HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-01-28, Page 3' WA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • 41, ,f. HELP WANTED to4t,e, SALESMEN, (full or part time hasis). t iLl}roeyuweeaon4tlediet i4,1 tcyottiipe:07;1;dIemnee::tittei dvitiityniatpg:eeoidnetri:ciortngesproe9af dpa... we require additional sales personnel untitedippertenities ,quo belnswelrespeetedebitote4cr, oanioilon if you display established' aeees. eery Ability, No previous sales expert. ante necessary since training and Wee vianostteigral PorleisViedued.orbrunthitey C000nlvvp ba p r. writ lin: ing to the 'Allied Services (Canada), Personnel Divisien, P 0, Bog 1029, 'L'en. don, Ontario, so that a personalInter. view can be Arranged. Ali replies held . ,, in Strictest confidence, INSTRUCTION EARN lnore! litiolteeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les-sons 505. Ask for free circular No. 38, C444(334)1 Correspondence Courses, 1290 Pt'Y Street, Toronto. COMMONWEALTH'S TALLEST - Model shows the Canadian. Bank of Commerce Building as it will look when built beside Mont- real's Windsor Hotel. The 45-story structure, designed by Peter Dickinson Associates of Toronto, will be the tallest in the British Commonwealth, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 7865 St. Avenue East -0 RON TO ° FIRE Injectors - up to 31 more Horse, Power. 8 more miles per gallon using regular gas. Free literature, Pat Rent, Box 1012, Perth, Ontario. A TRIAL- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE $1.25 Express Collect 33e ELGIN OTTAWA ANGUSVUE Farm offers young bulls serviceable age, Bred females alt ages. Angusvue Farm, IL A, CaMPbell & Son. 1, ListowM, Ontario, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NURSE WANTED tlygsrocK MEDICAL Bride Arrived On Crocodile's Back One afternooiTa stranger ar- rived at a Somaliland village. lie was of "the same tribe but from the other end of the country. He gave the villagers all- the news picked up on his journey, was given food and tea and made welcome. When evening came they were sitting around the fire when sud- denly he called out excitedly; "Look up there on- the hill!" On the hillside stood a shining figure, fantastic in the darkness, "Look, it is the light from Allah!" he cried. He tore his hair, prostrated himself, forehead on ground, and prayed loudly, The - whole village followed suit. "Come, let us go up on to the hill and share in Allah's light, Allah's beauty, Allah's goodness, Allah's blessing!" he added, Off they all stormed, up the • hillside. They returned carrying a man, fighting each other to help carry him and to get close enough to touch him. They knew him, He was their former Holy Man's son who had visited' them before and was a dearly honodred guest. But never before had Allah's divine light shone upon him. A miracle had occurecl. His father's power had descended upon him. John Buchholzer, who was in the village and witnessed this phenomenon, "Has written a vivid account of his travels in "Soma- liland - The Horn of Africa." His interpreter, Hassan, an old acquaintance of the Holy Man's son, eventually coaxed him to tell how he had stage-managed the light from "Heaven." He had covered himself with a white, transparent cloth, wedged a strong torch on the ground between two stories, and stood over 'it. The stranger who had come to the village was his as- sistant. News of the miracle spread far and wide. People brought him flocks of goats and sheep. The Sultan sent him five camels laden with millet. To turn all this into money the villagers gladly offered td drive the ani- mals to the nearest big market town, a day's journey away. Counting his gain there and checking the account, the newly "ordained" Holy Man suddenly called to the auetioneert "Yeti have taken money for selling the beasts. Do you not know that those were my fath- er's beasts and my father was a Holy Man?" "I have taken the money that is due to me in accordance with the ‘16V," the auctioneer replied, "and if your father Was a Holy Man, then -mine was, too." "That is an ' outrage against my 'father," Shouted the sob, and the men from the village wailed: "what have you done, what will happen now? The rains may net coin& Our cancels May sick.'' But the auctioneer totted his back mid walked off. Two days later the Sultan's son mid the chiefs of the villages which had sent gifts squatted around the Holy Man's on who Sat on a Stb61 under shady trees, They Were a delegation fermed to aVert the tearful disasters that Might folio* the aiintierieer'S in stilt for -It Holy Man only re, 'etives and haS to be treated with respect; even When he 14 &kit The. Sultan's Ott Prdifeted handful Of ebins the aut.. tioneet'S the Holy' Man's Soh ranged .thern, saying: "My father's anier Will Strikt this disttict.