HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-08-11, Page 1sr!
Challenger Red Cohoe Salmon 45c
Stokley's Fruit Cocktail 28 oz. 42c
Kountry Kist Peas 15 oz. ,2 for NY 27c
Tulip Margarine, 4 lbs. $1.00
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Available Now at our Dealers
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Brussels Livestock Safes -
Tar home restrEm weer* yes are velem* feto
Vessolieber er Ewer;
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Cutting Styling Cold Wev7rig
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Phone Bresset$ ;40
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Thursday and Friday Aug. 11 and 12
Super Fab, Giant Size
White Vinegar, 1 gal.
wouldI like to thank all my ,
friends and neighbours, who sent me
letters, cards, treats and flowers
while I was a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, It was very much
a ppreciated,
Jack Bruce
Mrs. Fred Stephenson, Brussels, I
wishes to announce the engagement
of hoe youngest daughter, Elizabeth I
Aen, to 'Kenneth Watson ShOldice,
Only Son of Mr. anl- Mrs, Watson
Sholdice, Re R. 4, Brussels. The ,
wedding Will take place et the
Brussels United Church Saturday,
September 3rd, at 2:00 p,
LLASHMAR (Staff Holidays)
1959 Chevrolet Belair V - 8 Sedan
Automatic transmission
1958 Oldsmobile 2 Door Hardtop
Power steering, Power brakes, Automa.tic
1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan.
Radio & Automatic
2. 1957 Chevrolet Sedans
Radio & Automatic transmission-
Tuesday and Wednesday Aug., 16 and. 17 .
Kenneth Moore T"dieia "E•1g
Weld Cartoon),
0.28 Admits a .Caseload
-0511 rtitelay. Nighti Only
Two Shows Nightly; ita'.111 ar Clear --e-eFirst ShoW at Dusk
AdiitisstOn t: 6.6 'Under 12 In Care Free
f••••1•••••,••••••••• ••7,t9 . f.1,1* " '
Thursday, August 11th, 1960 male, teen Getteie fees- r. . iteties .01 asa is ...rest Publishing Haute
pimi carnat ions and white, ,ehry. NE,W PUBLIC BQHOOL.
Bantheminne decorated the Qburell /4,„,, r eview Construction
.celciirated hor eieb j,irftday on Friday, July 29th,.%
r th4.• home of her eon nail auaehter-
tielawi eft', Mirs. Weeley Kerr'.
Surrounded by gifts and hotelier; of •
:them's, she e'cowed leir friends and
neighbourF: who called to. _offer good.
wisties l3russt'ls oldest lady enjoya
fairly good health, although her eye-
sight is not good. 'however, With the
aid .of her cane, she moves smartly
about the house and enjoys the ,
friendly cheer of many who come
• Tee her.
if Oar Lady ,Guelph, recently for rompany of Linden bare comMene- the wilding a Atr. and Mrs, Jp5.1 prepttraii(ine for the erection 04 Cjiarir,s Bone, Tile bride was the th „ im bue „.i koo t jx e re. Dan.
former Shirley :Gruber, daughter Of fli,,eere went buellY to 'work Wealle$* Mr. and ;Mirk. David ,Gmber of day morning levojjag the site Of the
WOO, • and grooln'e Invests ilfo new building
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Pone, IL-R- 0, The building now in, pregreSe will Brussels, Post 01705, The sehool, re j, IL NeWstead officiated novatio n of which • the school board and Miss. Clolleen Was felt would be, too expensive, in the solaisi..She Bang “Pnuis Angelious" long full,. .no grants :available "On MN flay Beautiful Mother", forrenovation, was built for $8,000
'0 Lord, I Am Not Worthy" and in 1895, according to reperis In .t110 "Ave Maria". She was accompanied files of The Brussels Post, 44.1.
by 111r—John 1\i:11TM. I THE RKVBEEND H. I...../ENNIN.GS ,
the bride, wore a . floor length
The Reverend Henry Leonard
1 Jennings, B. A., L, Th., Lueltnow, ' weeding gown of Frenoh imported. A. Y. P, A. HONORS RECTOR
lace and fine ,net, over
has been appointed incumbent of.,
featuring 0, baseue bodice with of OnSTt.",JrsodhanY;; jilAlYegtathne 461117.fr'eAh', Efenfryn; and St. George's Church
St, jettree, Brussels; St, Bavid'a
' scolloped "solitaire" neckline and Brussels, met at the parish hall, Walton, .The appointment, announced
long illy point sleeves of lace; The then went swimming • and had a by The Right Reverend G. N., Luxton,: hip leagth . torso overskirt of lace Weiner roast in honor of the Rev. W. Bishop of 'Huron, becomes effective .:
had a scalloped edge enhanced with K, Daggs prior to his departure (roan September 1st. . Since 1952; Mr.' • triple layer folds of taffeta ending Brussels, During the lunch an ad- jenmegs has been in charge of St.
