The Brussels Post, 1960-06-16, Page 3TELEVISION PERSONALITIES MEET — Soprano Marion Anderson meets Cuban Premier Fidel
Castro in a Havana television station. 'Miss Anderson was presented in a concert prior to
Castro's political telecast.
fe,bile was taut in the
looking, for Au thi's recorder) to
say that Sandra is not going to,
kindergarten today.; so we won't
stop at the .grity, shingled himee
Ibis morning,
I check up. "LaMar, Water-
ford, Carson, Briggs, Sandra
absent and we don't take Tony
Page in the mornings." (Tony is
• in the afternoon kindergarten.)
We travel two blocks and then
Dora 1'0011s something she for-
got — her lunch money, I don't
have my purse with me and so
we go back to Dora's. She earrica
her violin case in with her, lier
mother is up in the attic and
takes some time coming to the
door, MeanWhile, the other chil-
dren are speculating, rather un-
graciously, _about whether the
last .1)011. has rung.
Dora steams back. to the- ear.
Theater door slams, We move oaf,
"I left my violin!" Dora bleats.
At this point I try to count, my
blessings, I'm sure I must have
some, But even the fact that
I've lost eight pounds and two
inches and you can again see my
earrings from front-face seems
When they noisily clamber out
at school, I shout, "Watch 'fin-
gers!" Two doors slam, I go
home and face my day, •
On the return trip I must re-
member that Sandra is absent,
Dora stays for Scouts, and Jim-
mie has been excused early for
a piano lesson, But I do pick up
Tony. His mother has brought
him at neon. She's in a noon
pool with another woman, whose
child goes home in still another
afternoon pool.
The neighbourhood is simply
riddled with car pools. I myself
in four pools and a puddle, all
with differing personnels,
course. There's the regular
grade-school pool, the Friday
night danping-class pool, the
pool for the Girl &outs after
school on Mondays, the Satur-
day morning concert puddle
(this witty designation is due
to the fact that there are only
two mothers in it), and the pool
on Tuesday aacernoons for the
girls who take swimming les-
sons at the Y. Naturally we call
this swimming arrangement the
pool pool. Might as well get
what fun we can out of it!
At a PTA meeting last month
I heard Dorothy Page talking
withstwo of the car-pool fathers.
"Tomorrow is my regular day to
drive the school pool," she said,
"but Rosalie is driving instead,
because I drove the pool pool.
last week for Lola, and Rosalie
is going to be out .of town next
week and Lola will drive • for
her. So Rosalie wants to make
it up in advance and she's go-
ing to take Lola's trip for me,
tomorrow." The husbands sank
aghast on two of those PTA
folding chairs, congratulating
themselves that all they have to
do is to pay for the gasoline.
W. Eckman of Cambiedge, Magee
was named President of The
Mother Church, The First Church
of Christ; Scientist, in Boston,
Mass., at the June ii Annual
Dz_filip,i ii.tR
:23 ki.
K.. H2.3 mi.
NAPLES .:i•.: '
SWEDEN': . 25 DEN,
er eeseeneeezeree. MI
FOL#ifell• • 27 .1,41,
MEXICO • ' ::37 mi. .,:t...i...
:PERU ....: ' 46.iii
CHINA . • " 4mi.
SEE THE WORLD — The world
really is shrinking if these signs
are accurate. They are but
don't worry, They're all towns
in Maine.
She Bathed In
Have you ever wondered why
strawberries are red?
Scientists can now tell us.
They have isolated the red pig-
ment and discovered that it is
anthocyanin. Very little of it is
needed to give strawberries their
colour; one-hundredth of an
ounce to a pound of berries is
There's health in strawberries,
says nutrition experts. A Ger-
man doctor made himself fam-
ous by his strawberry cures for
cases of acute rheumatism. An-
other doctor who opened a nurs-
ing home surrounded by straw-
berry fields in Saxony, Germany,
claimed to have treated success-
fully hundreds of sufferers from-
A famous French beauty,
Madame Tallien, was convinced
that strawberries were a great
factor in keeping her beautiful.
