HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-01-28, Page 1Z..60ilteTy • WIRY 1111111.1.. 69c Nabob Coffee 5c Off Deal 1 lb. Hunt's Tomato Juice 48 oz. 26c York Cream Style Corn 15 oz. 2 for St. VVilliam's assorted Ja*ms 9oz. 3 for 29c • ....... 59c Are Your Windshield Blades Scratthing Your Windshield 7. If so replace them with . Yrico Blades At CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Gattertea Oils Lubrleanr.e. Car Weak .ice Cream Cigarettes • Poe Ste. LYCEUM THEATRE WIPIGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Ni g ht Commencing at 7.15 p.m. Thurs., Fri.. Sat.• Jan., 28•-29.80 Robert Taylor Nitoole Maurey In The Annual Meeting of Belgrave School, Fair will be hold on Wednee- day, February 5th, at 1.30 p.m. in the Belgrave CommIlTity Centre. Everyone interested in the fair and Music Festival will be moat welcome. CARL OP (-HANKS We -wouid like to take, this oppor- tunity of extending our deep aPPreo- latiten 'to 'those extended sym- Pathy to us, in so many ways, at the I time of our recent bereavement, and I in our anxious hours since. These acts Of kindness will always • be remembered, The Elliott Family ••••••••••••••}14•0.41,00Nor p•••••••••••14.0e.alm CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks is extended! to relatives, friends, and neighbours for their many,, kindly deeds and eXpresSietis of sympathy at the time i Of my recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness Was sincerely appreciated rind will always be remembered. Oswald Simpson NO I ICE • those interested in. playing badnOten kindly attend a Meeting at St. John's Anglican Church, at 7.30 On Wednesday eivening. The House of The Seven Hawks A tale .of mystery and intrigue Melville ChtliCh Greene Alnlater: 4tev. Jonathan 14 4r atinlat: Donald Dunbar 1.0 A. M. Sunday :School la A. M. Morning ,Service FERCi EAN4 :RESULTS No other fertilizer g ives you a higher return for your Investment than AGRICO Get your SPECIAL EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT * Granular, dry,. free-flowing. • easier, . won't Cake in storage See the AGRICO DIFFERANCE on your tient o AGFild0 has been sold In Huron tointity Since 1909 by the. Baker fatoity ,re-engaged. AninVitation is to he Sent to -the Banner Counties Ayrahire Club to hold its-Red-and, ;White. Day in Rita:leis On trait, Day, HAVE SAKE. SALE the Majestic Weirkeife of Oritseeie, wilt hold a Sale of HOMO Made Baking on SatinidaY# JanlaarY 2ard, at :4 p.m in the basement Of the Pfibild Library.. HANOV MAN bo--it4iekirseft, addicts have it date each Satittitiy ftk-ft, Pefar Witgt41.V • dein)O—fiStrattia hal:140110'activities- itiOtit 1.1.4 Dinner it-Ned. from 2 P.M' -and S 040 .. Dinner t • Net- ' to Rion e 1/ exan Special This Sunday T-BONE STEAK' tie PORK CHOPS LS Thursday, January 28th, 1960 • Post Publishing House autholuota sin alaat re3t °Mee DePartanSalk Oltia ► BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels We Provide a Complete Trucking Service far Livestock Feed Fertilizer Farm Supplies •A N NOAL MEETING. OP EAST HURON.SOCiETY The..-annual ;fleeting of the last Huron Agricultural Society was hold last Friday night, Widow in g a banquet in St. John's Grtice was so,id by the Rev, 1c, W, Jaggs, rector of the church. dead table guests, introduced by "Wilfred Sh ortF eed were: Mr, and Airs, Richard, •Procter,, Rev, J'eggs, Mr. and Mrs. N, Hoover, Mr, and Mrs, glom Steffler, Mr, and. Mrti. William J, Turnbull Mr,' and Mrs, IV, Shertreed, Mr, •and and Mrs. 3). Matheson, PCLLARO'S-ANNVAL •OHAIN SAW .,J AMBORE 5' pollard's Chain Saw 'Jamboree which was held 011171).1117541, Jan. 21st in the Town Valk, had a large attendance, The saw Obain clinic reported that the i4 *b4''. doubled a ny .crowd they had in any town 14 Ontario. There 'Were some interesting Dlnis shown on wood lote 'Between films there was entertainment by Jack Thynne and .Clark Johnston • with Scotch dancin g 'by Misa IMiario Hollinger of Fruitland, which was very much liked by all. There was a total of a7 prizes, given away as follows: 1st Hans Weller 2nd Austin: Cook, i3elgrave 3rd Lorne Wall, Lucknow dith George, Webster, Ls,ucknow 51,11 Roy Robinson, Belgrave 6th Dave Hastings 7th Norman Stephenson, 8th • Leo Deitner 9th Geo.. Evans 10th John Rinn 11th Hugh, Rinn 12th .Ernest Beecroft, Belgrave 13th Alvin Scbiell, Atwood . 