in a bow in the back. A coronet of , dress was read by 'Yvonne Pollard Peter's Church,. Lucknow;.
mother-of-pearl and bnilliants' held and a leather stationery case wae•
a three tiered handeercbief veil of p-esented to Mr. Daggs by Rose
silk illusion, She carried a mother- Mary Cowing. The address was as
of-pearl prayer book crested with follows,
white gat denies and stephanotis., Dear ReV. Daggs::
Miss Iola Fitzpatrick of Toronto, We learn with regret that you are
was maid of honor and bridesmaids. going from our midst to a new and
John Austin, sisters of the bride and success in your new venture, groom respectively. 1 They were dressed alike in bweheorolvnegi: you are, whatever" yowl may
We all realize What is our
- • 4 14. 04. ••••••••••*•••••••• • I..% • ••••• • ••• ••• I1••
'Given In. marriage by her father, rERy
•611111011anasiVaxelowns.,...,...". emormer...alt•rwpw•lirrAle....vonr,
Brussels, On, Phone 293 We Deliver
ow..n Pmpso lon s:
Paul,s Church, Pungannon; Christ !
Church, Port Albert; and St, Paul's '
Church, Riplely,
Born in Toronto, Mr. Jennings,
received his early education at '
Exeter 'before graduating from the I
University of Western Ontario and
Huron College. He was ordained
priest in 1936 by the late Archbishop;
Q. A, Seeger and served as a t,
missionary at Fort Norman in the r
Mr. John Schriel, St. Catharines,
who has been in charge of the
services in Ciranbrook and Ethel
for Kimmel will complete his
minstry hero on Sunday next
August 14. It 'is expected that Mr,
'red Nelson will he in charge by
Sunday, Aug. 2:1. Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson and three small sons will be
movingInto th
I sincerely thank all those whe
remembered me in any way during
my recent illness.
Mrs. Bertha Lowery
Were Miss Joanne 'OntOer and Mts. different life, We wish you even' SALE BY TENDER '
Sky Harbour Airport, Goderich,
Sealed, tenders clearly marked as to content will "-
received by the undersigned until
, 12 noon E. D. T., Friday, September 2, 1960'
for Duirebase of property known asi Sky Harbour Airport.
Purchaser Inuit 'be prepared to continue- all airport operattoruec- -
Other details and specifications may,• be obtained- from thirT.'
Highest for any bidder not necessarily accepted.,.
J, C. Berry, OlerleTreagIlrer,
County of Huron;
Court Hoiuse,
Goderich, Ontario;
Gn July 31st the descendants of
the late George and Sarah Jane
Johnston of Fordwich later or Ore/
township met at 'the home of Mre
and Mrs. Frank Shaw of Morris
township for a. family get-together.
quests were present from Brussels,
:Wingham, Jamestown, Cranbrook,
Windsor, Bel grave, London, Kitch-
ener, Oakville, Woodstock, Lucan,
and Walkerton. Coming the greatest
distance were Mr. and. Mrs. R, S.
Le Pine and four children of
eicrindsor. Mrs, Elsie Shaw got the
prize for haVint the most grand:- ;
children' and Mrs. Margaret Mathere
the fewest. Ron Le Pine of Wpadsor
was the tallest man and Earl Mathers
the shortest. '-Mrs, Sandy Johnston
was the oldest lady present with
Mire. E, P. 'Matters runner up, Mr,
K. Matheson the oldest man and..
Gerry, Bremner, age 7 month, son
of Mr. and Mrs. mill Bremner Of
Grey Township, the youngeet. The
young folk enjoyed a Ilively game of
liall in the afternoon and there were
races and gatnes for the smaller
children, from 2, to 10 years. A
grand supper was served on long
tabjes on the spacious lawn. Another
game of ball, then home for everyone
after e hearty vote of thanks es
'Fran': and Elsie. Shaw for a very
pleasant party. ,
French blue pore silk organza, The loss is someone else's gain. So on DioceSe of Athabasca from 19136 to
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon spent street length •gowns featured bodices ' behalf of the A.Y.P.A. of St, Jolla's.
a week in Muskoka, They were of soft folds and the waistlines were! Brussels, we ask you to accept this
1941. He served at Thedford, Morpeth
and Brantford before assuming hie 1.
accompanied by Mrs. Jas. Mick I enhanced wlith gathered cummer- little gift in remembranee of all the Present position. Mr, Jennings 'Inl Callum, St, Thomas, Mrs. M, Baker, r bliin d' The skirts were bouffant with 1 wonderful tulles we had together. ' Secretary of the Diocesan Rural .' P i Listowol, and Miss earl Baker, deep baby doll hems, Their 'hats to I whether it was recreational, devot- work Commitee. He is a former ; Brussels.
