HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-07-28, Page 1• ••• ••"”ce, Thursdays July 28th 1960 $2.00 per year a, ro e..,P 01,0 04440,44/ PPA,C1,d, tOutl, $/if*t U4I,A.Pe •01,t4W4 .Post Pub skiing House PROCLAMATION MONDAY, AUGUST 1st A Public Civic Holiday For The Village of Brussels Reeve of Brussels George E. MeCutcheon, THE REV. W. K. ,)AGES TO L E AVE FOR EUROPE 'rite itey, Ktulnetb, Jaggs, of tit. joint's Amdican Church, ' conduct his. final service, concluding two years of ministry hems, on 61i.n- any, July: 31st. Bidding farewell to his congregation, he wilt leave immediately, in final preparation for his departure for Europe. VANPALS. AT WORK AGAIN Nalic;cni4 vandalism has occured hWe.agaIn. Thief Illalstings 411' 4 'IV this papor'4 attention to the. wanton defacement of the War Memorial. Some person, or persons, using a chisel, or other sharp tool, 'have cut away 'portions of th letter-, lug on the Cenotaph. The fact that anyone, would tamper with the memorial to our War dead is re- pagnant to decent, minded people.; It is hoped that those responsible; are puniOed as they deserve. • • Mrs. Thomas Williamgon There passed. away on Tuesday, July 19th, at the tome of her ' daughter and son,in•llaw, • Air, and 11,frs. Albert Clarice, hi.cltillop Town- the person of Mrs, Thomas shi, a highly esteemed resident, in William- son. l She . was the former Gertrude Forbes, daughter of the ,late Samuel , Forbes and Abigail Love, . born in McKillop township, October 8th, 1885. She was. married December 28th, 1910, to the late Thomas', Williamson, who pre-deceased her, three months ago. She is survived by three so.ns and five daughters, Norman and Roy, Cray township; Herbert, McHilJop township; (Olive) 'Mrs. Albert Clark, MeKillop township;. (Aida) Mrs, Russo! Jervis. Clinton: (Evelyn) PREPARB FAIR GROUNDS Officers and Directors of 'the Fall, Pair Board met Monday evening to make final plans for the fair, xtren- sive, repairs, redecoration and addit- ions are planned to ready the grounds and ,palace for the 1901 Centennial. • ********* o.,•••••••••* oo •414,••••••• ,17....1•1••14.1•••••••11•,!•• 53c 2.5c 26c Premium Sockeye Salmon Swift's "Prem" Tip Top Tomatoes 28 oz. Stokleys "Ping" Pineapple Grapefruit Drink 48 oz. SUCCESSFUL U, S, APPEARANCE 41The 'Kansas. . Farmer') Thyrtne; of 'Brussels), and .conipany, returned this week from a four day appearance at the Crosseli, Mine County Fair. They were given a, tumultuous reception, Boforo tear ing Mr. 'Phylum signed a contract for the 1961 fall Michigan State Fri,11. eircult. . 000000 ../11.101;•••. ..... ...... ; ......... .110.4 .. ..... ;OM; Leaving by air from Mallon for Driblin. Ireland. on Aug. 4th, Mr. Jaggs will travel in Europe Vsiting a number of cities includInc4Paris, Rome and Brussels, 'before return- ing to England where he will enter the Community of the Resurrection, Airfield, Yorkshire, which is near Leeds, ThP Community of the, Resurrect- ion is the foremost Anglican, Religiouis Order for men with .. branch houses in Africa. India, I Barbados. \Vales and England, Mr. - Jaggs hopes to return to Canada In about two years time to establish a re;igious life here. The Rev. I-Tarry Jennings of Luc-know will replace Mr. Jaggs who has been rector of the Brussels Parish Since September "ft,,58, corn.f lug from St. George's Walkervile, to, serve St. John's; St. David-s, Fren- fryn. and St. cleor,-res.. Walton. He,' received his B, A. at Waterier), College, and his Lth. at Huron Coilege His large circle of friends regret.. his leaving but wish him "Cod , spec('" in his new sphere of service. bt w awe; V#41080.