HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-02-04, Page 7NURSES WANTED RIEGISTERD NURSES 5295,03S leF.N.s.e„ aZ00,4?40, 15-bed 0.0. Maslow Hosp,, at) miles. from Winnipeg, Daily bus serviee, Residence acme-re/dation, $45 full maintenance, Apply Supt,,E. M. O. Memorial hospital, Urlicsdale, Man, OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR with experience or petegraeuato train. ing fpr so bed active general hospital, about 20 miles from London, Residence accommodation available. Exeellent personnel ,policies, For particulars re, larding Very attractive offer, write to Director of Nursing, Strathroy Generale 1.4ospital, FLORIDA'S greatest land bargain. High, dry 1/4 acre - $305.00 - No money down - $10 monthly - Betwee Ocala and Gulf - Streets - Electrii fishing - Hunting. Write Dept. H Rainbow Park, Box 521, Ocala, Fla. • • • . ' • , • REGISTERED NURSES REQUIRED (General Duty and Operating Room) MODERN 52-bed hospital 50 miles from Ottawa in the heart of holiday resort area has openings. Commencing salary $240.00 per month (S10,00 extra night duty two weeks) all statutory holidays from employment date, three weeks annual yaeation, straight eight hour day, fourty-four hour week. Private -accommodation in itixurleua new residence with full board and facilities including laundry. ($25.00 per month only deducted for residence se- Apply Apply DIRECTOR OF NURSING PONTIAC COMMUNITY HOSPITAL SHAWVILLE, QUEBEC. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL HEALTH, Happiness, Prosperity, Ad- vancement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course in Psychology. In- formation free. Royal College of Sci- ence, 709 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Can- ada. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods 30 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality-, tested,.-'guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE I SAVE I Films developed and 8 magna prints in album 400 12 magna prints in album 600 Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not inelurlins prints). Color prints 350 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 350 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints front slides 350 each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives. FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX"31 GALT, ONT. PROPERTY FOR. SALE STAMPS WANTED WILL pay 40 cents per 100 for large size Canadian, U.S.A. stamps or will exchange for foreign. WILSON'S STAMP EXCHANGE 7 Peter Street Sbuth, Orillia, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED OTTAWA SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS WILL BE 'RECEIVLD BY THE UNDERSIGNED FOR TEACH- ING POSITIONS IN REGULAR CLASSES ATTENDED BY ENGLISH . SPEAKING PUPILS AND FOR TEMPORARY SUP- PLY STAFF, FEMALE (al-list CLASS) MINIMUM . , $2,600.0 MAXIMUM . „ . , $4,280.8 FEMAL E' (b(2NO CLASS) MINIMUM . 82,500.03 MALE (c)-(IST CLASS) MINIMUM _ 92,800.00 MAXIMUM ..... . . $4,400 00 MALE (d)-(2 ND' CLASS) MINIMUM , 82,700.00 MAXIMUM TEMPORARY SUPPLY STAFF 4,TM $10.00 PER DAY MALE, MARRIED, $500.00 aerirrioN-AL FOR TEACHERS WITH FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN ONTARIO. APPLY TO AIME ARVISAIS, B.A..F.C.I.S, SEC RE TA R Y.T R EASU RER 140 CUMBERLAND ST., OTTAWA CE. 6.7475 WANTED RABBITS AND PIGEONS ttAnurrS and Pigeons alive wanted for 'table use. Boa 203, 123-18th Street, Neva Toronto, Ont. presented the eauseum with a complete outfit, which was brought from Washington by Clement Attlee, then. British premier, in his personal luggage. But the most bizarre aid of all came fro--i John Haigh, the acid bath murderer, who on the eve of his execution willed to Tussaud's the clothes which his model is ,now wearing. He also left instructions for keeping them neatly pressed and brush- ed. Missing from Madame Tus- saud's is Pandit Nehru, whose effigy was recently withdrawn following complaints that it did not do justice to the Indian prime minister. Nehru's effigy bore "no re- semblance to his dynamic and charming personality," c o m - plained 29 Indian crew mem- bers of the S.S. Corfu. "This pains the heart of every Indian who