HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-07-14, Page 3TEACHER, Protestant, with interme- diate diploma and to act as principal. Session 1909.01, Apply giving full par. ticulars to W. Hogg, ette, Quebec. TWO qualified Protestant teachers for 'Township School Area No. 2, Belmont and Methuen. Duties to commence Sept. 1st, 1960, Salary schedule in force, A PPLY, stating salary and qualifica- tions, to C. F. Steenburgh, Box 151, Havelock, Ont. • TEACHERS required for newly-built grade school, U S 32, Wabigoen - Red- vers, Red Lake Road, Ont.. to coin. mence Sept. 1960, SENIOR TEACHER - $4,500 per an num, INTERMEDIATE TEACHER - $4,000 per annum. JUNIOR. TEACHER - $3,500 per en. num. Apply stating experience to Mrs. J. McCulligh, sect.-treas. ONE PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR GRADES 1 TO 8 FOR HAWK JUNCTION PUBLIC SCHOOL 30 minute drive from the Trans-Canada Highway No. 17 north of Sault Ste. Marie. PLEASE state qualifications and salary, also name of your last inspector. APPLY to H. P. Biron, chairman CUSS No, 1 Townships 27 and 28). DISTRICT OF ALGOMA HAWK Juncition, Ontario, SUMMER RESORTS CHAUMONT FERRIER INN Ste. Marguerite Station, P.O. VISIT this lovely Swiss Chalet Inn; superb location in heart of Lauren- tians. Excellent food, swimming pool with beach, private lake, good fishing, riding, golf in vicinity. Rates $60,00 to $75.00 weekly, American plan. Write direct or telephone Hudson 5- 7595, Toronto, for information, CEDARIJEN Lodge. American plan, home cooked meals, good fishing and hunting. Phone, write Beth McRae, R.R. 2, Manitowaning, Ontario. DIVINE Lake Lodge, free illustrated Literature will show you what this unique and enchanting place has to offer, Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario. MERRY 'MENAGERIE awake,- iell9t 6:64; 'a I. Veg.` h,s,...-41alri "Watch out for him, Gladys- he's the freeesst leer ground!' 'Skin Diving Dangerous fun As .one of Ameslea's fastest growing sports, skin diving will lure some 7' million of us Under water this summer. It will also send en estimated I. million en- thusiasts to doctors' offices with complaints ranging from sinus inflammation to the "hernia." This is the warning of Capt. C;r ,'ald J, Duffner, director of the Submarine Medicine Divi- sion of the 1.1,S. Navy Medical Colo:, "There is no use trying to tell skin divers that they I've dangerously," Captain Duff- n eeid recently, "All we can co Al:' doctors is to show them /ice to live dangerously, and eurvive. "When a man dives to an even, meet., ate depth, most of the trouble comes from the air he brea ams," explained Captain Dui:frier. "As he goes down, pressure increases on his body. The air be breathes must be supplied at the same pressure as the water pressure." If it isn't, the skin diver will be subject to e.11 sorts of physical hazards. The three categories of skin- diving medical problems: The descent, (1) Damage to the middle ear and eardrum: "A difference in pressure as low as 1 pound per square inch can rupture an eardrum." (2) Sinus trouble: "If the openings into the sinuses are blocked by swell- ing or inflammation (such as a cold or hay fever), the vacuum in, the sinus cavities will produce damage to the sinus linings, pain, and possible hemorrhages." (3) Toothache: "With differ- ences in pressure, a vacuum oc- cur: in the tiny air pocket be- aeath a faulty filling or inlay. . Divers can diagnose a loose fill- ing bolore the dentist detects it with his X-ray." (4) "Squeeze": "This term is used to describe the effect of generalized pressure difference on the body - an injury similar to that produced by applying a suction cup to the skin," At the bottom. (1) Nitrogen narcosis: "Nitrogen is dissolved in the diver's body fluids and tissues, causing these tissues to 'deaden,' as under a narcotic," (2) Oxygen poisoning: "Pure oxygen, breathed under pressure at depths beyond 33 feet, can produce convulsions indistin- guishable from epilepsy." Ascent. (1) Lung burst; "This can happen when a diver holds his breath and inflates his lungs during an ascent, or when air is involuntarily trapped in his lungs." (2) Caisson disease (bends), "When large quantities of air or nitrogen dissolve. in the body tissues, pressure is rapidly released, bubbles form in the blood, plugging blood vessels." In minor cases, symptoms are pain in joints, tendons, and muscles. In severe cases there may be dizziness, vomiting, paralysis, even death, Weighing the sport's perils, against its pleasures,: Captain Duffner advises skin divers: "Take it easy." - From NEWS- WEEK. Q. How can t remove rust stains front white washable ma- • terials? A. Spread the stain