HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-06-09, Page 3eereeele eeeeteee
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eeriteee eteleitte
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eitotereel .ette.
LONG established self-service grocery and fruit store and butcher shop for sale including stock in trade and equipment, together with adjoining residence and garage, situated in Mada-waska Valley tourist area. Turnover in 1959—$145,000. Premises and books open for Inspection, Reason for selling
—illness of owner, Walter Wilkie, Killa. lee Station, Ont.
SASKATCHEWAN Licensed Hotels For Sale - 35 rooms, $60,000 with $30,000 down; 7 rooms, $15,000 with $5,000 down; 7 rooms, $17,000 with $10,000 down; 10 rooms, $75,000 with $55,000 down; 11 rooms, $30,000 with $15,000
down; 8 rooms, $27,000 with $17,000 down; city 55 rooms, $390,000 with $150,000 down. BONNEAU'S AGENCIES, Real Estate, Gravelbourg, Sask.
CONTROL THE FACE FLY WITH the "BEST" Cattle Oiler and Insecticide Oil. This serious fly is al-
ready attacking Cattle in great num. leers, Several satisfied users practically eliminated this pest during 1959. Start treatment early for effective control. Can be hung in pastures or feed lots. Kills lice all winter and flies all sum-mer. Save 50-75 lbs. on each animal treated. SEE your local dealer or contact George E. Gilbert Equipment Ltd., Leamington, Ontario. Phone FA. 6-6262,
RESTAURANT and service station with three-bedroom apartment above, situ. ated on- No. 3. Highway about five miles from St. Thomas. Will seat about fifty 'persons at a time, building in first class condition and large parking area, will take country in part pay, ill health reason for selling. Phone or write Geo. H. Cross, Broker. 86 Myrtle St. Thomas.
VARIETY store, building, business and stock for sale, well located in central village of Manitoulin Island. Establish. ed 18 years. Wonderful summer trade, Largo modern 6-room upstairs apart. ment. Cash. Contact Harold R. Cooper Box 6, Mindernoya, Ont.
WELDING and blacksmith shop, orna-mental iron works. Good building and location, well equipped. Must get out, Age and ill health. Very reasonable down payment. 29 Lewis St., Fort Erie, Ont.
WIN PRIZE! Crossword puzzles In daily papers and magazines. Menem, none $1.00 IL U. Bishop, 405-C Second Street, Neenah, Wisconein, U.S A.
Registered Yellow Labradors. Show and hunting stock. Virginia Freeman, Stonehenge Kennels. Route 5. King. Sten Ontario.
MALES and females, reOsteted, ex• cellent breeding
Trimming Cl Specialty
Barris-Shire Kennels Registered. Hwy. 74, Belmont. Belmont 422-11-17,
------- - — FOR Sale: 118 acres, 115 acres tillable, balance in bush, two never failing
wells. Spring in pasture, good barn, implement shed, two garages hen house, dairy, granary, chicken house, modern nine roomed house, good base. meat, electricity, telephone, school bus passes door; cheese factory Apply: George Allen, Box 40, L'Orignal, On. tarn)
130 ACRES, 6 room house and garage, 2 barns, one 50'x32', stone ioundation, concrete floors, steel stanchions for 20 head of cattle, litter carrier, milk
house, silo. Other 50'x100', concrete foundation, 50'40' loafing barn with feed bunks, concrete floor, 50'x50' pig
pen with concrete floor and troughs. Hydro and water throughout, seeding done. $10 000. W. Jewett, KR. 2, Have-lock,
100 ACRES choice clay loam soil, all under cultivation, corner location, square farm, 4200 ft, frontage, 1 mile west of Woodville Ontario, paved road, solid brick home, 2 entrances, could easily be divided, fireplace, new heavy wiring, bank barn, concrete stabling, secondary barn, large implement house, hen house, garage, all buildings painted and in good repair, good steel roofs, 2 good wells, water in stable, good fences, bus service and school bus at door, buildings close to road, shade trees, reasonably priced with terms. SECOND 100 acres, clay loam soil, within 2 miles, all clear, no buildings, never failing stream. Terms.