visits the exhibition." Now Bernard Tussaud plans to wait until Nehru visits Lon- d o n for the Commonwealth prime ministers' conference in May, at which time he hopes to make a nee model from first- hand evidence, Controlling The Narcotics Addict Beata Chemist on the south side of London's Piccadilly Cir- .cus is probably the busiest drug- store in England. Boots, like all other British: pharmacies, haS for the 'past nine years been I permit- ted by law to sell narcotics to addicts on a doctor's prescrip- tion. Thus, one might expect to see narcotics addicts queuing up at Boots for their daily allot= ments of heroin, morphine, co- caine, ,and other narcotic's — doses which under Britain's so- cialized medicine cost the addict only 'about 20 cents. Yet this is not the case. "We only get two or three drug addicts' a night," a Boots salesman. said . last month. To many 'U.S. narcotics ex- perts, this slim business at Boots spells the answer to America's serious narcotics prob- lem. These authorities point out that there are only about 350 narcolice addicts in. England (an 'infinitesimal .0007 per cent of the population), compared with 'some -60;000 in the U.S. (.03 per cent). England's low addiction figure, the U.S. authorities claim, is "the 'direct result of of per- mitting doctors to prescribe and control an addict's narcotic in- take. But last month, two New York experts Who Spent a month in England studying the British system, of legalized narcotics dis- tribution — the first Americans to actually do so — took sharp issue with this view. Writing ha the current issue of the New York State Journal of 11/fedicine, Drs, Granville Larittiore and Henry Brill of the state's health and mental hygiene departments contend that Instead of the Bri- tish system's causing a low ad- diction rate, it's the other Way around; the low addictiOn rate has contnibuted to whatever emcees the plan has had. Perhaps for some obscure cul- tural reason, they wrote, the English people' abhor narcoticsi and may be, they suggested, "more likely to Solve ernational problems with alcohol." As a result, they found, the English- Men Who do tido:Mid narcotics Addicts are "almost exclUsiVely" ineticial addicts —is sirrigi group of eireforttineeeS Who have be- addibted resUlt of medical. treatm,ent,. To help these people, 'the Bri- tish narcotics plan permitS doe- tens- to preScribe riercotiet Only .for those addidtg 'Who either are being cured by gradual With- draViral from the drug, or who cannot ,be' either dared Or safely deprived, the New 'Dark doctors found. The system Works because, under 13ritain't socialized medicin et, patients must stick With a single This "effectively deter, Addicts from obtaining'drugs drug prescriptions front' Mort than nine physitiati at A titne.;" a BERNARD TUSSAUD dresses the "worst'- dressed man" in the museum, SALESMEN, (full or part time basis). Due to the recent introduction of. a new any accident type membership we require additional sales personnel to contact persons living in both coun- try and towns, Immediate earnings and unlimited- opportunities can be yours in this well respected established or• ganization if you . display the neces. sary ability. No previous sales expert. ence ifecessary since training and sales material provided by the Company. In. vestigate this opportunity 'now" by writ• ing to the. Allied Services (Canada), Personnel Division, P.O. Box 1029, Lon- don, Ontario, so that .a personal inter- view can be arranged. All replies held in strictest Confidenee. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS., MUNRO'S DRUG tiOtt Sit ELGIN' OTTAWA $1.15 Express dolled POST'S ECZEMA SALVE tiANIglt the torment of iity ediefilit ratites., and weeningSkin troubles'. