of the sketch is a chute. Winstanley described it as: "A moving engine trough to cast down stones to defend the landing place in case of need." -from "The Eddystone Light," by Fred Majdalany, NURSES WANTED NORA FRANCES HENDERSON HOSPVTAL INVITES applications from graduate nurses for general duty services, perm- anent and policies summer relief. Excellent A ersonnel fringe ben efits. PPLICATIONS with and full ri details to SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES NORA FRANCES " 'HENDERSON HOSPITAL HAMILTON, ONTARIO REMAILING SERVICE BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coin-Metered Unattendei Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net $4,00048,000 Annually Write or phone today for full informa. tion about unattended coin -operated Westinghouse Laundromat eq u I p p e d laundry store opportunities in your community. You. Manage in your spare time - while netting high income. .We finance 90% of your total purchase, offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments. You re- ceive training and advice from a na- tional organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves, No ex-' ,perience necessary. Modest invest. ment. This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money- making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Com- pare our complete program. ALD 'CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontaiio ROger 6-7255 CONFIDENTIAL Remelting - Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania! Three letters for. MOO. I affix U.S.Air stamp. Phila- delphia Sunday classifieds $1,00 post- paid, White's, Box 47-AA, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. NUTRIA WILL NUTRIA SE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and bril- liant market for this luxury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a rancher, using our exclu- sive breeders plan. Special offer to those who qualify, "earn, your nutria under our co-operative ranchers' plan". Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., R.R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES SCHOOL principals or established tea- chers for each Province to act• as our area representative in part capacity for the brand new Encyclopedia Canadiana, so sensationally written up in editorials in Time, MacLeans ,and leading"news- papers, across Canada. This is the first and only Canadian Encyclopedia, and a must in every school.sLeads for school purchases supplied from thou- sands now on hand. Write D. Simpson, Director of School and 'Library Ser- vices, 56 Bailey Crescent, Scarborough, Ont. Human Lives "I wv, Are Very Cheap RUMNESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE .PALMERSTON SENIOR'S HOME Excellent potential for right couple. Comfortable living quarters for owner plus ten beds for guests. Rates $100 - $150 per month. Situated in residential area on large corner treed lot, mod- ernized brick dwelling. A good in- come for small investment. Palmerston Box 195 or phone 491, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ,SCHOOL. 35$ Blear St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa FARMS FOR SALE 200 ACRES; 80 cattle, 30 milk cows! Mile to town. Price $39,000. - $15,000 down. W. C. MacDonald, Broker, phone 280, Winchester, onts FOR SACS - MISCELLANEOUS CANADA'S' lowest ammunition prices - Save wholesalers and retailers pro- fits - Send for free. demonstration shotshells. XL Explosives Limited, Hawkesbury, Ont. .PERSONAL FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS LADIES - Dumas Female Pills, $5.00, Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danworth, Toronto. "JOIN the Sixth Sense Club for 'suc- cess. Questions answered, Confidential, Enclose stamped envelope, P.O. Box 151, Manotick, Ontario," False Beards For Teen-Agers! Girls, here's something that'll tickle you! It'll be hair-raising news, too, for lots of other peo- ple. Believe it or riot, some young men in England and on the Continent are beginning to wear false beards which look so real that you have to have a very keen eye indeed to detect them. Why are they doing this? To I look older and acquire more at- 'tractive personalities! Apparently there are many young men to-day who feel that they look too youthful. So they're clapping on beards and mous- taches which, they say, make them look much more worldly and experienced. "My false beard is certainly proving good for business," said tl twenty-year-old youth who works in the. City of London at a job which brings him into touch with many people. 'Somehow, people to-day aren't very impressed by a clean- shaven face. That's what I found, anyway. My business has boom- ed since I took to wearing trim false beard and moustache. They visibly impress clients. They help me socially, too. Girls love 'era!" But why don't these young men Who Wear false beards grow Yea' ones. "That's d points" explained one, "lent a real beard takes too long to grow and,, one feels terrible during the stubble stage. Besides, you can change a falee beard if Year Mends don't ikkg. though a good one cOstsAmy- thing from six to teriz,'-gttineba," How Can I? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I repair chipped porcelain on my stove? A. There are a number of porcelain glazes on the market for this purpose. The area to be fixed must be free of grease and dirt, and completely dry, Ap- ply a thin coat of the glaze, wait 30 minutes, then apply another thin coat. Keep applying these thin coats until the damaged area is built up so that it is level with the surrounding surface. The trick is not to try to fill the chipped area with one single thick coat, Have denatured alco- hol on hand for' use in wiping off any surplus glaze: Q, What can I do about rust stains on the fixtures ill my kitchen sink? A. Scour them with a paste made of equal parts of hydro- . geri peroxide and cream of tar- tar, Let this remain on about 15 minutes, then rinse ofii, Q. How can I remove water from an ear? A. Tip the head down toward the ground or floor on the af- fected-ear side, and jump up and down, on the foet of the same side. How can t 'Prevent a sereAV-tyPe gine-jar cap from sticking? A. Put two scraps" of waxed paper over the mouth of the jar before you screw On the cap. Then, while one piece of "Always keep your words soft and sweet," advises an eloctiticin expert. Some day you may fieVe td' eat paper will stick to the jar, and the other will stick to the cap, the waxed papers will still slide against each other for easy re- moval of the cap. Q. How can I remedy a loose tile in the hearth of my fire- place? A. Lift out the loose tile, pow in some hot paraffin, then quickly replace the tile. It will remain in plaee indefinitely. Q. How can I remove paint spots from shoes? A. The quickest way to do this is to Use a kitchen match, Dip it into cold water, and ap- ply to the paint, Q. Ho* can I discourage moths and silverfish in my rugs? A, These pests have a hearty dislike for printer's ink, and you can capitalize on this by spreading layers of newspapers under your rugs. Put the papers between the tug and the pad, if you have one - not, use a heavy layer of newspapers and it will serve as a cushion, tad. Q. no* caii .1 preVent screws from Wtirking loose in plastered walls? A. Slake•a tiny opening in the plaster where you wish to drive your strew, then fill this With some'plastic Notoa, Drive your screw in while the Wood .is still soft Q. How an t'remove from silk? A, Take a hinip of ITISgilesiR., T1.113 it well on the spot, let dry, and brush off. m ALLY SKIMMING ALONG = This 20-foot Hydrostreak craft Speeds 0630 the waiter by, riding outNon of d r ri c ed in by tail at top.