Mrs. Mel Dukelow "Phone 34R3 Woodville" R.R. 2, WOODVILLE, ONTARIO.
100 ACRES of good workable soil, drained and fenced. 4 bedroom brick house with furnace; Barn 40'x96'; Shed 50'x24'; hydro in all buildings; plenty of water from well. Located 11/2 miles from highway on School bus route. Apply Mr. Norris Sillery, R.R. No. 3 SEAFORTH, Ontario, This advertise-ment is published free as one of the many benefits of:
CHAMPION portable feed mill mount. ed on 1959 Ford C600 truck used one year. Lucrative business, reasonable, John 0. Newton, Walkerton.
RECHARGEABLE Pocket Flashlight! No batteries needed. Plugs into house A.C. 100.120 Volt outlet. $3.50 postpaid. Free details. Frank Lessi, 195-B Mug. gab Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia,
IRIS, Beautiful tall bearded named varieties. Special bargains. Price list on request. Orton Robinson, 166 Duff e'en Street, Guelph, Ontario,
100 Gladiolus Bulbs, $2
IN ten varieties, to bloom this summer. Postpaid. Wrightland Farm, Harrow, Ont,
$1.25 Express Collect.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze•
ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless
of how Stubborn or hopeless they seem,
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
1865 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO
General Duty Nurses
FOR modern 50 bed hospital. Resid-ence accommodation available, 40 hour 5-day week. Good personnel benefits, Starting salary: new graduates $275.00,
with experience $285.00, with Ontario Registration.
Superviser of Nu aris8i prt g required. Stale experience and salary expected. Ad. dress enquiries to: The Administrator, Sioux Lookout General Hospital, P.O. Box 909, Sioux Leekont, Ontario.
CREDENTIALS, Club leternbership, identification cards, drivers licenses, newspaper clippings sealed in plastic. Maximum 5x7. Send 500 real. J, Bar-
illa, 140 SI sect, Newark 5. New
JOIN CANADA'S LEADING ScH001 Great Opportunity Learn flairdresshrq Pleeerint dignified profession; Aced wipes Thousands of successful Marvel Gradoutes emerieres Greateee. Sveteel Illustrated Cataloelie Free
Write of Call MARVEL, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL e5e Blear St W, Toronto
Granchex: 4s King. St 'W ilantlItoe 72 Rideati Street Ottewei.
ADUL'eS, Personal Rubber (boils, 30 riesertment for $2.00. Fineet quality, tested, tailitenteecl. Melted in plain sealed package plus ft et Birth Contra booklet and catalogue of supplies. %Noose; Distributors, Sask.,etos ,BOX: 1.4te
PERSON 11, needs tnqufetee theittet Leen'e Ortige, elf leenforth 'teeelite
PUREBRED persian kittens, Pedigreed stork, prices reasonable, write for :in-formation, Mrs. Edgar gene, Mitchell, Ontario,
1201 semi-annual Pony and Saddle Horse consignment sale on Saturday, June 11111, starting at 11 a.m.
Over 200 head of all types and color. Be sure to attend Canada's oldest Pony Sale at the Bervie Livestock Salo Bern, seven miles East of leincerdine. Pony equipment sells first,
THE lower egg prices go now slid the longer they stay down in price, the higher they will go this Fall and. the longer they will remain at high prices, The time to buy chicks is when
egg prices are low, not whets they are high, and be sure to purchase the right breed of chicks for the job• you want them to do. Our best white egg layers: Kimber K-137, 'l'weddie 400, Tweddle 401, California Grey X White Leghorn, all tremendous layers. Dual purpose: Light Sussex X Red, lied X, Light Sussex, Red. X Barred Rock. Broilers: Vantress X Arbor Acres White Rock, Vantress Nichols No, 108, Turkey poults: Bronze, Beltsville, older pullets, all ages, Swine: English Large Black, first cross Blue Spotted Hybrids and Landrace. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO
TEACHER required for modern nun• try school, Sudbury district, 4 miles from town. Starting Sept. term. 20 to 26 pupils all Grades. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Conrad Springer, See,-Treas. P.S.S No
1 Baldwin, McKerrow, Ont,
A qualified teacher to set as principle two-room school teaching Grades 5 to
SALARY: Basic $3,e00; $160 per year for experience up to 8 years; $500 for
principalship; $1,000 eoti BA equi-
valent; $200 year incremeet .