- PArr 37c ••••••••• N'BROOK: DRESSES Ladies Dan River Cottons $6.95 up A good assortment of beautiful styles at reasonable prices C UTCHE N OCERY Sunday School will meet at 10.15 and regular morning worship . will be held at 11.15 in 1cnox Presbyter- ian Church, Sunday, July 31st. Jo-Ann Dunn enjoyed a week's holidays 'in licitchener with Mr. and; Mrs. Allan Dunn. Mr. and. Mrs, Glenn 1-Tuether accompanied Mr. and Wm. McNair, London, on an enjoyable motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal, and other p01018, arriving home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Engel visited over the week-end in Stratford and St, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mitchell and family, Toronto, spent a few days in the village. — GREY TOWNSHIP WORLD REFUGEE YEAR The Township of Grey contributed $358:50 in the 'recent drive. Huron, County raised $13,306,00 exceeding its objective of 10,000, Thanks to the canvassers and. citizens who made this contribution possible.. Margaret Dunbar, Chairman, ,Grey Township Phone 293 We Deliver BOY'S SHIRTS Latest Styles "'"" t mk lAY MAL 11 • gi Si& "Z•611 4.;-Sth • . . . CHURCH VACATION SCHOOL ••••• • 44 . ... .. . ••••••••••••••• Boy's Dan River Suits 3 — 6X "Dress up" $2.98 and $3.98 August 2 - 12 9- 11.30 A.M. AGES 3 — 15 SONGS * * STORIES * * CRAFTS * GAMES Age 3 up to those entering Grade 2 in Melville Presbyterian Church; those entering Grade 3 to age 15 in Brussels United Church •••• •••••..; ....••••••••••• •• ars • • po• •• •••••• COATS 20% OFF Mrs. Lorne Carter, Tuckersmith' • — — , township. (Florence) Mrs. George CR itesbitt, Morris townshin and (Ina)F— Y TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD Mrs. Michael McGrath, Egmond- --' vibe. Twenty four .o-aanilch.ildren The July meeting. Of the Grey i and one brother, Adin Forbes, Township- School Board was held. 'Egdmonclvillle.' • , in the Ethel School with all members TRAY% M. 'Thomas officiated and except Williamson 'present, • Smandon sang "Beyond the Sunset"' d ,ring the service Mrs. Harold. • were read and adopted on motion of. The minutes of the inly meeting The floral tributes were many and Conley and Ciox — Carried. ;beautiful. • Motion of Conley - and Fischer - prillbefirprf4 avers;KPillieth FOrbe,S 1 that the Board renew the trans- Norman Gowl. Harvey Craig. -George , , .portation.contract with Russel Mark Wi,Iliamson, Carl Dalton. David • ,,.-aa a ila ',H., 11",,i,,, FloWPMParers were .six iers, Mora ' Clark, ,e410 0, I Motion of Fischer and .Cenley that and Sort for another year on the. saute terms. , — carried! Carter, pmeen y.kr-vq•-mmisen., Alexone the following bills be paid — Carried Listowel Banner, .advertising, $ 4430 Lloyd Vegan,. gravel No. 9 12.00 Ralph Pearson, bus,. trip 165.00 1 Thomas W. Johnston, cedar 39.00 ! Mrs, Elsie Cunningham, supplies 3.74 James Knight, la cords of wood 97.50 .; Murray Hoover, labour 18.40 • II, L. Cunningham, 80070 lbs r••.• .... • gr. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••/.•••••••••014 • ; Clearing Table 1.50••••••••••••111CWOOMMIlinterik.MMIERN•••••1.01.1..' McoversenumosepareausamealNINCili CARD OF THANX8 I would like 'all those who sent flowrs d. HOT WEATHER TREAT ! .t° thanke .an No Paper Next eek cards to me, while a patient in thet Stratfqrd Getter* Hospital. Mrs. Austin Raynard ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ross Engel .of R. R. 3, Brussels„ 'announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Faye, to Campbell Alan Grant, son Of Mirj 'and Mrs. G'Cirdon Grant of BruSsels. Wedding to take plade early in, August. /MI• GARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, gifts and Vowers, I while I was a patient in Stratford i. General Hospital fcfilowing my operation, MORRIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Morris. Township Council met on July 4 with all the members pres- ent. The minutes of the last meet- ing 'were read and adopted on motion of Walter Shortreed and Gordon Wilkinson. Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Ross Duncan, that a tile drain, loan be granted and that the contractor be paid the loan money by the township. Carried. Moved by Ross Duncan, second- ed by Walter Shortreed, that the road accounts, as presented by the Read Superintendent, be paid, Car- ried. Moved by Gordon Wilkinson, sec- ononded by Walter Shortreed, that we give a grant of $25.00 to the Salvation Army in. Wingham, Car- ried. Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Ross Duncan, that the general accounts as presented be paid. Carried. 15-uring the course of the meeting Reeve Bailie Parrott, on behalf of the council and employees, pre- sented Road Superintendent Wil- liam and Mrs. McArter with a pair of lawns in honour of their recent marriage, Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Gordon Wilkinson. that the Meeting adjourn to, ineeragain on August 2., at 8:30 p.m„ or at the call of the Reeve, Carried, The following accounts were paid: Blyth telephone, tolls, $83,10; Bailie Parrott, Mayors' and Reeves' Convention and fees, $50; Baffle Parrott, telephone call, $1.25; Bernard Hall) compensa- tion insurance, $43.75; Town of Clinton, debenture , on High. School, $376.06; Amos ; Martin, tile, $108.37; Gordon Wilkinson, Blake Drain, $5,00; Jack'Brewer, equal- izing school, $13.80; Baker Con- valescent Home, $176.50; Armco Drainage and Metal Products, $133.20; relief account,. $35; Salva- tion Army, $25; Witigham Post- master, statripS, $11.04, Bailie Parrott, Geo, C. Martin, Reeve, Clerk. HOWICK ANNUAL LIONS FROLIC Howl ck Lions Annual Frolic., Wroxeter Community Park, Thurs- day, ano Friday, August 4 and 5. Thursday, Vince Alountford, FnidaY, Paul 'Trio. Programnie at 3.30'. Bingo; Games; Maple •City Midway; Draw for 20 prizes; Dancing each, -night. Admission 25e. Children free. Cars free, Plan to attend both nights., Aug. 4 and 5.' LEMON CHIFFON ICE CREAM xviiimmson ; Linda Nesbitt, Brenda Nesbitt. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Black, R. R, 5, I Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Sheila Charlotte, to Brian Prescott, I son of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas iPreseott, R. R. 3, Brussels. The; marriage will take place in Melville ; Presbyterian Church on Saturday,! ; August 20th, 1960, at 3 p.m. and Half Gallons at our Dealers at In Cones, Bricks Available Now or coal 947.87 The meeting adjourned on motion of Cox. Norman S. Hoover r•••,.• 'Al. Joan °amiss VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting Styling Cold WaNf!ntl A Specialty Phone Brussels 140 COUSINS DAIRY Phone 22 Brussels, O CARD OF THANKS The famiity of the late Mrs. Thomas Williamson wish to sincerely thank all their friends and neigh, hours for the many acts of kindness , shown •them during the illness and, 1 passing of their mother. Special , I thanks to Rev. M. Thomas, IVIrs, smadon and 'Mr. D. A. Rann. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank ail those who sent cards, letters, • treats, etc and ' visited me when I was in hospital and since I've been home. Clara Perrie NOTICE The Brussels 'Public Library Will be closed the first two weeks 1W LYCEUM THEATRE August, *0•••••••••• WINGHANI, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p, m. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sully 28 29 - 30 James Mason Vera Miles BROW:CIE'sDRcia-polii,td. FRION SNEAD lad RAPE 0411.1° w fi F esh•-• Fruit nd VegeteMett At All Times TENDERS WANTED MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders will 'be received by the I undersigned until 6 p. m„ August 9, 1950 for the purchase of the Bodmin bridge less the pads on. the floor., Bridge will be removed by the bridge contractor, Highest or any tender net neces- sarily accepted. Geo, C', Martin, Clerk. • R. R..4, Brussels, r . gen••••=i•mmommeno. Thursday and Friday july 28 and 29 "THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC" SPECIALS Swift's "Preen" Cheery Morn. Instant Coffee In PaulDouglas ,250 Judy Holliday • • • ` TOUCH OF LARCENY 2-Reel Comedy (One Cartoon) One A chairbound naval officer who hasi a winning way with the ladies. TENDERS WANTED • • MORRIS TOWNSHIP Tenders will be received by the undersigned until p. in., AttgaSt 9, 1.900 for the supplying of 4,515 bags' of cement for the Bodnilti bridge to be deliVered as required. Lowest or any tender not neces- I sarily accepted. Cleo. C. Martin, Clerk, R. R. 4, Brussels. ifIRMIRERIM.M.MIMPVIENIEIRIE LLASHM AR, DRIVE-IN THEATRE 75c Sa.turday Only — July 30 "THE LEGEND OF TOM DOLE"' Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice 20 oz. 2 for ••,,,.••,,,...•,.,.,,..27c Summer Pride Cream Style Corn 15 oz. 2 for 27c Melviiie Church Ministert Rev. J. H. Greene 1, Michael Landon Jo Morrow (ONE 2-REEL COMEDY) (ONE a-REEL MUSICAL) (One Cartoon) Mr. Louis D. Thompson Organist and Choir Director Soloist, Mrs. W. G. Severet of Stratford Short Organ Recital at 1,1; o'clock I:Won services during July at 11.16 Conducted by Rev. L. Brown. Free Delivery Phone 132 AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 0. Flemingwalv Estate Sunday Midnight and Monday July 31 and August '1 DOUBLE FEATURE BLOOD OF' THE DEMON " ist LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Brussels SATURDAY; AUG, 6 at 1:30. p. m. Queen St. (Kitchener Rd.) 0 piece solid natural oak Dining Room Suite ';.; piece Chesterfield Snite 8 niece Ititchou Suite Baby Astral Refrigeratol. Apex Washing Machine Antimte Pine Chest Of braWerS 'Wash Stand, Bitehers, Bow4 Studio Couch Set of English Chita Antique China. ata TAMPS Reeking ilmits. End &: Chhable Tabl Tat Wagon Singer Sewing Machine ;WI Dressers Miters, Bed's (Int4 Otcive Meat:tie Clock Sally Fraser Alan Dinehert Jr. Hot Plate, Iron "NIOIHT OF THE. BLOOD BEAST" Floor and Table Lamps Michael Eiiiniet Angela Grieve 0 (*.ea and trittnY other tinieue articles smeli as Quilting PraMeA Sealers • • • The United Church TWO REPEAT SPECIALS CAR PURCHASE. LUBRICATION 4 gts., MOTOR OIL ,40,NLY $1.00 ! 1 Receive 1 FREE AUGUST 2 to AUGUST 61 1960 re, our Faithful Patrohs. , For rho Pao rear, We Say rhatik • ritiVita Very Mock • Thur. % Fri. July 28 - 29 "'VISIT TO A SMALL PLANED'. Jerry Lewis, Joan Blackman ' • OF CANADA Minister: Rey. L. BroWn RAZ Sandra Harrison SA,turday Only ,Iy "THE ROY AND - THE PIRATES" Color IMurv)iirt We, bharie Herbert, Susan Gorden' ) Oteninlit: Mrp. A. E. itliWthi • No Church Scheel (tiring atih' ii. 15 A. M. Union services during July. in Melville Presbyterian 'bhiiteli With: the Rev. BrOWit preaching, (insets fVaeatiott Sehoolt Aug =12 it s Agiican Church lr~srls of Brussels Rev. 1' Jagge, B.A4 theists tgo ifoly'Etietteriet ,t1 a, in. ifolf Ettetifiriet St. ilektitrit LS ft, in. 1101 thiCiittriet " I WAS .A TEENAGE.. FRANKEN STEIN" Whit ,to.§§eir Coates' (O'ne' Cartoon) Sunday Mid ...Nilo and, Monday July 31; Atig. f Double Feature August 3 oildAIDRADERS"' To -dicky and Wednesday 'MAN ON, A 'STRING" • Ernest Scotaane • ,Caocie Mathews :(OM barteeli) tuatcovicit ctATISFAtirlitiN CiDitellANTIODS Setttedi• obi LilkiteaM4 •••••••••--. Magazine Pack Fickle Chiet Terms Cash Tues. - Wed. • Aug., g CAPTAIN'S . TABLE," Adult Entertainment &tor Gregson Peggy Donald Sitiden • CIRO WAD* Auctioneer. Harold JackSeit ' Exeeutorst S. Hemingway 1 in date of fain Said at Brussels Aretra ••• TWO. Shows "Nightly). 'Fain or 'Clear 'ftirert St our at Dusk AdiniSdion t'L Std, dliiktren 'Under Cri2 Iii ae Free CititOilttie Pip ,pia phone 268 ;