- ttei/tY has he been' treated tlitta,' r.Of hours they all begged him • 401* *OVAL -cOUPitishah Reza PaliliiiVO; lib; 'Of "and fiCineeei bibcii 21; wears iWriatee Ori"di•ilticks as :they have the royal .ockite in Tehran tc wend-' a villey ball garntli 4 . . . . . . . . • . .. to accept the money, producing still' more, pouring 11 at his feet, prostrating themselves, .clinging to his knees, kissing his toes. When -the coins had grown into a large heap he reluctantly agreed, to accept. The givers went joyfully home with the good news that calamity had been averted, "And now," said Hassan envl. ously. "he'll go to Mogadishu and have a good time with the gills*" I)uchholzer also went on the trail of the crocodile men, a brotherhood of sorcerers who spread death and disaster along the Juba river, seeming to wield Power over people's minds and animals, He was told by 5omaiS that they could ipduce people to mur- der each other, make crocodiles eat certain p'eoPle of their chooss ing, hurl Curses over long dist, antes to strike their victims like lightning, tell a man that he would die the next day or at the next full moon. Experts in all the black arts, they were clever doctors and Makers of medicines. For,their best, made from the blood of infants, they stole and murdered children. The Italian authorities told him that there was something in these tales, for in the 1030s sofne crocodile men had been shot be- cause they made their trained crocs eat men from a neighbour- ing village. An old Arab shopkeeper told Buchholzer of a crocodile man who fell in love with a girl down the river. When neither she nor her family would have anything to do with him, he used his crocodile, which seized her when she went to the river for water. It did not, however, eat her. Placing her carefully on its back, it swam down-river escorted by other crocs. All the way she shrieked in terror, but no one dared help, her, The old Arab claimed to have seen the flotilla sailing down to the man's vil- lage, where he stood on the bank awaiting her. There she stayed, for neither She nor her family dared protest about her abduction. This Arab put Buchholzer in touch with a crocodile man who guided him to the crocodile men's village. There he witnessed some of their grisly mystic rites and dances, and watched one of them call crocodiles from the river with a singing chant. Three came and lay in front of him like well- trained dogs ,and were fed with live goats, Baby crocs are captured as they emerge from their eggs and trained until the relationship is like that between a man and an obedient dog. At Cross Purposes. How wasteful can we be? The U.S. Department of Agri- culture earmarks $756 million to remove land from production, The Commodity Credit Corpo- ration budgets nearly $2.5' billion to remove surplus produce from the market. The U.S. Department of In- terior requests $216 million for dam building and irrigation pro- grams to add more land to the productive capacity of the coun- try. And advocates of this philo- sophy seem to win votes by promising more of it. - Gold Rush (Cripple Creek, Colo,) 9 lftFl 11'11.4; ) ) t Ae I .1. sils.X.T.. tt4.4.. AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash In Sour Spore Time, Just show your friends our Cluestinee, and AilDeeesion Greeting Cards Bac:00114 .nelhopus) Stationery outs, Write ler samples. .Colonial t:ere Ltd. 489-15 Queen field, Tcrertte AVT0M001.i.” • • GUARANTelED starts 27 .times dolly at 40 below zero, regardless of battery age.. One application tor life of car. Na., tionally advertised VX,..6 Battery Ad., ,ditive. 'List $2.98, Special e240„ 2 for $6, Free $1. Value gift Inelutted 1606 Cedar, Marshfield, Wisconsin. BABY CHICKS SPECIAL varieties for white eggs and for broilers. Also .Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Columbian Rocks end 'Rhode Nand Beds, and their crosses, chicks, pullets, coceerele. Request complete list from. Bray agent locally, or write Bray Hatchery, 1211 John North, Hemil, ton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE, reeeitet for sale, new equipment and 9 houses. Serpent River, 18 0111e$ from Elliott Lake., on Highway 17; house income $4e0 a month; meat sales average $3,000 per month. Write or apply Phil's Meat Merket. Serpent River. Ont COINS 4‘COINS wanted, pay high prices 1960 coin catalogue 255, Gary's 18) 99)0 - Jasper, Edmonton, Alta." DRILLING EQUIPMENT DRILLING equipment bought and sold: Rotary and cable tools, Star, Bucyrus Failing 1500, 1000, Franks 38, 45, others, Fred Butler, Box 481, Pueblo. Colorado, FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT Farm - 300 pear trees, 1 acre grapes, 10 acres applee, cherries, plums, 5 acres excellent garden land, 30 miles from London. 7 room house, buildings. Priced very low for quick sale $7500. Equipment available, It desired. Write A, Blais, Arkona or Phone Arkerre 3324. 100 ACRES good farm land, near Belle. vine and 901 Highway, pasture, creek watered, good buildings, pressure sys-tem; house, city conveniences. S. El,. liott, ILR, 6, Belleville. 320-ACRE dairy farm, located less than 20, miles from Sault Ste. Marie. Has /l-ean milk quota and 39 Holsteins giving yearly income of $8,000. Buildings - 10 room brick house, barn GO' x 90'. implement shed - 30' x GO', 2-car gar-age, milk house, Modern machinery. Price $35,000. Apply Art Brodie, Bar River, Ontario. • .PROPERTY FOR. SALE FLORIDA'S greatest hind barssto, oigh, dry 1,1 acre - $390.00i .- No. Money down $10 monthly - Between Ocela end Gulf Streett Bleetrie Fishing - Hunting. Write Dent. l/t Rainbow Park, RIJN 5.gT, Ogelll, Fie, , .„.., TEACHERS WANTED S. Russia Loaded With Hidden Wealth The work of a large group of Soviet geologists, who assisted by some 000,000 volunteer help, ere, have surveyed the Country from the PaCifie to the Carpa- thian mountains and from the Arctic to the Caspien Sea has -Opened new and glittering vistas lor the Soviet Union's economic future, Morethan. one-tenth of the personnel Close to 40,000 - Were trained geologists. Of the remainder, the majority Were young people for whom the prospect of turning geology into a patriotic endeavor spelled ad- venture and romance. In East Siberia's province of Irkutsk for Instance, more than 10,000 peo- ple offered their help. Popular enthusiasm for ge- ology is one of the reasons for the surprising success of Soviet geological exploration, Other reasons are the vast untapped natural riches of a still largely unexplored country, the sub- stantial sums which the Soviet state allocates to geology, and 'the scale of geological survey- ing. Last year's results were sum- med up by Minister of Geology Py'otr Y. Antropov in Izvestia. "Although only part of our oil reserve has been discovered," wrote Mr. Antropov, "it now ap- pears that our Central Asian re- publics alone have oil deposits of the same order as the coun- tries of the Middle East." Oil, which the Soviets need not merely for fuel, but more and more for their petroleum. based industrial chemistry and for export, is only one of the minerals which last year's sur- veys have ascertained in new locations. Other discoveries were hot carbonaceous mineral springs in the vicinity of the Central Asian metropolis of Tashkent, which already are being used for urban heating purposes and are ex- pected to save some 40,000 car- loads of cog a year, writes Paul Wohl in The Christian Science Monitor. Large new deposits of natural gas, iron, ore, and nonferrous kwes also have. been found. Es- pecially "interesting" are said to be new lead deposits in the Xrasnoyarsk: proVince of West Siberia, new oil fields in West Xazakhstan, and rich gold veins in the Chukchi National Okrug which occupies the little known territory between the Autono- mous Yakut Republic-hitherto the principal gold producer of the U,S,S,R. - 'Kamchatka and the Bering Straits. One party of• geologists dis- covered a large outcropping 'Of diamond's near the Antibes' River ie. the horthwestern corner of Yakutia. This was thes