HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-06-09, Page 1 Tulip Margarine 4 lbs. for .. ''' $1.00 Gold Reef Sliced Pineapple 20 oz. 2 for 53c Hawaiian Punch 48 oz. ....... 35c 0•11.111011.11rd••••,••••.61.4 ,•••••••••,•••• • 1••••••••••....... •••.*. MCCUTCHEON GROCERY ,,...,,,..,.,,,.tea..... w. Traitrattar.74.1741.7.74.4"stito=.' • WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yarck,• EVERY FR:DAY 1 P. M. •;' Tsar hosts mow Tsars yos are vsloosta aim • , I Visitor, foam ar RAM Shaw — Smith Brassies lint,ted Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on - Sattuirday, June . 4, when Mabel Louise Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., George Smith, IL it, 4, Brus- sels, became the bride of Peter Arthur Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. lac Slia'w, R. R. 3, Brussels., Rev, Lloyd Brown, minister of the churh officiated I The bride wore a street-length dress of white silk orgonza with bodice of French lace. Her shoulder- length veil 'was held to a coronet of of.organza and her bridal bonnet was of red roses and white ear- nations. ;Miss Donna Smith was -bridesmaid for her sister, wearing a • street-length dress of French blue silk organza with white accessories and carrying a botittet of red roses and White carnations. McArter was best man. Yellowing the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the the bride's parents. The bride's mother wore a gown of French blue crepe with white accessories and a corsage of roses and baby chrysan- themums, The bridegroom's mother wore a dress of printed jersey with II corsage of roses and baby chrysan- thetulams, • Following a - wedding trip to North era Ontario and the United States the ce'uple will reside in Brussels. For travelling the bride wore a costume of burnt orange with white accessories. • P.,14.4701. ' Don't -forget, to celebrate 1134 plerions 12th of July in Brussels, LYCEUM THEATRE W1NGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.16 p. Thurs. - Fri. - sat. t June 9 • 10 - 11 `Debbie Reynolds Glenn Ford In THE GAZEBO A thoroughly delightful comedy about blackmailer and a murder,, that wasn't really, a murder. Sattirday and Monday June 11 "THE LgFT HANDED. dipiq,, -Paul NewMan ti Milan 2 dotobiit TtittbAY and wEr5r4t6bAil Julie 14 15' • "BACK FROM. ttEl4NITYP 0 itebett Plyaii Anita kkhcii* c't4 Tliur;;day, June 9th, 1960 e-ects this4. Poet OMs. tanent, .4.orthissloed as tr. eclat Publishing House I NEW SCHOOL HERE 1. TO BECOME REALITY After years or planning and Many months of intensive OS. cusFlons, study, discouragemcats aril disagreements, plans have now been, completed by the, School Board for a new ry4,14lic scnool to be built in Brussels. It is expected that work will begin in a few weeks and, that the new bitindin, will be ready for occupancy .In the late fall, The School Board, with Rev. Lloyd Drown as ehairrnan, after extensive research as to its merits, and look. In4 to the future, bad hoped to in- stall plectirical heating. This is the most modern and sanitary method as iase. It 'is also considered by experts to be mueh less of a fire hazard than other methods. The municipal council objected to electric! heating on tire ,grounds that it bad not been _proven in this area. The Board complied with their request that oil heating be installed instead. 1 1 FORMEF RECTOR GUEST SPEAKER 1 DECORATION SUNDAY, JUNE 29(4 Ali members of the Odd itstbekah.s, lranelt 218 of tlitt& eanadiAn Lesion olid their lot 000 Auxiliary are asked le Vet* at F4 IturrIC4 "urner to f'art;t1e t.e Ow cemetery. ,* P. 1‘1, Anyone not ,:sis'ilng to Paradt) are rAqueiled to go direr t to the cemetery Actrx:.: service: at aPrffoximaielY ?Al) I', .141041.6 • t. !Z, P.° ..... tt 1......•••••••••• TROUSSEAU TEA HONDR$ •1 BRUSSgt.