The Brussels Post, 1960-04-07, Page 3DOG CATCHER — Poor fish don't have a chance with this fisherman, The clog "Spitz" carries a catch out of the Mississippi River. He waits until a shad swims past, then snaps the fish vp in his teeth. A Cain Metred Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net $4,000.$8,000 Annually. Write or phone today for full Informa- tion about unattended coin-operated. Westinghonse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage in your spare time _ while netting high income. We finance 90% of your total purchase . offer you longest financing period at lowest monthly installments, You re- ceive training and advice from a na- tional organization that has helped, over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves. No ex- perience necessary. Modest Invest- ment, This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money- making opportunity to anyone who wants Lo own his own business. Com- pare our complete program. ALD CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18, Ontario ROger 6-7255 • r. V- -^ FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT farm, 19 acres, 2 miles from Talbot Street, St. Thomas, just off No. 4 highway, .house with full storage basement, driveshed, bank barn. Apply Titterington, R.R. 4, St. Thomas, phone ME 1-7266, early morning or evening, $125,000 available at only 5e* interest. ON .farms. BE your own boss. EXCELLENT farms, More than 3,000 acres listed, FOR example - 200 acres, new house; $12,000, down payment, $6,000, 100 acres, running ,writer. in Mime and barn, $10,000,. with $2,500 down. No business on Sunday.. TIMON HAGEN, REALTOR R.R. 2, NEWMARKET PHONE BRADFORD — PR. 5.3443 FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR Sale: ,In t. Super M.D. and Super C, good condition. Wanted to buy Mil. 10 ft. (80) combine. Phone Tilbury, 685 W•le. HELP WANTED • LINOTYPE operator required imme- diately. by Southern Ontario daily, Eitlidr Journeyman or two-thirder trained in small city daily or weekly preferred. Write giving full details to Chatham Daily Nowa, Chatham, On- tario., PHARMACIST for retail pharmacy in Northern Ontario, close to Sudbury, 40 hour week, good pay. Gerson Pharm- acy, Gerson, Ontario. ST. THOMAS - ELGIN GENERAL. HOSPITAL. St Thomas, Ontario WELL EQUIPPED, MODERN, AC- CREDITED GENERAL HOSPITAL, 371 BEDS REQUIRES ASSISTANT DIETITIANS R.P.Dt. and C.D,A. Membership necessary. Apply To Chief Dietitian HERBS QUAKER Comfrey northern grown, free literature. E. A. Peterson, Box 160, Debdeh, Saskatchewan, eoveries in the science of RS- trotioanSr, discoveries that are more ingenious than those of the Greeks and . Babylonians; their toMputtng that surpasses deeerip- tion. I wish only to say that this compaation is done by means of nine signs," A century later, Indian mathe- matical works were translated into Arabic iii Baghdad, The Arabs had hitherto ;possessed fib ritmeerels Of their owe, but had- Wed Greek or Coptic .signs; and had' done their calculations on the abacus. They at once per= teived the superiority of the In- dian system and. eagerly took it over, giving fell credit to Iedia. They introduced it into their M., rican and Spanish conquests, Europe first tentatively began to use Indian numerals and the Malian ritimerical system in the tenth •or eievent,h coitus y, but it was not brag the seventeehth century that they carbe into gen- ' oral use,in the Western world— rrolli "The Pageant of India's' History," by Gertrude Fetietstori Sett, ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE EGO, 75. HOFFMAN FLATWORK IRONER, Ilosvfl'AL expansion program rt. i lotredeareer unit, and this is now stir. pt‘is n perfect operating order until lisconnected lust month. T9 be WO or best hid over scrap petee, purchaser .0 0101.0 • ' AdiniolstratOr, Lettmlneten District Inernerial Leernington, tint, BABY CHICKS OLT a head start, buy Bray started put. leis. Good Seleetion, list available, Day. Old pullets, mixed chicks and voeker- ele„enies, Leeliorne and dual purpose, tor prompt shipment. Order April-May broiler chicks now. See local agent or write Pray Hatchery, 120 John North, HomIlion, Ont. BERRY PLANTS FOIL Sale Government Inspected Corti, tied Resplierry 'Plante, "Lethent", Vik, Mg, Fr whergh ,Madawaska, September, Chief. 