She was reputed to take every
morning a bath in which twenty
pounds of strawberries were
• crushed.
She would emerge with a skin
"freshly perfumed," soft as vel-
vet and tinted with a delicate
Strawberries are among the
fruits which have been greatly
improved in the past few cen-
turies. The earliest strawberries
were known as wildings and
from them, with the introduction
of other strains from abroad,
have been evolved the large and
luscious berries we know to-day.
One of the Oldest of London's
almost, forgotten street cries was
"Strawberry ripe!" The famous
wit Sydney Smith, once said
"What is true piety? What is
true attachment to the Church?
Sending strawberries to a clergy-
But taste in strawberries dif-
fers in various parts of the
world. In South America the
sourest strawberries are the
most sought after. They are
eaten unsweetened, served with
a sufficient quantity of cream to
conceal the fruit 'completely
cent for one strawberry placed
alluringly oh top of the cream
like the Cherry oh a cocktail,
A Seed 'Live?
Botanists are laughing at a
story that wheat taken from AP
Egyptian tomb thousands of
years old began to grow again
When put hi a flower-pot,
"I t's impossible," they say,
Like the tales of sea-serperits,
these storiet of "Mummy wheat,"
as it is delled, Crop up every
year, especially in spring,
During the forty years that
Sir Ernest Wallis Budge Was at
the British ..Mtteetint (thittY of
Canada's prairie farmers have
'their hopes fixed on export mar-
kets in France, Japan, and Italy
as they prepare to raise the larg-
est crop of rapeseed ever at-
tempted in the country.
Encouraged by prospects that
foreign markets will absorb all
the rapeseed Canada can pro-
duce in 1960, farmers of Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba are
planning to devote up to 1,000,-
000 acres to the oil-yielding crop
this year, compared with the
218,000 acres they had in rape-
seed last year.
These three provinces are the
only parts of Canada where
rapeseed is grown commercially.
(In the 'United States, production
of rapeseed has become so in-
significant commercially that the
United States Marketing. Serv-
ice, since 1953, has kept no rec-
ord of it.)
'Conntless numbers of prairie
farmers are planning in seeking
an escape from producing more
surplus wheat and to capitalize
on the demand for a crop which
now offers them better returns
than cereal grains. They expect
to pocket an average of between
$50 and $60 per acre from rape-
seed this year.
Despite an extremely dry
spring, which reduced both the
planted acreage and yields har-
vested, Western Canada's farmers
last year garnered 180,000,000
pounds of rapeseed and obtained
$7,200,000 for that production.
The farm price for the crop
averaged four cents a pound, and
, many growers harvested yields
averaging 1,500 pounds of rape-
seed an acre. Lesser numbers
had yields of 2,000 pounds an
them as Keeper of Egyptian and
Assyrian Antiquities) he re-
ceived an average of three let-
ters e week from men and Wo-
men, including keen gardeners,
who asked whether seeds known
to be as old as the Pharaohs
could be made to germinate.
"No" was always his emphatic
answer. At last, to prove that the
idea was nonsense, he took some
seed which he himself had seen
excavated from an eighteenth-
dynasty tomb near Western
Thebes, Egypt, twenty-eight
years earlier, and had it tested.
It refused to grow,
But a Japanese horticulturist
who found the 2,000-year-old
seed of a lotus flower buried ten
feet deep in an ancient canoe,
claimed that it grew after he
had planted it.
Other claims have been made
that seeds from granaries and
tombs in overwhelmed cities
such as Pompeii sprouted• when
planted in pots on the table in
a London dining-room. Investi-
gating experts agreed that the
seeds they were shown were
sprouting, but said they were
from wheat grown in Britian
two years earlier.
How long, then, can a seed
live? The French botanist, Bee-
querel, experimented with some
500 kinds in the collections of the
National History Museum in
He got twenty tproutingt from
dry and, to all detWard appear-
ances, "deed and gone" seeds,
specimens ranging from twenty-
tight to eighty-seven years old.