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint Yeti. Itching sealing and burning Oat, Ma, acne, ringWorni, and loot. eazerna will reePoind readilY to, the itainleSS odorleak oltitinent regardleat of hots, stubborn or, hopeless they Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S .REMEDIES niSt Ste chile AVettee'rest TORONTO BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SAL! MEAT market for sale, new equipment and 9 houses, Serpent River, 18 miles from Elliott Lake on Highway 17; house income $490 a month; meat sales average $3,000 per month. Write or apply Phil's Meat Market. Serpent River, Ont, COINS "COINS wanted, pay high prices 100 coin catalogue 250. Gary's (8) 9910 - Jasper, Edmonton, Alta." FARMS FOR SALE 300 acres, 150 workable, balance creek pasture. Sizeable amount of timber. Good barn partly steel equipped. Good brick house, $20,000. terms. 215 acres, 200 workable, balance good bush. Large steel barn, steel equipped, silo. Brick house. $22,090.-S6,000. down. 135 acres, 115 workable. Choice loca- tion. Barn, steel equipped, silo, Drilled well. Brick house, bath, furnace, $25,000. 125 acres, good barn. Recently remodel- led frame house. $16,000..-S5,000. down. 30 acres. Two small barns. Insul brick house, bath, furnace, attached garage. $7,500 - half cash. LARGE listings of dairy stock and cash crop farms. Archie Blue, 365 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas - MEIrose 14884. Salesman W. F. Patterson, Real Estate Broker, Chatham. FARM,MACHINERY DAIRY ,MEN Still breaking up bales the hard way? NOW: WINSTED Rolo-matle, the original BALE SHREDDER SAVES YOUR TIME, TEMPER . AND YOUR' BACK Shreds dry or frozen, hales. Get a free demonstration. Write for literature to E. G. IVIcDOugall "&i,Son, Blenheim, On- tario- GEESE BREEDING Geese, high producing Pil. grim Strain. ,Hatching eggs 'and Geis. Rugs in season,' SpeCialsratesifor large orders, Walter Gauthier, R,R. 1, Bells Corners, Ontario, HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION' EARN more! iiOcikeePitig, Saleanan. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les. sons 500. Ask for free'dircular No. 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LEGAL WILLS THINK it over before it's too late. Make your own will. Legal Will forms $1.00 each. Delco, Dept, A, 1144 Tama- rack Trail, Chattanooga II, Tenn. LIVESTOCK. ANGUSVUE Farm offers young bUlls serviceable age. Bred females all agea. engusvue Farm, IL A. Campbell & Son, R.R I, Listowel, Ontario. MAGAZINES. FLORIDA! Opportunity Paradise! Flor- ida Cracker Magazine tells all in wordS. rl etures. $1.50 per year. Old Cracker, 35 White Drive, Dept. C.L, Tallahassee, orida, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAL! f,,ORIPS Prayer on loVely jeWeled.OrOSS With Willow Springs, Missouri, shinityin vs.% ,oxIthraitirabaln% ybalgmlpcpuitirt,: MONEY TO LOAN • UNLIMITED Money_ Lonna - tO City and Farm Folka. Money for anythitil End anywhere. Phone or write now. OPS Investments Ltd., 99 Avenue Road, Toronto- WA. 1.2442i •-•s.te MEDICAL -,,MERRY MENAGE11,1p, / I . $41 44;sgeo :•26 "I understand they've, never bothet'ed to buy him a leatitl'o ....„ • INVASION 114 DE11OIT aciraphernci46 OritaVereit ito$0- Obit& Ir this faUnd in. the.hOnle Of. a 1.4-year,Oli toy.. Hi was the quolifet" of feen..eiteNdzi Dint.'Seene of the' eratehee on the shirts bra Army • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Truman 15 The Worst-Dressed. "Marx". By TON A. CV.IXEN• Newspapee 45511, London — .Someone should. te 1 l Harry 5,, Truman about that old double-breasted, gray suit hk is wearing iri Ma- dame Tussaud's wax museum. It has earned him the dubious dis- tinction of being the "WorSt. dressed man" in the waxworks. Someone, likewise, should tell. Secretary of State Christian Herter not to give. Madame scud's the brush-.off, The Tus- saud people are hopping mad. because Herter has turned down their request to do him in wax, Pope John XXIII, Queen Eli- abeth TT, President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill ap- parently have no objection to being exhibited as wax dummies at the world famous wax em- porium which is now celebrat- ing its 157th year, • You can learn a lot of curious facts at Tussaud's: that Danny Kaye is regarded es something, of an anatomical, freak, that Marie Antoinette had a 42-inch bust measurement, that General Franco is a half inch shorter than Napoleon. • The waxworks has remained in the Tussaud family ever since it was founded • in London in 1802.. It is now run by Bernard Ttissaud, the great-great-grand- son of -the original Madame Tus- saud, Tussaud's u s e s only. human hair for its wax models, and this, in, turn, comes . from con- vents in Italy where the nuns. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GARAGE AND LUNCH.COUNTER REAL good business, 69,0Q0 gallons on No, 6 highway, edge of expanding in. dustnial town near Guelph, 'tending Silliest new well equipped and mod. ern, Lunch. counter showS excellent profit, 00,000 gals, - handiSis 6 care and trucks..Price of S35,000 includes Log, all garage and lunch counter equipment, LOW down Paynleut, 111 health forces sale. Immediate posses- sion, This is a real opportunity. A. J. YOUNGBL OO e D, REALTOR Phone 111W, Frgus, OW CHICKS - „ BRAY has started pullets, White butt brown egg layers. Send for list. Day. phi Armee, white and brown egg sPe" cialists, dual purpose, and broiler chicks, to order. Sep local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North. Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KNirri.NQ business, well established, operate/1 frort) home, no overhead, work done by women In their own stems. Cash price $3,150 which includes entire stork and wahines. Six months operatien will cover purchase price, Full particulars, write Box 204, 123: 18th Street, New Toronte, Ont. MARKET PLAZA PETERBORO, ONT. NOW LEASING FOR NEW ADDITION OUTSTANDING opportunity for ha* ery, delicatessen, shoes, ladies' wear, hardware, aporting goods, clothing, variety, paint and wallpaper, applian- ces, furniture, etc. Contact FROMAC DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 541 Brant St., Burlington, Ont. NElson 4.2346 ARMS AND THE MEN — Complicated arm action results „gyr- ing Illinois-Purdue basketball play. Arms, from ,left, belong to Terry Dischinger (Purdue), Jerry Berkshire (Purdue) and John Wessels (Illinois). BE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE A Coin,Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat Equipped Laundry Store, Net ;4,00048,000 Annually. ,Write or phone today for full infor- mation about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipptd laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage in your spare time - while netting high income. We finance 90% of your total ptirchase . , . offer you longest financing per. iod at lowest monthly instalments, You receive training and advice from a national organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves, No experience necessary. Modest invest- ment. This proven new profitable auto- matic business offers a money.making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his own business. Compare our complete program, ALD. CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Road, Toronto 18, Ontario. ROger 6-7255 Junk Business In Hong Kong fore, and by it she knew the fight was lost. Her fears increas- ed when she saw his counter- punching was feeble and out of distance, "He's blind!" she cried out, but the seconds, though al- armed, assured her he would be all right in a minute. The fourth round, however, was only a. repetition. So was the fifth. The big problem was how long he could last, fighting by in- stinct, The answer came in the seventh round,, when he was fin- ally put down and out. Pancho Ville was the new world fly- weight champion. But the drama of the fight was only just beginning. As the unconscious and battered wreck of the ex-champion was carried into the dressing-room Mrs. Wilde took one look at him and declared that he was dying, Doc- tors who were called thought so too, for they told her, not veny reassuringly, that "if he speaks your name, he'll live." All through the night the fight to save his life went on. Once Villa looked in, and gazing at his They sobbed: "I'm sorry. They made me do it. They made me do it." Everyone in the room was too distraught or too busy to ask what he meant. But was this the explanation of the after-the-bell blow and its sequel? With gang- sterdom and intrigue rife in the States, had Villa been forced by threats to land' an "accidental" blow to Make sure of winning? The terrible injuries Wilde had suffered had caused him to lose his 'memory. He failed to recognize even his wife, whom he