HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-02-04, Page 1USSELS P cet ;7:64 "----117ant 1110763flt'a D'4"4t'•meat °tt"E''. Thursday, February 4th, 1960 44044 40, itl'ost Publishing House BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Ilepenclable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels We 'Provide a Cernplete Trucking Service for Liveetoele Feed Fertilizer Farm Supplies ••• *** * ** * * •••?..1...1.,.,iiee•er"•••••••••••••••••••••••••• lbs. 1.444 / ****** ***** Tulip Margarine, TEXAN irt-O,PgN AFTER FMK The Texan. Grill re-opened Wed, reeiday after au early morning fire ea Monday. The restaurant proper was untouched by fire but badly stroke damaged. The fire• was. discovered shortly before 3 'eel:e when the etristest signaling :of 'the grill telephone alarmed the night operator, Mrs, L. Plant, and she advised the pro. prietor. On anrival lee found tin entire building smoke filled, The Are deportment located the blaze in the basement which was extee- steely :damaged. Cause of the fire is: uncertain but it is believed a short circuit may ;have been been responsible. HONORED ON RE-TIREMENT i! W. 5, Scott who has retired after serving for 23 years es see/rotary- treasurer, and menagere of - the B. M. & G. Tel 5Yetelil here,1 Was guest of honor .at a turkey dinner, at the office, arranged by ; the operators. and staff. Lloyd Workmen spoke of Mr, ; Scott's long service and said he I. would be greatly missed, and pre- eented him with a handsome smoker on behalf of his associates. Mr. Scott made u suitable reply, A pleasant evening was spent playing cards, $1.00 35c. ANNPAL MEETING Rev.. J. IL •Greene was .ehairinan for the annual meeting of Melville Presbyterian Church, held in Pp' schoelroom of the cliore.h, oper.e.d. the reeetteg with. a. short .devOt• lonal period., James. W, Armstrong was Seieretary for: the •nwetteg, -The report of the session, was given by Wilfred ShOrtreed, Gifts of pew collection elates by Mrs. Charles • Davis, memOry of her husband,. and a.• new pulpit fell by Mrs. Hartley Fischer and Mrs. Dobson in memory of their mother,. Mr's. Pearl Wilton, were acknow- lodged, The chtuicth has lea con- plated a successful sector plan, D, M. MacTavish, superintendent of the Senate:, School tor• the past 3,0 years, was given a vote of thanks, James Main, . chairman of the Board of Managers, stated that the vestry, choir-roam, and auditorium of the church had been painted, the lawn of the new manse landsccaped, and plane ear a new garage .for the manse are being made. During the year the resig- nation of Ben Whittard, caretaker, was received; and Jack Lowe has 'replaced him. In his treasurer's report, James W. Armstrong showed that the books closed with a sub- stantial halapee. Total receipts were $13,554. Five retiring managers, ,Olivei Riley,- James Mair, W. S. Lowe, Wes Kerr, and W. C. Kerr, were re- placed by Oliver Riley, Ebner Armstrong, Gerald Gibson, Murray Cardiff, and William Adams, D. M. MactTavish and W. C. Kerr were elected auditors. Coco Rico Biscuits, pkg. Cheerio Pork & Beans, 15 oz ens 2 for Green Giant Green Beans 27c 15 oz. 2 for 9c •-• •••••••••••••••••••••••-............. CCUTCHEON Phone 293 We Deliver Ammasald . AT HOME Brussels. United Church Y. P. U. 1. SKATING PARTY Brussels Arena TUESDAY, FEB. 16th (8 to 10 p.m.) Admission : 35c and 25c Lunch after at the Church Everyone Welcome Mr and Mrs Selwyn Baker will celebrate their 40th Wedding Anniversay on Friday February 12th, They will be at home to their friends from two to five p.m. