HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-06-30, Page 3Fishing Reelektr A Berman Lira), claims to have invented R revolutionary new leethed or etching flee by using electrical impulses and .auction tubes, The uew method is seen as being of special value for herrieg and sardine fishing, In tests carried out at ABR. over the last • three years catches of up to twelve tons in eight minutes .are eleimed. The .pro, epee, which uses a special en, ;pulse generator, has caused a sensation in fishing .eireles all over the world. Its basic principle is to Attract. large swarms of fish by an Una derwater light, the fish being fleet located by a radar-like de- vice, The fish are bemused with impulses before being sucked elle in a tube, the diameter of which is reeler more than that of a man's body. One technical obstacle that had to be overcome by the in- venters, in addition to operat- ing the process from a small power unit, was how to avoid stunning the fish completely, for when unconscious they would sink or float to the surface. The inventors discovered that different sizes and species of fish respond to varying im- pulses. A herring, for instance, requires 2.4 volts and a cod about 1 volt. As a result, the current can be varied, it is claimed, to se- cure the size of fish wanted and the new method would not con- travene the International Fish- eries Convention which lays down 75 millimetres as the mini- mum size of mesh which trawl- ers are allowed to use. The Con- vention also set a minimum size limit for fish caught,, below which they must be returned to the sea, More Royal Dogs Than Royal Humans! Guests at the British Royal Palaces get a lot of pleasure from being "introduced" to the Royal Family's dogs, When there's a Royal Family party nowadays there are often as many as ten dogs, present, and Often more royal-owned dogs than royalties! The Queen has two corgis, the Royal children two more, The Queen Mother owns another eouple of corgis, in' addition to a frisky King Charles spaniel and a dignified dachshund. Two sealyhams belong to Princess Margaret. This Royal love of animals is almost a family ,tradition. Queen Victoria owned one of the finest Pekingese to come over from the Imperial Palace in Peking. The kennels in the Home Park at Windsor housed over eighty dogs when she died. She kept dach- shunds long before they were known to the general public here. She and the Prince Con- sort exhibited occasionally and some of their best show dogs were deerhounds. TOPPLED BY TORO — The brute strength of a fit hting bull is graphically demonstrated in the Madrid, Spain, ring. Picadors' horses are frequently gored despite padding, some of the older men became hyaterieta with relief, Punzel, had to speaksharply„ "(let out!" be said, pushing them towar,1 the door. "r)o you want to be shot? 001" And they went. AS he climbed aboard the truck, twenty-one- year old Nicholas Kremer asked. Fenzel for his full name and army number. Kremer wrote down the details with a nail on a piece of wood, Then the fire- men of Differdange were• gone, In Luxembourg City, they hid with friends and relatives until the Franco-German. Armistice of 1940, after which it was safe to appear again. Johann Punzel, having betray- ed his trust as an N,C.0, and a loyal party member, was now in the same agony of mind that his prisoners had been. Somebody would want to know why the execution had not been parried out.. He waited, not knowing quite what to do, but sure that within hours he himself would face a firing squad. But fifteen minutes before the time of execution an emergency order came through - Punzel's regiment, the 330th Infantry, was to move at once, forward to the fighting line, In the confusion that followed, nobody gave a thought about the Differdange firemen - the cap- tain of military police who had given Punzel the original order was rushed off somewhere else, the judge advocate's office moved away; Punzel's adjutant was overwhelmed with paper work and nobody knew the cor- poral's secret except his own men. And they did not betray him. After the war, Nicholas Kre- mer, an ambitious young man, entered politics. He wanted to know What had happened to Corporal Johann Punzel, He tried advertising, writing to mayors of German cities, to soldiers' organizations, to the police, all to no avail. It was not until April, 1955, that Johann Punzel was found. The result was that in June, 1955 - fifteen years after the