HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-04-07, Page 4• • FOR SAIlag a!' Baby OVI,Ora. Phone 21T2. FOR SALE — Gary Seed Oats, grown .frout. registered seed last year, Harold Thomas Phone 1.80 ••• • WANTED — lc, buy a 'used. Water Pres.aare Syaioni in good condition. Wallace Ross Seatorta orl SAUE — Girls Bicytele with baloon tires, cancer and kick-stand, $15.00 APPI't to Wallace Ross, Seaforth FOR SALE -. A lady's suit, blue, Pic and Pic, size 14 Mrs. Norman Stephenson, Phone 34r9 PASTURE AVAILABLE Good Pasture Available for Yearlings for the season. Ian McDonald Phone 297 Erussels FOR SALE — Girls Shortie Coat, dusty Irina, 1) size 16 $5.00 Gills Shortie Coat, size 12x, $5.0`. 1,:., to Mrs. Wallace Ross. Sea fora WANTED — Caine for pasture; lots of water, grass and shade. Joe HohneS, R. R. 4, Brussel& Phone 15r5 ..,1•••••111.1.1. 'W. 'Mk etate.901.6Pk Lf.0412risfeMetertairedt , BROSSE,IrS i High production .cannot be promised into chicks. It must be built in, SAiL ROE CHICKS',.. and get the right ones every time. Fanious STONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE-LINES, ROE BED and. SUSSEX CROSSES, Famed "HY-LAY" blood. lines available and pro- ven at FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO No high cost franchise payments onmaroma...r. ..Ain... before you drink Kr7-7.1;°44.64 HOTtl. figin al. 'Laurier (nTA. Conodo's Coplt,a1 CRY any., Legit I k:',I,;(74 ria M is d1 1-1 ‘,./.1, k• ' 1'E .13.11V..$$P14$ POST Titarsda, April 'lib, 1960 0 ► ► k. r• ► ► ► ► ► p 10, ► BELGRAVE -Pisisne Wingham 1091; Brussels 388w10 Belgrave Cogaperative ALM* L.21/1 ,eit ,}ASAM This Winter ' :SWEETEN THOSE ITTER COLD DAYS with. -Ontario winter can be realty enjoyabto when you, 'Biome is heated with COOP SUNGLO FUEL gm oil with the higher BTU content. Filtered clean, 'Jungle Fuel Oil gives you more hours beat per gallon, Ind it keeps your burner operating at peak efficiency! Nod out about Coop 11UNOLO Sorvlosi /WM 0 FU OIL! FOR SALE - Five serviceable age crossbred boars off registered Landrace sow and registered Large la'notish Black bore. 0,Y FOR .SALE girls sprier, cents, size 4x and. Size la, ,good condition. Mrs, .Reht. FOR SALE — About '2,000 bales mixed hay No. 29 Massey Harris Trabtor in good shape; Na. 26 Massey Harris Plow in good shape. .1. D. Cardiff Phone 2'.5I." FOR SALE —.- ('1.aer Honey, lb. Mai .2,2i Wallace Ross 4,1141.riM $0011,1) 4, wahaitoroma woo 0.1.011•111.0 FOR SALE Girls rose spring: coat and. halt set, size b.. Mai, Walter Bewley Phone 390V7 • ales Representative with agricultur- al background for Grey township. This position is very profitable, SON C, to $150 per week. Repeat business assures future with opportunity or advancement. The man we want must ,be highly regarded, willing to a:irk, have good car. Prefer man rho is 25 - 50 years of age. iirite, telling about yourself, tO Gen. 'Mgr., Box 84, London, Ont. Cliff Morrow, R. R. 3, Brussels, ont, ersonal interview will be given. Phone terle I YOUR JOB 1 more eggs per dollar ► OUR JOB CHICKS bred to lay MOM TENDERS WANTED Tenders wil ll be received by ,the undersigned 'anal 6 p. au. April 16th, 1900, tor the new 1/lambing in the •Laiaisela Branch 218. Canadian Leg, ion B. E. S. L. plans and Special.- cations may be seen at the Secre- tAry $ office, Brussels, Ont. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily •accepted Ray Bronson, Secretary, Brancli 21.S, Brussels. Ontario. aer TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received by the undersigned until C p. in. April 30th, 1960, for • the combined position of Canteen Stewart and Caretaker of the Brussels Branch 218 of the Can- adian Legion B. B. --5, L. State salary oxpet.ted. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Ray Bronson, Secretary, Pranch 218, Brasselr, Ontario. FOR SALE — .1946 Dodge Sedan. For further particulars apply to Mrs. 'S. Work, Phone 33 1958 Studebaker Coach 1958 Pontiac Coach 1957 Pontiac Sedan, radio & Automaktic 1956 Dodge Sedan 1956 Oldsmobile Sedan, fully equipped Many Older Models HOUSEWORK'S AS EASY AS WHEN YOU'RE LIVING BETTER ELECTRICALLY! ACHESOAPS :Dead Stock Service -daszust ,cast, prices paid in --- -g district for dead, mow .1* disabled horses aLo!: ,iserehr.. For the fastest -44:1.44er -remove; oi ail eniera---7a- Adler atrr alight, use our atitea.• "41m0onme tat no cost ta • z4tbat laterig Distance and Will mar ATWOOD ZENITH 34SW GEORGE.' HISLGy WROXETER 2R15 ..ittiaMemeerkto.enstmetwormorcreyer.csmanscraosr—w- . Lo T AUSP1141.11 A aticr I ATI ON "v. 1.1.14, Al t'CNC araalcia 0reetiang service fdr ia; breecs 01. ensue. It phoutais toot :,..4`,.ancr:, simply saiX for — Zerain 3^1.16i; or P111114eIllton TgenIth c a.; at. it it is a 10cat CALI 044 oar reaular nmatier Uliatos et V L•;14 43 or tatitaeavten 4.33. for carioca or .tatna isitoriraaaax. Coil taa wee° ;— 1,50 and 10,1)0 A. K. PAK osys, kap, anti 8.00 P. M. iiat- nratsy for ....taws noticing in heat on Sanaa/. Moral-14, ik i'at cult anti./ Meads, morugraig, FOR SALE — FOR SALE .••••• 1500 hales of mixed hay, alfalfa and Timothy; also 1,000 bus, of Fulndy Oats, fit. for seed. Bert Johnston Phone 1089W Large Canadian and. American Wingham Imanufacturing company in tho 4=41110.1......e.akes,... gricultural field requires District ; A church Shed. the property or Church of Grey twp.,. 1uron County, will be offered for by tender in one unit or units dividing by half the length of the property for sale. Tenders to close st 13 o'clock noon . on April 16th. iliguest tender not necessarily 1. acceoted, All refuge must be taken. SWOT UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY untf pjrNIG I? F.E1.. LIKR T? SHOOTING. IT I INSTEAD/ WHY NOT SAOHT IN ON oNS op TN SWELL UAW CARA AT RIVERWE • orolz, THEY AIM a TO PLEASE-- You! i•*14.[A011.7.*, /OM 10111•111. ON•Wr _ORVAL HARRISON- TV AND ELECTRIC zaPhone: Brussela 32914 R. R. I Monkton Ontario ELECTRICA L CON-f RA CTI NG RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEEi.# SERVICE '.4.UlattecalaSlaWSlartro.smaratatai rossassallMarr...bletmoulamislei..Z911 ;m4Onirr•-,,slanrwmr.pnaa5 , Bring the whole family• to the Lord Elgiri tow cost. This is a family hotel where children are: welcome. o FAMILY RATES (Rooms enlyl—foe ehodtte, under 14 years accompanied by parent's, o Dependable baby sitters available and resace-able 4 Meals for children Under 10 years at reduced prices, • Formulas no problem—no Char* CATt 'PAR —supervised---'on pretitiatt• (100 ears), ▪ Otforra---eltaatlattr Capitol tard eIgirt is only Onps from the Pailtasnen: !eta. asty otoets, reittedy teratitial, and theaters, 4te .._ Rawleigh business now open 11- several townships in Huron County. 1 Trade well establighed. Excellena opportunity, Full time. 'Write at once Rawfleigrs, Dept. 6-1;52-189, 4005 Richelica, Montreal. . • • TEACHER WANTED Experienced -Protelita,at teacher I for the Junior room of Union School No. 17 Eatt Wawanovia to start next September. State salary, en" perietice, and qualifications to .7 A. I.Victurtiey., R. R. 1, Belgraae, Secretary East, WaWarloslt 'Township School Area Board. — `FOR SALE Farm 41a acres; in Grahame Sur- vey; brick house; Z barns; 2 hen! liduses; gobd roofs; 2 good wells.; possession. at Onto. Also 100 acres miles eatt of Iltaatels; stbile holued; pressure system; aot and cod *titer; good: barn. For further particulars apply to Ilex 56 Brussels-, R., A. 5.Weh CON ttrAtv i nl '10+400010M '1'14**o, WINGHA1h, ttiNt. aka. SUPPORT YOUR EASTER SEAT. 'cArAPAidN traces and eriitchee are Jest two inechatieta devices, naiad to, help crippled boYa said girls to walk — but thro is attire to their treatment than the use of special otttirit, dta, To thmtv6 %IA mi tbl provittdOg erippleil el:11411'M treatment'; they retaiire, the Ontario Society for Crippled -children, ill assileiatioti With 212 °Marie Ste ttatt aetitig the 41,rit11.1.4 lifeetbe t,amnaign, 'which -evened on March 11 add_]iii;; tut oblootivo $8.50;000, ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that Mr. Kenneth McFarlane, R. R. I. Brussels has been appointed Director of this Company and An that Mr. Scott McLean , of Yo R. 3 Monkton tuna been engaged as an Agent for this Company. Elma Farmeers Mutual Fire ins. Oa, Head Office, Atwood, Ont. Frank. Bowman, R. N. switser, President. Secretary. Now u e viote MALE HELP WANTED —