$ PRII-4-T-Q-Bg • Airs. Albert Wood entertained at a trousseau, tea On /Saturday after- aeon and steeping, to honer -of her daughter :Mayne, a, bride-t0-be of Friday, June 10th, DaSpets Of snOW- halls, spdrea., and chrysanthenitune brightened the attractive rooms Where mrs, Wood and her daiti3Oter received their guests asSist.e4 by 1Arr$, Norman riintoul, of Wing-anat. ,The tea table was set with an 'imported lace cloth, centred with a floral of graduated white arid- pink- frosted Chrysanthemums with, maid- enhair fern intereporee0 with, Slender white lap.ers. • Pouring tea In the afternoon Wore Mrs. George Daelter and Mrs. It, S. Warwick, Tearoom, attendants were Misses Sandra and 411y Wright of Wroxeter. In the evening Mrs. Wiliam C, Leach and Mrs, William Porter Poured and Misses Penny .Gerry and Barbara Bickford served the pests. Miss g Miss xsttiulteldk eesyit bia,Geloisrf„olitot.80,7 m, was in charge were of rho where a i n roomatihreaig e. Kitchen ware and shower gifts were shown by Miss Catherine Leach in the afternoon awl by Miss Sandra Strong and Miss Patricia Bennett in the evening. 33c S,t. Williams Two Fruit Marmalade 24 oz. Sunday saw the beginning of the Cenlitanial Oelehratien of St. John's Anglican Church , One hundred years age saw . the 'I 'beginning of CibWelt life in Irtissels, or, as it was then known, AinleyvIlle, In keeping with the importance of +this historic event the rector, the. Rev. W, K. „Taggs„ has Informed us that the centenunial will be -properly observed, The former parish priests of St.. John's have boon invited haelt....on • successive Sundays with the Rey, J, H. Kerr of London, being the inaugural speaker. Mr. -Kerr, as many people in the area Will reinemberi was the priest when the disastruos .fire took place in 19-47. The Church was re-opened in *Italy of 1049. The next tw'o Sundays will also see two former rectors return 'in the Rev's • A, Norman Ellis of Corunna and F. E. Jewell of Walpole - The Lord Bishop of Enron,. the Rt, Rev. G. N. Luxton, will visit St. John's Church on. Sunday, June 26th, at 3;00 p.m. to administer the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation. He will also bless it. memorial. stained glass window which Will be installed in the west wail of the nave in memory of Miss Nina Rogers, a former parishoner of St, John's. On Sunday, Judy 10th, the Rev, M, 011ham of Clayton will, return. The following Sunday, July 17th, will be the culmination of the centennial, services when the Suffragan Bishop of Huron., the Rt. Rev. W, T. Townshend, will be present for the 100th Dedication Festival Service, Following the service on this day there will be a reception - on the parish lawn when it is hoped that. many former narisherters will re- turn to observe this historic event. fl BRUSSELS; 43 1 We Deliver Phone 293 $7.95 uYs a Muffler For Your Car Al: 4 Estimated cost of the new school is U23,000, The goverment grant will be approximatel y 55% On $12.0,000. The additional co.q is for a five foot extension requested by the local counciil so it' could be u,sed for an auditorium, the extra cost to be borne by the ratepayers, Approval of the Department of E4ueation has to be obtained and the sanction of the' 'Ontario Muni- Boa'd on the Debenture before construction is started by the Ross tr-rquitah ,Construction of London. • • The School Board pressed. for a, new school because. *Ahoy '":firmly believe that conditions being what they are at the present school, and with consolidation of public schooiS in the near future, it would be folly to sink thousands of dollars of the ton,tayers" money in repairing the old scnoa. There is no gavernment grant for such repairs, and we would still - be faced. with the cost of a new School 'In a very fe* years, or lose the Imblic school here, as happened in the case of out' high, school. _BAKE SALE *.• " in ETHEL at Lounsbittry Vacant Store SATURDAY, JUNE 11th I" 7k, at 2:30 P. M, 4 .4 Parcel Post Table, also Candy also Variety Table ICE tt. • •xs SER Sponsored by W. M. S. of the United Church Ethel Miss Lois Dodds displayed the linens 'in the afternoon and she was replaced by Miss June Wright in the evening. Miss Ruth Fryfogle, Win- „'ham showed the bride's trousseau, Others assisting the hostess were Mrs. Robert Gemmel], Mrs. N. S. Wood, Clinton and Mrs. 