HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-03-17, Page 4`THERE IS NO NEED to pack the sack any longer especially as it costs you time that can be put to better use . . . costs you extra feed for your poultry or livestock ... and costs you your good health because of over-exertion as a result of unnecessary, hard work. BULK FEEDING? BULK FEED lowers feed costs . . . saves back.' breaking labour ... eliminates feed waste cuts handling time . . . requires less storage space . . . is more sanitary. Here is modern convenience . a really tangible expresaion of modern farming methods. Boys, women, older persons, and even handicapped people can -handle feeding operations. And . . . when you -buy at your CO-OP ... you can be sure of fast, -dependable delivery of daily-fresh feed . . . -loads of from 3 to 20 tons . . . so moot sour -0140111110 140140904. aeigrave'CoisOperative BELGRAVE - -Plume Wingham 1091; Brussels 388w10 .RE you LEFT.. • . II LIMO THE liks? ,dame. ARE YOU ENJOYING THE BENEFITS OF NO 11,0YALit NO Penalties Top bloodlines from U.S. raised, selected and hat- ched in Canada. Bred-to- lay chicks from famed STONE'S DEMLERCHIX TRUE-LINES Now yours and guaranteed by FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Literature and Prices on' Request. GE0)12(.3k- McCUrr 9/i/ YEP! (vs HAD MY CAR FOR YEARsAtiP I wo'VE'T To PAYOUT ANY MONEY FOR, REPAIRS 1958 Studebaker Coael 1958 Pontiac Coach 1957 'Pontiac Sedan, radio & Automatic 1956 Dodge Sedan, 1956 Oldsmobile Sedan, fully equipped Many Older Models Sting the Whole tato?* Is the Lem -- ins coot- This is IP faml hotel where Children ;Aso tveloOine.. FAMILY itkitt (iteeele only ) under 14 years accompanied by parents. e Dependable baby 'inters available end. meek o Meals for eitildeee raider 10 yeteet rodScee- Prieg. peoblerneette Shiite*, • CAR (PARK.-Supervisediti prltnleti (:100 cars), 8ee Ottet aecliiititeei C4eiltal tone rteet S steps from: the Pseleieteee Seedinee; tsars; ine stores, raf,heiif trreiihrit, itsd thee 41'4-, o.lo y Be SAFE. invested in Our.. Guaranteed blvestment Certificates to earn 1 2 — 1 to 5 yeaks Don't delay — interest begins the day yottr invest your motley. To invest see your local agent or send us' your cheque. Out-of-town cheques are accepted at par. EOSIN MORTGAG1 &MUST COMPANY Votinded la 1817 Head Office: StItA.TrOlt1) I British Mortgage & Trust Company, Stratford, El I. enclose my cheque for $ for investment ............. ... years: Please Send nit a folder giving lull inf nation. tqAmt ..... .......... ........ ... . .. fee., ...... Wev-or.Y.,,,,,.1441,....,...61.4•1.• tif • ..... AbbittSs r • .... "VW. ..... L 19.2' • Tim BRUSSELS POST irtb, .100V "Pt 3111.11111.12•01. !"711JD A D MALE HELP WANTED-- Wanted; Man for steady travet among consumers in several townships in Huron County, Permanent connection wita large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-152-131, 41165 Richelieu, Montreal. himself or by his solicitor, appear before the next reg4ar meeting of the Municipal Counolj of the Village of Brussels to be held on Monday, March 28th at 8:00 p.m. and be heard. DATED at Brussels this 9th day of February A. D. 1960. William H. King Clerk .als•••••••Possed71.1110 ses..ress CRANBROOK CATTLE — 3 Holstein Cows, due March and and April Ayrshire Cow due soon Poll Hereford Cow due in May Ayrshire and Jersey 0,91,7 milking due in June Ayrshire Cow .milking bred Jan. 26Th. Ayrshire Cow milking Ayrshire Cow milking due Holstein Cow milking due old old UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large Canadian and Amer:can manufacturing company in the agricultural field requires District Sales" Representative with agriculter al background for Grey township. This position is very profitable, $85 to $15e per week. Repeat business ensures future, with opportunity for advancement, The man we want must 1w highly regarded, willing to work, 'have good car. Prefer man who is 25 - 50 years of ago. Write, -telling • about yourself, to Gen, Mgr., Met 84, London, Oat. Personal interview will be givea, Miss Kate McNabb, Timiskareing: was a weekend visitor with Mrs. Martin McDonald. Mrs. Alvin Hunter, Seafortb, and 'Misses Margenrite Beyer and Max. inn Smaildon, Kitchener, visited with • Mr. and Mrs, Fred Smalidon over the- week-end, WATISSILDO .4 fat-OW*1 ASUOttilVtgOivr "Witore 'Bette:: ehille, Ate ChM Supply artiCela,, ereolitlefeitVIe:galt 6.4iiitutittionooiimiterpt;tkiiitiftitoo!rot,,!Zcat 9-64110 Or , 6.510. 