HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-02-18, Page 1•. a ST .40 41410 •"*"*-e"'elltilree ••••••••••• ..... •••• . • . . ••••—•••-•—••••-:•—•• Stokiey's Tomato Juice, 48 oz. .. .. ...... 27c Stokley's Honey Pod Peas 15 oz 2 for Krafts ParkaY IVIaragarine, color quick bag Krafts Cheeze Whiz 16 oz, 61c 34c 29c CCUTC11E0N::GROCERY. Phone 293 We Deliver W. hector: Rev: , if, Jeggs, B.A.r Lth. GRAVEL TEtsibER -8 .. ,sekadeioniii sunday tOWNtaii$ 60 oREV' . . .. . . -. '' ': - ' Iii . ' I g e dere wt. be received by the fr titidereigited• "trette I lent, Saturday.Sigt6 it: ni,, II* ttichatist Met eli• 5th, 1. 60- for %crushing eche& §tifidaf School " hauling ig,600' cult=ic Yards., more of • Ilie., ,•it6t. te A., ,teektii teeeatot lose , •of gravel for the ToWtiehib,"nt- .. jiteticitt 16.66 A. to riot ' • " " A, it . titled • 640e 'for $306,00 must "'edne 0.66.' St Matthias94 neeointany tender, Lowest or any ima PellY tender. not linenlieerilY tiCeented.• MS —nee.* ' 6ordif' 1,40 p. nt. *Neeistinti ,! •Cteric,• TO*IishfD of 'hit' 'At* 10, Ae 14464 lititittgrydr • ; • 1. t of itOjigione Education biciebis; of Frey. tirneher to be equipped with *AMA *1 screen. (Travel tO he supplied' fly 1 the towns*. Contraict to tio..dOini- a plated hy Motet 31st, 1960. A ter- ••.). t ' • Brussels firemen fight stubborn Stubborn blaze Ratledgo, Dry Goods Store. PEOPLE WE KNOW We arc (dad to see D., Aellant- kit -until he returned later while th.c - hank at )1111,11Z8V, again after a recent flee, was still barrinf,. operation. , when the fire broke °rat and Could, not be reached and was'not aware of,' . A ' • . '7 'hie 71 Ygn aril/ Special Ihis 1 /4 unday • i • • ROAST . PORK • to them ap Wee as to the men, The Wirth 'Huron Junior Farmers (Twice winners-of the Huron County Trophy) • will present their P .4A Y ( Drama Festival Entry In Brussels Town Hall on -TUESDAY, MARCH 1st Time: 8:15 P. m. Admission 50c and 25u Sponsored by Brussels Majestic Women's Institute Monologue and Musical Numbers by other talent THE PINK DRESS Cast Of Characters' Mr. Willard Jim Bowman Mrs. Willard Ruth Proet,-- Cora ., ,....e Sheila Black Miss Dennis Bessie Johnsterw policeman „„.„, Harry Brydges Director Mr.:, R. W. Keaneb-r .e.), ••••••••Aawee THE AG 111-0 DIFFEREWCF EANS .RESULTS No other fertilizer glees you a hl her return fee root Investment than- MAIO() ▪ Get your SPECIAL EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT now er Granular, dry, free-flowing *~ Drill easier, Won't take in etorsge • See the AGRICO DIFFERANDE on, your fans' • AGRICO has been Sold he Huron Colunty Since i909 by the Baker' family MIS tontaot your LAOPieb Ategiitit. tolifele .• and get a higher return on .eietilfe feetiliettedellilf • See Selwy n Btitoe f. , too son s mows us 4:0 . • p P Matte , .by`only .if .A01111,CULTIJRAL CH*PAICAL11 1.110M117 , - Liaaffia,. Oar! 14•0114 0040101,a1110 • 0: • • t„.. • 1' d Ae,•••••••••1••SA 4•••••••••, 2,00 per year - ost P ubii shins How. aumarise4 ea seem* otaw e=q! "Vain 4)/M1'0 D°P.anat56t1 °tt4/A" Thursday FolbroakY _60 • • Family escape; ~'ire~..$wtps Score and Apartm en t I3R,V.SSF4 1.$ TRANSPR,17 Safe Dependoble Motor Transp#,e': Phone, 122 Brussel:* We Provide a Complete Trucking Service tor Livestoek Feed Fertilizer Farm Supplies EUCHRE PARTY FRIDAY, MARCH 4th The Brussels Library PRIZES LUNCH Sponsored by: The Centennial Committee Of - The East Huron Agricultural Society EVERYONE WELCOME COLLECTION- ••••••••••••**********,?..