All Other seeds more than eighty-
seven Yeats old failed to germin-
ISSUE 25....1964
.13Y goy, 11, WAFTM
Matthew 7;15.24:1,tike 15i6.9
Memory Selection: Abide lilt.
Me, and 1 in you. As the branch
cannot bear fruit of itself,
rept it abide in, the vine; no
more can ye, except ye abide tt
Me, •Iolin 15;4,
There have always been hypo-
crites. When they get into the
ranks of the ministry, they are
more dangerous, Jesus said, "Be.
ware of false prophets, which.
come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are „ravening;
wolves, Ye shall know them by
their fruits." But the fruit is
not immediately apparent, Hour
can we know? Here are two
Scriptures which are good indi-
cators, "Now if any man have
not the Spirit of Christ, he is
none of His," Romans 8:9, "The
fruit of the Spirit is love, joy.
peace, long suKering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, tem-
perance." Galatians 5 22,23, The
final doom of the false prophet
is set forth in the words, "Every
tree that bringeth not forth good,
fruit is hewn down, and cast
into the fire."
A profession of religion may
pass with men. But Jesus says
that even prophesying in His
name, casting out devils and do-
ing wonderful works are not
sufficient, Workers of iniquity
may do these things. Satan is a
deceiver and his followers fol-
low his example.
The parable of the fig tree em-
phasizes the requirement for all
of us to bear fruit. The Lord.
is very patient but if we con-
tinue to be barren and unfruit-
ful we shall be cut off. We have
been saved at great cost. We
can never repay. At our best we
are unprofitable servants. But
we must show forth the fruit of
the Spirit in our daily walk. If
we think and talk and walk like
the devil we are certainly not
on our way to heaven — our
church standing or past religious
experience notwithstanding. A
drunken man was telling me of
the high offices he held in his
church. I asked, "Do you think
God is pleased with you in that
condition?" Drunkenness is one
of the work of the flesh of
those of whom it is said, "They
'which. do such things shall no
inherit the kingdom of God:
Galatians 5:21,
We are saved by faith and not
by works. But out of gratitude
to God for His marvellous grace
we should be diligent in good.
ON HIND FEET — Two vehicles which 'collided tri a Chicago
street ended Up doing the cha cha.
fer to "wildcat' with rapeseed
— that is,. growing the crop on
their own and then search •.Ant
the highest-paying markets
themselves. In some years "wild.
cutters" have obtained double
the contract prices but were bur-
timed with more problems than
contract 'growers.
'5 0,
Rapeseed was introduced to
the- Canadian prairies in 1942 on
an experimental basis, and for
the rest of World War II was
grown mainly to provide for-
ming a base for marine lubri-
cants. After the war it WAS
raised for kts edible oil And
provide livestock .feeding meal.
During the past year rapeseed
oil, was proven to have superior
lubricating qualities for pre-
mium oils and standard greases,
and its use for these purposes is
increasing in western. Canada,
An extensive survey of the
prairie provinces the other day
revealed farmers were almost
falling over each other in the
rush to grow rapeseed. Hundreds
of wheat farmers who had never
seen rapeseed were signing con-
tracts to raise the crop this year.
Those who grew it in past years
were contracting substantially
larger acreages.
Making estimates of rapeseed
acreages for this year, various
agricultural authorities placed
the minimums at 200,000 acres
for Alberta, 450,000 acres for
Saskatchewan, and 50,000 acres
for Manitoba, Last year's acre-
ages for these provinces were
30,800, 171,000, and 16,000 respec-
Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking
Possum Plague
In New Zealand
A plague of opossums in New
Zealand is causing almost as
much anxiety to the authorities
as that of rabbits in Australia.
Schemes are now being launched
to wipe out this small animal
which was introduced from Aus-
tralia about a century ago.
Possessing fifty teeth apiece
and terrific appetites, opossums
are causing, widespread havoc.
They eat the leaves, stalk and
bark of shrubs, destroy crops
and orchards and make off with
all the eggs they can find.
There are about 25,000,000
opossums in New Zealand. They
vary considerably in size, some
being as big as a cat, others as
small as a mouse.