GIVE experience and pames of Met
CHALET Brunelle, Sportsmenes north-ern rendezvous on genii Lake near Kapeskasing. Modern accommodation, fine French cuisine. Phone 414. write Andred and. Retie Brunelle, Moonbeam,
ROOMS, cabbie, a ll running water or private bathroom,fine food, beach, msports, sumer friendly moderate, write Or phonelloeclawn Lodge, Bala
Blue Water Conference
$3.50 to 58.00 daily; all recreational facilities; evening Meeting: Ilible and missionary speakers. Folder. Weite 153
Bing W., Chatham,Oni,
ALleelleettS invited submit MSS ell types rincluding Poems) for beelc pole ifeation. fleasonoble terms Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England '('ht'd 1898.1
NERVOUS tension nun Soule 75% at
sickness Particularly sieeptessneso, enteryn ess and irrittibilile Sleep, ceelee your nerves with "Nemo", 10 for $1,00, $0 for $4,00. Lyon's Drugs 471 Don. forth, Torontd
Flints developed and 8 magna prints in albuen 12 magna prints in album
Reprints Sc each
Developing roll $1 0( at% $1)01t1ORM
Prints), COlor prints .d5c each extra, Owe and Ektachrome 35 aim 20 ex, Posteres mounted in slides $1..e.,5 Ceaer Prints free). slides 350 -each, Money rpfunded In full for Imprinted Ilega • lives,
pox $1, GALT ONT
MUSKOKA or Lake Erie lots $195 up, Improvements. Easy terms, Going fast. Box 431, Huntsville.
IN north Grimsby, 2/5 acre with cot-tage, living-dining room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, flush toilet. Apply C A. Bridgman, Winona, Ont.
$2100 FULL price - 5 room house In Corbetton Terms. APARTMENT building - thriving vil-lage on Highway 10. 7 apartments all occupied. $6500 full price. Terms. A. real bargain. Clayton G. Hogg, Realtor. Phone Dundalk 356 after 6 P.M.
100 DIFF. British. West Indies $2.00. 200, $5.25. 200 Jiff. Canada $3.25. Lane Stamps, Peaks Island, Maine.
QUALIFIED Protestant teacher for .$.S. No. 12, Osgoode (Scotch School).• Apply stating qualifications and salary ex-pected. Duties to commence Sept. 6. Elwin Hill, SeeeTreas., R.R. 1, Metcalfe Ont,
QUALIFIED teacher for Separate School No, 8, Huntley. Duties to com-mence Sept. Grades 1 to 8. Minimum salary $3,000. Apply giving experience and name of last inspector to Mrs. M. Williams, Sec. Treas., R.R. 1, Corkery,
SOUTH Brighton Twp. School area te-quire a Protestant teacher to teach four grades, 1, 2, 7, 8, in a rural school as Per Salary Schedule. Minimum no experience $3,000.00. Duties Commence September 6th, 1960. Reply stating Experience. Salary and
last Inspectorate to
Mr, Cecil Alexander SeceTreas. R.R. 1, Brighton, Ont.
CLARENDON TSA requires teachers, principal for Plevna 2-room school and others. First class certificate required. Salary offered: $3,000 to $3,200, accord-ing to school and experience. Please state last inspector. For information contact Mrs. E. A. Card, secretary-treasurer, Plevna, North Frontenac.
