HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-05-12, Page 6Ietoi ett the itsitORDARTISIS tt.••••••••••••••••!••,...,,,,,. Up to Date Toggerg COTTON DRESSES, ETC. for Baby, the modern Miss and. Matron LINGERIE -- beautiful slips and panties At Moderate Prices Men's Smart Pants Dress, Wash and Wear and "',Cottons WIlliam Rees, Moses 14 iAle early mornio,5 of May' 2nd, in Winglianl hogipital,' William Reee 1 Moses Passed , to the Great beyond' at. the Agii). of 75, after a lengthy` 'illness ,Of aver two years, He 'Was born on Con, 2, Morris township In 1585, sou of the late William and Elizabotli Rees Moses. TT attended 1.3russ(la 7.1;m 1 7.tuation School and Stratford COMMercial College and then later took lip farm- ing on the family homestead in Morris township. Hera he lived until 1947 when he moved to Brus. sale, He Is survived by one sister, Bessie, Brussels and a brother, James, of Grey township, two nep- hews and a neice. A sister Mrs. Albert Brigham (Rae) predeceaed him, many years. ago. He was a member of Melville Presbyterian church and served on , the Board of Managers for several years. A memorial servien was con. ducted at D. A. Rapti Funeral }Tome- by pastor, itev. .). Greene of MeirUle Church and Mrs Frank Thompson sang the 23rd psalm ac- companied by Mrs. Win. King, 'Mere were beautiful floral tri- butes and. Gideon Bibles. Interment was in Brussels ceme- tery and lie was borne to his last resting place by the following pall- bearers: Wm. C. Xing, John War- Wick, Charlie Smith. Bert Gra,niss, Harris Campbell and Alex Shaw, ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GETTING MARRIED? —keep insured! Family Hospital Insurance premiums are required after mar- riage. Be sure you are both protected. Tell your employer or collector right away. If you pay direct . . tell the Commission. CHOOSE VIE RIGHT BIRD to fit your market WEEKLY SALE Brussel?, Livezt.ock t EVErCx.. FRIDAY YAW boeie mamsj. t; care ;foe or Vi.ottoe, CAR BUYERS Before you any you it or late model used car see us about oar Lew Coat Financing Service. Mailable for either Dealer or Private Sales. ' GLENN SONNENBERG General Insurance • iviOnfilen -- Phone 683R41 Proses,. Phcou: 247 Tuesday ano r'rtelay TENDER - D. R. W. STEPHENS Grand. uilitrewekv o Toronto VIAINMAI am" some:cm :7d stve 4g5 Flawa're,, D. A. RANN lirSday, "May 'dill, 1960' 'tt irhn e, .nf • BRUSSELS POST ••••1„ , „ , , „ Vinton Lions Club AGENT MARY MAXIM YARNS & PATTERNS iti TUE aATTLE PICTURE WITHOUT MALI Dee-Tee Moth 1-Viler 'Places still. Only .S9c Tin rs BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN, Clinton. TUESDAY, MAY 17th E:kay's Moth Fume Crystals (can be used in a Vacuum) 63c tin Admission 65c '25 Big Prizes. -ir.litoratct71:131ko-Ta-a'ar+, "k41:447,74,,,,,,7.10,sts.,411 Larvex — a liquid TL.- A 4 pit Presents — -4101 r,,t7,,,,e7 N Save. Wars. by .Moth rotection Save Many dollars by protecting Clothes, Woolen Slankets, Rugs Upholstery, Fur Coats and etc from the ravages of Moth Damage. fr Economy- Moth F akes, 1 lb. pkg. 35o SPECIALS — Save 75c Hudnuts Special Offer a Bottle Creme Rinse Hair Conditioner and bottle Egg Creme Bhampoo $1.25 value Both for $1.25 Spray $1.C9 and $1.69 Play Clothes For The Family •••••••••••••.." •••••••••••••••••/••••••' • .......... Specializing in Draperies memumwiric,magfr iumiti toplhaalwrift lalgRaltl.1!1•11119nL.IIIMMO. IN MEMORIAM CA:ilpBLLL — In loving memory of a dear _father and grandfather, passed away May 15th, 1956. Time cannot dim the memory of oLe so very dear, The .silent thoughts, the lonliness v.r:a never disappear. wver...18 ,0111 ••••.••••••••.••••...- ,.