HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-01-21, Page 4Smoother Sledding! We find it easier sledding in our -family. That is because a good bank balance through regular saving has OM us security and peace of mind. We're all steady savers at THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE RANK MEANS PEACE OF MIND N.44C BRUSSELS BRANCH — L. W. J. GLASGOW . RAMOS* INCOME TAX COMPUTED F O R Farmers Businessmen Individuals REASONABLE RATES GLENN M. RONNENBERG INSURANCE IN BRUSSELS TUESDAY and FRIDAY PHONE 247 File Early — Phone Today for Appointment an even greater VID DIESEL MACTOR ItttiokINWILV NeW styling, more=powerful engine; new easier Steering, new4nstrementsp new seat; more space for the driver —these ore only a few of the great new features e the new David Brawn 950 Diesel. Add to this, full 3 to 4 plo* power; live hydreiulies; !ive P,T,04 traction tonitol; !ow Cper:,ling costs-- as 120 per acre of ree..eIngl The lock at the 4161.61 $ee us now flee' d dellibrisfrotiOn, On yoo form udn,ark ons Brussels, Ontario WATT-SLOG cArVi..L. elfiEEDiNt.: I ASSOCIATION "Wftere Better 13ulIe Aft Glee Supply artificial breeding sardee for 1 all breeds of cattie. a phoning long distance. simply ask for — Mites Zenith 9-56.V.; cr Palmciton Tietith 6-51%0. If it is a local ear use our 1 regular rrenber Cliatea 0 V 2.3411 or Palmerston 4SVI. Par service or otore informatiost. eon hetween*,— 1.30 and 14.fie A. M. week days. 11.00"and 8.00 P. m. Sat- urday evenings. rot cows noticed in heat on Sunday Morneletr, do 1104 I 7Otil Monday morstsa. ii 'ALL ppA 1soNs having claims • against the estate of. the aboVe mentioned, late of the -Township , of Grey, in the County of Huron, } farmer, who died on or about the 27th day of December; 1959, -arel required to file proof of same with• the undersigned on or before the i 23rd day of January, 1960. After that date the Adrninistratrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then has had notice. DATED at 13russels, this 5th day of January. A. D. 1980 Crawford and Hetherington Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Adratlittratrix I NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN VICTOR MAIER 1 YOU'LL i3E GLADDER.1 EVERY 1-1OUR YOU IINISTALLE0 AN EXTRA SHOWER Home-made street signs with big-city names are one kind of link between the people of the New North and the rest of Canada. Banking service is another. Canadian banks have, since the earliest days, taken part in the development of new areas, the opening of new frontiers. Today the chartered banks continue to bring banking services to pioneer settlements as the economic map of Canada is rolled back. They have at the same time greatly increased the number of branches in estab- lished areas across Canada—new suburban communities, expanding industrial centres —keeping pace with the country's popula- tion and business growth. To take care of all these varied needs, 1,200 new branches have been opened by the chartered banks in the past ten years. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING • YOUR COMMUNITY ••.••••ke~,,ko.,:k4t•mo•kk. Concrete Work Gene si Rooting Brick and Block "'sw Fromm nemodelling Work Farm Building Repairs Plastering by Isparta rimer 'rue and Yard Geode — Laid iron Tour Steak or MIS Agents for Angel Stone by Track Lead er av Pius DESIGNING DRAFTING RLUIDIIINTI Firm Ofelniket Prices Submitted Phone Collett 51 Daytime, 12R1P After 7 pa, jst QId, Dare fer. .Salet best offer accepted. Win, iI. 'King, Clark Tress ,.. k Wage .04 firgsBela." FOR SALE 1 89 P11s, weeks Dill Dielce PRI5SSUILS PO$T OP 4. .11 tonlm",!,%**1.• Mao MaoIntOeb. We. bake then,1 "4. anarticle- VianlikeZ' fPr 42r8 Celltbining the W, and W.. m. a, I otrou-ok.04 the United Qintrelt, and, closed the Ineetin; with: a hYrag. and I WANTED re- , the benedietion. Good used sapartmOut sire The preside*, Km lieM1401 Whit preferred. qcntifq ;field, 5:Melted the 'W. A. meeting with Barry or tkarden : a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in 1 Atwood Phone 15 J unieon,. 1.1giS were inade for the sinorgaeberd 11,1441 for the annual 1, i4.1,engregitti n4..;t1 meeting' oh January. 