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend lay heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neigh hours in my recent bereavemeut. Special thanks to Rev, L. Brown Mrs. Thompson" and the pallbearers Ruby Bone _ARO OF THAl:KS My sincere thanks is extended te' all those who so willingly helped me through my time of bereave- ment. Your thoughtflulnese will always be remembered. P. E. McCutcheon H. & S. ASSOCIATION MEETING The Home and School Association.; meeting will be held Wednesday Feb. 10th at 8 o'clock. Elmer Bell . Q .C., of Exeter, a former Brussels lawyer, will be guest speaker. He will speak on laws, legal matters and wills concerning family and " children. N OTICE At a recent meeting of the Brus- sels Library Board it was decided that the library remain closed on Monday nights throughout the year and on Saturday nights during the months of January, Pebriiary and March. N OTICE Any girl wbo is 11 years. . of "age. ,by March, wishing to take the 4-H Eorn.emaking.:qub this spring, which Is "Meat in the 'Menu", please phone Mrs. J. Speir before Fob, 20th., Phone 141. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.m. Thurs., Frl.. Sat. Feb. 4 - 6 - 6 Deborah Kerr Rossano Brazzl in Count Your Blessings A humorous sophisticated romantic :comedy from. Feb. 1st to Feb. 13th All Sales Final Machan hardware Brussels, Ont. Other reports were given by James Armstrong, Mrs. 'Wes. Kerr Mrs. J. Long, Miss Nellie Jardine, Mrs. Amy Speir, Mrs George Evans, Mrs: George Elliott, Miss Jessie Little, Mrs, Joseph Brewer, 'Sharon Hemingway, and Miss Jean McFarlane. A budget allocation of $2,043 was accepted by the congregation, Members of the Ladies Aid and Ile Young Women's, Guild served . lunch. At a meeting of the hoard of managers, George Elliott was chosen chairman. ' EUCHRE PARTY Remember the Euchre Party on Wednesday, February 17th in the Brussels Library, at 8.30 pan, Lunch will be served. Sponeore,d by the Home and School Association, 15% DISCOUNT On CASH SALES On All "Benjamin Moore's" Paints & Ena.mels Now in Stock INCOME TAX COMPUTED F R Farmer's Businessmen Individuals REASONABLE RATES $ 9,00 $10.00 l $25.00 10.00 5.00 I 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 ......... .. ... GLENN M. RONNENBERG INSURANCE IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY and FRIDAY PHONE 247 - Carried Moved by Louis Reel seconded by Jack McWhirter, beginning this coming year, parents wishing to send children to Brussels, School from outside the municipality will he provided with an application form early in the slimmer, the same to be returned accompanied by re- quired fees before Sept. 1st - Carried 'Moved by.. Gordon Stephenson and seconded by Jack McWhitter that a smell token of commendation be sent to the teachers as well as lettei: to the Home "a. School AseeciatiOn for all effort put forth toward the very successful Clitiet- neas Conceit presented in. Dec. Carried Reglaeding the suggestion of the piirchitee of a tape recorder by .Prineipel Ashton, the Board was willing to assist in the iinectlatse of this and agreed to obtain prices and dicuss tt felethee at the next meet lag." The. Board also sanctioned the rental of the TV for such e tine as the .Children's programs were being ; broadcast. AR business being cetioltuled the 1 meeting adjourned On Makin. tit. Roy Kennedy and Gorden, Stephein son. DONATIONS TO FIRBY FIRE FUND Rev K. Riggs R. B. 'Cousins Anomyous Mr, & Mrs. O'Dell Frank Carter W. J. Tlmbull E. V, Baker 'Rev. W. Williams John Wheeler Ralph Pearson 5.00 Thomas Leek * . ........ . 6.00 Wm'. Stiles & Faniily 20,00 Ralph Shaw 5.00 Donald Dunbar 25,00 Alex Inkley ........ . .. .,Y1•••,•14.k 5.Q0 St. Johns Mission Band .. 