over a vessel of boiling water. Squeeze lemon juice or tomato juice on the stain and allow it to re- main a few minutes. Then rinse in hot water. Repeat process several times. Or, moisten the stain with salt and lemon juice and place in the sun, adding lem- on juice as' it dries, or hold over the spout of a steaming teakettle. DRIVE CAREFULLY - The life you save may be, your own. NU TRIA Bonnyview Nutria Mutations YOUR opportunity e Thirty pregnant females available, litters guaranteed. Top quality, pairs or trios No better stock available at am,. price Charlotte Brunt R.R.1, King, Ontario . OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousanda of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Branches; 44 King. St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL LADIES Dumas Female Pills $5,00, Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. "JOIN the Sixth Sense Club for suc- cess. Questions answered. Confidential. Enclose stamped envelope. P.O. Box 151, Manotick, Ontario." DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs, Inquiries Invited Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. ADULTS' Personal Rubber Goods. 36 assortment for $2,00, Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed In plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calm your nerves with "Napps', 10 for $1.00, 30 for_54.00. Lyon's Drugs 471 Dan- forth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. Films developed and magna prints 40e 12 magna prints 60e Reprints ss each KODACOLOR Developing roll 905 (not including prints). Color prints 305 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 m.m. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.20. Color prints from slides 321 each. Money re- funded in full for unprinted negatives. POULTRY New low prices on Kimber K-137 pul- lets for July and August, your chance to purchase one of the best laying breeds at rock bottom prices. Also Available, our other three outstanding layers: Tweddle 400, Tweddle 401, Cali- fornia Grey X White Leghorn. All polular dual purpose breeds. Turkey poults: Bronze. Broiler chicks: Van- tress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Van- tress X Nichols No. 108. Started pul- lets, all ages. Catalogue. We hatch every week in the year. %WEDDLE CHICK -HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO DEADLY DISPLAY-Deputy War- den Sherman Crouse, surveys a display of weapons confiscated through the years from inmates of 'the Kansas State Penitentiary. police began to dig in the loeica spot be indicated. Linked. .10 11 officer by only .a Held ele Vasile look( d on, Suddenly,. with a eitanie fort, he snapped. the chain me smashed his miinacled hands in- to. his ,guard's' face. Then he hounded away. An officer raced after. him, firing shot alto. shot. but the giant, dodging among the shadows, remained unhurt. • The officer came to a gasp- ing halt; he had lost his quarry. Mystified, he stared about him, striving to .hear the direction ..of flight. Where had the giant gone? He soon found out. A huge figure. suddenly rose up behind him and in an instant he was fight- ing for his life, A terrific blow hurled him in- to a ditch, then the giant was on top of him, beating at his head with his iron-bound fists. Bleed- ing and badly injured, the officer still struggled but now he was nearly unconscious, Guided by the giant's roars, a comrade came panting on to the scene, Quickly the officer placed his gun against the huge head and pulled the trigger, There was a flash and Vasile the Rumanian. giant- gas dead. • . Garden furniture takes on a new lease of life with a fresh coat of paint, Work in the shade, and if indoors in shed or garage spread. newspapers to catch paint drippings, Bright colours look best against the green of grasi and trees. choose your OilVeiti portable 100 ACRES for sale. House has built-in cupboards and, bathroom. Barn. 56 x 66. Water on tap, and hydro, to both House and barn. New roofs on both buildings. Apply Mr. Wilmer Nichol- son, R.R. No. 1, HOLSTEIN, Ontario. This advertisement is published free as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE HELP WANTED dirt OF TOWN CHICAGO Job Opportunities! Both nude and female, Otte 1,000 Listings, ThiSniasParris, 5404 SO.. 1110sart, Chicago` 32, U.S.A. MACHINERY FOR SALE Ilucreseete MODEL 302 DITCHER, TWO' YEARS OLD, Has done about two dreg bra. werk. Ten thousand with Nit equipment, Phciiie Glendale 1.2229. ISS.t1t," 90 ACRES; clay loam, vicinity of Rice Lake. 9-room house, barn 90' x 30', con- crete silo, including barn equipment, Good water, $8,500. M. .1. Bowes, 2S Sifton Court, Willowdale, BA, 1.9639, 98 ACRES in Egremont Twsp, 88 acres workable, balance pasture. 