1504 and Myrtle Locicrng agreedni6"..' make the tea, Six visit to the sick during tibe last month were reported. Following the benediction, a "Bird" contest - Was conducted by Mrs. Ralph Madman Lunch was served by Mrs. Tim Dilworth, Mrs. Glen. Rathwell, !and the hostess. ow &mist ••• CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT TRADE SHOW JANUARY 27,.28, 29, 30, 1960 Op a.m. to 6 p.in. &HO EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO 1100,41 *Wen hay* a FRIO ADMISSION key Ohl* for yet January 2let, FOR SALE Modern, reol briolt house sitnated 1 Mile west of Wingliam, Highway 56, M. residential district. 3 bed. TOMS, modern kitchen, 4-piece bath, tile and oak hardwood floors, garage attached, alltnnianfin storms and door, drilled well. Phone Wing- 4,..Ff,f-••••• ham 249 in evenings or write WANTED — Work by the day, Also birteksroith- B. 0, Gibson, II, R No. 3 Wingham, Ontario, • ing, forge "WOK,. sharpen harrows. Phone 97W between 5.30 to S amt. and G to 10 p.m. Home all. clay Thursday, Phone. 97W, Fred Selling ...11111,1,....111•Prim E A. (TEI),. 7vVILSOlti LoNsTIRUCTION General Contractor, ERUSSELS, peiT, Commercial and :=4'saidential •••••• • — • ••••••••—.-^—**-- ;ran. 21 — Bnissele at Gorrie (Delmore) Jan. 122 — Newry at Drayton Jan. 25 — Brussels at Newry Jan. -28 Drayton at €21orrie NO I CE interested in Teen Town the Rev, K. Jaggs. Wm. H. King, Sec,Treas Recreational Committee Q FOR ;SALE 1955 Buick Special Sedan, Auto. Pony Tractor, Massey Htlirrifil; 1951. Mereury d ton Truck, Cash not neveesary, Apply to Brussels Roteo MALE HELP WANTED -- WANTED: Man for steady travel. among consumers in several Town- ships in Huron County. Permanent connection with large maanctur- er. Only reliable hustler considered Write Rawleigh's., Dept. A-1.52-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. UNUSUAL OPPORTIAJNI.TY — It was decided to continue the Large 'united States and Canadian meetings in the homes, nut for just Company is expanding in this area the lunch committee to provide the Require representative far GM'. I farm. No investment la required. refreshments. MI'S-. Harvey Smith, Mrs. -Coldie Thompson, and Myrtle township. Product is sold directly to loicicingareto 'assist the executive This sales position can be handled 1 in composing new programs. Tho along with your present -farming • High president is going to send for some operation. Exceptionally High material on Africa before the next Earnings Repeat business. Auto- meeting. Mrs. Harvey Smith offered mobile necessary. Agricultural or ' her home for February. A hymn was it farming background essential. Appli- sung, followed by scripture by Mrs. cant should be w ell-known in the 1 \ area and have a desire to better 1 —...,,,..7,. — I himself. Sales training given. Reply I ..i.mo .-.,,Z.:-.1,:---'__ -- ...,,,,,,„„_ in confidence to: Box 84, London, Ont. • °•.• ••••1••••••.,..0••••• • • • .• 4, 00.0••• NMI GREY UNION W. M. S. AND W, A, HOLD JANUARY MEETING Mrs, Herman Whitfield was host- ess for the ianuary meeting of the Union W. M. S. and W. A, Mrs. Leslie Lake was leader, and followed the theme '1We are all Brothers'. The new president, Mrs. Elston Speiran, took charge of the business Four dolls, paper and ribbon are to be bought to be sent to Port Alberni, B. C., and new or used t socks and mitts may also be sent, rt 'NOTICE Call Cleric's Office when the back Street Lights are out, Wm. H. 'King, Soc. Treas., B. P. U. a CASH DONATION,S TO, BE RECEIVED Anyone who would like to con- trib)uite to a Benefit fund in aid of the Firby tamily are asked to leave their donation at, or send it to, The Canadian Bank of Commerce. 1 Brussels, . ••• , HOCKEY SCHEDULE. Those contact Spolisoszn ST DAVID BROWN (CANADA) LIMITED 3, I, CASE COMPANY COCKSHUTT FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITER GOODISON (nyx!) INDUSTRIES LIMITED INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER _CO1VIPANY NEW OF CANADA, morns HOLLAND MASSEY FERGUSON MACHINE LIMITED cram B.IVI,C p& . NUPFIMEMBER ELD T DEA RACLERS TOR DIVISION 04. 0.10 • 1.,