second major discovery of diamonds in this part of the U.S.S.R. Earlier discoveries, about 500 miles fur- ther east, were 'claimed to equal the diamond riches of South Africa. Most important from the point of view of transport economy was the confirmation of large oil fields and deposits of natural gas in. West Siberia and in the Yakut Republic.' Siberia hither- to lacked oil. Once these new reserves are exploited, Siberia will no - longer depend upon oil shipments from west of the Urals-a distance of more than 2,000 miles. This would be espe- cially valuable for East Siberia which is practically beyond the reach of _the' rapidly advancing pipeline across the Urals, Once the necessary oil and gas pipes have been laid, Yakut oil also could supply the Soviet Un- ion's strategic ports and indus- tries on the Pacific, which pres- ently depend on the inadequate oil yield of Sakhalin and haVe to be supplied by tankers from Black Sea ports over one of the world's longest shipping routes. Has The Moon A Solid Core? During' the moments before Russia's cosmic rocket hit the moon, the radio aboard sent bask a burst of valuable information about the nature, of the earth's natural satellite. The most impor- tant bit of data: No magnetic field had been detected in the vi- cinity of the moon's face, at least .within the limits of the rocket's sensitivity. This report confirmed the view held by most scientists that the moon has a solid core. A liquid core, such as the one at the center of the earth, tends to act like a dynamo and creates a magnetic field. , . In the current.issue of. Physical . Review ,Letters, however, a woman physicist offers a word of caution. Particle radiation thrown off by the sun, Writes Marcia. Neugebauer of Cal Tech's Jet Propulsion Lab, creates a "solar wind" as it drives at high energies down -on the face of the moon. This wind of electrically charg- ed particles would tend to cre- ate its own field, canceling out any magnetic field that might exist except for a very. thin layer, too close to the moon's sunny side to be detected by a fast-moving impacting rocket. According to Mrs. Neugebauer, no one should draw any conclu- sions about a lunar magnetic field until someotle sends a rock- et to the dark surface of the moon, where the sun's radiation would Nye no effect, OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR with experience or post-graduate train. ing for 60 bed active, general hospital, about 20 miles from London. Residence accommodation available. Excellent personnel policies. For particulars re. garding very attractive offer, write to Director of Nursing, Strathroy General Hospital. NAME AND ADDRESS LABELS 1 NAME and Address Labels. Beau- tifully printed. In handsome re-usable box. Only $1. Send now! Consumer Services Co., Dept. L, Box 49, Flushing 52, New York. -- OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa BUSINESS Cards! Embossed, guaran. teed, $4.50 Prepaid anywhere. Write to: James R. Twomey Co., 62 East 174th Street, Bronx 52, New York. MIDGET Spy Camera! Leather Case and two rolls film, postpaid $1.00. John T. Powell, 128 West 67th Street, at Broadway, New York 23, New York. RABBITS RABBITS. New Zealand White, It months $2.00, 6 months $4.00, Breeders $6.00. R. Borland, 5 Edgewoed Gardens, Toronto. WANTED - RABBITS AND PIGEONS RABBITS and Pigeons alive wanted for table use, Box 203,123-18th Street. New Toronto, Ont. WAXING Ingernar , Johansson, seems. ready, for ac- tioh. Actually, Inge here is a Wax statue in Madame Tut- saud's Museum in Landon. Rose and Rodins "I'm not interested in seeing my works of art placed after I'm very dead," said Billy Rose. "And when I think of it realistically, I'm in the going-away time. I'm 60 years of age." Thus, the old showman ex- plained recently the gift of his sculptureeeelleetion to the Na- tional Milienni:eof Israel. Valued as high a5:1.. mtlion dollars, the collection ,cont:arns more than 50 pieces, many Of-them heroic size. There are works by Rodin, Daus mier, Epstein, Lipchitz, and Bourdelle. To provide a setting for the sculptures, Rose is taking Isamu Noguchi, the Japanese-American sculptor, to Jerusalem next month to design a garden which will adjoin the National Museum. "Nogechi tells me he sees a great maze of