Mr.and Mrs. Clem Steffler and i styl e d
?, match of French blue organza were ' ional, or whatever we planned to Rural Dean of 'Kent, 13rant and i.
in a scalloped effect alter- do, I am sure everyone has enjoyed Bruce Deaneries and a Past Presi-
nating with blue multi-colored
iirridescent appilletes. They carried
with you and working with eere of Wingham and District
You, during your short stay in Ministerial Association. At Luck- i
crescent shaped hociOets of pink Brussels. We hope you won't forget now Ire has taken an active part in ,.,
roses and white and blue tinted
Ps and will come back to see us all community affairs.
Flower girluns.
Mary Elaine Ferris of I
some, day. Good luck, best wishes' Mr. Jennings Is married to the ;',.
Sarnia, niece of the bride, wore a 1 and may God bless you.
former Ivy Mav Lawrence of Gerrie, 14
white organza dress with embrold.!
On behalf of the A.Y.P.A. At. Brussels, he will succeed the r-
emit bodice and bouffant skirt en- :
Reverend Kenneth .Taegs who has 0
hanced with cumImeeibund. Her
headress was a crown of pink and
Nelson H. Cardiff
blue tinted carnations and petite Nelson Homer Cardiff passed FIELD CROP COMPETITION
iridescent hearts, She carried al away in Stratford Hospital on Tines- Results of the Field Crop Corn-
petition in. Garry Oats, sponsored by
end chrysanthemums.
basket of pink and blVe carnations i day July 96th, in his 90th year. East Huron Agrichltura Society.
son Clem enjoyed a recent motor .1
trip to the West,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Noble,
Guelph, and Mr. Jack Noble, Han- i
over, visited at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. King daughter
Ann and sons, Jerry and George,
Brantford, visited with friends ,in
the district recently. left the Diocese of Huron. is
Mir, and Mrs. Howard Mitchell and
family, Thorald, are spending a few 1
days in. the 'village.
Honored by Friends
A • miscellaneous shower in honor
of Miss Faye Engel was held War-
day night in the Cememmety Centre, I
'Friends in the commemity and the I
mothers and pupils of Monerieff
school attended. A bride's book
was compiled and a mock wedding .
staged by several girl friends of the
bride. Joyce Huether, Brussels, con-
tributed Scottish dance A con- I
gratulatory address was read by I
Miss Beverly Evans and the lovely
and useful gifts were presented by
several of the girls. Faye thanked
her friends. for the beautiful gifts
and extended an invitation. to• all to
visit her in her new home in
Brussels. remelt was served at the
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. .0eisler, Detroit, .
and Miss Martha Jeseihke, Toronto,
spent last week in, the- village.
A miscellaneous shower was held
recently, of 4-H Club -girls and
friends,. at the home of Muss Jean
Smith, in honor of Miss Sheila Black,
whose marriage takes place late in
Aug. Early in •the eveining the bride
elect was escorted to e chair featur,
ing pink, white and'green umbrella.
The address portrayed ,various phas
es of Sheila's life and a mock ‘'
wedding climaxed the, presentation
of ninny beautif”d gifts,
Sheila expressed her thanks to her
friends, A delicious lunch was served
Aug. 11 - 12 13 1r- Hostess assisted by Yvonne
Mc:Taggart, Jean 'Cardiff, Donna ,
Smith,. Helen Fischer' and. Ruth.
He is survived by one son, Albert, 10 contestants; judge, James Need- 1 • • Mr. Bill Orvis of Wingham, at- of Giey Town. hi on se stet, Mts. ham, of Ripley.
1 — Jas, W. Smith, 86
2 — Clifford Bray, 84 points
3 — Campbell Wey, 83
4 — Wm. Dennis, 82,1/2
5 wm. Turnbull, 82.