Half a crown is paid for each
opossum caught, in New Zealand,
which accounts for about a mil-
lion a year. Another million are
trapped each year for their fur,
In tropical America there is a
species called crab-eating opos-
sums, which live on crabs, as
their name indicates, They fre-
quent marshy places in order to
catch their prey.
Many species of opossum carry
their young on their backs, as
they have no pouch•.
Hunting opossums with dogs at
night is very popular in the au-
tumn in the southern states of
the United States. At this time
the animals make excellent food,
as they have a layer of fat all
over them.
The opossum hides in a tree
and is either shaken down or
shot as it hangs by its tail. When
caught they try to feign death
and it is this habit which gives
rise to the expression "playing
3N d ill S
DOWOOMOMMEM MUD,A2MUM Eigazitionmu Arians
IMOLRE MEM ummoromin
um 3d 3
-i tiril."T
1 I 1
VI 21 21 3i
acre, In most cases rapeseed
doubled the monetary returns
from wheat, the biggest single
crop 'for the prairie provinces.
Practically the entire 1959 pro-
duction of rapeseed now has
been exported to Japan, and that
country has been joined by
France and Italy in seeking large
volumes of the grain this year
from Canada. Only recently a
purchasing mission from France
toured western Canada nego-
tiating purchases of more than
$12,000,000 worth of rapeseed. •
Rapeseed, which resembles
wild mustard and is a drought-
resistant crop, yields a vegetable
oil that is edible and one which
also can be used as an oil base
for highgrade lubricants.
Although a relatively new crop
on the Canadian prairies, it has
suddenly become exceedingly
popular with • western farmers
because it provided them with
handsome returns last year, is
assured of a guaranteed cash
market by firm contracts, and
now is in great demand for the
export trade.
Another important and attrace
tive factor is the short growing
period required by the crop.
Even the most northern agricul-
tural regions of Canada can
plant rapeseed in May and have
it harvested by the middle of
August, writes George A. Yacku-
lie in the Christian Science
Rapeseed also appeals to fat-
mers because it is not subject
to restricted grain delivery quo-
tas such as apply to wheat, bar-
ley, and oats. When these limited
quotas are filled, the oereal
grains back up onto farms. Many
prairie farmers still have wheat
to-market from the past three or
four crops.
A contract-signing stampede for
rapeseed developed across the
prairies as soon as the French
puchasing mission disclosed its
needs, farmers and seed firms
staging an outright rush to cash
in on proepect of expanded fore-
ign markets for the crop.
Rapeseed contracts for this
year guarantees farmers initial.
payments ranging from two to
three cents per pound of rape-
seed. Additional payments will
be determined by the market
price of the crop after it is liar.
While the bulk of the rape-
seed acreage is aimed directly
at markets in France, Japan, and
Italy, not all of Canadas 1960
rapeseed crop will be raised un-
der contracts guaranteeing mar-
kets and prices, Many independ-
ent-minded prairie farmers pre-
In • Vert' Hconti
For a woman who can't swain
ek 'stroke, I spend an incredible
amount of time in peak. And
when I think of all the oppor-
tunities I had for being a spin-
elm': But no — I got marriecll
And what does mete k'ge lead
to? Children, And what do chil-
dren lead to? The educational
process. And What does the edu-
cational proms 'lead to? Car
The next time I have to x111 out
one of these blanks that ask im-
pertinent, questions such as "Date
of birth," "Weight.;" etc., I shall
certeinly w r i t et 'Occupation:
chauffeur." Chauffeuse, I suppose
it should be, although it really is
a man-sized job,
For anyone wishing to make e
serious study 04 pool procedure,
here are some directions, Let us
begin at the* moment breakfast
is over,. teeth are brushed (what
there is of them); coats are but-
toned (such as they are); and
lunch money deposited in wallet
and purse respectively.
I advance to the big kitchen
calendar. I look for the pencil.
I say, "Today I am going to tie,
that pencil to the calendar."
When the pencil is found (up in.