called "Nurse.", Four months passed before the doctors con- sidered hint' fit enough to, travel home. He was still broken in mind and body, but they thought time and his, native air might effect a •partial cure: The ship was well out in the Atlantic when Mrs. Wilde found her husband, whom she had left sitting in a chair, standing be- side her. Grasping her hand, he said softly: "You're not my nurse, You're Elizabeth Ann, my wife." 4 I 1 1 • 4 In Hong Kong shipyards, the junk business hadn't been so good in years. Hordes of Chinese workmen swarmed around new- ly laid ship's timbers recently on Duck's Tongue Island while master builders issued orders without referring to blueprints, plans, or models. Like their grandfathers and their grand- fathers' grandfathers before them, they build by eye. Work- men use tools little different from those employed 1,000 years ago — drills for instance, which resemble tops, powered by leath- er thongs. The ancient tools and methods are turning out junks for modern Americans with a taste for the bizarre. 'While junks are only a part of Hong Kong's booming pleasure-boat business -- a total of 600 craft worth $2 million were shipped' to the ' U.S. last year vs. nine worth $10,000 in 1956 they are sailing along handsomely. Some 75 were ship- ped to the U.S. last, year. ,,(Ind junk buffs say there are many reasons sales should go up, Among them: • Low Price: A 33-foot, teak- planked boat, for instance, costs about $1,000 in Hong Kong (or about $3,500 landed in the U.S.), complete with a full set of three sails and 'a smalratiiiliary en- gine, • • Handling: The junkman claims hi4 boat sails more effi- ciently and trims more delicately. The difference lies in the bal- anced lug rig with one-sixth to one-third of each sail ahead of the mast. Full-width battens keep thin sails flat for close-haul tacks, simplify reefing and dous- ing and can be used as ratlines. • Thrill: While admittedly not a racing boat, a sporting junk drawing as little as 6 inches, says one, enthusiast, "will sail handily on a heavy dew propelled by a pixie's breath." One thing troubling junk fan- ciers: Some buyers order modifi- cations which produce a hybrid combining bad points of Western and Eastern naval architecture, "If you put a keel on a junk, you destroy her best points," says Robert Drummond, an American manufacturer who runs cruises on a 40-footer. "She's supposed to float on rough waters like a walnut shell, not plow through them like the Queen Mary." —from NEWSWEEK 1 I I 4 S 4 I 4 41 1 I 1 I I I Foul Blow Won. Championship Jimmy Wilde, first flyweight champion Of the world and, pound for pound, possibly the greatest fighter who has ever lived, was knocked out only once in his career of over six hun- dred fights. It was the occasion When he lost his title, in June, 1823, but although the story of the fight is senational enough, the story beind It is even more dramatic, The little Welshman had vir- tually retired as no challengers had come along and, in fact, he had not fought for a couple of years when, out of the blue, an American promoter asked him to go to New York to defend his crown against Pancho Villa, a Filipino who had just won the American flyweight title, Jimmy was not keen, and when the promoter asked him to name his own terms he thought he had effectively crushed the idea by demanding £13,000 plus expenses — a fantastic sum in those days. But the bluff was called, and after four months' strenuous preparation Wilde stepped into the ring in the steamy atmosphere of New York's Polo Grounds. To the crowd he still looked the same old Jimmy Wilde, a frail little figure whose skinny arms seemed packed with dyna- mite. Though old for a boxer (he was thirty-one) he appeared as perfectly trained as always. None of the crowd knew that for the first time in his life Jimmy Wilde was going into a fight lacking confidence in him- self. Only he, his manager and Mrs. Wilde, who was at the ring- side, shared the secret that he had lost the miraculous tithing that had made him so success- ful. In training he had discovered that no longer was his brain working at its usual lightning speed. Even worse, he