54.50 per 100. Strawberry Planta. Prernkr, Temple, liarvest•King, for Dunlop, $1.50 Per 180, $1,0,00 per 1,000. All plants well•rooted, Disease Free, Valley (lesions, IL% 1, (inford, , Ont. Plume: Bradford, PR. 5-21100. •• BoSINESSOPPOTtltillIES , „, • ,_ „ APPLIANCE and TV business In Marine, Out $9,000 with stock. A real buy, established 5 yore, Ill-health forces this sacrifices. Low rental for store. Apply to Ilex 97. Stirling. Ont Phone 2120 „ . FOR Sale $10,000,00 Garage business handling Esse products in fast grow iii, southwestern town, Franchises for automobile and/or machine parts avail- able Present owner retiring. Write Post Office Box "IL' efelna, Manitoba BE YOUR OWN BOSS I OWN AND OPERATE est plug, and for spinning hires. However, awoman might deobet- • ter with one of 51/2 feet, but 4n no case would I recommend Q. shorter. -I prefer one with a fer- rule somewhere toward the mid- .` 'tlie„..since a long, one-piece rod such a nuisance to traosport, • and its superiority is morethee. • retical than real. • Some who lob a plug out pre- fer a pretty slow, over-all bend, Others like fast tip action, the rod quite .stiff for most of • its length; these "shoot" the plug. fast. This, too, seems to beetnogt- ly A matter of the taste and tene- perament of the user. Fast tip, ac-. , tion is necessary to place a plug •. far back under low brush with 'a . Side cast; the,slower rod throws too high an arch of line, to- hang 1 on branches,. • A stiff starts the spool too sud- denly, thereby causing .“ lashes. But it has another fault Since it Won't bend properly On If you 'take-your bass fishing seriously, are willing to put time and effort into it, and want to get really big ones, casting tackle will, no doubt, suit you best, To be happy with casting tackle, you must go to some trouble in learning what outfit to select, Then you must get in a . comfortable amount of casting practice. This is important. First, selection of your casting reel is important if you want to do nice, smooth, effortless cast. ing. The first thing to know is that the less the combined weight of spool and wet line — the less inertia — the better you can cast. But cutting down weight by only half filling the spool with line won't do the trick; then the- mechanism has to work just twice as fast as with a full spool, which of course shoots inertia up. One of the greatest causes of trouble is that the average ang- ler doesn't oil his reel often enough. The better and faster your reel, the worse it will cast, and the more backlashes you'll get, if it's not kept properly oil- ed. Another common cause, of trouble is a rod that is too stiff. It start the spool with a quick jerk, almost impossible to con- trol with the thumb; the spool overruns — and there's your bird's nest, A rod that is flexible but too short will do the same to some extent, since there just •. isn't. enough of it to give the spool a nice smooth start at the beginning of a cast. • Even for the heaviest plugs, I never use a casting rod under,. six feet, and I sometimes use -slightly longer for the very light.; Catching Bass On Cvsting Tackle CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CELEBRATION-BOUND — • This qUeitter-eititi telititii Of 41,1i curter itriti:th—WeirshIp Wei* built at the Royal COnaction Navy khipveoci art RalicOxi Nov* kii,ritadeted after thi, •O giJfi Npi»Ur. It .wilfto.is. foe:dor...of thi tariadkiii Novy't DADA May' Pacific Passage On A Freighter "When you're outward bound fromTrisce, passing out the °Ol- den gate," ran the Old-time chanty of the California and Ohine Clippers. Sailing at dawn for the Orient/ If YOU Cannot got to thrill out of that there, is lit- tle romance left in you. Biding fleVen thousand miles across the vast sweeps of the Pacific, San Franelsico to Manila, nonstop. Out of the gray skies- and fogs of January slowly doWn the latitudinal ladder toward Cancer and summer seas, Then across in .a wide circle that takes you close to historic Midway Island, and gradually still more south- erly, making the course south- west to the Philippines through the San Bernandino Straits. Ah, yes, a sturdy well-manned British freighter, a "tramp" more or less, the invariable choice of the true wanderer by sea. Nor does this mean any lack of ne- cessary comforts or even mod- ern amenities. As a matter of fact, your cabin would be des- cribed as "de luxe" on a .30,000- ton liner. Why not? It has ports forward and to starboard, a big bed, a hundred and odd square feet of space. Polite Indian or maybe Chinese stewards to wait on you. Mine even "doubles" as