HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-02-18, Page 7ANYWAY IT'S A DECK CHAIR — Lord Carrington nonchalantly takes his ease in a deck chair reading something: marked "secret/' When this photo was taken he "was- British• delegate 'to a U.N. economic conference..Since then he's been' apypinted first lord of the Admiralty and made his first trip on a/ R9yal Navy vessel — 400 yards on a minesweeper: lord 'Carringtop had military service but' with the army. "HAVE ONE ON ME" Cigars Ore okay for palefaces, but lacirber Alfred Vigil, a 'Pueblo, Indian, ;offers customers the peke pipe te, toilebrete the !birth et ai boyi In Dallas, Teii: WINTER sAnAket ;Prom N.* York From NOx TO SYLVANIA PEN. 11 70‘.. l 2 cosg, LiVtaidot. Q004MAity PM I A - CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTON SAXONIA PBS. I* rim.• 1 f NAVRC, LONDON (Tilbury) PARTHIA NIL i4 ....:- LIVERPOOL .., CARINTHIA ka. 74 OH. it cosii„uvER0061. iViRNIA MAR. I MAR. 4 HAVRE, LONDON (Tilbury) MitiiA,_ MAR. 4 -•-• LIVERPOOL Via Bermuda QUEEN MARY MAR. S CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTON sb Itillfe* Fli1intjoh0 .Quebec ElonhEal Toronto/ — Winnipeg Idnienten VincewAi'. • „ • Round-filis reductions on Thrift Seamen seine.* • 275 pounds free baggage ollOwancw • Stabilizers for iniOrith railing " •,Ipancieg, parties, movies • Gourniet Wiens • 175114150140ittifi plug ,Extra Vacation See Your toed Assiut "" , • 0#.,Olio Cattp)ivo ).v 1.4040 corner Piny A. WeIllnitin Ste, „termite,. Ont. EMpire •E-19111 .4 '4 Who Killed This English King? Down in the forest-a beauti- ful glade in the green heart of Britain's New. Forest---historiaria have been trying to trace the flight .of an arrow which "spe d through the air on August 2nd, 1100 and killed a King of Elig- land, William. Rufus, They are investigating a MYs- tery which has puzzled histor- sans all over the world during all the years which have passed aince the arrow struck Rufus just below the breastplate, caus- ing his instant death. Who shot him? A stone to-day marks the spot where he died while on a hunting expedition' and records that an arrow fired by Sir Walter Tyrrell, one of his party, glanced off a stag and struck the king, But was it an• accident? No; say many historians. They ,think • that Tyrrell took steady aim at the monarch while the beaters were not liaolting' and shot him. There is no doubt that imme- diately after thee tragedy Tyrrell made a very rapid getaway to' the West Country and beyond. At Avon Tyrrell there is a smithy where he stayed for a few minutes while the smith re- moved his horse's shoes and re- placed them back to front to baffle his pursuers. Why. did he do this? "It points to a prearranged assassination," declare some. Others have; it that Tyrrell never shot the arrow. at all and that another man, who came from Aix, was the assassin. Certainly Tyrrell, from a safe distance overseas, strongly pro- tested his innocence. A poor charcoal burner named 'Purkiss, walking in the forest, found the richly, dressed body' of Rufus and pulled the arrow from his breast. He summoned help and it was then found theft the dead man was the king. .Hie body was put into a cart and taken to Wiricheater Cathedral, where it was Itfrieci. Pigeon Fanciers Hate ..Folcars Peregrinesafavonrite falcons of , kings and princes 'in the'Middli Ages, swooped suddenly into the' news recently when ornitholo- gists said that these magnifice.nt bit& of prey:. ivere breeding ' more plentiflIV gen° ,the 'a thigh cliffs around the" Beitish coast. Peregrines havetiilillect so many racing pigeOilia. in Wales aiat pigeon-breeders there are pressing for removal of thePro- tection Order which makes it illegal to kill the falcons. Pigeon fanciers hate pere- grinea; "the-pirates of ,the skies" - and no wonder. They know that a peregrine, the largest of the British falcons, can make a "grand stoop" from four ter .,flye thousand feet at a speed .of not much less than 200 miles ,an hour and kill a racing ,pigeon. After a headlong sweop,it; has also been seen to seize it's with• its claws and either force it to the ground f pr, carry it swiftly away to one of' the nesting ledges, called series; some of which have been, used• by - peregrines for centuries. When, the R.A.F. found in 1947 that bird accidenth to aircraft) had cost the country' $60,000, in one year, trained peregrine. fal- cons were effectively employed JAILBIRDS TRACK BLOODHOUNDS A, pack of bloodhounds kept by the prison authorities at, Way- cross recentlY scratched an exit under the prison fences and took to, the countryside, Prisoners in' the charge,' of a handful of guards were used' to round up the dogs. to rid airfields of unwanted birds, 'Peregrines are found in many countries. One presented to Lon- don Zoo two years ago was captured When it took refuge on a ship off Baffin Island in the Hudson Strait, Labrador., Pere- grines are • still trained by a small number of falconers in. Britain. Falconers say that the death blow to a victim is sometimes given -by the falcon's hind. talons as it flashes past the bird. Pere- grines make'a strange swooshing , poise as they dive with wings three-quarter closed. Earn' Their Living Making Doodles How would you• like to earn a living doing nothing but dood- ling scribbling with pencils Pieees.:af LPaiSet, arid being paid for 'It? 'If sounds' an unlikely job. But there are girls who are specially employed• to, do it - skilled, keen•eYed„ girls. The doodling they do is not afinfga''scribbling. •Every day they test the "write-weathi- nese and quality of new pen- cils millions of 'Which, are marinfaeturedby firms every . Their deft fingers wield those tiny rods: of 'graphite mixed with pipe clay and enclosed• in wood- n cagei WhiCh'itre call pencils. Before 1565„ all modern writ-, imp had to be cliine in ink," or at best'aVith coloured chalks, Then discovery of the graphite mine • at Borrowdale (Cumberland) gave England the monopoly in lead pencils for many Yeaas. was of 'such unusual purity that it could be used in its natural state for writing. As you expect, there are lots o interesting points about pen- cils! Wood used for the cheaper kinds' of pencils is pine. In bet- ter kinds it, is red cedar and red- ' Wood. Various grades of graph- ite are used in pencils of vary- • ing fineness. A hard pencil is made • from equal , parts of clay and graphite. An ordinary, pen-, oil has seven parts clay, to ten parts'. graphite: And there's still larger proportion of graphite in a soft pencil. To-day electronics play, a part in, the production of top-quality pencils, One recent development of a'big:U.S. firm. is "electrdnic" graphite, This` cOmeianainly from Ceylon, is • extremely fine and makes pencils, so closely* grained and resistant to breakage that they last longer. To profit from good adrice re:,- " quires more wisdom than to give it. -Churtott Collins: Defied Sharks To Flee Devil's Isle ' Not many of the world's most famotis penal, institutions have ' been able• toa•riatoh, 'in hard fabt, their sinister notoriety in leg- end. For first-hand information of prison 'life we roust' rely, on the testimony either Of. former inmates or warders - and both s o u r,c e for obVious reasons, find-it difficult to free' then- selves. -of prejudice. It is, 'however, almost impos- sible - to exaggerate the horrers, the spine chilling;' primitive' 'sa- vagery of life in 'the French penal colony „of Guiana-7, cone of the, most fiendishly conceived prisons of all ~tithe, ranking in bestiality' with, Belsen. B4ween the beginning of the nineteenth century ,`serecl ' 1933, more than a• laandred thOusand Frenc' •subjects were sent to serve sentences in', this hell on earth. for crimes ranging from theft, to 'murder. The settlement, commonly known as'Peyil's- Is- land, was established Aen the principle of colonizatiOn by transportation. When the convicts finished their terms, they were ''obliged to remain- in the. colony for a tUrther period .