— Wilbur Turnbull, 81
— Ray Houston, Se
8 — Gelato Knight, 76
'Tarr Ba cliff Cli t fl flue 'rand tended the groom as best man. The , n on; -
children and twelve great
grandchildren, He lived most of his
life on the 7th concession of Grey
and was a member of Brussels
'United Cauerch. The funeral service
was held from the 17, A. Rann Fun-
eral Home with Rev. Lloyd Brown
officiating. Interment was in Brussels'
cemetery, Pallbearers were six,'
nephews, Mack, Frank, and. Murray.
Cardiff, George, and Wilson Mc-
Cartney and George ..Turnenli,
Flowerbearers were Lloyd Wheeler
and Graham Work. •
ushers were Mr. Patrick Gruber, ;
Optelph and Mr. hen Bone' Toronto'
brothers of the bride and groom
At the reception in the Royal
Hotel the bride's mother received'
her enests wearine cleaned sheath
el orchid silk organza complemented
with white accessories and a
corsage of white carnations in
maimo. The groom's mother aksisted
a floral mint green Organza en-
semble with organza picture hilt and
corsage of white carnations trimmed
in green. For a honeymoon trip toe
One Cod, Mass., the bride wore a
Pawn sheath with matching jacket
white and green accessories and a
corseee of gardenias.
They are residing at 03 'Glasgow .
St., Guelph. Guests attended from
Kitchener, Crane, St.
Ceitherines, Waterloo, Toronto, Sar-
nia, Brussels and London.
Before you buy ask about, our Low
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General Insurance
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Fresh Fruit and VV;,, eteNts
At All Ti
WINGHAM ONTARIO James Cagney Glen's Johns Dana Wynter Don 'Murray
(One Cartoon) Two Shows Each Night Picnic Orange Sections, 11 oz. tin
2 for Commencing at 7.16 p. m,
Saturday and Monday Aug. 13 and 15
Robert Mitchum Jiulie London
Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail Thurs., Fri., Sat.,
...... ...... 41•••••61 ......
Phone 132 Free Delivery
Robert Loggia Ellen Parker
Thera, - Mine 12 CARD THANttS I
Come! iWilde, Betty Heaton,
Wielviiie Church
Minister: Rev, J. H. Greene Jas. Stewart, Charlton Heston, "
Mr. Louis D. Thompson
Organist and Choir Director Gloria Graham
0.15 A. "M. Union Services in ,the
The GREATEST SHOW on EARTH Upon my retirement as Postmaster
at Ethel, the people of the community
gave my wife and myself a farewell
Party mid presented es with a lovely
gift, This we will use as a lasting
memory of the days gone by, as we
gave service as Postmaster. This act
United Church 04,ing August Sat, - Mon. Tues. = Wed.
AUg. 13 - 15 - 16 - '17 .1 of ltinditese he very fetich appreciated
1, and will long be tethembered.
Adult EntertaInnient
Color OinemeScope
OeOrge A. Dihibar
The United .Church_ YU1 Brynner, Gina Lollobrigide
1 The fetidly of the late ,
George Saunders Matfavin wish to repress their
silloorc :IP-Predation to relatiVee, F OF CANADA
AllItileterj, Kett. L. Broliin 13.A4
or3antsftffilrti. A. E. martin eepteaelitiet Of eeniliathY, Mut acte eel
Thurs. - Fri, ' Aug, '19 - 19 friend8 itila teighbotirs for the ii,bi
'‘TARZAN tHt MAGNIOicENTo heatiti0uil floral tilibtites, cattle, I
Gordon Scott, "Jetta Sax jimiti .kindtess sheWii to lis Iti. Our recent
14.11,11.A.: ..g.. 'Union 'Services in the i
liereaVeineet. We extend special
tafted "
dillking August 1 ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' - " P thatIk8 to Dr. M. W. Stepleten for his'
"With the itee:, J. Greene. preaching., I. AdtilleSion 956 ' - Children'. tinder j'ilefitivt' care and to 1,'-tv.. M. 'r, I
106111011 Night in nit Church. Ink e)ffi6e 64366 '.6t a0.6i, , father iti hie later Yeara. and in hie: ,,.. . .. . „ .
a 9.g.1 it 'et
gl A= M. Church. School . .
Alt ....... •„ . 1,1,6. many edlittes"10.8 chervil td Oar , 't •12iii 'Care .Pree
Thomas for the"teMfort he beMight.
Your Chevrolet - oldartiolcild beater 4,-k, Shipertest ProdiArtleir.,
Phone '56 Brussels, last illness will- tilsViiy6 teA
iitenibbted by` US.
Hriit Sheik' at -45tiik. •
'WO -t.lieWa• Nightly, itetri dreaf