was not connecting properly when prac- tising on the punchball—tell-tale evidence that his punching had lost its snap. It took Villa just three min- utes to realize this. Several times in that flit ibund Wilde hit him, but failed to infliet any damage. To the—Fili,pino and his seconds it seethed too good to be true. What instructions he was given in that minute's interval can only be guessed, but it is obviotia that he was told to give his Veteran oPponene 'nci rest. For practical purposes the fight ended in the second round. Throughout it, both ,men fought hard. Neither gave ground; Wilde( because his, fighting heart refused to acknowledge that he was up against a better man, Villa because he was not re- ceiving the usual 1 punishment suffered by the Welshman's op- ponents. k In the third round the ring- wise veteran might have ,earo- duced a surprise. But he never had the chance. As the bell sounded the end of the, weld round and Wilde turned" to go back to his corner, Villa swung a terrific punch that landed just below the left ear. There was no doubt that it was a foul blow, delivered after the bell had sounded. Yet the referee took' no action, probably because Wilde showed no re- sentment or visible effect. What no one realized was that the punch had sent Wilde into a trance, Years later he said'iliat his corner suddenly seemed a long way off and his seconds like figures in a dream. But his wife knew something was wrong when, in the, first few seconds, he was forced back on the ropes. This was something that had never happened be- After four months, Jimmy Wilde had spoken his wife's name. Recovery was quick and complete, A man telephoned the police to report that thieves' had tam- pered with his car. "They've stolen the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the accelerater, the clutch pedal and the dashboard," he complained., A police sergeant said he would investigate. Then the tele- phone rang again. "Don't bother," said the same voice with a hiccup. "I got into the back seat by mistake," have their heads shorn just be- fore taking the veil. Blondes are the hardest to j match, accordinL to Vera Bland, the Tussaud beautician who does the hair insertions. "Maybe it's because blondes don't enter con- vents," she explained. Next to the hair, the eyes are most difficult to match. Tus- saud's has the eyes of its models made specially by a London manufacturer of surgical glass eyes. Stanley Wismark, who is known at Tussaud's as the "body builder," was in a tizzy because he had just been commissioned to do a plaster body of King Olaf of Norway. "Oh, no, not two straight legs again," he groaned, looking at recent photos of King Olaf in which the monarch appeared to 'be standing at attention. "The thing we try to avoid in making wax models is arrest- ed action," he explained. "We like movements to be natural, flowing." It was Wismark who explain- ed why the Model •Of Danny XaYe is all wrong anatomically. "Hit Atherietin tailor pads his shoulders t and makes his hips taper," The eXhibition spares ho of ,port to make its models accurate and life.like, Wherever possible Bernard Tussaud, w h o Makes all the heads, likes to have et least One interview ("sitting," he calls it) with the subject. TussaU&S preferd to Us it clothes which have been worn by the subjects{ which is Where ItaitY Truman's old Snit comet inv When Truman became Presi- dent in 1945 clothing was tea tioned in Britain and Tuasatitl's had no clothing rattan COUPOilt. For his 'model: 'frurnan kindly The daughter of a preacher had attended a dance, much against her father's wishes. When she appeared for breakfast the next morning he greeted her; "Good morning, daughter -of Satan!" "Good morning, father," she replied. IN A JIFFY or Money boa Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid. D.1).1.1. • Prescription' positively relieve raw red itch--callsed by eczema, thshiio scalp irritation. chafitur-other itch trouble*: GreaitelesS, Stainleis. 390 trial bottle MUSS, hoist), or matey back, Don't 'suffer. Ask ,YOur distritist for D. D.D. PRESCRIPTION. IT 11861* 198e' IT PAYS tO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS