The Brussels Post, 1960-02-11, Page 4NOTICE eo OREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARY CASSIE CLEAVER Newest car on the market is the Envoy, built for General Motors Products of Canada, Limited by Vaii,xhall Motors Limited, Luton, Eng. The Envoy has a four-cylinder engine and a 98- inch wheelbase, and features luxury interiors and a wide range of exterior colors. This car will be available in four series: Standard, Special, Custom and Sherwood Station Wagon, and will be sold only in. Canada. • Solicitor for the Executrices. • NOTICE OF APPL,CATION The Liquor Licence Act, 1950 Licensing District NO. / TAKE NOTICE that The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No. 218 of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron will make application at a Special meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 'to be held at the Canadian Legion Hall, 48 Ontario Street, in the City of 'KITCHENER 'In the County of Waterloo on Friday the 4th day of March 1960 at the liour of ' 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon for the issuance of a "CT.,UB,LICENCE" (Restricted) for the sale and con- . attmption at beer and wine with meals and beer without meals in an establishment classified as a club." for the following premises: The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No. 218 premises at Turnberry Street, in the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron. Any person resident in the lic- ensing district ray object to the application, and the grounds At objection in writing shall be Mot with Mr, R. B. Trott, Q. C. the deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is Dunker Building. Suite 402, 251 Ring Street West, KITCHENER, 'Ont. et ler_st ten days (before the meeting at which Me application is to be heard. . DATED at Brussels this 27th day of Janidary 1960. The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No, 218 Brussels Ontario. Applicant Turnberry Street, Brussels, Ontario. Address g16rnonur-crartAd • interiors surround you with luxury. There's a rich choice of upholstery materials in a Multitude of patterns and colors. Super-comfortable bucket seats are standard on the Envoy Custom! easy-read Ingb-urnent: pa ne] is designed to let you take in all instrument readings at a glance. Integrates perfectly with Envoy's, luxurious,, well-appointed interiors. Teach them to rid, In raintile tite dot.. id . the right band curb Thursday, 1Ntirkia.0. 2 thy, ,1.090 TIM BRUSSELS POST •Ro• •Vmeq.15- . V. 11011.• A NEW GENERAL MOTORS CAR Men011(114, Pon Ryan. Lost lieir mo. Jim .Pnitth, graeMe Craig; T„Por. Qnititaee, ,and, „lean 'Walters. .Music for dancing; was supplied by the Clinton toppers. WALTON Mrs. Elleu Corlett, Mrs. jith MC* Donald, Mrs., R., Bennett, mre.. A.: Cc" tts end Mrs. Ii. $iaelicloa be hi charge of the pt oressive .euchre and Lost Heir party this Friday night, nUtier the auspices of 1. .• . YOUR JOB more eggs per dollar OUR JOB C ICK bred to lay more IN MEMORIAM WNW/FL lorlog memory of our dear hnehand and father Chester Rintonl, who passed aim February 14th, 1951. Silent thoughts, memories dear, Treasured trove each passing year. ilaVing claims 1it Wk, the .4...jta 4. of the a Wry 1 named. :att4 of the Tonwsbip of 1 1 Grey in the County of Huron. 1 who 411ed on the " 1 ri-Nt 4.1'1 a r of .ThtY 11951.. arc' required to VIE. plcof ,if .;able with the under. • leeed ee or befire the 2Tth Clay of February, 1060. Art.er that date the L precee41 to distribute Mark Hamilton, Joyce and ,Joan of London ...were week, en visitors with friends here. Miss Norma Iloegy and MIPS Catharine Buchanan of St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, were home, for the weekend. Miss Margaret I.IntaprhieS is visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs. Horace lia,itiedge, of London. Mr. and Mrs. D. Haelcweii .of St, Mary's triSited, with Mr and Mrs. W, C, Hackwell Qn Sunday. Prize winners of Lhe euchre and Lost Heir party last Friday night were: Euchre — High, Mrs. A. McDonald, Les Oliver; Low, Mrs. — Sadly missed and ever re. membered by his wife and daugh- ters Helen and Wanda. eutrix will the estate having regard only to the claims of, which she then has had notice, DATED at Brussels this 6th day of February, A. 1P. 1960. Crawford and & :Hetherington Barrister & r,„ Brussels Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until Feb, 28th; 1960, for 15 cords