HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-06-02, Page 3CONSOLATION KISS -. Former middleweight champ Sugar Ray Robinson receives a kiss from his sister, Evelyn Nelson, in a dressing room following a defeat in Boston at the hands of Paul render. ilAtlite And Paddle Their -Qiivn Canoe tel • A team of Ulster schoolboys, members of a Aoyer Scout crew, has just fashioned a gnarled 150- year-old oak into atrim, stream- lined, canoe., of the type used 1,000 years ago. By thus setting the clock back they are demonstrating the many hitherto unknown qualities of speed, reliabilitY and carrying power posessed by ,prehistoric dug-out canoes, A Belfast cooper, Mr. C. Cal- houn, taught the boys, how to use a small adze and other tools similar to those used by crafts- men of ancient times. It was tough work as these lads quickly discovered, to de- pend on such trials for all the, stripping, trimming and hollow- ing involved, Their boat's design was pre- pared by members of Dublin. Museum's staff and based on dug-out canoes, over 1,000 years old, recovered intact from Lough Neagh, Lough Eskragh, Lough Erne and other neighbouring lakes, bogs and river beds, As their raw material, the boys started With a lump of oak 16 ft, long and 3 ft. thick, Working in shifts, they built their "pre- historic" craft in little more than three weeks and it rode the water beautifully. LOWER HEM — Italian designers are proposing q new look foe) men's suits. This is what's call- ed a "car suit," with long jacket, patch pockets and brass but- tons. Trawler Catches A Submarine The French fishing boat was called Mon Reve — My Dream — and her crew thought they were dreaming' for a short while thee other day. Suddenly, while theS7'" were. fishing in a ' calm sea ins the English Channel, their, boat began to move backwards. "Alba Dieu!" gasped the crew as the boat continued astern at a good twelveknots. Then, ima- gining they ,had caught a sea monster, they panicked and cut the net. As Mon Reve came to a stop the "monster" appeared — it was a French submarine, with the fishing net draped around its conning tower. They Whistle While They Talk Peasants on Gomera, one of the smaller Canary Islands, talk to each other over distances of a mile or more by a unique whis- tle-language, developed _by the need of having to communicate from hilltop to hilltop without crossing the intervening ravine. A. Gordon - Brown, F.R.G.S., visiting the island, asked a man lounging at a street corner in San. Sebastian if he could de- monstrate the a r t, whereupon he whistled some notes which meant "Ramon." Presently Ba- lton, the village policeman, ap- peared art the far side of thee square, looking surprised and inquiring who called him. He then carried out a number of whistled instructions such as sitting down, raising his left leg, drawing and flourishing his baton, removing the hat from a nearby man, and so on. The whistler used the fingers of both his hands, but Sonic whistlers use no fingers at all, Gordon - Brawn says in the Union-Castle Guide "Madeira and the Canary Islands." The whistle is shrill,. varying bi ti- 'tensity and resembling, a canary in full song. A Spanish estate owner told hint that his :foreman habitually whistled orders to distant la- bourers. He demonstrated how the name "Antonia" was whis- tled, and after two or three repetitions it was Possible to recegnite Oncei said the estates owner, Ideal Housewife Irs A Man Zeigmend Bede, g tither Aye, .with a. two-Nettled flat in Budapest, has just won top .prise in. a national competition for the best '"botiaewife" .in gungarY.• /re Won it for showing how he organize' i his household, -Both. he and his wife go out to work, She :is a manual labourer. He isaOriagier.king lob. Her hodrs are from 7 a.in, to a p.m. his from ..8.30. a.m. to 5 ' Each morning, Zsigmtincl gets' Ms four children ready for school, and his younger child. for the kindergarten. His wife collects and brings them home. He buys all household require- ments before going to •Werk. When his wife gets home this model husband has everything prepared ready for her to cook, He also manages the week-end shopping, Mid-day lunch is no problem for this family, The children eat at school, and father and wither at their work canteens. Zsig- mond and his children keep their flat clean and tidy during. the week, while Mrs. Bodo takes r at week-ends. Zsigmond also helps with bathing the chil- dren, and with washing and ,inencling. In fact; he is the only one in. this family capable of using a sewing machine, so all the mending falls to him, "It's only fair," he says, "that I should help, as my wife also takes part in producing work outside the home." He will love even more using his prize award — a brand new precision instrument just made for highly domesticated hus- bands — a sewing machine!