HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-05-05, Page 1.)r-rep r4 5 et • eeeseM11111111=111emallin i1111111111111 .............********40.01••••t11~4* ;Javex 32 oz. Bottle 2 for ..... --- 47c ulip Margarine 2 lb. .. ,,,,,, „ 45c T Miracle Whip ,Salad Dressing, 32 oz. erfY 71c Mother .Parker's Instant Coffee 6 oz. 89c ••••••••••••••••,******4-o, .41••••,*••• e •••••• ey . ...ft. MCCUTCHEON- GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver_ 111 1,11,11.1111.=••611V:1110:2111M......2*MINCTINOMMIN.R.. -/A•mmar***.a.imar ieiii in Canada t. YOUR CHOICE of custom bred "a. or ROE CHICKS FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO No high cost franchise proems CHICKS from famed lines mmammumeasammim such as STONE'S DEMLERCHIX TRUE-LINES TOP U.S. BLOODLINES proven in laying tests, now selected, hatched and guaranteed by Rom PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. W. G. Weiss and children, .Tacquie and Kim, of Winnipeg, have been visiting at the home of Mrs Florence Russell. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Stevens, and Pam Joy Russell, Parry Sound, visit- ed the home of Mrs. Florence Russell and Mrs. Eldon Wilson. Mr. Norman Smith of Borden, Sask., has been a visitor with his brother, F. R Smith. Mrs. E, Lowry and Fred Lowry, of Dundee, former Brussels residents, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. C, McGill of Belgrave, were in town on Tuesday. BUSY STEWERS • The fifth meeting of the Brussels Busy Stewers was held on April 5th at Jean Smith's home. All members -were present and, answered the roll call with "One way to improve my food selection" A discussion was held on the Record Books and coV- ers, "Pork Cuts" were studied and, discussed. Then a demonstration. on the preparation of Liver was given by Jean Smith and Shirley Nicholson, Being given the Home Assignments and soil call for the next meeting, the meeting adjourned, Sixth Meeting The meeting, held Saturday, April 28 at Mrs. Wheeler's, opened with the 4-I-I Pledge, followed, by business, I All iremibers present and had as their I guest, 'Miss Tillman. Home F.,eonom-1 ist. She spoke giving the, girls many 1 helpful tips on both Record Books -and Redille riles. The topics "Meats with stuffing" and "Uses of Gronnd Meat for Variety" were discussed. Dianne Kirkby and Dianne Ten ..Pas denvmstrated making meat loaf, At the close a delicious lunch was ser- ved based on the meat loaf. ....etrsvarmftwoo, William D. Henderson William D. Henderson, 74, died suddenly at his home, lot 26, con, 4, Morris Township, Saturday morn. ing, April 30th. He was born in Mor.ris Township, a son of the late George Henderson and Isobel Low. rie Henderson. Following his mar- riage to the former Margaret Anne Shedden, who predeceased him a number of years ago, he farmed in the Canadian west returning to Morris in later years. He is survived by one son, Archie, of London, and one sister, Mrs. Maude McGowan, of Edmonton, Alta, The body rested at the D. A. Rann funeral home in Brus- sels where the funeral service was held on Monday at 2 se tn. Rev. J. 11 Greene of Melville Presbyterian Church officiated. Pallbearers were Harold Thomas, Jack Lowe, Ross Duncan, Thos. Pieta, Mervyn Mg: Cauley and Frank Carter. Interment was In -Brussels cemetery. .CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks is extended to the neighbours, and friends of the la4 Wm. D, Henderson, for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy and for the beautiful eloral tributes. These will always be remembered. The Family of Wri,A. D. Henderson - 1 - TENDERS WANTED — enders will be received by ta.E. undersigned until 6 p. m., May 14th, 1960, far the combined position o Canteen Stewart and Caretaker et the Brussels Branch 218 of the Gan adieu Legion B. E. S. L. State salarY expel ted. Lowest or any tender not neo- eesarily accepted. Ray Bronson, Secretary, Branch 218, Brussels, Ontario. Tuesday and Wedriesdoy ;May 16 and 11 Adult Entertainment "ODDS AGAINST Harry belafonte Shelley WInter'a Thursday and Friday Burt Leeeeetee 'Kirk Dotieled, May 12 arid IS, itTHE DEViLoS DISCIPLE" LaWrende OM/ter Admiss'i'on 65c -- Children under 12in cars Free ' faCik °Moe openi at 8 p.m. 