'Raymond :Bronson. Miss. Wood had been hantred Deviously at a shower by friends on the staff of CI'l\TX television station, and at a miscellaneolis shower in the library hall by Brussels friends. This is FRESH STRAWBERRY CE CREAM Season Again Featuring COUSINS STRAWBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM A fi COUSINS STRAWBERRY RIPPLZ ICE CREAM f DAN° To the music of The Mercy Bros. FRIDAY, JUNE 17th Dancing from 10:00 to 1:00 WROXETER COMMUNITY HALL Sponsored by the Hall Board Refreshment Booth in. Hall TROUSSEAU TEA CUSTOMER CATISOACTION OU4144,ANTEEO ' eatlarIes — Oils — Lubricants — Car Waeb- , leo Cre3r1) C12§701610 1'40 . Phone g68 Brussels, O 7 — BREAKS HAND Clarke Matheson, an employee of the BrussQs Creamery had. the 4 misfortune to slip on the wet con-i crate Veer and in attempting to break the fall with his hand he I broke ..several small bones in it, I 'Consequentley he is going about with his ana in cast following ex- ray after suffering severe pain, • BON VOYAGE Mrs. R. V*, Stephens and daughter, Mrs. Higgins of Toronto, left Toronto on Monday by T. C, A. for Paris, France. They will visit Isabel, Mrs, Bedeux and her husband. They arrived there Tuesday morning. They will also visit Dr. Russell G, Stephens and his"wife in London, Ert,r,land, Dr, Stephens is the older son of Dr. and Mrs. R, W. Stephens 01 Brussels. They also intend to visit Edinburgh, Scotland, before return. ing home early in July. HALF GALLONS — BRICKS -- CONES Mrs, A.Tervyn Pipe- will hold Trousseau Tca, in honor of her tintgh4tr Llizabeth, at their home, on. Saturday, 'June 18th, from three to five in the afternoon and seven to 'nine in the evening., Friends are Oval:111y invited to attend. Get some from your favourite COUSINS ICE CREAM, DEALE,R often, for that extra treat at meal time, party time, or anytIrag ,Church iaysigt6r; Rev. J. H. Greene VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone Brussels '140 Mr. Louis D, Thompson MADE BY iC CREAM Guests attended from Myth, Bel- l ._ grave, Exeter, Kitchener and Blue* Organist and Choir Director va l e. Sunday School Worship Service 1 ' Sacrament of the Lord's Supper l` -. Anthem, Rock of Ages c,,:, Don't forget to celebrate the Otorious 12th of July in Brussels. Get Your Spring Permanent at ; IRENE'S BEAUTY "SALON ' where better nrmanents cost less Cut , Shampoo and Finger Wave Phone 155 Phone 2 Brussels, Ont. routistra rarqu,r3 etti :6"4141t0 Fruit and VegivittlUt At All Vane • • Vnited Church .1; .},1••••4 OP CANADA In r Rev. L. Brown B.A.; IND. ,Organtst: Mrs.. A. IL Martin ZIEEMLIVEMIMEEEEKISINNE41 ;7111ZEIMEIMEEMIMIZELMIVEIN BROWNIE S LLASHIV1AR DRIVE-IN LTD. 1 DRIVE-1N THEATRE CLINTON, ONT. 10' A, ti, Church School 11,15 A, M, "The Guise Of Greatness" ClintreirBarade of AnxiliarY Canadian Legion, LISTOWL, ONTARIO Two Shows Nightly, Rain or Shine First. Show at Dusk Admission: 65e Children Under 12 hi Cars rree Thursday and Friday June 0 - 10 "JET 'PILOT" Color Janet Leigh Of the SPECIAL,S , -.0.4904t1.1.4*lettWell ...-- 'j'John Wayne a- Er : i .Church Pialimi o9 Detnittglits• Sthitiitt ReY., W. it. Jailda. T. east of the Holy Trinity Ott. Johnos Boutmott Pio a. in, Holy. Encliariet Ii.00 a, in. Holy' Efuoharisi The Rev. A, :Norman. EMS tiolltitutia, and Sarnia = P.10 mo holy nth:harlot Iteiro: A,Xei'inaii: tad THURSDAY and FRIDAV Hunt's ,L.atsup, 2.11 oz. Burns Pure Lard Julie 9, "JOHN' PAUL jONEE0 and ttOndaY Saturday June 11 , 13 Color - Cri6 tiateetla . 4'C 'T tHt .M-41P0 Robert Stack Bette Davis ,f6rw. ON Lewis biiia iltierrlil brie CartoOn • • • 3 2.9c, McCormick's Sodas 1 lb. Special Domestic Shortening 2 Dos. ...... -65e, Phone ,112 Prep DdierY, • thesday and Wednesday 14 It • ui MARRIED A WOMAN deOrge Gebel 'Diana, beet, • 35 Atinittsion 66o biltidr6ti tinder Cara Pred 'Eery CffiCe Onend at Pleat SliOW at- DUsli buY HOMA VDOPI .#4010 IOW 40 04 oc,.lree, ant! car LOS ars enthusiastic about this nor, tictiiroled and 'built by Mt Sari, 'of St, Catharines, Ont. Iris Mark 05 :1-'rsepov,*or, void,115: Jr:PO, claas C modifial,' and wilt do milca r Hour. Suts iitc,,ng is the theme Of CTICI r'adia'l; uryt eW "teTl,M," tiOrd et cry Monday, hosts era - the theW are Bub Nl'eGreger ree'.11,r0; and lend Aticlithon, tit the eoclOtt is t136 oar's Owiter Dave "Iird.diii i,fttt