- Those insurance , Slot Machinks Among the busi'es't slot mach- ines lin the land last month were the dries which' dispensed flight insurance in air terminals. One authority estimated that well over T50 per cent of all air pas- sengers took out policies and that about -one-third of them fed quarters into the automatic ma- chines, Not many trip policies are ever cashed in, even though insurance companies estimate that crashes since November may cost them $10 inAllion in claims. For a single quarter, a traveler gets $6,250 worth of _protection during his trip. For ten quarters he can buy $82,500. But if he does business at the insurance sales counter, he CO take out trip policies worth about $285,000. That's the amount Julian H. Frank pur- chased before he and 33 others were killed in an airliner Jan. 6. Frankaalso held a $500,000 life- insurance policy, but neither of them ':will pay off if it can be' proved 'that he caused the crash by exploding a bomb. Most poli- cies carry a clause making them invalid if the holder kills him- self within two years of the date he takes it out. The U.S. Congress may :consider taking action to prohibit heirs of suicides in a sabotaged plane from collecting on any' policy. These suspicions about Frank, toupled with, a second alleged air sabotage-insurance plot involv- ing an ex-convict, also led to sug- gestions that the slot machines be banned, Insurance experts doubt that such a step will be taken. For one thing, banning the machines would inconvenience the many passengers who make last-minute decisions tOs buy in- surance policies.' For another, a mad would-be bomber could al- ways buy insurance at a counter. From NEWSWEEK THINK IT OVER The great thing in this world in not so much where we stand as In what direction we are headed a- SOLACE — This is a glimpse of the latest In correctional institutions. The state of ONO it ju cOmpleting it. Costing 12 million dollars-, it hos such innovations as pastel-colored I i9 this hicidefflitfid religious tenter, The tiltctr revolves; revealing Cotholiei Pfote0ont or Jeyvll Segments. DANGEROUS BEAST It all "seems like at episode freirn linMori -WS 'dream, Vern baker t nods the local parking machines will not accept money, They hove. been aulletwed by Sparks, Nev,; btfitidki, DRUG STORE FOR' SALE TORONTO EGLINTON AVE. ESTABLISHED over 20 years - owner retiring - modern attractive store at bus stop - volume $79,000 - long lease $175. monthly books open for inspec- tion - suit two grads with sales ideas — asking $7,000 for fixtures and $1,300 for stock,,owner will assist with financ• ing. DESCRIPTIVE BULLETIN MAILED ON REQUEST -.WILLIAM DRAPER Business Broker EM. 6-9710 147 SPADINA AVE., TORONTO ONT. FARM MACHINERY DAIRY MEN Still„ breaking up bales ,the hard way? NOW: WINSTED Rolo-matte, the original BALE SHREDDER SAVES YOUR TIME, TEMPER AND YOUR BACK Shreds dry or frozen bale's. Get a free demonstration. Write for literature to E. G. McDougall & Son, Blenheim, WI, tario, XI' he had told his foreman to send a message asking for a packet of a certain brand o! cigarettes to be sent. It wasn't understood the first time; but when re- peated drew the reply that they couldn't understand what kind Were wanted. On a third repeat they replied that they did not know the brand. They were then asked what brands were available at the local shop, and a list of the names of several was whistled back! A Gomera official stated that .the man in charge of the 'irriga.- tion furrows serving the farms behind San Sebastian always whistled his orders to his as- sistants nearly half a,mile away, telling them which furrows were to be opened and for how long, (By Jove," said a stranger at a party, "what a long and lanky girl that is over there." "Hush," his host whispered. "Her father won t h e Irish Sweepstakes recently, She's tall and stately these days." DRIVE WITH CARE WANTED TO PURCHASE USED 200 amp, portable welders, gas driven any quantity. Also lift trucks and industrial equipment. Apply: STANDARD ENGINES, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES LTD. 116 Parkdale Ave. N., Hamilton, Ontario., LI. 1-3561 ISSUE 7 — 1960 Itch..Itch Ne;riy1CIIV1azsy Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D. D..D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch—caused by eczema, rashes. scalp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless. 396 trial bottle final satisfy ormoney back. Don't suffer. Ask