HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-02-04, Page 5• AN....rf. . . rebritary 40, ••••••••••••••.•••••• YES,, 5PEEDY, FOR A MAN TO RUN A MARATHON, 144'S 60T TO K. IN TOP cONDITION. RIVERIIPE isioroRg THEY'Rg MAT i• IN TIP ToP CONPITI0N/ *9,44.10S.NrovorNii. 0.•00.0000 000 - 24-viokfd- okiot badrioud, Da MY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto :14.41144711211Pagel141W.,, SELECTED - GRANULATED iiz ..**•• ' • •:•I:IlP,•••••:g3"4:1**4(..:;*7 " o • ••ls„ ' • MOV"T4"30 • •qr A**, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Chevrolet's revolutionary new torsion springs and Sturdi- Bilt design are re-writing the record books. Last year's schedules are out. Chevrolet Trucks are built to run faster over rough runs . .. and shrug off punishment that knocks out old-fashioned makes. And yet, Chevrolet is priced right alongside old-fashioned makes of - truck that it will outlast by thousands of trouble-free miles.• Get all the money-saving facts about Chevrolet • T17116.9 at yonr Chevrolet dealer's, today. cr.64od FOR Ii..i,otoNoveN* ...... ... - . See your local dealer for early delivery 13RUSSRLS POU ,0 .10 0100 ,00.-0-... 0000 ••;Nr4 vr•nr NOTICE NOTIQg QF AFFL.CATIQN ttiOTiora . good .ht)1, :,n elderly. age= Apple at The Brussels post ',MALE HELP W figtrieirrh birstasis now Townships in Heron County Tr:4e, well eetablieltell. Excellent 419i-ern:nay. Pull time. Write at Rawleigies, Dept, 11.152-185, itiMS Richelieu, Montreal. QiFt IMLE Veal- reasonable: 50, 1 gal, Class 0', 1 gal. 'Steel Dreums; 3. 'ante Nteet Drums; 7, Largo Irwnien Mums; 0, Large Fibre Drip= ISoss,sele Creamery. I 0, NOTiOt TO QFMOIT0(18 AM) VT14E/IS Lti" MArt101t QP MI. ;. cat,‘ ',4' ?MI 9f1 lirt:Sti”iti the i'Petrity 0: Miran. notrie:1 ViAituiku. bet:eased. liKittaiii ;MON pireni•eit VI the Trustee Act. that nil ere.litors and °therm. having v:48:• the .1.1smite or tit'. late 1.111an AVall«Ar, are required t' :wad partieulars of their elalintl, daly veil:led. to ,f. W. 13PSII- P1101.11, Q. ('., Solicitor for the `ft of the setid 10state, 011 re.-1—;'ere the 201,11 day of Peinniary, 1). 1'110. and t bat after such date tile OH t' l l proveed to diPtribute the assets of lint said K.Itate, having regard only to the claims of whicIlt they shall thee have had notice. 195.5 Sti; tk..bckex Coach i493!.; Pontiac Coach 1957 .Pontiac Secian,.r.4-- a Autorna-titt• 1956 .1auick liaPcit Toth fully c4uippeci 1954 Buick 2 .Door Hard Top,. Many Older Models. ,TS2tit S AL E red hrielt house •situatee,4 tuellk west of Wiugham, Highway 424,. fu :residential district. 3 he_O- sxurms,.., modern kitchen., 4-piece l4isrift„ tilt and oak hardwood finorg, Amtrak attached, allmninugn stertne Lisseracr drilled wall, Phone Wine. Ar..emt •Tiel in evenings or write 3 3s Olbson, It it• No. 3 Wingha-m. ensizollot.. • . DATED at Wingbam, Ontario this 30th day of January, A. D. 1960. J. W, BITSIIFIELD, C'.. WINGHAllif, On 0.00. $oliellor for the Kxeentrices. 4101.10.30.000..0.40.01 AC H E S ON' -t" : t210 aitlitr. • • ! 4 7:.44 'Cr 11o!1 Prodneete 44144 lat!...1. II . •44it,F • • pin, X; :3; ",01- :tall in.. :at OK Ift0 ln. 11,4 ' town l'Ulit444i. • ittinwo of the eondnet cif •:hk' pro! p.,r business of the annual ny"41.m,. the eleetk1n of tielegates •••'''.1 deheatee. ROSS LOVE, Chairman A. H. WARNER, Seeretaty TAKE NOTIC10 that he Annual Meeting. or the pienbleer niembers et ';,ee Cennty (hemp of the, On... lade E.T.og .eredu,eers' Mn rioting Board he convened at 2 pan„ EST. on Wednesday, Parnary 10 at the Legion Hall in the town of Clin- ton, for the purpose of the conduct' of the proper business of the an. nun] meeting and the election of ren'resentativrs (delegates) to the District Hog 'Producers Committee. Tt0SS LOVE, Cilmiaennn A, IT. WARNER, Secre tar r TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of • Oho producer members of Huron Oohnty Hog Producers' Association will be convened at the hoot' of 3 p.m. E.S.T. on "Wednes. clay, February 10 at the Legion Hall in the town of. Climton for the purpose of the co•nditet of the pre, Per business of the annual Meeting, the eletion of offWrs