ItEADY FOR THE MATCH — FidOty,Weight ,boxing didnip Inge-
Sitar slefiC.lesSelli tedvet Airport with his, fiancee Birgit
eeeteeeeee arettle....etee
not until millions of years after
insects became abundant, Re-
member, too, that bats are the
only mammals among thousands
of kinds which ever evolved
their own wings, something
which is indeed a mystery,
On one side of the shack un-
der the loose shingles lived the
Molossus major clique, some
fifty dusky furred individuals
with tails as ddetinct as those of
shrews. On the north side we
had the Tadarida antillularum
clan, a very dark, homely-faced
lot whose tails were even longer,
while still other larger species
swooped about in the gloom in
the trails at dusk, and I found
tiny ones which lived in aloes-
ands inn the nauseating'breath of
a deep volcanic fissure high in
the mountains.
From the dense blackness, es-
pecially on the wettest nights,
came the pleasing sounds from
the throats of little tree frogs.
The wetter it was the more they
piped, and by the light of a hur-
ricane lantern I watched their
impassioned choruses issuirtg
from low and glistening leaf en
platforms, The frogs were deli-
cate little things with gold-rim-
med eyes, their bodies of vaei-
ous shades of ocher and brown,
and some with camouflaging
lighter stripes resembling the
mid-ribs of dead leaves travers-
ing the center of their backs,
All had that delighted wide-
aW'ake exteression which only
-.wet and emitting frogs can have.
From their cream - colored
throats, ballot:ins out of all pro-
p:R.1)1'ms would suddenly expand
like blobs of bubble gum, and as
these little witid machines rose
and fell, there (Jame the sweet-
toned Penetrating sounds. "Co-
leet—co-leet," they seetnecl tO
say, with enormous persistence
from dark until Iate at night, arid
the fenialet must have been
chainted indeed by such dined
and energetic harmony, — From
"this World of titling Mitigs,"
by Paul Griswold Howes.
NSSEE x4 1660'
Cock-a-doodle-doo! or the brave
French Ko-ko-ri-ko! the Laotian
rooster goes Euk-leu-u-u-u, giv-
ing a remarkable imitation of
gramophone running down.
The great tropical trees on the
bank are festooned with epi-
' phytes and creepers, The band
of exuberant foliage on the far
bank is Thailand. An occasional
pirogue, dark and slender, with
high, curly snouts at bow and
stern, floats diagonally across
the surface of the water. At the
river's bend, just upstream from
Vientiane, are long, low lines of
mountains, lavender and blue-
gray, cloud hung, and, shining
in the late afternoons. At sun-
set the clouds and the sampans
are reflected in the water, and
women are washing themselves
and their sarongs, their hair glis-
tening blue-black, and their chil-
dren frolicking around them like
- brown minnows.
There is the dull, low boom-
ing of a drum calling the monks
to prayer, and dowii the road
that winds along the river wan-
ders a man in a tattered shirt
and a black-and-white-checker-
ad sarong that looks like an old
tablecloth, lost in the plaintive
air he plays on his 'then. Quiet-
ness and peace ace in the air.
It seems unthinkable and mon-
strous that these people are in
danger of being turned into pas-
toral robots by their dedicated
neighbours. — From "The Little
World of Laos," by Oden Mee-
flow can I freshen the at-
meat-there in a moldy or musty-
smelling cellist?
A, If you'll spray some un-
slaked lime on the walls of the
cellar, it will freshen not only
the cellar, but also the atmost
phere of the Whole house,
you toot t We're having
enuennit confeteneti"
QUEEN'S OWN — Prince Philip,
who is commander of the
Queen's Royal Irish Hussar
Regiment, tours his forces in
Salta U, Germany.
Chemical Additive In Faad$..