in- cident - Mr. and Mrs. Punzel visited Differdange as guests of Kremer and the surviving fire- men. The Punzels were overwhelm- ed by hospitality - and by the sincerity of their welcome. It was all the more startling be- cause Germans, as a race, are still not popular in Luxembourg, Now the Punzeis come to Luxembourg each year and the highlight of their stay is si church service at which they sit in the front pew while the pastor speaks about human charity and courage, using Johann Punzel; as hie prime example. Fish and Chips Battles Television A popular British institution is threatened, It's the fish-and-chip supper. The lure of the TV screen is stronger. than the pungent smells coming from the shops behind the "frying tonight" slates. "Wagon Train," "Wells Fargo" and other Westerns are keeping British viewers from their na- tional dish - fish dipped in bat- ter, fried, and eaten with sticks of potato cooked in boiling oil. British fish fryers, meeting at their National Federation con- ferende in the West Country., emerge as men gazing into gurg- ling cauldrons while customers sit glued to the celluloid screen, Only when the Redskin bites• the dust do crowds rush in to buy hot fish-and-chips suppers. "We can always tell when `Wagon Train' is over because we get a surge of customers," Mrs. Edith Theobald of Man- chester told me. Mrs. Theobald urged the fish fryers to take up the cudgels - or Whatever fish friers take up. "We must adapt our meth- ods," she said. Mrs. Nellie. Castle of Exeter thought the BBC and commer- • eial TV should come to the rex- ' etc of the fish shops. She urges that the BBC and the ITA should change the times of their popu- lar programs to give people time to go out and get fish-and-chip suppers writes Melita Knowles in the Christian Science Monitor. "Television is the great di& tator of leisure hours. We should try to keep the 'dictator in check," she said, and went on ruefully to trace the falling eurves on the sales charts, To which Joe Nicholls ef. Blackpool replied: "Ridiculous!" It was like the BBC "asking us to change otte frying times to that customers would riot be taken from their gets." So the battle goes oft. Though the fish fryets haVe at advant- age over TV in the pulling. power of the smell which comes from their shops, this it a sheet wave of influende. They must face the challenge of getting the customers but of their Mines between Prevents. The "dilemiria" has been taken tee in the editorial columns of the national eThe piaridets but these ANTIQUE BUSINESS WELL established, Good Clientele, 2 piers old brie); building, Apartment, Large Showroom With stone rn fireplace, Smaller shewrOo giazed large windows, 2, 'bathrooms. Bright airy basement workshop, walk.in ent- rance, Separete storage betiding, 495 feet frontage on highways 7 and 12, Low upkeep and taxes, Early possek- aion, Reason for sale ill health, $6,000.90 will carry, balaoce on easy terms, Stock available from owner. Lylia hi. Mclarien Real Estate. Phone lirooklin. Oliver 5-4971. GENERAL store and eqUiPrnellt, 2 gas pumps, storeroom and garage, also a 5.roomed house, Plus bath and fur- nace, sell reasonable. Apply to box No, 22 Port Rowan, Ont, Gift Shop — Strcithroy Well established. Good clean saleable stock, in main business section. Own- er's wish to retire. For sale, with building, in excellent condition, Has 2 modern apartments, Terms can be arranged on building, Immediate pos-session. Telephone for appointment. Apply to. CAMPBELL MACKINLAY REAL ESTATE - STRATHROY PHONE 139 CANOES FOR SALE CANOES, tough rugged fibreglass, 15 ft. long, 371/2 inch beam, easy to carry, only 53 lbs, "$179.00 delivered". Nia-gara Portager, 2041 Carman St., Nia-gara Falls, Ont, Phone EL. 4-9895, CONSULTANT - REAL ESTATE PERSONAL service vacation and Mini-Jar properties, longest experienced, Satisfied clients, Fred li, Reid, Broker, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, FARMS FOR SALE ONE hundred acres, tiled drained choice clay loans, on highway, Perth. County. Barn 45' x 85' steel, stanchions, 2 silos, drive shed and other buildings. 8-roomed brick house, new oil furnace, bath and cupboards, hot and cold water, large lawn with 55 maple trees, 37 registered, accredited, listed, Hol- stein, crop and equipment. W. Bogle, Newton, Ont, Telephone-Milverton 38 R. 2.1, 100-ACRE farm for sale in Huron county, Ont. Excellent land, young orchard bearing, good trout stream, fine buildings, hydro, close to town, highway, churches, school bus by gate. Real buy; early _possession. oxB 213, 123-18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. 