of hard body wood and 5 cords of cedar, To be delivered to Duff's United Church, Walton, Ont. Tender$.received by Doug Fraser R, R, 2, Brussels, Ont. Secretary Board of Stewards 4 1N THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF LILLIAN WALKER, late of the Village of Brussels la the County of Huron, Married Woman, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Lillian Walker, are reg.tired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W. HUSH- FIELD, Q. C„ Solicitor for the Executrices of the said Estate, on 0r before the 20th day of February, A. D. 1960, and that after such date the Ex.ecutrices will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having xegard only to the claims of -which they shall they I have had notice, DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 30th clay of January, A. E. 1960. J. W. BITSHFRELD, Q. C., W1NGHAM, Ontario. powa•••••••••••••••••••11111.1111a1.1.14M.R11 Right production cannot be promised into chicks. It must be built in. SAY ROE CHICKS and get the right ones every time. Famous ST'ONE'S, DEMLERCHIX, TRUE-LINES, .ROE RED and SUSSEX CROSSES. Famed "HY-LAY" blood lines available and pro- ven at ROE • j • FARMS LIMITED ATWOOD, ONTARIO Ns high test franchise payments. eti-Eich Cat vied and buil-E pnciatly Canadiand • CLASiSlr'7 Li) ADS to WANTED — A good home for an elderly person. Apply at The Brussels Post • FOR SALE Spy Apples, in yofur container $1.00 per bushel and up. Macintosh and Wagner $1.50 per bus. and up , Wm. Stratychuk - , FOR SALE — very reasonable: i 50, 1 gal. Glass Jug; 9. 4 gal. Steel Drums; 3, Large Steel Drums; 7, Largo 1 Wooden Downs; 6, Large Fibre Drums. Brussels Creamery. MALE HELP WANTED -7 Wanted: Reliable man as Dealer. in several Tc...vniips in Huron -Coirro'y, Experionre not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Raw- leigh Products have been sold fin' yeas. Big profits, Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept, B452,-153, 4005 Richelieu Montreal, - VAUXEW.Ca... Cus•rom SEDAN , Oilhiletvalllires optional al extra cost) exciting new car color.s, Vibrant solid colors!. Cool pastels! Per- fectly matched two-tone combinations. Choose from the most exciting color selec- tion in Envoy's class. 'the high-Cashion car with -the low price tag ACHESON 4.6 Dead Stock Service 1-iighcst cash prices paid to ' rounding district for dead, eitt- sick or disabled horses ste... cattle. For the fastest proper removal of all snits.-V,,-T, oday or night, use our airtrgr. ,exchange (at no cost to yeti Call Lona Distance and ask ATWOOD ZENITH 841•11 OR GEORGE H181.01P WROXETER 2R15 Never before has so much beauty, so much convenience, go'rnuth power-packed economical performance, so much honct-fo'::iodness 'Value bri• offered for such a low pride in a. 4icylinder car. This is the Envoy . . . the new British car designee] and builtespecially for.Canadians! The adventure of Envoy ownership is offered to• you in three-beautiful sedans plug the fun-filled Sherwood station wagon. See the Envoy today! Admire its quality and,.. eager good looks. Drive it! Then proudly choose the Envoy which meets your yegtilrements. -RAn--filied Sherwood station 'wagon For big family fun this Envoy Sherwood sets the style. With rear seat folded down, this beauty gives you 451/2 cubic feet Of load space, Big tail door can be fixed in full open position on specially-designed .hinges. $2,299 $2,181 $2,072 $1,996 4 j • FUN-FI 11t!ki!,0*"0. ELEGANT CUSTOM • " ADVENTUROUS SPECIAL (not ottiti•tHitirty StANDAiiir • •SaigEsrEd ketail,delli*Ed price with Oigliaile Air Cleaner,. IfelOrowlbeirOtEraiidArtOistial BRUSSELS Mlcis eluotidiridudidolivir;,/ratici- 114 charges, Firietal $410 qiiri.tx#80 Take wl'Are appllcablit at addlftdii ,. WANTED Work by the day. Also blackereith. . forge Work; sharpen harrows. Phone 97W'betWeeri 6.80 td 8 am. and S to 10 p.m. 'Heine all day Thursday, Phorie, tred Seilingi ahckhar G4h2r21ii tviOtheit MANOPACrOrtto POP •Oetitmai motes*. PRODucrii. OP CAkAOA,•r ioAiiiiNALL liOPOAs ierek, lovoLAN6: PArcis ANAPP.* 00fliteotaA8t 110 ietrl FOR BAL.E.- ittoitenr red teak houseithavated i mile went at' 'Wingfield, EliglairaY 80, id residential Atratriet, rooms', ntOde.rzi ' ititChert, 4-plee• bath, 'tile and Oak hardwood 'fit** gatkte attached, aluminiilm Stone* and door, drilled Well„ Phone ,49 In evenings` 'or wrlti No. 3" WirigheiiAfi; Ontario.. Mc u aeon Motors Ltd. Brus