May Prevent Tooth Cavities CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Where tiviny • •
Was Still Simple •
The t..iiinate of Laos .1s. .0q. the/
;ay, monsoonal, steamy in the
summer in the lowlands mid
chilly in the mountains and high
plateaus, With a relotively dry
.winter and spring and heavy
sains the rest of the year that
leave a good deal of the eosin-
try unapproachable except by
dugout or tee' helicopter. B.
there are no helicopters except
a couple of. French Army ones
used by the Internotionel Com-
Doors b a n g viokntly in the
wind when the monsoon comes,
the rains beat against the thatch
and tin roofs, and the curly pods
of the flamboyant trees explode
with a Sharp crack like gunfire.
The cicadas, in the heat of the
day keening like .a, distant saw-
mill, at night came banging in.-
to the light.
Yet even with the deluge the
water supply keeps giving out,
and the tank truck which makes
the rounds of Vientiane fails to
arrive. And the handsome, me-
tallic green-black and golden-
iusset local cock, scratching
about the houses on stilts, is un-
deniably Gallus Callus gain's,.
the claseWal Burmese jungle
fowl who is the ancestor of all
our barnyard chickens. Except
that in Laos the bird has suc-
cumbed to the national dolce far
niente, and instead of crying
eineelitifiLiTORS a anted fOr low Priced tittality
rIlrieVetit "ietPTilstttr41(Y)s caret frigtreport Dept 0., Box 221, StritIon ilr Montreal. Que.,"
°C1iC :5 k;Wr(11.1"7114:8oi31Aday old ntsta11(d11;pr1t shipment, See local agent - or write Bray Hatch,- eno 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont.
fil:il 111 Convertible Conligne Trailers
e-enSipleelPnle5nti 2e30 ile)‘sr'ee illtewr4ateuerle: Sets
Aberdeen Camping Trailer$
Sales and Rental
Mt. Hope P.O. (Hamilton)
000,00 turnover. 13105. ran be sold or leased. Comfortable living quarters, Over 70 wish to retire. Apply M. D. Roes, Elkhorn, Man,
lCE cream, Wit Investigate the pus-61bl/itlee in this tremendous business, Can be installed in your present store In addition to your regular business, Small investment; large profits. Box 212, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont.
NATION. WIDE, electro.massage rental outlets ore seeking additional reliable and able men to organize In their areas, They will controlall rentals and sales of our nationally advertised product. No triflers please. Must have a minimum of $2,000 to invest. You must be in the $15,000 - $50,000 call. bre. Write Lournar and Associates Ltd
3009 Bathurst Street. Toronto 19, On.
GENERAL store and equipment, 2 gas pumps, storeroom and garage, also a 5-roomed house, plus bath and fur-nace, sell reasonable, Apply to box No. 22 Port Rowan, Ont.
Gin' and Novelty shop. In thriving village on a paved road, Has snack bar and could be used as dispensary, A good brick building with sizeable apartment above. Facilities, new mod-ern school, high school, bus, close to hank, arena and churches, Surrounded byexcellent farming community. Health leaves owner anxious to sell, Other business establishments, heuses, farms and wooded areas. K, G Leitch, Real Estate. R.R. 1, Guelph, on 24 high-way near Erin Ph. Erin 25R45,
,BEEF CATTI,.g. • ArtguDEEN.ANGus -- aver 126 bead pure.bred breeding Wick: 10 trills, 8$ kemeles, many calves at foot, Selling at tome auction Monday, June. Into et, oldrees Bast, clue. (between. Ottawe
and Moutreale Estate of L. T. Porter, ,Box 58, St. Andrews East, P. Cele.
00 .C111NCBIOLAS, all .equipment. SI)e, rake. Urgently need, cash. Beet offer • takes. 2704 Perent Remington Park, Windom
CALCIUM PHOSPHATE — tooth decay preventive?
for individuals and too difficult
to control in wells. However, re-
search is underway to develop
a low cost fluoride processing
device that can be adapted to
deep wells,
Some communities decline to
use fluoride-treated water. Al-
though it has proven safe, it
hasn't been available long enough
to be completely accepted, NIH
scientists explained.