- corresponding to 'the length of their sentence the hope that they would marry- and ;settle - dovin. UnfOttunately, o n 1 y: a b o at seven thottsand • of . the 'hundred' thousand lived to complete their sentences. Although an 'Average . of nine hundred prisoners arriv- ed'O'nri; Traria every s year, there were never more than six thotisand convicts alive at any one time. Escape is the number,one con- versation topic in any prison; in Guiana,. among the handful Of 'men' who •had somehow man- aged to retain their spirit and sanity, it. was an obsession. Almost wi thou t exception every convict there had made at least one attempt to escapel,, only a few had, succeeded. The rest were shot, recaptured, or weak-% ened and killed by the merci- less jungle. • Together .with the islands of • Royale and St. Joseph,, the gtim Devil's I s an d belonged to a group 'called, with monumental inaccuracy, the. Isles of Salve- tion, With most Prison;, the prob- lein of breaking out is the one With which the inmates are most concerned. In contrast, Devil's Island was comparatively' easy to escape from; the real prob- lem was, having escaped to stir- wive„ To Make, ler Dutch Guiana or Btazil by land was to 'risk death, from ;hunger or exhaustion the impenetrable bugle. 'to ate' tempt an escape by sett Was,. tts , court ' death exposure, dretviiing. sharks. hit-theta . More, even :if a convict Managed Iteateach Dutch , Guiana or' Bra- zit'' Would invariably be ar- rested and heeded over to the French, There was but one really sale haven for fugitives = Trinidad, 'eight hundred miles away. This was the goal Of ten coil- viets who planned a datifig, es- cape bid in. September, 1934. -tied bya man called Jean DtiVeilitiY, the teii Were scattered thOugh- out the penal colony fella of them Were iniPaieoneci On Roy- ale, tour On 8t. Joseph and twO. on Devil's TSlan& They cOnlintiniCated,, to lay their plans, by means of the food delivery boat whidli travel- , led among the th r e e Islands: 'thivernay:' had Managed to Obe thin Scheib money and conceal it, on his person. With it he bought. a 'sixteen foot canoe from it Heathen ae negotiating the Oahe', , attleit through ii reliable 'trusty On 'the food boat ea and hitting- eti • 4he fiSherMan to row Out at night.te a point Off Royale ISland. • • At Midnight on, the appointed clay the four men on St. Josepo and the twO on, Devil's islaOd s" ere D1.1.11ernatlyeMasn3'd tothen()tYbareiee :others were waiting for them. Then all ten swam out to the point where they were to illeet the .canoe. Beall of them knew he was risking his life by swimming in those dangerous waters. Apart from the treacherous currents they were full of sharks and barracudas v icious brates which had put a bloody end to innumerable eseape attempts. AU the convicts ,on this °pea- s 1 o n, however, survived the swim. ' The boa t was waiting for them; They clambered in and rowed for the mainland: They put the . fisherman ashore and after obtaining food and water set sail for Trinidad. Then followed one of the most hazardous and terrifying vey, ages in the history of• small craft. None of the ten knew anything about navigation. They merely pointed the boat' in what they thought was the right di- rection and hoped. For thirty-two days they en- dured storms and turbulent seas, drenching downpours of r a in and the scorching, agonizing heat,' of the tropic sun. On the twenty-seventh day their water ran out; on the twenty - ninth they ate 'the last of their food. Exhausted, they lay on the deck and waited for what seemed cer- tain death. Just` when. they 'seemed doom- ed a British freighter spotted them. The' fugitives were in poor shape; they had been far from fit when" they started - now they were little more than frail sun-blackened shadows. Thank- ,fully, they , clambered aboard the freighter and' 'gulped .down the water they were. given. It seemed their troubles were over. Then .their hopes crashed. The ship's,' captain • informed them that , the freighter's