5.00 Edward Henderson 1.00 J, H. Stretton 10.00 Edward Garton 2.00 Margaret Rutledge 1.00 Mrs. Elizabeth Cardiff 1.00 Mr. & Mrs'. W.L. Baelter . Mes, Geo. 33aeker ....... ... . eee, George 'Wheeler ........ .. .. .. ... W. E. Willis (Conttnued next weiilt) 20.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 EYE INJURED Mrs. Ted. MacLean suffered a rain- dell eye injury. While thawing a frozen sink drain her eye was accidently splashed with a 1ye selitetiOn. C.:mkt) OF THANKS Tile family of the late A. Alma Bryans extend their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes received during their recen' bereavement. Special thanks to members of St. :John's Ladies Guild, neighbuort and 'fele/ids, who have been so kind and thoughtful throughout mother's' W. De H. S. CONCERT This year the students of the Wingihem District High School are preparing an opetetta Instead of th e usual variety show, "MEDICS AND MERIRTMENT" is a lively story, set to music, of the cOnepli, cations which beetle at Dr. Drink: water's health resort when tie , 'niece comes to visit. Students will be §eleitig tickets for this concert Which will be presented in the school auditoehtiii, et 8,15 on `the evenings of February 25end 86, Peoceed§ are used tee school activities. r File Early - Phone Today for Appointment THE AGRICO DiffilitENCE .MEANS -RESULTS No Other fertilizer gives you a higher return tor your investment than AGRICO' * Get your SPECIAL EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT now * Granular, dry, free-flowing Drill easier, won't cake In storage * See the AGRICO DIFFERANCE on your farm * AGRICO has been sold In tolienty Write 1909 by the Baker , IN MEMORIAM 14. 1. 44,64. Melville Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Greene • Organist: Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday Sehool 11 A. M. Morning Setviee The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Drown B.A.; 5.0. orginist: Mrs. A. E.. Martin 9.45 A.M. Church School "itlUidaposta to Lite" • (6) !'13.6nOtte TO Parente" Anglican :church tho thirisli of BruSstilS 7he exRn O SULLIVAN In loving memory Ot•1, 4 .deet. Wife and mother; Mre.- Itorbeet Sltillivani who passed ;• away 8 Yeare •sigd on February 1 It's loiteeotile 'heed' Without YOU:. Mom, We Miee" yot more ,each day, For Itte is.. not the same. to tie SbiCes YOU Were called away, lS we lied all the Wiirld to ate We'd .giVe it, Yes and •trioirie TO hoer Your voice and See yetis 1. Millie • e. And greet you at the, deer. pecia .1111 ay T-BONE PORK CHOPS So' Yon '"e;ho .haVe. a Mother", Cherish 'ter yith care. 120ifil wove' know the heertaolt Till you Bee the vacant chair. Dinner' Served froni 12 7.6 2 p.m and O.M, Dinner' inclui ea t. SOO el Tomitito Jitlee r Vittaiiiii4* - Dessert arid Ehreraiga Not to Si aleignotrited Matto A it t 0 Made only by AGRICULTURAL dt4tiviitCALt Litill01101 condors, Part Mope; Ey* iiithembeied: by Heirb. family. ," - ;,•„;:j ,iiis)4„14.'iotitx Restart ;Roy. Jagge, EI.A.# Lth. l3USHWACkEllii' bAiktdt Miss' Mahood Of Ocieltieicli was chosen Chain SAW 'Cleteeie and Mr. Garry VVIlsori, Brussels; at the Chain, SSW jainbciree betide. Whioh. attracted eta tared' iceoWd to- the illeueSiet TOWii 'Hog Thursday IiLineedheytt.anO:latati :tow: Mrs, Huras, mokfr; Othe r w in ne rs Were. Man dagger.Bob Lady Bushwdoker. doStunie Betty AIO'hek, Man's' itiU•Shilliaeker 'Costume "elle Denali! Mebeiielet,,;Weiton ,Jhrek'Thyntie Wei' Ms C. and munie Wad by Clinton. Hilitopers ...and JIM Ake* "oidthhers.. Eniprhany 8.80 a m. Holy Eiahariet Sunday SchOol: it: 114104409ii. r 135 p. iii, loOteeitiii J hi 1960 This year could see a