walls which climbs up the hill, with lots of azaleas and bougainvillea." How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I clean some velvet coat collars? A. By using hot water and am- monia, and sponging lightly. When this dries, sponge with al- cohol. Q. Is there any way I can add luster to my linoleum without waxing it? A. One easy way is to add a lit- tle sour milk to your rinse water when you are washing your foot, Q. Can you suggest any use at all to which I can put my `burned-out miniature camera flash bulbs? A. Are you a fisherman? These bulbs make good fishing bob- hers. Merely split the solder on, the end :contact with a knife, in- sert your line, and then close the solder with pliers. These bulbs will not become water- logged; can be used for a long time, and, their white appearance makes them easily discernible on the surface of the water, I al 4 4 I r11 I 1 1 1 I 4 A 1 1 I I 1 I I 4 4 4 I )11 I MERRY MENAGERIE 'My! Xsn't it nice to have a. nursery foe the children:" ess PERSONAL. HEALTH, Happiness, Prosperity, Ad. vancement and Success are accelerated by the Home Course in Psychology. In-formation free, Ro3a1 College of See once. 709 Spadina Ave , Toronto, Can, ada. ADULTS!, Personal Rubber Goods. 30 assortment for $2.00, Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed In plain sealed package phis free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western DistribUtors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY .....- SAVE ! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 11 magha prints in album 405 12 magna prints in album G05 Reprints 5e each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints), Color prints 355 each extra, A.nsco and Ektachrome 35e mm. 20 ex-posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints • front slides 355 each. Money triefveusnded in full ftir Imprinted nega- FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT, ONT, STAMPS APPROVALS. We have the lowest prices in Cenrida. Try us and see. $4.00 value stamps free. Jebramek„ Debt, 0, Box 566A, Toronto. • •"--5 4 • Itoond4ita reduttions on Thrift Season wirings • 27'5 pounds free baggage allowance WINTER sAsolos • Stabilizers for smooth toiling From New York Froin Halifax. • bancingi audios, movies • Gourmet cuisine • TranSportation — Pius' Extra Vacation 411 IVERNIA FEB.1E8. 5 HAVRE, LONDON t`ILVANIA Sod Your Local Agent NO On. earrtervit You lteiflalY Cortief * Wellington talent*, Ont. 'lid Waifs 2-2911 QUEEN ttliAtett4 JAR, 21 ' ,.-.' triEaBoUltd,.5610HAMPtON L $AittiNIA 3,01., 21' JAN. 23 tosHi HAyitt,:i.ONOON . :'in dAgiNtHIA .1,!,14. 29 JAN. 30 'COIN, LIVERPOOL QUEEN MAItY FEL 3 - CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTON • 4 FEB. 11 FEW. 12 cderi,avERPOOL QUEEN MAO •tEt. its ,,.- CHERBOURG, SOUTHAMPTOR EARONIA ki, 18 rER,• 1V '14AVRE, LONDON •:. ' '1, _ ..., ,01 Clifireel nt i4e11rftttt - Saint lean Ipdabert Montreal - tororde Wihnipie telMontairi OTTAWA SEPARATE • SCHOOL BOARD APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIV BY THE. UNDERSIGNED FOR TEA MI POSITIONS IN REGULAR CLASS ATTENDED BY ENGLISH .SPEA PUPILS AND FOR TEMPQRAIIY S • PLY STAFF, FEMALE (a) (1st CLASS) MINIMUM ,, ,,,,,,,,, ..... 12,400.0_, MAXIMUM $4,200.00 FEMALE (17)-(2ND CLASS) MINIMUM ............ .--,., $2,500.00 MAXIMUM . ... ,.„, ...... 14,100.00 MALE'. (c)-(isi CLASS) MINIMUM „ $2,800.90 MAXIMUM . $4,400.011 MALE (d)-(2ND CLASS) MINIMUM .„ $2,700.00 MAXIMUM .. $4,300.00 TEMPORARY SUPPLY STAFF- $10.00 PER DAY MALE, MARRIED, $500.00 ADDITION. AL FOR TEACHERS WITH Frvir YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN ONTARIO. APPLY TO AIME ARVISAIS, B.A.-F.C.I.S. SECRETARY-TREASURER 140 CUMBERLAND ST., OTTAWA CE. 6.7475 ISSUE 5 - 1960 • . • -e'er ' If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody ,,gets a "tired-out" feeling, and May be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a ti'Mporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. `Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys , to relieve this condition which'inay often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, restbetter, 'work better. Get Dodd's kidney Pill; now. Look for the blue 'boa with the red band at all drug counters.You can depend on Dodds. so . •