2E it ii a ideal CAR ale Wit regular ninriber dilater* It 2.3441 Pain/61,0.0h Ottr lot service Or *Ore- iiiinrinatidi. CAI between AO. A. it 1 Week days. 9.641' arid 10,1 lift* eYersitnitt. ter 46Wit aatkni Ill lieet oh timidity Mokiiiiit 44 tiff itlotthit FRIDAY NIGHT -- or floret SATURDAY AFTERNOON -- Skating for children 10 Yialra and MAW SATURDAY NIGHT —PRbII BMWS tr,iiKot BRUSSELS ARENA SCHEDULE Stoneboat Hen Feeders Barrels 1`P Milk Can Strainer Pails in August in August Yearly Ayrshire Heifer Holstein Heifer These cows • range from 3 to S years old; good milkers and high test. PIGS eleorkshite Weaners 8 Weeks York Sow with 12 eigs„6 weeks 2 Sows bred .0 weeks 1 York Hog FEED — 1000 Bales Mixed Hay Quantity Mixed Feed Grain IMPLEMENTS — 3--section Spike Harrows 3-section , Spring Tooth Harrows Four University Students, Toe 12 Plate Kissel Disk onto, accompanied Mr, Glen IL Cockshutt 11 hose Fertilizer Drill Thompson for the Week-end here, a Plow Avery Tra,dfor model A with, Two siudente for the ministry, Mr. HydraulicPlow, S years old Glen Noble, Uxbridge, and Mr. Clive good condition. Simpson,. Willowdale. and twn • Rubber tired Wagon with reek enrolled in the engineering course, Set Sleighs; with flat rack Mr. Ad( nestle., Bombay, and Mr. Beaver Electric Hammer Mill Ralph Marina, Toronto, All took part (3 years old) fa the regular morning service on. Cartting Bo' with 3 B. Pi motor Sunday, Missey Harris Root Pulper' Mrs Harold Keys, London, visited I Steel Pig Troughs. with her niece, Mrs Earl Dunn; and ether frieede in, the community, I Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Knight on the arrival of a son it Winghara Hospital on Wedness day, March 9th. Drag in TTIENCE Westerly in a straight 1 line along the projection Westerly _ of the Stretberly limit of Lot No. q n distance of 18 feet to a point; THENCE Northerly pareilei to the Westerly litnit of Lot No. 6, to a t peitit in the Sotttherly bdutidary of 1 / the River Maitland; --7- ' THENCE Easterly along the South-TvIONDAY NIGHT Hooker . i erly boundary of the River Melt, land to the 'Mint of intersection of the Westerly limit of Lot 6 With the Sontherly botindey Of the River Maitland', THENCE Southerly along the 'Westerly boundary of Lot No. 6 to the place of beginning: be stopped up and closed, and the gam iamovi.a.ye so stopped up Ill paragraphs 1, 2 And, le above be conveyed to the abutting owners on either Veil Of the latieWay In Mina portiene, and that the portion of Elisabeth Street so Stopped itp be : conveyed to the abutting, teetiett On the East Side therof on: said. owners applying to the dote-661161i of the Village, of brussels tot eetiVeYettete of the same and paying, the costs thereof. ANTI PHIITIIER TAKE i,terrTcr. thot Atiyone Who *klieg tsi Object to the %Beim., or this Be-late on fiCCOthlt of the Said laneways data Steed being dieeed as above described, must file In Wetting their obi-eatenwith the Mutating Clerk of the "irliio;g6 ,4 , ilit'§-§oto `t5ii or bettor the. 16 day 09 .t1t-ittetir 10* anti then he tilitY 'hit TUESDAY AFTERNOON -- SWISS for pre-school children I TUESDAY NIGHT -- Skatlag Parries is • 'WEDNESDAY l'HURSDAY NIGT litating NOTICE OF A PRGPCSED BY-LAW NO, 9 , 196 OF THE VILLAGE OF IsRlrl- SEI-S FOR CLOSING OF CERTAIN. LANBWAY$ AND STREETS Being a By-law under Sections 409 and 472 of the Manieipal Act, R, el. 0, 1950, chapter 243, to close certain parts of laneways and part Of a street In tile Village of Brussels and convey the lands so closed awl stopped up to. the adjacent owners., TAleD NOTICE that the Mullieleal, ClorpOration of the Village of Brussels, deem it advisable to close portions of certain laneways and a portion of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Boussels, as they are Serving no useful purpose in their present condition and location, and are not being used for public. purposes. 