* MEETING , The ,Morrje Township School Aree Board is calling- a meet of the ratepayers of the Morris School Area in the TownshipMak on MONDAY :EVENING, FEBRUARY 29th, • at 8.30 The purpose ,of the meeting is to discuss the .of a mem" -room In the Walton Section in 1961 and the consolidation of other schools In the township at a. later date. GEORGE , Chairman of the ,Board.; ENGAGEIVIEN ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and 'Mrs, 'George Smith wise, to announce 'the' engagement of their daughter 'Ellen Bernice to George Lloyd Me:Whirler, son of Mr. and. Mrs. William '10,"Whirter of Strut+. eeheueg, BaskateheWan, the marriage 7. A 'DANCE r To "the mlusic L of the Glen Boyd Six Wroxeter Community Hall E'UCHRE PARTY FRIDAY, FEB. 19th WEDNESDAY, FEE3. ,24th, Sponsored by : The Hall Board Ladles' Auxiliary Rooms 1 There will be 2 Lucky Spot Dances i at 8:30 P. M. 'Dancing begins at 10:15 p.m: 'Everybody. Welcome ., !E'UCHRE PARTY S. NO. 3 MORRIS FRIDAY, FEB. 26th at 8:30 P. I% Admission .2,5c to take 'place 'in Brussels. in March. 1"" • NED RUTLEDGE •, ....WM , AM. ALI Minister.: .-Rev. Jonathan Greene * .11 'A. M. ,Morning Servicoi • ' • , The United.Churb OF CANACIAL-- Minister: Rev. -1... ,Brown KA; Organist: Mrs. A. E. •Martin 9.45 A.M. Church School . . WARBLE FLY BPRARiNG ' TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF GREY Tenders for the spraying of CattleforWarblePly' in the Town- the , builditig; stock and equipment of the; Rutledge Thy Goods Store and the'! above tiPartir4mts and contents and,: damaged adjoining builiting„:s in tt neon heier tire on 'Tuesday Which at.. times threatened to engulf the• entire business"Week. • Mr. and, Mrs, Rutledge and their- tine year old son 'Terry beeped front the "'t • apartment.With only the clothes they were wearing; when the alatme was raised by LouiSe Smith. Miss Smith saw the flames In the ettiree interior and ran to aleet the 7Rntledge fenny: Wheti Mr. Rutledge looked the store at 12.:10 to go upstairs for the noon Meal there-Wes no iticlecat ion of 6,nything laMiss.- After eacate ing down the apartment stairs dense sinelte end, the rapid spread of the intensely hot flames .prevented their 'return tipetaite to rescue Anything, Their '16;•yeo,told stn Brian Was. et • Selteal in Weigh:tin at the time et The entire interior GI the Store -..rattlations are extended to e" was badly gutted, as ,Was a largo , and Mrs. Selwyn Baker of Brits"- portion of the apartment 4and ' ' contents. The interior will have' to S-els who celebrated their` 10th l,h torn out and re-blu411t. The loss 'Wedding anniversary on Friday, . i February 12th, When they Were at v, is partially covered by insurance and Mr, Rutledge expects to re, home to their friends. build as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edgar and family, formarly of Beaverton, have $800 in cash end cheques was also lost , moved to Unionville 'where he is : accountant on the staff of the new The Brussels and W itighara fire- Canadian Bank of -Commerce there. men fought the fire for over two Mrs, Edward Pollard, is in St. Joseph. Hospital, London, where she underwent eye surgery on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. :Warwick, Paul, Peter and Robert of Owen Sound hours, They are credited , with sav-, itig the adjoining buildings on which they concentrated their efforts When rit, became 'apparent it Was. ledge building.They were aided by After the'-regular meeting of St. John's lodge AF and AM on Tuesday night, worshipful master Raymond Bronson and several past Masters -visited' the home of Mr, and Mrs, William L. Backer, , PPDGM. Norman H, Hoover, speaking nn behalf of Grand lodge, made the pesentation of a 50-year jewel to Mr. 13aelcer in recognition of 'litany yeare of faithful seteriee in the lodge. Mr. 13aeker expressed grateful appreciation of the honor; and an interesting hour was spent as he recalled events