9 room frame house, large barn and shed. Stable will hold 22 head. Drilled well and Hydro. mile from village and school. Apply Mr, Robert Webber, 115 Countess Street, Durham, Ont. This advertisement is published free as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1629 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. 100-ACRE farm for sale in Huron county, Ont. Excellent land, young orchard bearing, good trout stream. fine buildings, hydro, close to town, highway, churches, school bus by' gate. Real buy; early possession. Box 213 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. 195 ACRE, natural drainage, farm for sale situated on Highway 7 and 8 be- tween Kitchener and Slew Hamburg, Plenty Spring Water and Drilled Well. Red Brick 2 storey house, equipped with pressure system, three piece bath, large batik barn. Contact Earl Honde. rich, Baden, Ontario 300 ACRE farm for sale, Rich, black- loam soil throughout, 20 acres bush, remainder tillable. Good house, no Other buildings. Ideal for grain or adapting to large volume Production - Line Beef or' Dairy. Now being falloW- ed for fall Wheat. Can he purchased very reasonable. Open to offer. Fur- ther details, write: Edward Bauman, Route 1, Alma, Ontario. FLORIDA -- Top location, main high. way for fish camp, motel, cafe sight-seeing boats, over f a to o ti s Wakulla Springs, $15,000 With terms. Box 167, Tallahassee, Fla. FLORIDA - (Near Ocala) CENTRAL Florida, undeveloped high rolling ranch land, 920 acres. $85 per acre. 15 act° farm With house $2,500. Many others, Sun Land Realty of Flos, Ida, 813 N. State Rd, 7, W. Hollywood, Florida. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS WATCH dog alarm for your car. Makee sneak thieves run Easy to install, any port mak A e, Only e,5 110 . e5 95, o11 1:,1th ,41ic, Allied Ins. IVIohtreal, • - - - RUBBER hose and belling, piastie pipe, etc,, neW arid used at greatly reduced prices; phone, Write o drop in id see: snowden Ind ustr ial Rubber to & Plastics, 91. Bruce Street, OshaWa, On- tario. RA, 8-1658, SPECIAL for karmers - Wholesale prices - Rubberized canvasses for rill Makes combines at 'dealers cost. Save up to $30 per Canvas. For Wholesale prices refer to this ad when ordering. Chatham FarM Equipment No. 2 Hwy. nit. 1, Chatham, Phoite EL. 2-1070. The Olivetti Lettere* 22, the portable portable, is so light and slim, you'll positively enjoy swinging I. at your side. The Olivetti Studio 44 is the choice of many who prefer h. heavier machine, yet, still want portability. toll Machines provide all the inipertan features of 111 ce- siVA typewriters, plus special Olivetti features that save tithe and inake for heater typing, stieh as half-line and, half.letter Spacing that let;you insert omitted letters and extra words. ach comes in a distinetive travel ease. Come in and see lot yourself why "It's so nice to type On an Olivetti!" Choose your Olivetti portable, At better stares everywhere, or write OLIVETTI (CANAbA). itniv&tity r Toronto 'MUZZLED FOREVER Never fired in angers the big ,g tins, of Vanguard hove their fancy- riiii4le! plugs, edited idit1, 'padres,. removed, vessel; built he 1946,, now' Obsolete, being stropped in POrititioutlie England: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ME ," PA, - . IT'S PROVEN es EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, PROPERTIES FOR SALE HUNTERS{ 456 acres of deeded land fsal goo deer, moose duck lCl aloe ptridg pugting,E ceibyes oiof heheatpi vo locations this. area, Ideal for a group of men, wanting a erieate buntingground. Write to- V A. 01CMOrraY. 011niour, gh- barn. Apply Walter Bowles, Inn. 4wwaagyte,irl:,E2tSli el:%14'ecF4/0P:ctitesoruibbe°e:v'ildaPlini,,cci ailricli Om brick house,Modernized. Gas furnace, good No, l, Ida. cootirm; for 11 place to relax? Oyer, looking trout stream in Huron county, 2-storey brick home, modern Convent-oleos. stable, about a acres of garden land, raspberries, small fruits, hats of trees and flowers, tennis Richard ra atm), wroxeter. Oat _ CALEDONIA, ONT. lie STOREY, S bedrooms, a little gem. must be seer. to be aPpreeiatect .1 STOREY store with apartment al rear, Central location. 