1. AND THEREFOltE TAKE NOTICE that the proposed By-law reads as follows: (1) That the public laneways and part of Elizabeth Street in the Village of Brussela described as follows:— COMMENCING at the Southwest angle of Village Lot No. 333 THENCE Northerly along the West- erly limits of Lots Nos. 333, 33e, 331, 330, 329 to the Northwest angle of Lot 329; THENCE Westerly in a straight line to the northeast angle of Lot No, 338; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos, 338, 337, 336, 335, 334 to the Southeast angle of the said Lot No. 334; THENCE Easterly in a straight line to the place of beginning; (2) That portion of the laneway in the Village of Brussels described as follows:— COMMENCING at the Southeast angle of Lot No. 328; THENCE Northerly -along the Westerly b sundry of '328, 337, 328 325, to the SouItherly limit of the C'anadian National Railway right- of-way; THENCE Westerly along the Southerly limit of the Canadian National Railway to the Northeast angle of Lot No. 342; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos. 342, 341, 340, 339 to the Southeast angle of Lot No. 339; THENCE Easterly In a straight line to the place of beginning, (3) COMMENCING at the South- west angle of Lot NO. a24; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limits of Lots Nos. 224; 323; 302; 321 to the Northwest angle of Lot No, 321; THENCE Westerly in a straight line to the Northeast angle' of Lot No. 346; THENCE Southerly along the Easterly limits of Lots Nos: 346; 345; 344; 343 to the Southeast angle of Lot No. 343; THENCE Easterly along the North- erly limit of the Canadian National Railway to the place of beginning; (4) That part of Elleabeth Street •in the Village of Brassels described as follows: CON'alleNCING at the Southeast Angle of Village Lot No, 6; -ere-ewe-a - Others Articles too Numerous No Reserve As Farm Has Been Terms Cash to Mention Rented Logan's Min and the 14th Con, of Grey Twp. on Saturday night, 2 bags of rolled oats between Proprietor — Chas, Sherwood Finder kindly contact Auctioneer — Herold Jackson John Altotk Phone 42r18 Clerk — Geo. Pow;l1 2011,1111R.1111000 10.004 TENDERS FOR : TRUCKS Sealed tender's clearly marked will be received by the until 15:00 p.m. on Monday. April Ath, 1960 for the following:.,,,.,,, Vs ton panel truck 1 — 19,600 GYM( Chassis, Cab & Combination Body Tenders must be submitted on County forms. Tender forms and Specifications available at the office' of the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 3. W. Brltnell County Engineer Court House Godertch, Ontario, "ismr;amsa•Arriftleatroo k C) R. V AL HARRISON TV AND ELECTRIC Pholre: Brussels 329J4 R. R. 1 Menkton Ontario ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING • RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR PROMPT GUARANTEED SERVICE ••••••••••••••••••...., 'SOB( SALE — eSbaver Leghorn Pellet-9, 7r.eaelaz,"2 months, laying now 75%. lgezne 14.. Lawrence &9R Hensall • "111.111111•11.21MINIMAMMIP 1 actR WILE 2Ipe' .ells)Ies, lit your container 2a.110. -oar bushel and up. Mac- 'Ierbasea. 'and Wagner $1.50 per bus. eiestrie ,!t Wm. Stratychuk "1. NOTICE tresolsterIng of all .:finds; repairs; =modelled, .recovered. call Mem Phelke Phone- 33r21 Atwood •We -.TOR .SALE — 'Treble and six matching chrome rerer.,17-tel OISD, a white cupboard, AB mod condition. apply to: Phone Brussels, 51r4 ....11:12.1.3•101,16.11S1.191,74•1411."a_ AUCTION SALE Auction Sale of Farm Machinery; Cattle; Pigs; Hay and Grain for Charles Sherwood, McKIllop Twp., Lot 12, Con. 13; 3 miles South and 3 miles East of Walton; on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th at 1 P. M,. LOST -- undersigned