in the iodge'sJ history. gratulatiotis and good wishes. W. L. BAEKER HONORED FOR 50 YEARS OF SERVICE n e * Dinner 'f'rein". "12- eee•teii.ni and Diniiite Manila." e 9600 Suik,et• thillitt end :11111vekiMi ' hill PP° Mid melt* tftfrvitione Aeon isterdst GreWar"and and Mr% and Mrs Robe Warwick. Miss Lois Dodds has returned to her Vastness after being e patient Listowel hospital, with pneumonia. Mt R. 13., Cpusins recoverine satisfactorily' Winglearn hospital Where he underwent 'surgery on Monday. CELEBRATES 89th BIRTHDAY Mr Nelson Cardiff was guest Of honer at a family gathering et the home of his grandson, Jack Cardiff, on Thursday night of last 'week. It was the occasion Of his" 8eth berth- day. We 'are happy to, add our con, Afternoon and . Evening THURSDAY,' FEB. 25th r. Films of Utility and • Agricultural Machines A member of _Case personell ,.on each, will be here to explain and, answer any queitions on any machine. We have been asked- tom' allow several of our other coimpanles to come, • so we will have- . other machines. also. ,.. - ' Ladles will be most welcome as the program ..Will be interest's :el • 'CASE OPEN HOUSE At Pollard's Chain Saw, Brussels • ' . Ed t Cardiff 11 1V1- 'Cleric, Tovinahlp of GreY, useless trying to save the Rut- were week end visitors• with Miss. eel estimated $30,0n0 tiro destroyed Tile local velbalteer fire belgettle fought, "the. • Stlibbern bleee hilt When it appeared tt ekeetild tot out of :fititid tali tor 'belt) 110 g sent •; WIPOlteni Juet before 1 o'clock. Aetteridari Rotel and the Brteseie Home Furnishing •Stere • • .• • both narrowly 6ACaliect ilestrnottdri iiii•d lititb 'etiffefed heavy water and Smoke damage. By-standers' pitched :' MINUTE" .STEAK •-• • in :led aided Jim Edgar in removing: Much. of the stock from the feithilitre . • Atiete and littielee from the threat, ', efialieffeet of lire. Baker's 'hotel. . e , Atte Relit *lig:Mini, then& of the: t liernitited gef6 • ei'he ,but bt •toWn•j: • SPECI-AL LYCEUM Ti-/EA'FRE 1 'STARTING ". WileGelArt, ONTARIO FEB: 22nd to MAR. 26th Two Shows Each Night 'Commencing at 7.15 'p.m. Thurs., Fri.. Sat. ' Feb., 18 - - 20 Ittanley Baker Guy Rolfe ii (inclusvie) , There will be 15% OFF ALL • PERMS V,;AL'S BEAUTY SHOP Phone: Brussels, 140 • WARBLE Fix POWDER TENDERS I Yesterday's Enemy • :i.owNsHIP OF'GREY . ' •• „ '' 'Tenders ."for: supplying!'; Warble .A rugged war film about ..BrItleh ,' • Fly:Powder ter the Township ee Grey I Troops 'In Burma, In 1942. - • -", - ' , e . will 'be received by the undersigned e"' • "7' mitiel: pe en., Safueday, March 5th, 1', .......--- •...... P • ....: y . • • ......**,•,0 ; 4.,0 6 0. . St* e price : p e 'r pound. • t ,Ned Rutledge, whose btsiness Was ' LoWeet "''or e any . tender - not wiped out by fire on Tuedey. Mel vii;;143 Chu r Ch ,„ . necessarily accepted'. - ' , ' , • Organist: Donald Dunbar'-' • .10 A. M. :Sunday 'School • APPLICATIONS FOR WARBLE • .FLY.INSpECTOR 'TOWNSHIP OrGREY . , . •• . Warble- • Fly . Iii specter Vit' L tiie• Townehip of "Gree at ,a salary •-of'..e$1.0e per hetir and • .euPplY own •transportaticie will be E.D. received by the ,`undersigned until 1 p, te„ Settrdriy„ March 5th, 1960, :Myth M. Cardiff , Clerk, Township' of Grey. , • • 11.A. M. "GuiclepostA !.o (7) Thou Shalt .Not Commit AdulterY: 8.30 P. M. study .Group: The Rev. ,W. 3aggS discueri the ! • doctrine and prpotice 'of the Anglican Chutele„ , ' ship of Grey will be received by the - Undersigned ineitil 1 P. Saturday, -• et:troll 5th, 1960. State price per head per etre*. Lo or any , , . IAnoitt6.1.1 churth , tender not iiedeseatelY accepted; I Church tdy.th Mr e,atclitt bit CANADA. " • Clerk, Township of Grey ' ' Parish of Brussels •