destination' was Cayenneayrench Guiana. Taking,on fresh supplies they, returriedato their frail craft and somehow r ea c he d Trinidad, where the y rested for thirty days. But the ten, convicts did not plan to stay • in Trinidad- their destination Was. Mexico or Panama, where fewer questions would'•be asked, They obtained another craft and set out,again. Winds hiiffet- ed them and they were drenched by squalls. On: the twelfth day 'their 'little beat was driven' on to a coral reef off the , Coast' of Curacao, and smashed to pieces. Miraculously, all the fugitives survived. They stumbled ashore and were cared for.by local re- sidents. When they recovered they w'e're given ,yet another craft - a fourteen foot fishing beat - in which they' set sail for the third time. The fit* night ,out their yard parted and they had to fight their wa tt' to San Nicolas Bay, Aruba. Here the y were given shelter a ri d they stayed long enough for their boat to be re- paired. Even after their nightmare ekperieriees so far they were still prepared to brave a further voyage. • With fresh clothing, food and Cigarettes they set off again. Three miles from Aruba their boat capsized and , sank. HoW none of them drowned will never be known. In, a 'tur- bulent sea they somehow man- aged to keep afloat until a Dutch pilot boat rescued them ,and. brought them, back' to Aruba, Stilt they were not defeated. The colony subscribed funds' for a bigger boat and at daybreak on November 9th, 1934, the ten put to sea Tor an unknown des- tination. What became Of. them after that is unknown. The ten were , `tough convicts, but when One considers the hell they endured it Is difficult not to hope that they reached their goal — and ' freedom. They certainly earned it. MAKE Old cars CPA Bite new. Amazing motor compound, Tested, proyen, Fully guaranteed, s3.95 postpaid. lieweo, Box 164.13, liunlock Creek, PenriaylVanfa. BABY CHICKS SOME for prompt shipment, and to order, on. Ames dayolde, white and brown egg speciallets, dual !U7Pose, and broiler chicks. Available, `started pullets; send ( ,risk, See loPa Prolhtri write BrayHatchery, 120 North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A 'coineeetered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store. Net°$4,00048,000 Annually, Write or phone today far full Infos.. mation about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities In your community, You manage in your spare time - while netting •high income. Werfinatine 90% of your total purchase .• , offer you longest financing per. iod at losvest monthly instalments. You receive training and advice from a national organization that has. helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business; for themselves. No experienee,:',necessary. .Modest invest. meat. This proven new. frofitable'auto. matic business offers' a. money-making opportunity to anyone , who •wants.-to .own •his own business. Compare per ' complete program, AID.'CANADA, LTD. Adijance-, Road, Toronto IS, Ontario. Roger 6-7255 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE DRY cleaning plant ire- good southern' Ontario town. Outstanding opportum ity, particulars on enquiry. W. H. Molse Realtor, Blenheim, Ontario, . GROCERY and meat market for sale. Complete Butcher Shop 'Includes all . stock and equipment on the Beach,- $13,500„ ,Write Ray's Market, 2008' S. Ocean Dr., Vero Beach, Florida, DRUG STORE FOR SALE , TORONTO EGLINTON AVE. ESTABLISHED over 20 years - owner retiring - modern attractive store At bus stop,,:- velum& $79,000 •Iong lease 5175. monthly - books open for inspec• lionsuit two grads with sales ideas - asking $7,000 for fixtures and $13,000 for stock, owner will assist with financ- ing. DESCRIPTIVE BULLETIN MAILED ON. REQUEST WILLIAM' DRAPER Business Broker EM. 44710 147 SPADiNA AVE., TORONTO ONT. FARM MACHINERY DAIRY MEN Still breaking pp bales the hard way? NOW: WINSTED Ro10-matie, the origtnal BALE SHREDDER SAVES' YOUR TIME, TEMPER AND . YOUR BACK Shreds dry