a barber. The fare is simple but ample. Long and quiet are theenights, and the entire ship is yours to roam over without let or hind- rance. No passengers-ale-not-al- lowed-beyond-this-line s o r t of thing here. The captain, a vet- eran sea dog who "served his time in sail," now and then in- vites you to his cabin for tea, and the chief engineer, a Scot of course, is proud to show you his big motors running so smoothly below. All in the way of a freighter roaming the Seven Seas, There are but three other pas- sengers, a Manila businessman and a tourist couple making the global. circuit and preferring this kind of travel. At one of the two saloon tables sits the cap- tain, on his right the chief en- gineer, on his left the first offi- cer, then the passengers. At the other table are the lower officers and the four midshipmen, or cadets, making their first profes- sional voyage after their course of training for the British Mer- chant service. The crew is of all nations. The watch-officers are English and Scottish, with traces of Irish and Welsh. The "black gang" in- cludes Chinese, Indians, Malays, and mixtures. The stewards are Goan es e. (Portuguese-Indians from Marmagoa). There are a '• dozen Moslems and each day at sundown they group on the for- , ward hatch; lay their prayer- mats and make their obeisances • in the general direction of Mec- ca. One always dons a yellow robe, like a young Buddhist monk in Siam. Last night, no, doubt a little bewildered by the boisterous weather and' flying spray, he knelt facing the North Pole instead of toward Mecca, Perhaps he is • stronger in zeal than in geogapby. The skipper is especially gen- ial. ,He makes me free of the bridge and we exchange litany an anecdote of experiences and • encounters far arid wide. He has e' been up the Congo in the re- gioh written of so graphically !' by Conrad in "Heart of Dark- ,: ness," But apart from that I can more than match him in the a matter of out-of-the-way parts of the World and far-placed isles of the 'sea visited, writes Marc T. Greene fn the Christian Science e" Monitor. Six aye out we pass the Ha- waiian Islands but just out of sight, The weather op to now has been what sailors describe as "heavy" and the uninitiated voyager probably as a "living gale." So we have changed course about, four points to give the islands and the many outlying reefs a wide berth. But by the time we cross s'-e jets— date line, i.e. 180 degrees of west longlitude, gamine a e: • the westward passage, weather changes almost abrupt- ly, with a return to smooth r; blue skies, flying fish, and white garments. Fourteen days out of the Gol- den Gate we sight land for the first time, also the first craft of any kind for all that period The land is the grim upthrust of an old volcano, its crater draped in the trade-wind clouds, its sides sloping sharply into the sea. It is noted on the chart as Agrihan, uninhabited, one of the Marianne group, about 500 miles north of Saipan. A ship, far on the southern horizon, appears through the binoculars to be one of the large wartime landing craft which, with the great open- ing doors at the bow now weld- ed together, serve as 3,000-ton cargo carriers. Three days later, the Philip- pines, with San Bernandino Is- land at the entrance to the histor- ic straits•of the same name, just in sight, Presently green hills and high mountains behind them are on either side here where the great Japanese battleships tried to force their way through — in order to halt MacArthur's northward advance in 1944. The course then lies among many islands through which we move at reduced speed, and early one morning, so early. indeed that thee grim rack is still wrapped •thickly in the night mists, we pass. pi by Corregidor, with the Bataan Peninsula behind, it. How different a sight is Manila harbor today, the piers restored and lively with shipping from all over the ,world! And how the memories throng in the thought of one who spent several in- voluntary years here! The ship is here three days,. ample time to look , up some' friends of those days who brought aid and succor at no inconsiderable risk to themselves. Then we go down to Cebu where I find two old friends who passed the entire war period hidden on a little island off the coast, aided by the natives. And after that Hong Kong once more, 'the ter- minis of a Pacific passage of un- alloyed delight. Q. How can I preserve some valuable documents before stor- =ing them away? A. Rub them all over with a gutta-percha solution, obtainable ,at any drugstore. the 'haeltswing, to stir ot the plug . "forward, hew-end-al. , ;,efe, "it is pretty sure to f'.,t ems 'w;a0. Inv; with the whele nn, Atte. mite* — using Si shet-putting technique instead of really casting. This is not telly awk- ward and inaccfirat but is a mtrit4c to other :4 in a boat. For ,smooth easting, timine at the swing should suit noNibilitv to your rod and sve"eht of plug used, When you thenge to a plug of another w •timing should change too. Bo elite* to experimpnt with dilorcnt tim- ings ; a few triels will .do you. for move ocid than reading pages cif instructioree Ditto with die covering when to partly re- lease the stool with your thumb on the 'forward cast; you'll soon catch onto that, if you've never used A casting rod. This overhead cast is intrinsi- t ally the most accurate, and it may be the. only one you'll ever ..rieed to use. But if you do need •. ;a side cast to get under brush, remember that it should be done in exactly the same way; with your wrist — it should not be a sideswipe with the whole arm, With your wrist doing the cast- ing, your forearm should swing loosely. Your elbow should move little or not at all; it should re- main down by your side, As for the casting line, the best line isn't sold as casting line at all, but as squidding line. It ha; a soft, flat braid with no core; it casts well from the beginning, and most of the waterproofing soon washes out, to make it cast still better. The lightest it comes is 12-pound — just about right to hold ordinary big bass out of ordinary obstructions, though still heavier may be needed for large southern bass in bad spots. — By Jason Lucas, Angling Edi- tor of "Sports Afield". • STAR GAZER — Grabbing so-me air, this intrepid water skier looks down from his man- carrying kite. Motorboat sup- plied the tow. RUsSia Hasn't Clainied. It Yet! . Indian Numerals, Commonly 'miscalled Arabic, were introdiic- ed by Indian merchants intcrAi- exandria, probably in 'the secon'ft century A.D. Asoka, used writ- -ten numerals five-hundred years earlier in his Braluni inscrip- tions, but an unknown Indian mathematician, about a century before the. beginning of the Chris- tian Eva, made the greatest of ,all contributions to arithineties the invention of the place-Valtie system and zero, According to this system, nuni- erals acquired a value dePend- ing on their place, or position, In 'a series of numbers built up on the decimal plan. The same numerals in 12 or 21, for exam- ple, eiepress different valUes, de- pending on their sequence. The civilized world tOday takes for granted this ingenious numerical system, by which all arithmetic calculatiOns can be worked out by the use of 'billy nine numerals and zero; and complacently forgets what it owes to India for this wonderful diecovery. In comparisen. With the Indian system, the ancient Creek alphabetical notation and the clumsy Roman symbols Were very inconvenient, The earliest references to the new system in Iridie. eppear in Sanskrit literary Works Of, slighte ly before and just after the be- ginning of the Christian tea. Front the end of the fifth defi, tury; however;. all. Indien Mettle, triatleiffrIS were alreedy using. the new system. By the seventh ten, Wry, it had made its way east- ward tee StIthAtta, Cambodia and Annetta as proved by 111Seti- lifilla with detee recorded in the Ilitlian Salta Era. It Was alga ktiowri to a eeV- entheetittity Syrian Christian monk, living in a morieetery on the Eniphratea, Annoyed With the Greek presumption of complete superiority in the field of tele ence, this Syrian, SeveruS Se- boichti Wrote a spirited defense' Of Syrian scientific knowledge tefetked. incidentally tei Chili, im these ,words "I Will omit alt ,iltSCOSSIOn. of the :Science Of the hlinthie s their Subtle INSTRUCT ION EAttN morel BOOkeeningr .a 941314 • StiOrt,band, Typewriting, Ste Les- sons Of. Asir for free circular No. 03. Canadian correspondence 0014110 1290 hay Street, Toronto, e — eleDICAL DON'T WAIT EVERY SUFFERER OF ILHEUMATIC PAINS OR ,NEURITIS. SHOULD TRY pix,9N3 REMEDY. MIJNRQ'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA S1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAWER the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping , akin troubles. .mPoao,t'ascEneez,elagSwacilrv.ter:vpiliimrpioltesdiaenadPp;oinott You Itching sealing and, burning ooze. eczema will reepend . readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless Of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 50,50 PER JAR PO6T'S REMEDIES 2855 St. Clair Avenue east TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS Far mFn n Rea lt ors, i; si trifi3v? fritabaajatZtnunalalshsOouert Missouri, phot os .0 00wzcatirttbs EARGAINS1 Save money, Appliances, jewelry, radios, toys. Send 250 for catalogue. Refunded on f t rst order. Richard Fox, 390 Ames Street, /10ehes, ter 11, New York. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR Christmas Tree planting uee the "Forest View" Tandem Tree Planter for better Survival. Plant 1,000 trees in thirty minutes. Write tor descrip- tive literature free, Forest view Evergreen Nursery, Germaine Pre, U S.A MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WANTED Steam Engine, fbresher. Old Farm Machinery and Stove Catalogues. Old Auction Sale Bills Send price first. letter 'Box 119, Thornhill, Ontario MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES EARN extra money. Collect plants, ani. mats, minerals for ,scientifie companies. Prices, descriptions, addresses of buy- ers $L00 refundable. Biological Col- lector's Service, Box 1530, Mount Ver-non, Iowa. MONEY ro LOAN UNLIMITED Money Loans ro City and Farm eolks. Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now: 2°4P4.28, investments Ltd 99 Avenue Road. Suite 310 Toronto 5, Ontario WA 2, --e- — NURSES WANTED -- GENERAL STAFF NURSES For 50R0e-BcieudireHdospital Experience available in Surgery, Medi- cine, Obstetrics and Geriatrics, Registered nurses basic salary $265 per month for 40-hour week. DIRECTOAR POP FL'i'NURSING Kitchener - Wattrioo Hospital Kitchener, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W. Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PHARMACIST WANTED PHARMACIST FOR shopping centre store, good op- portunity for man with ability and ex- perience. Excellent, starting salary, dis- pensing only. Must have references. WRITE or phone Throop Pharmacies Limited, 1315 Carling Avenue, Ottavva, PA 2,0510- PERSONAL AUTI-IORS invited submit MSS all types (including Poems) for book pub. lication, Reasonable terms, Stockwell Ltd,, Ilfracorribc, England. (Est'd, 1898.) WONDERFUL GIFTS 'round World!. Your name on our mailing list brings circulars, catalogues, as issued, Jane Harding - Co., Box 6862, Baltimore' Maryland, U,S.A. WEDDING invitations printed. Write to M. Readford, 68 Huntington Avenue, Toronto (Scarborough), Ontario for free samples. DRUG STORE NEEDS BY MAIL PERSONAL needs. Inquiries Invited Lyon's Drugs, 471 Danforth, Toronto. LONELY? Get acquainted, hendreds of members in every province. All ago, Many with means, Widows with farms, city and Country girls, Particulars free. Western social Club, Gen. Del,, Main P.O., Calgary, Alta, HEALTH, happiness, Prosperity, Ad• vancement and Suctess are accelerated by the Rome COutse in Psychology. In- formation free. Royal College of Eel. Once 709 Spadina Ave Toronto Can, ado ADULTS! 'Personal Rubber Goods, 36 ettottnieet fdr $2.00. Finest quality:, tested, guaranteed, Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. GET 8 HOURS SLEEP NERVOUS tension may 'cause eee,, of Sickness. Partlealaily eleeeiessheSS. Jitter:mess and leritability. Sleep, ,cairn your nerves with "Nappy",1.0 for $1.00 50 for 54 00. Lyon's Dru gs 471 Den- forth Corcolter ,„ PLANTS TEN MILLION STRAWBERRY PLANTS ALL comniereidi varieties ,groWn ry Boston Berry Fettle, 11.11 '2. Waterford Write, wire be Phone Waterford' Dirk. ory,16915 0.511111 tit 0-51107 PHOTOGRAPHY . COMPARE eve photo: service try eh 'Order. gObAdOLOOtt DEVELOPING ~d1 GIANT COLOUR PRINTS Js AnmeOchrome & IlIktachroine' inefilited in slides $1.25. „ BLACK & WHITE DEVELOPED and 8 Enlarged .prints alt' 'Slid 12 dated Giant prints Wit Reprints each We Pay. ill shipping charges, Repereleble eerviec by _ METRO PHOTOFINISHING Co' BOX 870 ADELAIDE eir sTA.• TO/PemiTo 1, ONTA tile. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVEI SAVE! ram. (.107 010 Peg IMO 8 means prints in albu m 12 Inagua prints in album 110e Reprints 54 each 10)DAc01.013 peveloping roll 51.00 Diet inciuding Prints). Color prints 350 each ext ra, Anse() and Pttachrorno mm 2u eg- posures trietinted in slides $125 ()Mir prints frern SlideS 350 each, eloneY refunded In full for tinprenterl neg,a, lives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB Box 11, GALT, ONT. PONIES - SHETLAND PONIES FOR SALE GRADE & 'Registered mares in foal. Grade & Registered Serviceable Stel- lions. Registered fillies. Geldings. Brldgewood Farm. Woodbridge R.11, 1, Oni, PROPERTY FOR SALE Owen Sound Business Block for Sale or Large Store for Rent, excellent loca- tion. Answer to Box 210,123-75th Street, New Toronto, Ont. REAPING GLASSES READING GLASSES A BLESSING FOR FOLKS OVER 40 GOUT) News! Now order famous name reacting glasses at speond sale price Of only $3 95. Free. special carrying ease Order today Thousands of satie-fled customers are now able to read newspapers, telephone book, or innic, easi er Do fine fancy work. crocip 'tug for hours without strain. Preen'en. glasses (net Rir), Ming out detail snare and clear ,Flesh lens set In a st , stylish frame, 50-day nonie trial name, address, Sea, age On arrival !,5, only $3.95 plus 0.0.D., or send a 03 with order we ship prepaid Order to- day Preto SHINDY OPTICAL PRODUCTS co. Box 38, Dept. A Station "J" Toronto. RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER- STAMPS) Three line Special -- $1.00. DeLuxe pocket stamp with pad in plastic ease. Louis 0. Gomes, 815 Fourth Street, San Rafael, Califor- nia. ' SALES HELP & AGENTS WANTED MAKE beautiful brooches, earrings, necklaces at home Easy to do. Sell to your friends. Excellent profits Send for tree wholesale catalogue L C. Murgatroed CO. Dept, F, Agincourt, Ont SALES HELP WANTED, MALE WE need two conscientious commission salesmen to handle our line of incan- descent and fluorescent bulbs Age un- limited. No objection to other lines. Training given Commissions paid weekly. Write now in confidence to Charles Clarke, Diamond Lamp Com- pany Limited, 27 Alanson Street, Ham- ilton Ontario. STATIONARY ENGINEER WANTED STATIONARY ENGINEER to act as chief for small hospital in S. W. Ontario. Details: Responsible to administrator for operation and maint- enance of plant and minor repairs to hospital equipment. Must have third class ticket and be good supervisor, age preferably 35.55 Salary to start $350.00 per month, 40 hour week, Medi- cal, Hospital, Life Insurance benefits end pension plan in effect. Box No 200. 123 18th St., New Toronto, Ont TEACHERS WANTED OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned for teaching positions in ,'regular" grades, Rome Economics, Industrial Arts and Auxiliary classes, BENEFITS Physicians' Services Ineorperated; Cumulative Sick Leave Plan; Teachers' Credit Union; Organized social activi- ties; Modern, wenequipped schedls Ottawa is a Ueiversity City, offering maximum opportunities for profession- al development. SALARIES Female _ Minimhm $2800.00 ..... Maximum e4, , 200.00 Male single -. Minimum 52;800 00 Maxim um 54,405 00 Married $500.00 additional for teachers with five years experience in Ontario. Extra for teaching special subjects or for holders of University Degrees Al- lowance for th proven experience any- Where outside of Ottawa for qualified teachers holding certificates valid in Ontario. Apply stating full particulars to Secretary-Treasurer, 140 Cumberiaed St„ Ottawa, CE6-7475 AJAX SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD REQUIRE 8 Teachers for September, 196a GRADES ONE TO SIX Salary Schedule Minimum $2900.00 Maximum $4500.00 Annual increment' $200 for a maxi, mum of 8 years experience With other boards. Benefits Physicians' SereleeS Inc. fully paid Paid Siek Lerree Teachers' Credit Uhion Modern well-equipped, school, situated IS minutes from Oshawa and Meitn. Toronto. Apply to: D. C. WAINMAN Teacher's' CoMmittee Mix, Ontario or Iehohe WH, 2.2435 TRACTORS SPEEDEX RIDING TRACTORS COMPLETE range of attachments for year round use Rugged quality con- struction. Full year warranty. 5.1.1 ILl $425.00, 9 ILP. $565,00, E'er fell infer, =don and prieee write to: Itototiller Sales, 2626 St, Clair Avenue West, Ter- onto 9, Ontario, VACATION RESORTS PORT Elgin, Ont. 3-room housekeeping cottages, Airs. Rowse, 17006 Doecheeter Cr,. Cleveland 19, Ohio, WANTED, RABBITS AND PIGEONS aAnnrrs and Pigeons alive wented tor table use. 13031 2113, 123.111th Street. New Toronto. ESStJE t6 1060 Ulf% -Con Depend On Whoa kiderya L• ii in remove, f•xeePa gelda tmd r•lalek0; tired Ir elitiP. disturbed st folio*. ilndti a IC id obSi• !'ills Jai mut 11,tit 1,iritt4s I o nurnlnl ISna feel bnitt,f. Yee tan t'opred,....„ *030E1,1V, Get DOtid.44intY4rug idnrer 1 -Itatarermr•Irr,r, 4.; it