HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-04-28, Page 8AGENT ifrrop.4 MARY MAXIM YARNS 4, PATTERNS Spring to Summer Styling. *Co.. 4.4..f4R. i• AO or 0 ••• MEN D S PANTS Wash and Wear Fabrics regular and student stylings 0!”14 0.0 0.0,0 5 . ... 6,01.A00 0.0 0 .0,0•0 •0,0 .... 001.4 0 .".000 ... ..r . p .. p .. p.••..pap. ... . Gingham3 — a dozen attractive patterns 89c yd. +I* ....... DRESSES -- House Dresses $2.98 up Better Dresses in. Smart Spring- to Summer Stylings COATS in good assortment dEnsavensuertac........4.1.74-4,M,aserinrsr.44,-.1" veumma r-Wat onangeonwcas=e1=Gzeuxon0w.sfmscr4.3i CLEARING AUCTION. SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 3Q, Pon, 4, Morris. Twp„ ty4 miles .. North of Eirussol-, 01 MONDAY, May gnd, at 1 p, m, a Hereford Cottle vista; Cattle 14 Head yr- old 1 Implements Allis eintlmers 2 furrow plow hydrenlifi Fienry 'Walking Plow Stiff Tooth Cultivator Massey Harris Tint:ter Hitch 1 8 suction Spring Tooth Harrows 5 section- Drag Harrow 11.0 plate Coekshutt Disk ,Seed Drill I Steel 0 ft. Land Roller Frost & Woad 6 ft. Binder ;McCormick 6 ft, Mower 12 'Rubber 'Tired Wagons Hay Rack Wagon flax I Hay Loader ,Tedder Pig Crate Hay Fork and Cutting Box Cutter Grain 600 Bus. SOO Bus. 'Prart,1*. Side Rake 2000 lb. Scales Fanning Mill Ropes Flat flack Buggy Oats Mixed Crain Be sure to get your Certificate of Payment (Form 104) from the firm you are leaving. Then follow the simple instructions on the back. READ YOUR. ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE GUIDE —if you haven't one, ask your employer or write ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION TORONTO 7, ONTARIO FLOOD OF white eggs without a hand in your pocket ROE FARMS now buys outright the top bloodlines in U.S.A. PROVEN lines such as STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE-LINES. These are Canadian tested—se- lected and hatched for you, without trade name penalties. GET THE BEST FOR LESS' AT ROE FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO UTERATURE ON REQUEST r.,.'-r— ...--:.3t=.1.*...:ardurCaseasixscositiannetem. ATTENTION FARMERS Having acquired a new Steam Jenny and Valve Reamer and Seater, Paint Spraying Equipment, we are new equipped to strait, repair, and paint any make of tractor. We alas have In 'stook hoses for tractors and utility machines. POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW. Dealer for Case Farm and Utility Equipment PHONE 64 BRUSSELS, ONT. WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY I P. M. Year lame =Met wis a ycsi are IrekSONN na Vidter. MIN 011,10$1! 4$ BRU SSELS. THE BRUSSELS pon nut' d ,fiSt11, 1060 CleaningNeeds Rubber GloVes. Lirdversal, Spot Remover New Wall Paper Chamois Pumice Soap Floor Wax. Lysol. Disinfectant Whisks Pantry Shelf Paper Silver Polish Brew, Oil Cedar Linseed Qii Soap. Tintex Color Remover Gold Paint Tintex Ali Purpose Dye ORVAL HARRISON TV AND ELECTRIC 'Phone: Brussels 329J4 R. R. 1 Monkton Ontario ELECTRICAL. CON-rRACTING aADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT,, GUARANTEEL/ SERVICE g • - John Longstaff, Optometrist_ "OPTICIAN CF SEAFORTH announces a change of office location to Goderich, St. W., adjacent Seaforth Clinic around Floor Parking Facilities Oculists prescriptions filled entitles you, to all subsequent adjustments YARDLEY'S APRIL VIOLETS TALCUM COLOGNE AND SOAP APRIL SHOWERS TALCUM STILL ONLY 59c Moth Destroyers Air Refresher Moth Flakes Gum Camphor Hand Sprayers CLEARING AUCTION SALE. Clearing Auction Sale of Registered Hereford Cattle Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects at Lot 2, Con. 11, Nutlet Twp., 6 miles East of Londesboro or 9 miles Northwest of Seaforth on Other Articles Too Numerous To Mention No Reserve Farm Sold Terms Cash Stewart. McLaughlin Pronrietor Harold Jackson — Au,otioneer George Powell — Clerk Moth Killer -and Moth Control Elkay's Moth Fume Crystals (can be used in a vac Larvex Spray Liquid Spray • SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 Brussels and plan, find gi,,,,00,;,t• 7:;t: JACKSON ALUMINUM - LTD.: SEAFORTH is couN:tiritA, wool for grading sale on the. QC-operative Shippers may obtain sacks. twine free of charge from the above or their Licensed Operators. Any Government Deficiency Pay' Ment will apply only on Properly- Graded Wools Secure the Utmost by Patreniz, ing the ()Fganization that made the possible, TAX RETURN TIME Is rapidly passing. If you need help with your return, I shall be Elad to assist, but, make your appoint nen+. promptly. Cali 78 Seaforth, Bring the whole family to the Lord Elgin — ttt low cost. This is a family hotel where children are welcome. YQVU1 A. under 19 years-accompanied by parents. • FAMILY RATES (Rooms only) —for children • Dependable baby sitters available- and reason- able. o 15pIreicae. lt for .children under 10- years at reduced r .1 ifT . Formulas-no problem—no chargle.. • CAR PARK—supervised—on premises can revry (100 ears). - See Ottaivo—Cariada's Capital Lord" Elgin 'a • 111 steps from' the Parliament Buildings, lead- 4tores, railway terminal, and theaters. VV{' ell_d_61 • „ Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay Street — Toronto rt H. G. MEIR . Tax Consultant (Associate of Canadian Tax. Council) "1 IN HOTEL Elgin at Laurier 0 ri T AWA TENDERS WANTED -- Tenders will be received by T.he undersigned until 6 p, in, April 30th, 1960, for the combined position of ; Canteen Stewart and Caretaker stf the Brussels Branch 218 of the Ufal- adian Legion B. E. S. L. State Satrt- expo' ted, Lowest or any tender not es;sarily accepted. Ray Bronson, Secretary, Branch 218, Brussels, Ontario. Conodcr's Capital City A CHESOAPS Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in mo., rounding district for dead, .1. sick or disabled horses a cattle. For the fastest a= proper removal of allanirsve„. day or night, use our autonta34e exchange (at no seat to yoke..) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 84S00 OR GEoliGE HISLOP WROXETER 2815 11111111•Fe k Caviller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS doll Tolools000 IMMO%) Walkerton I 4. to urounkf , IL Id. Pig C. Av Raider* illonogre. Illoslorso floolioario 1111 TUESDAY, MAY 3rd, at 12.30 p. M. Negistered Hereford Cattle Herd Sire, four years aid, outstand- ing Bull 7 Cows, with calves and retired 4 Cows, fresh; with calves at Loot 2; 2-yr-old Steers ., Year-old Steers Heifers, rising 2 -years old — 1 Heifers., 1 year, old Catalogues -are available by contact- ing the proprietor or auctioneer. Machinery . Oliver 80 Tractor Cookshutt -60 Tractor Coodison 28x46, with iBbersol shred- 'der, on rubber 7 inch, 140 Loot dilte belt 8-furrow Cockshutt Plow 73-run Oliver Fertilizer Drill with power lift 7 foot Coeksbutt Power Mower 7 toot Massey Barris Binder Massey Harris Side Rake Cultivator Scuffler :Drag Harrows Cultivator Roller manure spreader Disc Hay Loader isc 2-wheel Trailer Rip Saw and Emery Circular Saw Smoker Bale Elevator Wood Oat Roller , 11/:J HP Wagner Motor Cream Separator Blacksmith Post Drill 86 foot Extension. Ladder 2. Cedar Ladder's . Folding Hay Rack Wagon and Flat Rack Fanning Mill Oil Brooder Electric Brooder Apple Butter Kettle, copper Iron Kettle 2-inch Plank 2 X 4 Scantling 1-111ch Lumber 2-inch Plank 4 I-Beanie, 21 feet, 3 inches long, 9 inches deep Set of Laps and Dies Brooder House 8 X 14 Large Hand Sleigh 2,000 ib, Stales Bag Truck Tatteb. Ottfit Cedar IPosts Iron Poets 50 ft. 6" Belt, new Number of tools 240 lb, Scales Hay and Grain ) )' Mixed Baled Hay, 680 bus, good mixed Grain Furniture' Dining Room Suite 'Glass Cupboard ;Ntiat-nitit Cialt. Dinin g Rottiiii, Table hednienn Suite TI°itig' Mattresses and Springs Large tititaii tam le- iett§ Stitinige Grinder Mikiiietter tread Miter *edifier' leWlink. Machine' Power Lawn Mower , Findlay Range it gal, dfocit Sitialt dreekti Seaters Ch airs Bedding OtAIM' Articles TOO Ntimerens' To Meatoii. Terms .4.6.ti No RegerVi Far* Sold James Neitaii4 4,,, Proprietor R. R. 1, tbititekbeit6 Harold JAOkii6it ,;,- Atteitoitee# teOrde, PoWeir---. OW* CMG KRAUTER — CO. --- PLU M Bi NG S. HEATING SHEET METAL . OIL BURNERS BRUSSELS 'Ana 47 X for 1 to 5 years from the day you HOMO your money In Srltleh Mario's' Coiiirlaittii. NU your 16411, illOot or seed ge TIM MO kin* ift fit Hasa Of eriATirooD INIT111111 INIORTOAGIL • TRUST, STRATPCIRD 11010.6 tor . 1001011, elloiostosa brrostinest iht Adtdrelis • *Mat Yend 14 a &A& Oiing inn, ittforinittion ttrittek Ittikitgloto aiid Trust investment, direffeati. Business cards. DR. R. W. SfgRIENS ,ids` filltsio.„00.0d tasiota - • 1001631110,1f OIL 1: •••••-• - •-••••• .• • D. A. RANH" .6!t AM 900011 .** ' ' Liarnagig rourroll Owl .• !. APS all 'Sr' 011011101113, GPM