50 ACRE farm for sale. Sig roons beanie, good barn, implement shed, hog pen, hen house. Drilled water. Hydro in house and barn. On School bus route. Reason for sale, Ill Health. Ap- ply Mr. John T. McFadden, R.R. No. 1, Berkeley, Ont, This advertisement is published free, as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE EBERSOL'S / MILVERTON Ebersol Snow Blowers Ebersol Feed Mixers Ebersol Electric Hammer Mills Ebersol. Feed Carts ESERSOL FARM ELEVATORS ESERSOL GRAIN THROWERS ESERSOL SWIVEL FEEDING CARRIERS Ebersol Seed Mixers Ebersol Thresher Shredders Caswell Ferro Crates Caswell Ways Crates Colwell Cattle Curriers Contact your Dealer or Write Ebersol Farm Equipment Company Limited, Milverton, Ontario, Phone 171. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE BABY SHOES! Sizes 0, 1, 2, 51.75; 3 to 6," $2.95 postpaid. Money order only. C. H. Baker Enterprises, 408 E. Stough- ton, Champaign, Illinois. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS WATCH dog alarm for your car, Makes sneak thieves run..Easy to ihstall, any make, Only $5.95. Postpaid. Allied Im. port Agency, Box 380, Station "H", Montreal, HELP WANTED IT'S E,XCELLEI4T, REAL RESULTS ASTER TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR eNSUMAric PAINS AND NEURITIS, MUI4RO'S DRUG STORE ELGIN'335 OTTAWA $1.23 EXpress Celled 'POST'S ECZEMA SALVE leAteleu the torment drV etzeina rdattes and weeping a k :Pest's, Eczema Salve will mat di appoint you Itching, scaling and ititalirig eeie ma, acne ringworm, pin-odes, and foot eczema will respond readily to the Stainless 'odorless ointment reearrilegS of how stubborn or ImpeleSS 'Met semi Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.56 PER 1AR R EMPOST'S MEDIES iI4S, St.•tCottRtooiAtkodoo t tele BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE SNACK BAR on No, 6 Highway, a years old could bp year round business. Living quarters attached. Must sell due to health. Apply Pool Guerin, Varney, Qnt, -- — GENERAL store, dwelling, modern conveniences, In giatel faulting cont. Minns', thirty miles northeast of Lou. don, Ont. Price $12,500.00,1959 business turnover approximately 543,000. Write to or come and see C. A. MacDoitgeld, Harrington West, Ont. HAROLD D. POAPST Broker WINCHESTER MILK contract farm, bulk cooler, stable cleaner, 60 head purebred hol- hteinS, new power machinery, modern ome 18 miles from Ottawa. Price 440,000.00, terms. Call Dan Dewar, Ken. more; Metcalfe 19 R 4. 195 ACRE, natural .drainagf, farm for sale situated on Highway 7 and 8. be- tween Kitchener .and New Hamburg, Plenty Spring. Water and Drilled Weil. Red Brick 2 storey house, equipped. with pressure system, three piece bath, large bank barn. Contact Earl Ronde. rich,. Baden, Ontario. FLORIDA -- Top location, main high-way for fish camp, motel, cafe, sight-seeing boats, over famous Wakulla Springs, $15,000 with terms. Box 167, Tallahassee, Fla. FLORIDA - (Near Ocala) CENTRAL Florida, undeveloped high rolling ranch land. 320 acres. $85 per acre. 15 acre farm with house $2,500. Many others. Sun Land Realty of Flor- ida, 813 N. State Rd. 7, W. Hollywood, Florida. LABORATORY TECHNICIAN - Inane. cliately, - 5 day week, Apply - Super- intendent, Uxbridge General Hospital, Uxbridge, Ontario. MACHINERY FOR SALE. FEED MILLS ellitrieue stock of anew Ternado NO. 15 feed Mills, ball bearing With hop- per. most sell 149.00. Send for circle. lat. Federat, 185 King E., 'roe:Alto. MEDICAL • NURSES WANTED General Duty Nurse; PQR modern 59 bed hospital, fete* once aceennriedinien available, 4e hour 5-day week. Geed peraennei bend' , Starting salarYi new graduates $275, with. experience $205.00, with ()net Registration. else supervisor of eitteitee requirea, state experienee and salary expected. Ad-dress enquiries to: The Administrate , Sioux Lookout General hospital, Po 0 Hex ese, Sioux Lookout, Ontario, NURSES TRAINING 'SCHOOLS EARN TO $65 WEEK as Precticel Nurse.Learn quickly at home, No high f chool necessary; no age limit. Write or free booklet, lesson samples, Post Graduate Schodi of Nursing, Room g1- 570, 131 S, Wabash, Chicago NUTRIA Bonnyview Nutria Mutations YOUR opportunity - Thirty pregnant females available, litters guaranteed. Top quality, pairs or trios No better stock available at any price. charlotte Arent, R.R. 