'Pirate Sheik it Odeit S POS y•••••••=, $2.00 per year w aniasfirest41. driZaws, rola moo Daparoung, mums Thursday, May 5th, 1960 Boas Post Publishing NoTicg TO DOG OWNERS Any person being the owner of, or having pealsession or being cue harbourer of, any dog runuba,g, at large during tko garden season, is liable to a fine of 460,00, excluseeee of coat sail such pegalty shall he recoverable under the ,Sunienary Convection/ Act, a By-law passed in pursuance of the Dog Tax and Prolate*. Act, 5, 0. 1950, Cbapt, 107, I MAJESTIC W. I, William Reese Moses The regular meeting of tbe William Reese ;Moses; a life-long e maiestiee Womeirg„ institute will resident of elle area died Monday 'be held on Friday night, May 13th, morning following an illness of tee) at 8 o'clock instead of the usual • years, in Windham General Hospital, DR, SAVAGE TO SPEAK IN UNITED CHURCH HERE. The Seeeon of Brussels United Church are happy to be able to bring to our community one who has given, distinguished service to the Church for a eumbar of years the person of the Rev, lI, ,II, Savage, A, B., A. M., 1). D e of Pontiac Michigan, For over 35 years Dr, Savage has been the minister of First Baptist Church in that city, In March or 1926 ho and his Church began a radio ministry which has grown so that today his broadcasts Gan be heard in Ecuador, Peerto Rico, and Monte Carlo, as Well as in many parts of the E. S. A, and Canada. Dr. and Mrs. Sawage have 3 children, all of whom are on the Mission Fields in South America, He well be with us for one night only, this 'coming Monday, May 9, at S P. M. in Ube I3russels United Church, Do plan to attend. Thursday afternoon date, A feature of the program will be a public speaking contest for pupils of grades 7 and S of the Brussels Public School and neighbouring schools,. There will be a sale of plants, slips and bulbs, & cordial invitation is extended to all. DAVID HAISTINGS, Chief of Police. -He was 75, He was, born on con, 2 or Morris Township, a son of the late CVilliam Mosee, and his wife who was bhe formerly Elizabeth Reese, He farmed in Morris before moving to Bruseels in 1947. He was a member of Melville Presbyterian Church. He was unmarried and is survived by a sister, l3essie, Brussels, and a brother dames of Grey Township; two nep- hews and a niece, The body rested at the D, A. Rana funeral. 'home until Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock when the funeral service was conducted by Rev, J. H. 'Green of Melville Presbyterian Church. In- terment was in Brussels cemetery. 01••••••••••-••••••••10r.—...— HOME& SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Brussels Home and School Association will hold their regular meeting at the school on Wednesday, May 11th. An members are urged to attend. The public is invited to attend the Annual Meeting and Banquet Huron Liberal Associatior, (as constituted for Federal Purposes) CANADIAN LEGION HALL, CLINTON Beginning 'Imniedlately SHOP Will Be cLaRED ALL ;DAY and OPEN If A I ' .8 Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone Brussels 140 r VAL'S BEAUTY MONDAY ALL DAY WEDNESDAY BEAUTY SHOP CRANBROOK: In the regular morning service in Knox Church on Sunday, May 1st, ;gold 'bars and certificates were presented to the following pupils of the Sunday School, Brian Evans, Patsy Brans,, Dianne Engel, Myra licNeir„Tohn Penile; Will IPerrie and , Leslie Peelle. These awards were &won for one year 'perfect attendance ending March 31st. 1 '"Cratibrook Meat M.Isses" - i The fifth meeting of the bran brceek Meat Misses was held April 1 '30th at 9:30 at the hbme of Mrs. Allan 'McTaggart. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge repeated 1 in unison. The roll call was answered. i Roll call for next week is "One goo& 1 reason for using liter," The sec rotary's report was read by Dorothy Knight. The next meeting Is to be held at the home of Sheila Strickler, May 7th, at 9.30, Subject matter was "Secrets of Pork Cookery. Meeting I closed by singing God Save the 1 i Queen. e. i DANCE 1 i WROXETER COMMUNITY HALL! FRIDAY, MAY 6th 1 Musts by: Carruther's Orchestra Sponsored by the Hall Board ,......,_ FRIDAY, MAY 6 1960' * Dinner 7 p,m. * Meeting 8:30 p.m,-' GUEST SPEAKER — HON, J. W, PICKERSGiLL, M.P.., former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Tickets for the Banquet available frem Municipal Chairmen:- HUGH HAWKINS, Clinton, Pres. ROY LAMONT, Zurich,, HAROLD SHORE, Goderich, SecretarY. (110111111OMMINALVI ed1•101•Wate***MAZIZIaol.NONArMire."1;674.4141111XIMIC This is FRESH STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM Season Again, Featuring COUSINS STRAWBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM A N D COUSINS STRAWBERRY RIPPLE. ICE CREAM HALF GALLONS — BRICKS -- CONES Get some from your favourite COUSINS ICE CREAM DEALER often, for that extra treat at meal time, party time, or anytienot CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. MADE BY Phone 22 Brussels, Ont.. IIMMP1111111111...meinm Thurs. Fri. Sat. May 5 - 6 - 7 .1 Pat Boone's LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.16 p, m. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat, May 5 - 6 - 7 Robert IViitchum, Elisabeth Meuller In THE ANGRY HILLS A war Melodrama in .Nazi-occupied Greece during the second World War. 111111111111M11111111111111111111, BROWRIE'S DRINE-IN LTD.• 'Latest ,and Greatest '44 JOURNEY TO THE CENTRE OF THE EARHT" 'Mon. 'Tues. May g • 10 Marilyn Monroe In 41110W TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE" Color Wed. Thurs. May 11 - 12 "STRANGER IN MY ARMS" Adult Entertainment SIMIII11111111111111111111111M1111111111111 LLASHMAR. DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Remember We Fix Flats At MacLEAN FINA SERVICE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OUARANTEED, Itshirt O 011o tuhrItiOM .•• Clr BtliSh L. Celmi• ChilieMee Fep Phone ;268 Brussels, Out, ...,••••••••••* -..••••••.,mma••••••, Mefviile ChurCh • Minister: Rev. J..... Greene Organist: Mr. Louis D. Thompson Mother's Day .Sereice A. IL Sealy OWE • A. It. DMus 11174mddp • )(other's Day service with ,special Music by the Male Chorus and Gramme McDonald. Everybody ▪ heartily Invfted. * The United Church OF CANADA Illidator: Rev. L. Drown OA.: 0.0 14 Brussels'United Church ' fi WILLIS'S Organist: •was. A. a. Makin FAMitY DAY • 10 A..• .Chnrcit Scheel 11:15 A. Sacrament of Baptism Sat, May 7 — "Storytime" CKNX - 4:30 P, M. Brussels Church School .partleiela ting,„ Mon. May 0 — Dr; savage of MichigeM, at 8 P. M. 1 FRESH BREAD and EAKINS BMW Saturday and Monday MAY 7 :and 9 . Double Feature "ESCORT .WEST"' Victor Mature MAIO tteonirt 'THE MAN IN THE NET" Man Ladd Carllyn iienee CON sitOliertilen Gia . . Fresh Fruit and Vegetables At- All Tines CLINTON; \ ONT. TWO Shoves Nightly, Rain or Shine, First Show at Dusk • Admission: Abe Children Under 12• in dere rre• • THURSDAY end' FRIDAY May 5 6' bOiiittle•Feattire • "CHINA 'COLLO' Veetere Mature Ward Bond "THE OkARMARtifte Dana Andre-WI One Cartoon SATURDAY MAV t and 0 Cathie Oiattire biktiMt" dolor' L'Oti Jean' Taylor RUNNERS" Alidle Murphy Eddie Albert Delmar Margarine 2 for 49c Aylmer Catsup 2 for 35c Nabob Instant Coffee, 6 Oz. ...... . .... 79c Cheery Morn Coffee 1 lb. 59c INVITES YOU TO HEAR &lea. ge OUTST ANDING' RADIO PREACHER: From Pontiac, Mtahluati. One Night Otilk 1110NIJAY, 'MAY 9, 1966 it-8 p, iii SEED POT ATOE8' Irish Cobblers 8diogo,Istadhanr Parish of OcCior: Rem.. k. Jagged S.A., UN. Third Sulicidy after EaStaii Brinititt a: in, Holy Enntioist 11 is, tn. goittinn liana* ileboil prit 0100411 IA* II, *it Akio* 711;:` May. 10 and 11 jeciObts, LITTLE" AditS0' Rebell non. 'Tina Lou* *ain, hay " tiA460: Sate 11s Ad*t. Wottli 14r OP.F* •1. but. tuns "inie Pree Deriver" ;AMP' -it- tit 4 A. t MUS IC timossommeall"."1".""Zw"**4riv