14th John McConnel, Wingham 15th 16th Alvin McDonald,. 17th Lloyd Weber, Beigrave 18th James Wilson, Atwood. 19th George Bender, Neustadt 20th Dave McLean, Blyth 21st Frank Cooper, Belgrave 22nd Hartley Kritzer, Listowel 23rd John Pmelon, Wingbam, '4th Jack William 25th Tom Miller 20th P. Somers, Blyth '.247th K. McDonald CCpTCHEON GELE..BRATES 90th BIRTHDAY Vongratulations and geed whiheS are extended to Mr. Peter MeKar., who eelehreted his ninetieth birth- day on Thursday, January 21st. Mr. MeKay was born on Lot 13, concession 8., Grey township, where In' lived until 191$ when he and Mrs. McKay moved to Brantford. Mr, and Mrs. MeKaY celebrated their golden wedding in 1947. Mrs, ,MeKay passed away later that year, Mr. McKay- continued. to reside in Brantford until he disposed of his ; Nome two yearrs ago. Mr, McKay is -well and enjoys bein g out evatty g•ay' He makes' his home with his nieces, Mrs. Cordon (Mina Elliott) McGillivray of Woodbridge, and Mrs. 'Alex Armstrong, Brussels, whore he is at present, Reboil McKinnon of Blnevale and McKinnon of Toronto, are I • nephews. I Phone 293 We Deliver • STUDIO. RECITALS • The first of a series of studio • recitals at the 'Lome of. Mr.' and Mrs. .Loiwis Thoinpson was held on ;Saturday afternoon last, The senior pupils of Ni', ThomP- 'son, in grades six to ten inclusive, presented 'an interesting and varied program of piano, vocal and organ music, Fifteen students took part, Composers Beethoven; Brahams, , Chopin, Grelg,' and ethers were: represented on the program, Refresh m ents were Served at the I. close by. Mrs. ThoMpson, assistedl by Miss Marilyn Johnston, Themas 117i•itc,hell of 'Moleswerth. en tertained the .pupils_ by reading humoirous 'anecd'otes, about famorts.i 1 musicians. • • • Two more studio recital:3 will he-1 held 'ir February. N OTICE Phone 268'.— Brussels, Olut.. 'Brussels United Church. Sunday School Anrival SKATING PARTY Brussels Arena TUESDAY, FEB, 2nd (8 to 10 p.m.) Admission : 35c and 25c "Lunch after at the Church Everyone Welcome D ANCE to the music of Felker's Orchestra WROXETER COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 2,9th Sponsored 'by the Hall Board Clem Steffler, president of 'the Fair 'members spoke briefly thanking oil for +their fine co- operation in directing the success, fill 1959 fair, He Stated that $400 or $500 in voluntary labor had been donated in improving the fair premises. Material for a Willi' .ience to encircle- the grounds was given by a local business man-, new washrooms were installed in the palace: He announced that -"1961" is the centennial year of the Brus- sels fair, Richard Procter thanked the women of the eli!nrch for the dinner on behalf of the board, Reeve Clifford Dunbar, Grey town- ship and Councillor Gordon Wilkin- son, Morris, assured the board of their cetlifted interest in the fair's pregress, Mrs, W, J. Turnbull, wornen's : division, reported. annefuncing that the new prize lists are almost ready. for mailing. New officers in the women's .division are: president, Mrs. Earl audmere; viee-preSident, Mrs, Tack Lowe; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. James Mar. James Mair, representative for Distlet 8 (6 fairs in Perth and 10 ; in Heron), repotted bn dbitrict•: activities,. Chief of which " waS an increase in the county grant. Hank ; Hellman, leader of the 4-17 Tractor Clubs in Huron County, explained their work. He introduced Harvey Godbolt who presented the Massey- Ferguson trophy to Murray Hoover for high standing iri. the 4,H Tractor • Club.. The "Country 15% DISCOUNT On CASH - Al SALE "Benjamin Moore's" Paints & Enameli ..Now 5t®& from Feb. 1st to Feb. 13th *6 All Sales Final * achan ar ware Brussels, Ont. $110.1102•MOSISIMMORM$0:4.043.1.....61........, Lost Heir EUCHRE and DANCE Euchre at 8.30 FRIDAY, FE I3. 