Also, water supplies in some
areas once contained too much
fluoride, But a special process
has been. developed to reduce it
to the proper percentage, they
So far, 36 million persons in
some 1,900 communities receive
fluoride-treated water. Another
seven million persons in another
1,900 communities drink water
which has a sufficient amount of
fluoride naturally. So only about
25 per cent of the U.S. nation's
population receives the benefits
of fluoridation.
While testing calcium phos-
phate, NTH also is trying to de-
termine how fluoride Works and
why its, best results are found
among children.
It has been determined that
persons who always drank a
proper amount of fluoride in
their water had 60 per cent
fewer cavities than those who
did not, or tsetse who started.
after they had all their adult
'Scientists theorize that the
chemical rearranges the mole-
rules in the teeth, making them
stronger. They emphasize, how-
ever, that fluoride alone will not
stop all cavities. Regular brush-
ing, proper diet and dental
check-ups are still necessary.
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
A tasteless chemical that may
prevent tooth decay When added.
to food is being tested,
The chemical is calcium phos-
phate which appears naturally
in small doses in many foods.
Scientists at the National Insti-
tutes of Health in Bethesda, Md.,
have found that increased am-
ounts prevent cavities in labora-
tory animals,
They now are trying to de-
termine if the chemical will have
the same effect on humans. The
testing ground is several board-
ing schools in North and South
Dakota. The names of the schools
are not being made public.
Half of the students are fed
phosphated bread; the other half
eat the store-bought kind. For
several years they will receive
annual dental dheck-ups to deter-
mine which group has fewer
Should the phosphate - eating
group have consistently fewer
cavities, the chemical may sur-
pass soli= fluoride as the top
cavity preventative.
Phosphated bread, cakes and
pies could be available to all.
That would be a boon to mil-
lions now drinking unfluoridat-
ed water who are deprived of
this type of cavity prevention.
Dr. F. A. Arnold Jr., Chief of
NIH's Institute of Dental Re-
search, says that more than One-
third of the nation's population
may never receive the benefits
of fluoride-treated water.
These are the people who get
their drinking water from pri-
vate wells rather than commun-
ity water supplies. Fluoride pro-
cessing machinery is too costly
"Batts" don't necessarily live
in belfries, "squares" aren't al-
ways those who are not "hep,"
and "furring" can be either the
collar of a woman's coat or strips
of wood,
These terms can be baffling to
the uninitiated, but every home
owner or buyer should be fa-
Millar with them.
These are terms used by build-
ers, remodeling experts, and al-
most everyone who can hammer•
a nail to complete a 'do it your-
self' project.
Experts explain that "bates'
are rectangular sections of rock
wool enveloped in heavy-duty
paper or aluminum foil for use.
in insulating a house.
A "square" is an, area 10 feet
by 10 feet (400 square feet), a
unit of measurement used to de-
termine the amount of materials
and labor required to cover a
roof. The roof on an average
house measures approximately
20 to 25 squares and a builder
or roofer uses this yardstick to
estimate, his costs.
Mink may interest the lady
In the household but "furring"
may be much more interesting
—and a great deal less expen-
sive—to the family handy man.
"Furring" refers to the strips of
wood or metal that are applied
to walls, ceilings, or roofs to
provide even surfaces for instal-
ation of wall board, acoustical
tile, or shingles.
' These are only a few of the
more common building terms
that should be included in the
vocabulary of the handy man.
Some of the meanings of a few
commonly used building terms
Sheathing—Fibreboard or gyp-
sum, often impregnated with
asphalt, which covers the exter-
ior frame of a house.
Siding—The exterior finish of
a house, generally wood, brick,
aluminum, asphalt, or asbestos
Framing — The wooden sup-
ports, such as studs, joists, sills,
and lintels that make up the
frameWork of a house or its
parts, such as doors, windows,
and the like.