Your druggist for D. D. D. PRESOR I PTION STAMPS -FREE - Your choice of 255 worth of stamps from our low cost approvals if you purchase $1 or more of beau- tiful worldwide triangles, piCtorials and commemoratives, Roseland Stamps, P.O. Box 176, Windsor, Ontario. STAMPS WANTED 4, 1 WILL pay 40 cents per 100 for large size Canadian, U.S.A. stamps or will exchange for foreign. WILSON'S STAMP EXCHANGE 7 Peter Street South, Orillie, Ontario. WINTER RESORTS ' ACAPULCO - MEXICO ECONOMICAL efficiency beach units, bungalows, pool, shopping and house- keeping services included. Bungalows Marbrisa, Box 345, Acapulco, Mexico. WANTED A Minister and his wife were discussing two local meri, "Yes," said the minister, "I knew lhern both as boys. One was a clever, haridsame fellow; the ether a steady, hard worker. The eleVet la& let behind in the race, but the hard worker —well, he died and left $500,000 to his Widow: WS a great metal," "Yes," replied his wife, With tt Smile,`"It is. I heard this II:10h- mg that the clever on is going to' marry the widow:'' into your flat 'for a cup of cof- fee?" The girl's head was in a whirl. No. 282 was her number, For the first time she began to sus- pect that he was an impudent imposer. She made up,her mind. "Certainly," she said. "My hus- band will be delighted to meet you." Susie will never know how the young man ran down the stairs as quickly as he did with- out falling, after leaving her without uttering another word. She's never seen him since, Oh, no, ,.she's not married, But by pretending to be she had called the stranger's bluff. The amaz- , ing impudence of some people is enough to take your breath away. / Californian police reported the case of a well-dressed young man who walked into a gunsmith's shop and asked to see a revolver. He was shown one. "Fine," said the young man. "I shall also want some bullets ;to fit it." The shop assistant pro- duced some and the customer, smiling pleasantly, loaded the gun with them, "to make quite sure," as he remarked, "that they fitted." They did. The young , man then levelled the revolver at the scared assist- ant, robbed 'the till of the day's takings, and vanished after wav- ing good-bye, revolver In hand. In Ireland they tell the story of the colossal nerve of two men who, wearing workmen's green aprons, walked into' • a court while an important case was be- ing tried. They carried a ladder. The' judge, learning that the men were, seeking permission to carry out "some important work" while the court sat, declared irritably: "Very well. But tell the men to be quick about it!" The men hoisted the ladder and quickly took clown the valu- able court clock at the rear of the judge's bench. Neither they nor the clock were ever seen again. In another court a judge ,chanced to announce during a long hearing that he had left his watch at home, When he got home that night he learned from his wife that she had given his gold watch to the "messenger from the court" who had called. The impudent thief was never caught. In Oklahoma 'City another cheeky thief strolled into a res- taurant and calmly took several bites, out of a customer's ham- burger. Then he strolled out, But he was caught by the police later that day and fined $10. Some years ago a man who escaped from a prison hospital in Franee wrote to the governor: "I owe you something for medi- cal care, sir. Kindly- deduct it from the $1500 the police took from me `when I Was arrested," Recently a Welsh woman whose husband had been arrested visited the police. station and begged the kind-hearted serge- ant's permission to bring him a meal, adding that he would never eat anybody else's cooking, Per- mission was given. Oil her way out she passed the police station kitchen and saw a ' pound and a half of sausages and seine bacon lying on the table. Picking then up she took them home, Cooked theni and brought them back for her husband's dinner. Only after he had eaten them was the theft discovered. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . PERSONAL COINS "c0;11$ wanted, pay high price; 1909 coin eatalogue 250, Gapes tin 5910 gasper, Edmonton, Alta," GEESE BABY CHICKS GRAY hair back to natural pier with, Never Gray tonic. Virile for free folder. A. J. Broyerc, kris Notre Paine Avenue, Wthnlpeg 3, Manitoba. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Is It Ever Lawful to Take Life? Is War Ever Justified? SEND for ibis timely sermon. fifth in current Series oil The Ten Command- ments" by Dr, it LI. Slade, pastor, Jarvis Street Baptist church, Toronto,. puenaiiee In "The Gospel witness", 16 page religious weekly. cap Ad for free 41 copy. • BEQUEST Bray List started pullets, white and brown egg layers. Dayeld Ames, white and brawn egg special. Ism dual purpose, and broiler elasica, to order See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 100 John. North, Heron. ton,. Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -„. . iikiAUTY salon for sale, 45 miles north of Toronto, town close to Barrie with (-Aran Borden trade; all new equip. men t, 5' driers, established 0 years; jiving quarters suitable for couple. Terms arranged if necessary. :Reason-able rept. For information write Box 41I„Ahlston. BREEDING Geese, high prodtleing grim Strain. Hatching eggs and (sos• lines in season. Special rates for large Orders. Walter Gauthier, R.R, 1, Bella Corners, Ontario. HELP WANTED MALE COMBINATION man, Compositor and linotype operator required for Job shop. Apply Marcy Printing Co., 107 Wellington Si., Sartda, Ontario , THE GOSPEL WITNESS 100 Gerrard Street East, Toronto 2 000.00 REWARD OFFERED for Infer-/nation leading to the arrest and con- viction of the person or persons res. ponsible Air the theft of the following articles from a store in EARS ON. rAointliy Gibson°olipeerinbpelirfle5'r "59 1 I only Westinghouse Coffee Percolator I set Golden Treasure steak knives 1 only Turquoise Laundry Basket 32 "Derby" Shirts !wit' ei 20 erns. Cigarettes Law Enforcement agencies excluded, Any information should be sent to: - ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA), BOX 1029 LONDON, Ontario, PHOTOS HAVE your Favorite Photos Colored, 8 x 10, 52.00- Old Portraits restored x 10, $4.05. Plus postage, no C.O.D.'s. Axt's Photos, 22G Kimble Street. Modes- to, PHOTOGRAPHY. Bought Gun — Then Stuck Up Gunsmith As he stood on the crowded railway station platform, the smartly dressed young man sud- denly became interested in a group of relatives and friends who were saying their farewells boisterously to a couple of ra- diantly happy newlyweds. The lovely little bride kissed with special fondness an attrac- tive girl in blue who had been her bridesmaid that day. aaSee you when we're back from oUr honeymoon,, Susie, the young man heard- the briclsay. "Thanks for everything. It was wonderful!" The young man found himself becoming fascinated by the good looks and charm of the brides- maid. He "decided to miss his train — the next one — and fol- low her. Susie moved off with the group but outside the station they separated. Some went -ter their cars. Susie, however, hailed a taxi and was whisked away, but the young man was not caught napping. "Follow that cab and don't lose it whatever` happens," he snap- ped as he darted into another taxi. "This is important. I'm a private investigator," he told the driver as the taxi sped ,In pur- suit, "Keep on his tail." The driver obeyed. When the girl alighted in a suburban street the young man was right behind her. Swiftly' he drew level with her, raised his hat and noted' she was already feeling in her hand- hag, presumably for the key to her flat — one of a big block just ahead of, them. "You are Susie, of course!" he cried. "What a coincidence that we should live in the same block of flats. I was at the wedding but you didn't notice me," he added, smoothly. "Gee, you lOok stunning!" Susie was, taken aback. "You are a friend of Mary----?" "I know bride as well as bridegroom," he declared. "What a wonderful couple! One night , she showed 'me a snapshot of you and. I knew you were the only girl for me. How strange we' should meet for the first time , like this .on the day of Mary's, wedding)' He accompapied her up sever- al flights' of 'stairs — then he made his mistake. "I live at No. 282," he remark- ed. "But unluckily I've just real- ized I left my coat behind at the reception and my key's in it. I shall have to go back for It later. Before. I do, may I come DRY cleaning plant in good southern Ontario; town.- Outstanding opportun- ity, particulars on enquiry. W. II. Moise Rdaltor, Blenheim, Ontario. GROCERY and meat market for sale. Complete Butcher Shop, Includes all stook and equipment on the Beach, $13,500. Write Ray's Market. 2908 5. Ocean Dr., Vero. Beach, Florida. BE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A Coln.Metered Unattended. Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry store, Net $4,00049,900 Annually. Write or phone today for full infer motion about unattended 0in...operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipptd laundry store oPPOrtunities in your community, you manage in your spore time - while netting high income We finance 90% of your total purchase , . offer you longest financing per- iod at lowest monthly instalments, You receive training and advice from a national organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like YOU go into business for themselves. No experience necessary, Modest invest. ment This proven new profitable auto. matte business offers a money-making opportunity to anyone who wants to Own his ewn business. Compare our complete program. ALD. CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Road, Toronto 18, Ontario. ROger 6-7255 BUSINESS PROPERTIES. FOR SALE PERSONAL Seeking Companionship? WRITE or contact Confidential Mar- riage Bureau, 75 Sparks St., Suite 35, Ottawa, CE. 2-4664. If no answer or evgs., RE, 3-3669. HEALTH, Happiness, Prosperity, Ad. vancement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course in Psychology. In- formation free. Royal College of Sc,. ence, 709 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Can. ada AUTHORS invited submit MSS all types (including Poems) for book pub. location, Reasonable terms. Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. (Est'd. 1898.) ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods. 30 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed, Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TP Regina, Sack , POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve-will not disappoint' you. Itching scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $2.5B PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO REGISTERED and GRADUATE NURSES FOR duty in hospital division for the treatment of "Chronically III" in the Brant Sanatorium, Brantford. State salary' expected. Apply to DIRECTOR OF NURSES BRA NT SANATORIUM BRANTFORD INSTRUCTION - • EARN more: Bookeeping, Salesman-ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les-sons 500 Ask for free circular No. IS, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1299 Bay Street, Toronto. MAGAZINES FLORIDA! Opportunity Paradise: Flor- ida Cracker Magazine tells all in words-pictures. $1.60 Per year. Old Cracker, 135 White Drive, Dept. C,L.,Tallahassee, Florida, . . — MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE — ENJOY a Sunday paper from Miami, Florida, Send 250 to: W. A. Blake, 229 S.W. 1st. St., Miami 36, Florida, HEARING AIDS ' HEARING AID! 4 Transistor, Power- ful, Sensitive, Uses 150 battery. Get the best, only $59,95, guaranteed, Write: Drexler Electronics Products, 27 Har- lem Street, IWO-tester 7, New York, ROCKET Building Data for the Ama- teur! Data Sheet, 17 Drawings, 500. 40 page illustrated took $2.00. Box 90391, Los Angeles 45, California, FOR SALE - PORTABLE SAW MILL Portable Saw Mill in excellent condi- tion, consisting of carriage, 40" circu- lar saw, Edger, Chrysler Engine, Planer and Gas Engine, all necessary belts etc, Guaranteed to be in running order. Price $1,100,00 where it stands about 6 miles north of Bala. E. WALTER GIDLEY, Real Estate and Insurance, Bala, Phone 363. UNLIMITED Money Loans -'To City and Farm Folks. Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investments Ltd„ 99 Avenue Road, Toronto WA. 2-2442. MEDICAL EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS AFTER TARING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 355 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MONEY TO LOAN NURSES WANTED 'FRUIT farm 121/2 acres. under drained, Carefully laid out young bearing fruit :trees, 6 acres grapes. Complete with, all implements. 6 room house and barn. '$10,000 down,, balance open mortgage, .LI.. 5-2626, I. J. Oleskiw Realtor,, 764 Barton St." E., Hamilton. FLORIDA'S greatest land bargain. High, dry 414 acre - $393.00 - No money down - $10 monthly - Between Ocala and Gulf' - Streets - Electric' Fishing - Hunting. Write Dept. HI Rainbow Park, Box 521, Ocala, Fla. FIVE or Ten Acres in Sunny Arizomea fast growing Recreational area, boat-ing, fishing, hunting, gem, minerals, Green, 3560-CL Fairmount, San Diego 5, California. SAVEI SAVEI SAVE I Films developed and 8 magna prints in album 400 12 magna prints in album 600 Reprints ac each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not Including prints), Color printS 350 each extra. Anse() and. Ektachrome 350 mm 20 ex- posures mounted In slides $1.25. Color prints from slides 350 each, Honey refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives, FARMER'S CAMERA. CLUB BOX 31 GALT, ONT. You Can Depend On When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow, Dodd's Ifidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep bet-ter, work better, You can depend on Dodd's. Get Dodd'S at any drugstore, PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Dodds K I D NI E Pills