5th I-IIIItopers Orchesira 4 "1PrIze -at tie end of 8 series, most points .74 Lundh Booth Admission 500 Word was received last week of the death of a, former resident of the 14th con. of Grey township in the person of Nelson Askin, Simeoe, Mr. Askin is survived by one sister, Mrs. John Grant, who is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John Schnook, Mrs. Fred Smalldon spent a few! days with her 'sister, Mrs. Alvin Minter- of Senforth. • - 1 Frlizab'eth Ph eif er, daughter of Mr. and M rs, Norman Pheifer Is able to be but again following' au attack rif•nleurisy, I. MTS. John :Fischer Sr., sUffered, slight stroke at the home of her danIghter; Mrs. Roy Thuell of Rrus- ' .sell. She is improvipg ley and is 4 able -to he .up part tirae, BRIDE,TO-BCE SHOWERED Miss Helen Wilson, who is to be. , married early in February, was the"" guest of honor at a miecellitneonet shower given seventy-five of her friends, The happy event was held in the Library basement last Satur- day night. Among those present were her • grandmother. Mrs. Florence Russell 45f Brussels; her mother, Mrs. Eldon Wilson; 'Mrs. Aaron Fischer, mother of her fiance:end her sisters, Mrs, Jehn Merner and Miss (Tall Wilson. A musical context was conducted by Miss Jean Smith with Mrs. Douglas Hemingway at the piano. During the course of the evening 'Miss Sheila Week rend an address in veese and the ereinv invely lilac] • easeful gifts were preSented by ; Mrs, John Hall, Miss Isabel Smith, S. W. Armstrong and Miss Jean Smith. Miss Wilson made a fitting reply, Lunch was served, Squires", vocal quartette of Listowel, piesented a. fine program. Norman Hoover, secretary- treasuer, presented tne financial statement' of the fair board. Total grants are 83,945. made lin of $1,123 from the province of Ont. Ade; 1$301 commeiraial; $161 from field crops, $2,57 from 1-Titron flaunty; $950 from municipal and $1,416 from donations. Total admisslon was $913.6375, total receipts, $7,277.63 : total prizes paid out, $3,254. Total expen- diture for iniprovements $1,901 • (greunds $583, new equipment $158, washroomS $1,160). Wilfred Shontreed reporting for , the norninating committee gave the names of the following. new direct- ors; Clem Steffler for a three-year period; Eldon Wilson, (Grey), three yeare; , COMM 'Bray (Grey) one Year to finish term of Fred Kirk, Patrick 'who has moved away: Murray Huether, (Brussels) three INCOME TAX COMPUTED" F Farmers • Businessmen Individuals REASONABLE RATES GLENN M. 'RONNENBERG INSURANCE IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY and FRIDAY • PHONE 247 File Early — Phone Today for Appointment ; BRUSSELS ARENA SCHEDULE MONDAY NIGHT — Hockey TUESDAY AFTERNOON-- Skating ' for pre-school children TUESDAY NIGHT — Skating or Parties WEDNESDAY — Hockey THURSDAY STIGT — Skating. FRIDAY NIGHT — Open or Spon- sored Hockey - • • IN MEMORIAM BROWN — In laving memory of our.. . dear husband and father, Watson • BrciWn, who passed away • so'. suddenly a year ago, January 29th. •; Softly the jeavea of memory fall,, Gently- we gather and treasure them all in omit hearts a memory is kept • Of one we loved and will never forget. Always remembered by wife and faintly, years;,Richard Procter, (M6rris) SATURDAY AFTERNOON--Free - threeyears. Edwin Martin . and 4 The United Church Of CANADA Minister: ReV. L. Bra** S.A.; 11.0. i 9:leftist: Mrs. A. E. M*4111 -A.M. Church School "Guidepoafti. 'to L▪ ife (4) ,Reroomber the Sabbath. tit* Salkath Dar HOCKEY SCHEDULE Feb. 3 — Carrie at Newry' 6 Drayton at BrtuOsels 10 Conte at Drayton 12 w= Gonrie at Briassela Skating for children 10, years Carl Heiniti gWay, auditors, and 'under Following adjatirninent, a direct-, SATURDAY NIGHT — Public Ors' meeting was held. Clem Steffler Skating was re-elected preSident, with "Vice-presidents, and RObert Grasby. Secretary Richard Procter 'Watch for Particulars of Skating Carnival to be held Friday, Feb. 19th. ' leaSitter Norman S. Hoover WAS 4 • Contact AGRICO spent tOilif and net' 'a higher re urn oit tiWP - fertilizer dollar , See ...Selwyn Baker'. .4. 'Anglican Church tie.CAWAtiA• -iiortati of itoomett j .LAN. • Sunday School St. ina 000060 ASSESSOR WANtE6 FOR' MotiiEtit for the Ildsltion Of Assessor for' Morris Townshipat tt salary of Ode year' Will be received' by true itndergigned ebfaiii,i OS'S. deo,. d; tfottio„ die& BrUe101L or" TelePlient tit it.; t tiade.,00i :AGRICULTURAL tiltilidAtii 'LIMOS',* • LdCdI!I $'* Oring0!.1,16-