•••••••°•••• • READ YOUR ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION -TORONTO 7,,ONTAPJO Like fe'"a e:, leaves the years roll by, But ibetnories of you- will never die. i .Annette • House Cleaning Supplies Linseed Soap 55c Tins Nibile Fingers, Gi..m Camphor 'rubber Gloves Wood's Deodorizer,. Lil Cedar Stockettes 290 Liquid Ammonia Formaldehyde Floor Wax Lysol 'I lb. Tins 49c —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write LIGHT BREEDS such as Stone's, Dernlerchix, True - Lines -- All high producing leghorns from famed U.S. blood , lines. SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 g'5,44r4-16 REMEMBER Huron County. World 'Refugee Year Blitz, May 16 to 21. H1URON COUNTY WORLD W. ELMER ELLACOTT Brussels Phone 129 pa‘orie 4s U INSURANCE Farm, House, Easiness and. Hotel Listings Representing W. C. CAMPBELL REAL ESTATE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO HEAVY BREEDS—Roe Red. X Sussex and Sussex. X Red Crosses for larger dual pur- pose birds with remarkable egg records of large eggs. NEW, CONCEPT IN CHICK BUYING ROE FARMS buys the finest U.S. Blood lines o>} fight no, caw you a wide . end, oTthe best —to fit your job. NO PENALTY PAYMENTS ,„„ gi iivimmovvvv. vveftv --r The Huron County Tuberculosis Association in association with the Ontario Department of Health will conduct a Mass T. B. Survey in 'Huron County from E Gaviller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCCTNTANTS Telephone Sanding „FARMS LIM ITED -itWOOD, ONTARIO irate for prima tat* This Survey will include everyone. Plan now to have your wholefamily have these examinations. T. B. can be cured, but it must first be found — and If found its spread an be prevented. . Walkerton KENNEDY, 8. Ed., 8. A., C. A., I— Resident Manager. '‘ Tetepitanee &seines, SU; Roaktenes loo ACHESOiV .'S Dead Stock • Service Huron County Tuberculosis Association cash prices paid ht Oars district for dead, ttfa disabled horses For the fasts:et ste of all use our airtesseafke no cost to' rufrit, and °sit removal night, exchange (at Call Long Distance ,4470.(7chti k.V.4101 ATWOOD ZENITH 54960 OR GEORGE. HISLOP WROXETER 2R15 tv: M5-11.11,VTioZ t1 "M rail DbvatAer and tarhustatee Highest or any tender not' neces. sarily accepted. 3011N C. BERRY, Clerit,Trerts., County of Huron, Court House, Gederich, , Ontario, Dependable Farm Service -;$ number of tender 3, Insert on en-1 velope. Inspection may be made by con- tacting 11. C. Johnston, Superin- tendent, Viircin County Home, Clin- ton, Highest rounding rick or oottle. Proper day or Business ONE OUT OF FIVE REFIIGEEs -- IR A CHILI) YEAR BLITZ MAY 16 2i Glve Generously When The Canvasser'balls On Your 1 Sefierate sealed tenders will be I received by the undersigned until i n Tforiday, May 2,0, 1960, at 5:00 p.ni, .1'.4 for the purchase of the following -used equipment at the Huron County Home, Clinton. 1. Cleaver Brooks, oil fired, steam boiler. packaged unit complete 80 It P. ,-0" it 1.0'4.0" Model No. iJR-61.4-8; 'Manufacttrers. No, 0-12224. L Maximum pressure - 15 lbs. ,. Robert Bell E. & T. Co. Ltd, upright 7 h.p, band,fired boiler. 5000-gallon oil. tank (6 yrs. old). it zo or a, eft ONE011102801,23.12.1 . VIE/ti ti REMEMBER. 1 lraw County Wade Refugee 'Yell:- Blitz,' May iO to 21. John Longstaff, Optometrist OPTICIAN OF etA0R1141 announces a change of Office loCittien to GOderioli. St. W., adjacent Scainirth OUnie @trend Floor Patiting Facilit es Denning titdadtiirtioto ifitod tattled yoti to' all 'Bnbiletliient adjustments 01) 11.1111.1011.1 1Mile fttAllnle,14 HOT DAYS GUCKLE up THE STREET -MINK OF REPAIRS. FOR. PROPER SOLItlE 'Par Car, Tractor f Wheri you order CO-Op Gat011ne train VOUr tatet` operative, tree nd !Ong delay . . outl et fast, dipend- able..fiteri hl ibit, always. Hetheringtoni C otittrosttgi aim invustita AT IrgLIIitmg lefentier Stpierrir. is C. O.is rtereday Neirciwilni Bs* Oftetliefea alit* "Noe ORVAL HARRISON Iv .AND 1111.1ititRiC 329J4 R. Of. '1 ELEOTRICAL COVf.rAACTING itOtit- AND REPAIR' 10,0t citiAitAtit!to ilmnet Cs: G KRAUTER — Co. ------- PLUMBINGI HEATING SWEET METAL S. OIL BURNERS' BRUSSELS cPkota. 47 X Arid you eati eed than when yau.bult iitie you 'ere buying Gasoline seCondl to nonek With CO-00 Gasoline in Our' tank, your sari ink* 1$1 tractor will give you the best possible perfOrrcienett St tinier, plus maximum silleacW for: your mciniih. , BELGRAVE CO-0p' , tri.ortAiik OIVtARIO ',shone 111►rrtgttli"rri` i0Of