Juliet's room acting as a perch
for the parakeet, or down in the
basement impersonating a log
in the gondola of Austin's elec-
tric train), I write beside the
date everything that each child
is wearing cr carrying — every-
thing losable, in feet. (Some af-
ternoons I .even remember to
check it when they coma home.)
We insert ourselves into the
car (a very essential ingredient
for a car pool). We stop two
doors down the street and
honk delicately for 'fourth-grade.
Jimmie. I am always in a quan-
dary at this point if Jimmie and
his little sister, Karen, do not
emerge promptly. To honk again
sounds peremptory. Yet, if they
didn't hear it the first time—.
Jimmie comes out; immaculate,
with hair *parted geometrically
perfectly and brushed back in
an enchanting swirl. He still
reeks pleasantly of hair-stick 'urn
and peppermint toothpaste: His
sweater is handmade. He looks
like the Hope of America. Kar-
en's coat is a new school coat,
not an old "good" coat.
We proceed down the street to
the little colonial cottage. Dora
is always late and so I have no
delicacy about multiple honks
here. Dora holds up the car pool
after school, also, because she
has a teacher who is a keeper-
in. Every car pool has one,
There are now four children
in the back seat. "Buttons down,"
I carol, "two middle children, sit
forward; two outside children,
sit back." This is the ritual to be
used after each new child ent-
ers the car.
Next is small Carlie. His
mother has two younger boys
and a baby. He arrives with
sticky crumbs on his dimpled
cheeks and usually — like the
Mad Hatter — a piece of bitten
toast in his hand.
I Forgot to say that this is
Orchestra Day (it is always some
Day) and Juliet has her violin
with her; and Carlie a large air-
plane model he is carrying for
show-and-tell. Juliet has also her
Glee Club surplice and Dora has_
her violin, Austin has his re-
corder, and Dora is bringing her
pet turtle in a large bowl. rather
unnecessarily. full of very liquid
water. Karen is bearing a large
iced cake for her class party. And
Jimmie has his cornet and case.
How thankful I am none of them
takes tuba lessons!
On rainy days, of course, there
are raincoats, helmets, goloshes,
end end Umbrellae besides. And that
damp, wooly smell, writes Ne-
dra Nevakirk Lamar in the Chris-
tian Science Monitor.
Mrs. Briggs has telephoned
21 22
2. Danish coin
3. Admitted to the ministry
4, intertwine • 5. Alack
6, Pose as a
7. Moving
brisk y.
B. Contracted 30. Slide
9. Hurt 33. Sprinkle
10. Otherwise with flour
11. Action 34, Deep affection
16. Worthless *36. Military
20, Cereal student
21. FelloW 37. Long for
(colloq,1 (colloct.)
22. 1-6xpect 38, Applaud
23, GloW 80. Tapering solid
25, Trembles With 0, Kind of bean
eagerness 43. Contend
26, Baste parts 4, ittspiosive
27. Baseball team device
28, Small 5. High n
barracuda the scale
6 7
19 20
9 10
27 26 25. 28 24
30 31 29
34 33 32
36 35
1. Make entreaty
4. Malden
8, Went faster 12. De Wrong
13. HisttiOunted
14. Sound 1n body
15. Consecrate-17. Tnc.reaSe
in price •
18, SIM-Mier
19. ReintWed
dead branches
21. Deseetitlant
23. Te11 a yarn
24. Sharpen
25, Becomes
, More centrilet
29, Slinittri
90, P-oge
St Rage of
32. Setting from
hOnse to house 84,,shlooth
CeramonY' as 3fs:19enly•
40 Bathe
41. Ta.tran of
47. Hattrfettat
48. Hindu'
48, Pet-icing sword 50, manthershifi
81. Belgian .
now' I, 70stiettstt.
39 37 38
45 44 42 43
•1 48 47 46
50 47
5.24 DOUBLE TROUBLE — Two Swedish motorcycle racing stars battle on a turn during 'd Landon,
England, conifiention. Cyclist Ovei 1 undiri on the outside wen the tire-idling hate. AnaVver elsewhere on this page".