and. :i-krad Stock Serv:ct: , the election of voting delegates and alternate delegates, Getest Speaker: Charles Neinnts. riOSS• hovi0, Chapman IT. \VARNER, _L.... • TAO Liquor Licence 8ct, 190Q Life-wing Distriet No, NOT/010 that The • Canadian I British Empire .Borr lee Lefigue, Brawl!. No. ;V Of al" 401' 1;410F414.0.41, Cotet'y of if' "On t1•'Il (flails appilva quit frtoecpt nweting of Thu Liquor Lieekie Board Of °Marie to he lwlq al the Canadian Li glen .,!ree't In the City or 1{1111110Nfta In tile County of Waterloo On Friday the 4th (laY Of March 1900 at the ItOur of 10-80 o'elock the forenoon for the Issnanee of a "CLI`13 LTOENCE" I ltestlictedl for the sale and eon- sumption of beer and wine with meals and beer without meals in en establishment classified as a club." for the following premises: The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No, 218 premises at TurnberrY Street, in the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron. Any' person resident In the easing district .ray object to the application, and the grounds of objection in, writing shall be filed with Mr. R. 13. Trott, Q, C, the deputy registrar of bite, licensing district, whose address is Dunker Suite. ,10!)., 201. King est!' 1'V %';;t, KITCHEN ER, Ont. at Ie,-;st ten days before the meeting at which 'the application is to be heard. DATED at Brussels this 27th day of .Tamttary 1960. The Canadian Legion British Empire Service League Branch No. 218 Brussels Ontario. Applicant -urnberrl: Street, Drussels, Ontario, AddreSs 41-11-0=9: cash prices paid tr, Iratsliingt district for dead, Alit or disabled horses For the fastest ,vr3pv,- removal el% ail. Airy ,as• night, use our ;fps (at no cost L:oncl, Distance and ATWOOD ZENITH 34 g3R GE0HG15 HISLO? WROYETEE 2R15 \":-, J,=';LID one•Inembers of the Young 414.1!(1 of the Ilreshyterian -Clutreh, sat. down to a delicious stoper provided by the losing side, at their January 'meeting. The new President, Ethel Brewer. opened the meeting with. the reading of.ti poem. A hymn was sung; The scrip• time lesson read in:unison was taken from Psalm 32'. A very • inspiring New Year message was given by 1. Jean Imam]. A :hymn was sung, followed by the benediction. Mir• rites of the previous meeting \vol.:5 read. and adopted. It was decidel to have a bazaar in the .fall again and plans were made to •cater to a wedding' in Feb.. We are having• . sides again in 120 and new memkers would be. welcome. Fc p AI. E ',956 P-ton ,lymouth 2-door sedan, At condition: radio; new tins and butte, y. c4 -old accept tra le en. older make. Apply to Evelyn Hall Phone 55r26 Brussels. 'TENDERS WANTED a otormor,,,,, .. Tenders will be received until ." Feb. t2Sth, 1969, for 15 cords of ask or hard body wood and 5 cords of cedar. To be delivered to Duff's 'United Church, nWalt011, On t . 'renders rereived by Bong Frame Ti. Ti. 2, Brussels, Opt, ce:.a,et.nre 1 eerd Stetearda -.0e,evifm...;erfartewtatiaglea Tsi's74 ' • ttl:er4,-;-..1.,,meest4essasiew PRODUCED IN MODERN PLANTS with the finest automated equipment to assure adequate SHUR-GAIN supply. CONTINUOUS RIGID QUALITY CONTROLS every 3 minutes a sample of SHUR-GAIN is drawn for laboratory analyses. ,-" ADVANCED RESEARCH is a continuing program in SHUR-GAIN "labs" and fields. 4 OVER 50 YEARS OF KNOW HOW SHUR-GAIN is backed by experience, unmatched by any other Canadian fertilizer manufacturer. CASH DISCOUNTS throughout February, $1.50 per ton early delivery discounts are yours for the taking with additional discounts for prompt payment ... discounts can total as high as $5.50 per ton on some analyses, When you take advantage of early delivery Snug-GAM discounts, there's no need to Worry about caking or hardening in storage. SHUR-GAM Selected-Granulated Fertilizer with its controlled low-moisture content, and granulod texture retains smooth flowing consistency through prolonged storage. SfItTR-GAIN guarantws perfpct drillability, greater availability of phosphorus and almost complete froedol from dust, LiktIN proven for' ad'ctn conditions i• . The Finest t'ertfizers Your &foci Earth CANADA PACKERS MO • ViEllAND TOROKM * OMAN