or frozen bales, Get a free demonstration. Write for literature to E. G. McDougall & See, Blenheim, On. tart% GEESE BREEDING Geese, high producing Pit. grim Strain. Hatching 'eggs and Gos• 'Ungs in. season. Special rates for large orders. Walter Gauthier. RH 1. Belle Corners, Ontario. HELP WANTED - MALE COMBINATION man. Compositor ark •• Linotype 'operator required, • for Job • shop,*' Apply Matey Printing Co., • 167 Wellington St., Sarnia, Ontario, MARRIED mart interested in caring for purebred. Holstein show herd' on R.O.P. Must be experienced. References and -wages expected• must accompany appli- cation. Modern living accommodation supplied,'Box .205,,:123-18th Street, Nev „Toronto, Ont. ;INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookeeping, Salesman. ,shIprSherthand, Typewriting, etc. Lee Arins „500it Ask, ifor.free: eiretilar No. 93. Canadian CorresPondence Conrses, 1260 Bay Street, Toronto MAGAZINES. FLORIDA! Opportunity Paradisel nor. . Ida Cracker Magazine tells all in words- pictures. $1.50 per year. Old Cracker,. 135 White Drive, Dept. C,L.. Tallahassee, Florida. MAILING SERVICE OUR Mailing. Service will mail any letter. to, ,anywhere 506, Special rates tor quantity mailing, Packages extra. Pyramid Exchange, 712 Elizabeth, Fres- no, California. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "PORTABLE Sawmill for sale - 10ft capacity,' 30" 'x 52" blade, heavy duty International industrial engine, 24" planer. Good madhlnes to supple. silent farm Income. Complete 22500.00, Phone Seneca 5.2609 or write J. P. LUMBER CO. 137 Les ** ranee Rd., Tecumseh, Ontario." ISSUE.* 1960: ,Largest selection new and used, out. repair Ail:1 iciltnir BROTHERS's compressors sand ,Air T"te. 07 Stuart. St, West - Hamilton, Ontario. AIR COMPRESSORS Vs to 10 11. P., 1.1. standing velum trade/rut aceepted;,,wez ett4,100AteifinD.r. isutsayoGeregi earn", tanku oent., o tient ct..- Telephone JAekson 24505 "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor toll. eta, Eats down to the earth, saves clean- ing. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast. Price $1.00 per can, post- paid. LOG CABIN PRODUCTS, 322*Yeri5 Road, Guelph, Ontario, MONEY TO LOAN ' UNLIMITED Money Loans - To City and Farm Folks, Money for anything and anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investm,ents Ltd.. 09 Avenue Road, Toronto WA, 2-2442, MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TALKING MOUT THE • GOOD RESULTS.PROM TAKING DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S DRUG. STORE, 335 ELGIN OTTAWA. $1.25 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczesna Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling' and burning ecze= ma, acne, ringworm pimples and ,foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Reesigit of Price PRICE 53.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2565 St. claw Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN ,CANADA'S LEADING, SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands,of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System. Illustrated Catalogue Fret W or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 355 Bloor St, W., Toronto , Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, 35 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed...In plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies.' WesternDistributers, BOX 24TP Regina, Sask. HEALTH, Happinees, Prosperity, Ad- vancement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course inEtayebology. In- formation free. Royal College. of. Set once, 709 Spadina,Ave.,„ ;FToronto. Can- ada „. , GRAY hair back to natural color with Never,GraY.:.tonie. Write for 'free -folder, A. ,J. ,Bruyere, 828 'Notre Dame ,'Avenue,'Winnipeg 3, Manitoba., • , WHY Be 'Lonely? 