1, King, Qatari°, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Ws Hamilton ee Rideau Street, Ottawa - - PERSONAL . . ARTICLES FOR SALE ''DES' 71105E for use in outdoor toil. eta Eats down to the earth, saves cleaning, Directions. Thousands el users, coast to coast. Price $1.00 per can, postPaid. Log Cabin Products, 322 yore Road, Guelph, Ontario. BABY CHICKS BRAY featuring new low prices on dayold and started chicks, Prompt Olin. meat. See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North Hamil- ton, Ont. BOYS' AND GIRLS' SUMMER CAMP 11RAESIDE (near Parts (lint) a low cost well supervised and enjoyable camp with a well balanced program for children 8 to 15 years, Boys July 18-24, girls July 24-30 For information and registration forms write Rev, W. Moody, 664 Fennel Ave., E.. Hamilton, or phone FU 3.8745, FU. 3-8081, BOYS' SUMMER CAMPS . ENJOY your holidays on a real farm. Boys 10-15 years, Horseback riding, out-door camping, swimming, fishing, qualified counsellor, home cooked meals. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Witty, R.R, No, 1, Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE station; pew Texaco tanks; store; separate 6 room house in at-tractive Haliburton village close to lovely lake; all year business; good turnover - a real opportunity for general mechanic in growing tourist community; reduced- price due to wife's serious illness; enquire about thisl Fred, H, Reid, Broker Vacation Properties Consultant, 43 Victoria St., Toronto 1. BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! OWN AND OPERATE A Coin-Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net 14,000-K000 Annually, Write or phone today for full Informs. tion about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities In your comtnunity. You manage hi your spare time - while netting high income, We finance 90% of your total purchase, offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments, You re- ceive training and advice from a rut- thanel organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves, No ex. perience necessary. Modest invest- ment. This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money- making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business, Coin- pare our complete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6.7255 western plains knew hardship and hunger," the News Chroni- cle recalls in its best western mariner. "If we want to share their lives for 30 minutes each Monday we can scarcely com- plain if we have to get along with a cold snack," The only solution seems to be for the fish fryers to take to the freezer or pull for more high- brow programs. Princess Anne is so fond of dogs that one of her greatest de- lights is to take a walk in the grounds of Buckingham Palace with her mother's corgis. The Queen has told her that she owned a corgi called "Dookie" at the early age of five, but had to "share" him with Princess Margaret. "Life on earth probably be- gan in hot water," says a scien- tist. We're still in it. POLICE SCUFFLE — A • .dub:,, pro-Ameriedie rtijklist elereitinsfreter fights with, pee he. in Tokyo, Japan,. AGANTS. WANTED. CHINESE 01'10114 lamps! Selling? Here's something really different: We want one only, agent in each district. Send $3.00 for your sample IMP and wholesale price list today; (.4. Heiden, Box 516 St. Marys, Ontario. SIEN and women Demonstrate anti sell our new Jiffy Electric Teapots, Free demonstrator to persons with reforest- ces. urn) ert Agencies, ROckvt116, Yarmouth. Nova Scotia. ICE cream, soft; Investigate the pos-sibilities in this tremendous business. Can be installed in your present store in addition to your regular business, Small investment; large profits. Box 212, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. LIFETIME INCOME! Every $2 returns $130.00! No risk, No work, Everything legitimate, Investors Dream! Details, stamped envelope, Will Taylor, 44 Lil-lian Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may cause 75% of sickness. Particularly sleeplessness, jitteryness and irritability. Sleep, calm your nerves with "Napps", 10 for $1.00, 50 for $4.00. Lyon's • Drugs, 471 Dan- forth, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and g magna prints in album 405 le magna prints in album 60,1 Reprints 55 each KODACOLOR . Developing roll $1.00 (not Including prints). Color prints 355 each extra. Anseo and Ektachrome 35 m.m. 20 est- posures mounted in slides $1,25. Color Prints from slides 355 each. -Money refunded in full for unprinted negli- Uves. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB Box 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE TEACHERS WANTED SUMMER RESORTS HOLD EVERYTHING! UP to-July 16th we are offering a die. count of 10% on rates that are aleeady very reasonable, A wonderful holiday at hargaie prices. Folders. Write the Hills of Mistikoska. Lochlin, Ontario. ROSELAWN LODGE, BALA ROOMS, cabins, all running water or private bathroom, firie food, beach, sununer sports, friendly moderate, Write or phone Rosolawn Lodge. Bath Muskoka. Le Montclair MOS"' OUTSTANDING RESORI. FAMED' 'STE. ADELE VILISAGE 1. Largest swimming pool to the Lan• rentiant, 3 diving boards, slide, Rubice tettels court 3, Cosiest cocktail. lounge. 4. Meath boyotid compare ' S. Riding, boating, tii0ViOS sou and 1;,:ttsiiiiiiiicttritioeloi‘tiadneSep,ottreAteppe6 tail, .u.aciai a Soiiiitier theatre, art centre, riinath 8. Catholic thtiOnlileinleorgii.il"Preleattint churches iii the village Outstanding vacation' Al Reaseitables Rates Write Poe Felder It T, CdUilierti Le Montclair. Ste. Adeld, P.Q. VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE tree resort; ins acres; rurnished Main lodge and cot- lages; 3 large botitlibilses; large dock; 5 boats; ousboardethettiel system; tools' extras all roe 614,000;, , small Long with Rrest.notsibilitide. Fred H. Reid, Vecalleal PatipertieS Censtiltant: 43 Viatoria ail., Toronto, 1. ISSUE 27 — in° LADIES - Dumas Female Pills $5.00, Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto, BOY Trouble? Girl Trouble? Love Trouble? Don't suffer a day longer when expert advice can he obtained so easily, quickly, and cheaply De- laying and bungling can mean total loss of your chance, Send the your problem with $5.00 for prompt per-sonalized analysis of what's wrong and what to do. STRICTLY CONFIDEN-TIAL. A. C. Martin, Box 184, McComb, Miss., U.S.A. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries invited. Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, 36 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. LOOKING for a place to relax? Over-looking trout stream in Huron county, 2-storey brick home, modern conveni-ences, stable, about 2 acres of garden land, raspberries, small fruits, lots of trees and flowers, terms, 'Richard In-gram, Wroxeter, Ont. COTTAGE for sale. 22' x 24', two bed-room, living room, and kitchen; fenced and landscaped on Georgian Bay, 1 mile from Lion's Head, winterized, hydro, scenic view of Isthmus Bay. Price $4,000, unfurnished. Apply Har-vey Warder, Lion's Head, Ont. Phone 52-R-13. CLARENDON TSA requires teachers, principal for Plevna 2-room school and others. First class certificate required. Salary offered: 53,000 to $3,200. accord-ing to school and experience Please state last inspector. For information contact Mrs. • E. A. Card, secretary-treasurer, Plevna, North Frontenac. ONE PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR GRADES 1 TO FOR HAWK JUNCTION DR PUBLIC SCHOOL 30 minute drive from the Traits-Canada Highway No, 17, north of Sault Ste, Marie, PLEASE state qualifications and salary, also name of your last inspector. APPLY to H, P. Biron, chairman (USS No, 1 Townships 27 and 211). DISTRICT OF ALGOMA HAWK Juncition, °Marto.. CHALET. Brunelle, Sportsmen's north- ern rendezvous on Renii Lake. near Kaptiskasing. Modern accominotlation, fine French cuisine, Mine 414, write Andree and Rene Brunelle, MoMibeturi Ont. DIVINE Lake Lodge, free illustrated literature will show you what this unique and enchanting place has to offer. Port Sydney, Muskoka, Ontario. chime your Olivetti portable 5149,50 CLASSIFIED -,ADVERTISING. • ontlITAMS.P14, DRIVE WITH CARE! Defied Orders — Saved 18 Lives Every summer for the past four years a German named Johann Punzel has spent his an- nual holidays in the town of Differdange, Luxemborg, where he is wined and feted by cer- tain people who were once his prisoners. The story behind this strange situation is this: At dawn on May 10th, 1940, Differdonge became part of the front line-the Germans advanc- ing on one side, the French com- ing out from the Maginot Line to resist them. All but eighteen residents of the town were evacuated, These eighteen were employed at the big Hadir steelworks and they had volunteered to stay behind and put out any fires in the works. The eighteen were led by Jo- seph Weiler, middle-aged chief of the Hadir fire bridgade, and .they included one woman, Mrs. Wailers, who refused to leave her husband. The group moved into the air raid shelter and for the next two days the German- French battle raged over them. Five times, parties ventured out to extinguish small fires. On May 13th the French with- drew and the Germans took over Differdange. The firemen and Mrs. Wailers were put to work as cleaners. Then, a fortnight later, Differdange was shelled from the French lines and dam- age was done to dumps and stores. For the next three days the shelling went on, still with the same relentless accuracy. It was obvious that no artillery could be S4 much on target with- out "inside information." The Germans suspected the firemen. On June 1st, they were lined up and marched to an interroga- tion office, passing on the way a squad of soldiers digging a large hole. Its purpose was hor- ribly obvious. At the office, a captain said bluntly: '"We know for a fact that at least one of you has been sending information to the French. He will confess at once. Otherwise you will all be shot." Nobody confessed and all eigh- teen were locked in a concrete garage for fourteen hours, Then the German captain interviewed them again. When no one con- fessed, the captain said: "You will be executed in an hour." He returned to the N.C.O. with him. "In an hour bring these people out two at a time and shoot them, Corporal Punzel." Thirty-year-old Corporal Pun- zel had never been given such an order and, though he was a Nazi, it disturbed him, He went to the battalion ad- jutant and asked if he was really supposed to shoot the Differ- dange firemen. The adjutant told him to verify the sentence at the jtidge advocate's office. By the time Punzel found the judge advocate's office more than half the allotted hour had.pass- ed. A lieutenant said: "The men have been duly sentenced, but I'll look into the matter. Report to me again in an hour." More hopefully, Punzel re- turned to the prisoners. They clamoured around him, protest- ing their innocence, but before he would discuss anything with them he took Mrs. Wailers out of the garage. "She will be all right, I prom- ise you," he told her husband. "I would not harm a woman." Punzel remembered that the lieutenant had said "the men" had been sentenced; he saw in this some justification for releas- ing Mrs. Wailers. He found an army truck and ordered the driver to take Mrs. Wailers to Luxembourg city and release her. "Be calm," he then told the male ,prisoners ; "if I have to stage an execution I can fake it somehow." But he wasn't as hopeful as he sounded. Reporting back to the lieuten- ant, Punzel was told that the sentence must be carried out, but that a reprieve of twenty-four hours had been granted to give the guilty mail a further chance to confess. However, if the French ellen- ing Ma art all eighteen were to be shot at Once, Punzel told the prisoners'noth- -ing about the proviso, but for hours he was acutely anxioue, praying that the French would not fire. All that night Punzel fought with his conscience. He was a soldier and he had to Obey orders or face the penalty = a severe one in the Wehrinacht, He Was also htimrin, a married man with children: he would never know peace if he shot these men, With two hours to go to exe Cutioe time, Punzel had a eon- ference with his ten 'soldiers. told therii that what he was about to do he did on his own authority and that they must do- deed' that they knew nothing about it. Nene Of the soldiers made any trouble fee hire ee ewe even cone graeulated him, Punzel's next move was to" eeeid for a lorry. He then Went iii tO the erleohers. "There is it leery 'outside," he said, "Get into It quickly, drive down the main streets and nobody Will correct e'en." As they dreeeeded around 11101, The Olivetti Letters. 24 the portabie portable; II10 light and positively enjoy swinging it at your aidit The Olivetti Studio 44 is the choice of Many who peefee* heavier machine, yet still Want pottability, Both machiiies jrovide ell the important tektites of of0:00 size typewriters, plus special Olivetti teattiretthat, save time and make for neater typing; Ste& 115 half-line and hilt-litter spacing that let :you insert omitted letters and eta Each comes he a eliet,iriettee tkiletel wise. COiele in and see for yourself why nice lb type ti it 'an Olivetti!" Choose VOW Olivetti . At better itOret eesetyeeheres or write OLIVETTI (CANADA LTD, 481 UnivOttity Ave ue, tbettrift. 2, Ontario,