2 FAMILY dwelling, suitable for elderly couple, additional income, 2 STOREY, 4 bedrOom brick house, S blocks from stores. BRYCE JONES Barrister, Caledonia, Ont, ,Hatchery, 124.North, Hamilton, Ont, started chieltS, at new low prices, Also iehiastei i., tor stoo op lrociceari agent, SoUrttlwartei bgrooilys, and OUSINESS w. OPPORTUNITIES stRI('te Stints, built In i$1144hatisInefsose section. Store Sotof refoolsd itiouus•ingssii and grocery shop, Best offer for cash or substantial down payment with at'n'les'siSceelellensgs rI o ttuatch",CnOthopflerur 43% Walliteta, Wiedsor. phone CL. 2.1460. evenings, MUNRO'S IMO STORE, 335 ,ELGIN' OTTAWA. $1,25 express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE OAN1SR the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping Shr p troubles, Post's I3ezetee Salve will not disappoint you Itching scaling and burning eeze, ma, acne ringworm, temples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless oclortees ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES lass St Clair Avenue East. TORONTO SE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coin-Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store Net $4,000-$8.000 Annually write in Payne today cut full tnfOrMa' U." about Unattended eoirpoperated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community You manage In your,spare time - while netting high income. We Finance 99% of your total purchase, oRer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments, You re. ceive training and advice from a na. tionat organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves, No ex- perience necessary Modest invest-ment, This proven new profitable automatic business oilers a money making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business COB pare our complete program ALD CANADA LTD, 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 NURSES TRAINING SCHOOLS EARN TO $65 WEEK as Practical. Nurse. Learn quickly at home, No high School necessary; no age limit, Write for free booklet lesson samples, Post Graduate School of Nursing, Room 91 ess. lei 5 Wabash Chicago TEACHERS WANTED tidal wave, Skip Slew People To Sell Their Clothes The city was in the grip of terror. There had been an epi- demic of disappearances and all the victims were men. 'Young men, old men, rich men, poor men, one by one they vanished without trace. Soon the total reached fifty. Not a shred of evidence re- mained to show where they had gone. A farmer vanished on his way to market, a policeman, on duty and in uniform, simply dis- appeared. The police were baffled. Then one day a man went to look over a vacant ground-floor flat. While he examined the rooms, his dog, Toto, trotted off into the kitchen. In a little while Toto began to bark furiously, The man took no notice. Sud- denly the dog came tearing back and tugged at his master's trou- ser leg. With a sigh the man followed him into the kitchen. Toto was over by the wall - sniffing hard. Then he came back to his master and barked frenz- iedly. Clearly the dog had scent- ed something. The landlord of the flat came along and, after watching the dog, the two men prised up some of the floor-boards. The dog leaped down in tO the space and began to dig. After a. while he looked up, barked once, frantically, and scrambled up out of the hole. The men looked down into the hole, staring aghast at the 'hu- man face which had been uncov- ered. The police arrived and took up the floor. In the earth beneath they 'found the bodies of six men. all in their underclothes, All of them had been murdered, ap- parently by an axe wielded with colossal strength. The hunt was on for previous tenants of the house. The police scion discovered, that one previous tenant had been a dim-witted giant named Vasile. Besides his huge size he had another distinction - his grand- father and three other relatives had all been executed for mur- der! Vasile, a mechanic, had never been in trouble with the police. Perhaps it Was his wife's influ- ence, but during her lifetime there •was never anything against him. After her death in the 1920's, there was a change. He took up SPRAY ONE FOR ME - Raising a miniature Gilkerson skims along the ski lanes. ONE hundred acres, tiled drained choice clay loam, on highway, Perth County Barn 45' x 85' steel stanchions, 2 silos, drive shed and other buildings. 8-roomed brick house, new oil furnace, bath and cupboards, hot and cold water, large lawn with 55 maple trees, 37 registered, accredited, listed Hol- stein, crop and equipment. W. 'Bogle Newton Ont. Telephone IYIfiverton 36 R. 2-1. REGISTERED Boston Bull puppies, Brindle black and white, litter of nine. Phone JAckson 4-7214 or write Mrs. I. Schram. 