1960 Directory of 30 largest Get. Acquainted- Clubs. Send• =41.00 W. Monk Bureau, 3033 Cockrell Avenue, Fort; Worth, TexesrU.StA. , 'Seeking Companionship? WRITE or contactConfidential Mar. rlage Bureau; 75 Ottawa, CE. 2-4664rafts Sty Suite 08, elms., RE, 3,3669. ' no answer or PET 'STOCK FOR BALI • REGISTERED Collie puppies for sale, Beautifully, marked sable and white," Just like Lassie, Mrs: Lyle Brewery, Charing Cross, Ontario. Blenheim. OR, 6-5708. GRADUATE PHARMACIST WANTED TO assist In pharmacy of 3S5-bed mod- ern, general hospital',. ti,PlY5.4sY, 40-hour week; penalon plan. PERMANENT position available, Mime- etatIng referenOeS, =exPerience, eta, io;, ADMINISTRATOR' Sudbury General ',Hospital SUDBURY, ONTARIO . PHOTOGRAPHY Films developed and SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I 8 magna prints in .album•40# 12 magna iepporinntt4s .514n eaaler m 50# KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints)," ,Color prints 350.rateh extra: Ansco and Ektachrome 35# mm 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25 Color prints from slides .350 each, tdoney refunded in full "for' •uliprinted.cnejle- tives, FARMER'S. CAMERA 'CLUB • • BOX 31 GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA'S greatest land bargain. High, dry 10s acre - $395.00 - ,,No money down - $10 monthly Between ala and Gulf Streets Electric shing. - ,Hunting. Write Dept. ,HI Rainbow Park, Box 521, Ocala, Fla. STAMPS " STAMPS bought, sold. Approvals by jnall. Early Canadian stamps and money wanted. Simply write to Stamps for Collectors, 1322 Bloor St. 'Sy., Toronto 4, Qnt., Canada. STAMPS WANTED WILL- pay- 40 cents per' 100 for large aize Canadian, U,S,A, stamps or will exchange for foreign. WILSON'S STAMP EXCHANGE 7 Peter Street South, Orillia, Ontario. TEACHER,WANTED "-REQUIRED for Physical Education, Music Languages etc., at' Elementary. and High, School levels, Salary $4;000 to $7,000 according to qualifications and experience. Married allowance $300, Dependants' allowance up to $200. APPLY, to Mr. A. E. Hepinstall, Secre- tary-Treasurer, School Board Office, 603.11th Street, Brandon, Man." WANTED , WANTED TO PURCHASE USED -200 amp. portable welders, gas driven any quantity. Also lift trucks and industrial equipment. Apply: STANDARD ENGINES, EQUIPMENT a SUPPLIES LTD. Ill Parkdale Ave, N. ,Hamilten, Ontario. LI. 5.isss ' WATCHES S SWISS Selfwinding Gents Wrist Watch, 21 jewels, automatic calendar, sweep 'Second, shock And 'waterproof, on17' 15.50. I. Monnier & Co., Tramelan, witzerland. " WINTER RESORTS .:'ACAPULCO - MEXICO ECONOMICAL •efficiency beach units, bungalows, pool, shopping and house- /molehill services included. Bungalow* MAZDT138, Box '345, Acapulco Mexico. ' 1TC H. STOPPED Very first use of seic,iiiing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription. positively relleveps raw red itch-caused by eczema, rashes., scalp irritation, chafins--other Itchtreubles. Greaseless, stainless. 39e trial lsottlemust satisfy or ,money back. DonIt Suffer: Ask your druggist for D. IL 9. PRESCRIPTION.; S . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING . , AUTOMOBILES. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PHARMACIST WeNriet THEr'R'E 'WORTH MORE IF THEY'ARE BLACK Breed More' Profit Into. Your Calves Bui An ABERDEEN ANGUS Bull AT 'TH'E ONTARIO BEEF BULL SALE Toronto WED., MARCH 2nd, 1960. ANGUS Bulls Nit More $ $ $ in Your Pocket Market your calves at '10 to 14 months of age. Packers pay a premium for Angus calves because they have a higher dressing percentage — more beef where it counts — less bone, belly and brisket. Only Angus or Angus cross-bred calves are eligible for Red Triangle'Rrand Baby Beef. Thirty-one of the 40 prize-winners in the carcass classes at the Royal Winter Fair were Angus carcasses, ANGUS Bulls Cross Best on Other Breeds If your cows are horned, Angus bulls breed the horns off your oalves, If your herd is red or white, they soon turn it black. The calves are 100% horn- less and uniform in colour. . . Settle a higher percentage of cows at first service with natural breeding Angus Bulls Will Start' Selling at Approximately 4.00 p.m. ONTARIO ABERDEEN ANGLES ASSOCIATION 4 4 a