resurgence of poliomyelitis in Canada. V you are under the age of 45 years and have not already obtained polio' protection, do see your doctor about this Immunization. inquire about combined PolioeTetaroes protection which Is now available in the same injection, and is of value to anyone regardless of age, If for any reason you cannot arrange to prooure this service from a private physieian, then plan to attend a regular public clinic held in this area at: VINO u 17 WINGHAM (Phone 862J) Town Halt 3rd Wednesday of every month MOO :12:00 A.M. SEAFORTH (Phone 489M) Northside United Church 2nd Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30 P.M. Help keep misfortune by polio' out of yo,ur home. Start NOW to secure protection for 1960's polio' season. R. M. Aldis, M. ID-. Court House, Gotierich. Medical Officer of Health. 4.44. 4444 44-4 4 .44r Mrs. Harvey Bryans Alexcena Abna McKelvey, beloved wife of J. Harvey Bryans, Brussels, passed away Saturday, January , 30th, 1960, at Stratford General: Hospital, a the age of 76. The daughter of the late iam McKelvey and Emily Ray, formerly of Grey Township. She is atirvived by her husband; sons, Dr. W. Russel, of Seaforth; Lorne R. of Brussels; daughters, (Phyllis) Mrs. F. W. Fischer and (Marguerite) Mrs, J. H. Stretton of , Brussels and (Myna) Mrs. John F. Howard, Listowel. Brothers, U. Lorne, Seafoiith; Aloe, Uonsul, Seek. and D. B. McKelvey of Van- couver, B. C. Sisters, Mrs.. Maude! Eckmier, Toronto; and Miss. Mina! McKelvey of Seaforth; also 13 ; grandehildren and 4 great grend-; 'Children. She was a faithful member of St. John's Anglican Church, ; Brussels. The service was conducted by the; {Rev. W. K. Jaggs at the D. A. Rann fluneral home on Monday, Feb- nary 1st, at 2 p. in. with interment in BrIessels cemetery. The pallbearers were theet grand 1 children, Larry and Morley Flecher,1 of Galt, Franklin Bryans, Seaforth„1 and three nephews W. Harvey Byrane, London; Stuart Bryans, - . Moved by Jack McWhirter, Roy Kennedy be chairman. Rev. Prown and Roy Kennedy a'etired from the meeting. A vote by ballot chose 11ev. Brown as. Chairman. 1 Moved by Gordon Stephenson, t, seconded by Louie Ebel, Roy Ken- nedy lie Vice-Chairman - Carried The minutes or the last inaugural ; meeting and the last regular meet. ing were read and adopted on Motion by Louis Ebel and Roy Kennedy. It was moved by Gordon Stephen- son and seconded by Herb Stretton, Elizabeth Ellett be Secretary- treasurer for 1960 Carried Moved by Louis. Ebel and seconded by Herb Stretton, George Davidson be truant officer for 1960 - Carried Moved by Herb Stretton seconded by Gordon Stephenson, Rev, -Brown be appointed to the Library Board for a further period of 3 years' - Carried Moved by 'Roy Kennedy seconded by Fen Stretton- the chairman and secretary be authorized to sign cheques - Carried ". Moved by Louis E,b01 and seconded , by Jack McWhirter -the represent- atives at the Jam R. and S. meeting be Rev. Brown and Roy Kennedy The following bills were present- ed - Mc:Noire Garage, (gas for architect) 16.11 01i3field Hardware (cutting key) Architect Templar fees 12.50 R. S, Hetherington, (fees) $10:3.58 Moved by Herb Stratton and sec by Louis Ebel, these accounts be paid a 'E. Elliott, SeteTrette, Contact your A4R100 agent today and get higher return Awl your fertillier dollar bruStielii. dot. teliphdnoi 1,, BRUSSELS Sci-1001., HOARD. MEETING Tiir inaugural meeting of 1.31116. sets :school Board was held Oit the regular date with• all n'ternbers pre^ eerit. Til e Secretary called for Pore- Wallops for a Board Chairman, for 1960. Moved by Herb, Strett0e, Rev, I Brown he chairmen,