A stud is usually a vertical
piece of wood, two by four
inches thick; joists are horizontal
beams used to support ceilings .
or floors; sills are large hori-
zontal beams upon which rest
the studs of the framework, and.
a lintel doesn't float in soup. It
is a horizontal beam over a door-
way or a window.
Dry wall—The covering over
an interior part of the framing
with wallboard, usually gypsum
board, to ensure an even finish.
Damp proofing—The applica-
tion of a water-resistant pitch
or asphalt base coating to the
outside wall of a house's founda-
tion to prevent penetration of
The professional builder's vo-
cabulary ranges all the way from.
A (as in acrylic resins) to Z (as
zoning where local ordinances
specify certain building regula-
tions). Although the average
homeowner isn't expected to un-
derstand all the terms, he should
familiarize himself with those
that are used most cominonly.
Why No 099k
0.n The Winner?:
Big "Ben. Hue is cutting
wide swath these days 4., eleven
Academy Awards, 4.5 million
Customers, and $9 million in re-
reipts •—• hut there are those for
whom three and a half hours
of sitting is too much of a good
thing. As a service to these folk,
New York City's No Village
Voice recently ran a thoughtful •
announcement, "The chariot
race," the newspaper advised,
"''comes °n at. 5:02 p.m. on Wed-
nesday, Saturday, and Sunday
afternoon, and at 11:02 every
:night, The race lasts eleven
Vocabulary For
The .Handy Man
Bats And Other
Night Creatures
Colonies of bats were always
with us (in Dominica) Some of • them fed their babies periodical-
ly during clear nights. Others
seemed to stay away until morn-
ing, while the majority fed
from dusk until dark and then
holed up again, bellies filled.
with well-chewed insects, All in
concert produced a peeved or
jocund din, according to their
changing moods — irritations
caused by the rude shoving and
jostling of arrivals hunting, for
their accustomed positions, or
the contenting comfort of other
warm snuggling bodies,
Bats, as we know, are pre-
dominantly feeders upon winged
insects, yet strange to say, ho
flying mainmals evolved before
them to take advantage of this
enormous food supply, and. bats
How Can ?
by Roberta Lee
Q. How can I most easily
clean the white -side walls of my
automobile tires?
A. One of the easiest and
most effective methods is to use
the kind of steel wool.pads that
are filled with soap.
Q. How can I prevent nuts
from rusting tight on bolts?
A. Dip the threaded end of
the bolt into shellac before turn-
ing the nut onto it. The nut can
then be removed later without
any trouble.
Q. How can. I cat buttons off
coats without danger of cutting
the fabric?
A. Slide e thin comb betWeeh
the button and fabric, and the
teeth of the comb will protect
the material from damage while
you cut the threads with a razor
Q. Can you suggest 'an effi-
cient way Of locking two or
more eard tables together into
one long table for e family
gatheiring or picnic?
A. This can be done by set-
ting the adjacent pairs of legs
into snug-fitting tin cans, Be
sure to use cans that provide a
tight fit for the two fogs and are
high enough to keep the lengths
of the legs together.
Q. HOW Cita I repair the Was-
tic frawds bf my el eglasses.
which heed betikeb?
A, Mend these with acetone,
sold at most drugstores. Place
the broken pieces together, hold-
ing firmly, then dip the end of
niatchstiek or cotton swab in
the ,aceto)to and touch to the,
broken sections. Repeat until the
acetone has melted the plastic
around the broken area. The
pieces will fuse together and
harden in about 30' ni itiu tes.
—fired out!
When they are troubled by backache,
ihatilted out feeling tit distutbedrest,
mow, many tome* tore to Deddli
Kidney Pills-, These conditions can be
.caused by urea hag and Winks In'
the spIttet and Kitinet, Pills
stimulate the'kidneys and aid their
henna 'Adieu of rettioeirig excess
aria and 'Onside. Then life teeth*,
triOtterilieeseieerlt lighter! don't
eirie tree try Dodd's/ 0