167 Cambridge St., Goderich, Box 970 SHELTIES (Lassie, apartment size) pup- pies. Yearling hitches, bred. All regis- tered. Paul Robins, Oro Station, On. tario. . - FARMS FOR SALE CONSULTANT -- REAL ESTATE PERSONAL service vacation and stint. lar properties, longest experienced. Satisfied clients. Fred H. Reid, Broker 43 Victoria St., Toronto CANOES, tough rugged fibreglass, 15 ft, long, 371/2 inch beam, easy to carry, onh 53 lbs, "$179.00 delivered" Nth, gara Portager, 204) Carman St. Nth. gara Fails, Ont. Phone EL. 4-9895 CANOES FOR SALE DOGS FOR SALE with Elena, a woman as petite and dainty and, he was huge and slow. About this time Vasile's father had suddenly disappeared. The old man had seemed to be in good health and spirits, and he had no apparent reason to com- mit suicide. His body had not been found, After the gruesome discovery in the empty flat the police were at. last able to swing into ac- tion. Their inquiries led them to a little man, a schoolteacher, who claimed to have had a narrow escape from death in the murder flat. How did lae•come to be there? He said that at the railway sta- tion he had met a very attractive woman who invited him to spend the evening at her flat. She said she was a widow and he went with her. The first shock he got was when he noticed a man's clothing in her flat. Evidently she had not yet disposed of her late hus- band's clothes, and, judging by their size, they must have been made for a giant. The second shock followed closely on the first. As they stood together in the flat there was a tramp of heavy feet and the door was flung open to reveal a mountain of a man, grasping a cleaver. Trembling, the little teacher shrank away from him, Fran- tically he looked about him for escape. With a grim smile the giant contemplated his terror. Then, raising the hatchet he rubbed a huge thumb on its shining edge. "Ha!" he rumbled, moving for- ward, "Is this all you could bring me for supper to-night?" With a terrified squeak, the teacher dodged a great swing of the cleaver and dived between the giant's legs. He flung him- self through a: doorway, leaped down a flight of steps and, gal- vanized to frenzy by the sounds of ponderous pursuit, bolted into the darkness. -The little man, only too thank- ful for his escape, and ashamed to confess his lapse, told nobody, But the giant and his com- panion were not to know that, and speedily decamped from their lodgings. The pair split Up, but now the police had something to work on, and one day a strong force of officers surprised the giant. Vasile went with them with- out a struggle. .1Ie was taken back to the flat and made to view the six bodies. He said that. Elena had lured all six to the flat. His usual pro- cedure had been 'to get them drunk, bash them on the head and then strip, and rob them be- fore burying the bodies. The clothing he had sold to a rag and bone merchant. Elena was eventually picked up in Bucharest. In the meantime detectives called on the rag and bone merchant who revealed that Vasile had sold him, not six, but about fifty men's suits, The police went to work on Vasile again, but he was silent until they allowed him to catch a glimpse of Elena in custody. Then he begat to talk again, and as a result nine more bodies were found. lie wont on to tell even more, and the police, directed to a lonely spot in the woods outside the city, dug up another eight bodies, including that of Vasile's rather. So far, about half of the miss- ing, men had been accounted for. Tile police Went back to Vasile, lie eyed them itt his slow way arid pulled et his moustache. Y`08, he admitted, he had forgotten to telt them of the biggest grave of all, It was somewhere out in the Weeds beyond the city but he had forgotten the ',IRMO' hf the Place. Oh yes, he could certain- ly take them to it! Tight-lipped and grim, the How Can Il ? by Roberta Let Q. Now can I prevent olive oil irons becoming 'rancid? A. Add two lumps of sugar to a quart jar of the olive oil, Q. HOW can I remove Sonte mildew that has forined wide patches on some of my leather- bOnnd books, traveling bags, and other leather articles? A. Rub some clear petroleum jelly liberally over the mildewed Areas, allow to remain on for awhile, and then wipe oft thor- oughly with a dry cloth. This treatment also tends to preserve the loather by renewing its oil content, Q. Cab you suggest an efficient way to prepare steaks that are to be served reed, thediuni, and well-done? A. You can do this all at the genie time and in the same length of time by placing on the broiler tray completely frozen foods 'for RARE, partially- thawed steaks for MEDIUM, and unfrozen steaks for WBLE,- 15:101qiil. "t4 HOW can .1 reitifive very atithboen black soot and eitoke Marks frOM a brick fireplace? A. Try giving the facing an entirely new surface. Use a car- borunatin block arid rub firmly all over the surface Of the stain- ed bricks. If The contrast be. tween these bricks and the rest of the facing is very marked, go over the other bricks lightly id give them all! the same tone,