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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-01-21, Page 1Brussels 'Council ,Lan, 4th, 11.60 The Mangum] meeting of the .1.Q,09 Municipal Council of, the Yillage or Brussels was held on 'the above date all members being preeent. After the declaratileng of office were taken by the Rev Greene held a short pra,Yer, after which he reed several passages of sieripture, from which we should re- ceive onr guidance,both as officials and citizens. 'Reeve George MeCutcheon spoke briefly, and hoped Ter a good Year in 1960. The minutes orDec. 14 and 16 meetings were read and adopted on Motion of W. A. ;Williamson; sec- oned by C. Krauter — Carried A. short recess followed while J. C. Erau1ter and 0. S. Elliott were away. • Council resumed and By-Law No. 1-1960 was introduced. Moved icy W. A. Williamson sec- onded by J. 0. Krauter that By-Law No, 1-1900 be read a first time — Carried Moved by I. R. Pearson seconded I by O. S. Ell'ott that By-Law No. 1- 196e as read a first time be read second time Carried. Moved by 1-, C. Kreuter seconded by W. A. Williamson that By-Law No. 1-1960 as read a first and second time be read a third time and passed • - Carried This being a By-Law appointing; and confirming apppointment of officers to serve the municipality. fqr the year 1960 It was decided by the c)tmcil to - check with Blyth and Hensall Councils regarding auditors and , their tees Moved 'by 0. S. 'Elliott, seconded by J. C. Kreuter that H. R. Pearson and W. A. Williamson he delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Con- vention — Carried '1b2 clerk was asked to tell the fire chief and assistant to attend the next regular meeting of council The problem of the Pire Siren arose, and if it could be arranged the siren would be moved to the top 1 of the Muncipal. Building and hooked directly to the Telephone office George McCutc-heon and J. C. Kraluter were appointed to attend Grey Council meeting to get the Resolution re Brewer's warehouse ' and Lianior Retail Store signed by grey Council Moved by O. S. Elliott, seconded by C„ Kreuter, that we give the Wing:ham. Branch of the Salvation Army a donation of $25.00 — Carried Council decided to continno their ,regular meetings the last Menday of each month. The catch basin and drain at the corner of the bank was to be in- spected and steps taken to repair3 it. Moved by H. IL Pearson seconded 'by W, A. Williamson that the i accounts, as Presented fUr Payment be- paid Carried 58.1_0 East lturon Agricultural Society ANNUAL BANQUET and MEETING will be hr-id in ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd Supper Served at 7 P. m. The Country Squires of Listowel will entertain :TICKETS $1.50 Tickets Now on Sale — Keep This- Date Open. greall1111=1.11312.2.••••=1111•5=0, 46111100.0 ....Imireasammelnamr 1 The United Church OF CANADA t /Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; oaf Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin I9.45 A.M. Church School # A. M. "Taking God's Name in Vain" 8 P. M. Fereside Mr. Pearl of Stratford will give an Steeled talk on Russia b Anglican Church' tANADA .t ' Pariah Of ertitieele PletiOrt W: Daggs, SA, Lih. Epiphany tit L tilt. John's Griieseil tn. Hely" Eliehariet 'et: ta: Mattinga Sunday Sditeei r Si. baidees 'korai* LYCEUM THEATi4E WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.M. • Thurs., Fri.. Sat. ;Jan. 21 -22-23 Cornel Wilde Victor Shaw in EDGE TO ETERNITY Filmed against the baCkgroiund of gbe Grand Canyon here le a great adventure drama: Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Greene Organist: Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School.' 91 A. M. Morning Service St. John's A. Y. P. A. SKATING PARTY Brussels Arena TUESDAY, JANUARY 26th Admission : 35c and 25c Lunch Served in Parish Hall Everyone Welcome MAJESTIC W. i, TO ' HAVE BAKE SALE The Majestic Wom.en's Institute ; Hof Brussels, will hold a sale of Home Made Baking on Saturday, janinary 23rd, at 3 p.m. in the basement of the Public Library, ASSESSOR WANTED FOR MORRIS TOWNSHIP Applications for the position of , Assessor for Morris Township at a salary of $500.00 per year will be , received 'by the tiltidersigned up until 12 o'clock noon, February 1, 1960. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. • =•-• . • , . WHO WANTS TO PLAY BADMINTON: Anyone interested in playing Badminton ere asked to contact Jim Edgar at Brussels Home Furnish- ings by Wednesday Jan. 27. .41,..01•1•1,1 CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks is extendel to relatives, friends, and neighbours for their many kindly deeds and expressions of sympathy at the time of my recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness was eincerele appreciated and 'will always be remembered. Hazel Whitfield Bernard Ten Pas and Son - Drain and Cat& Briert Laboat and mat. screen In .Mtnidipal effide Crawford and Hetlieritgten services 'to date Mrujnicipai World- Ltd., SUbs. to M. W. for 1 Yr. Herold Thomas Coital, 'reboil). roofing TOWii Hail East HereitProdliCe, hag Salt Cordon tr °Athol do caning; nil lliterbee, start siren, 01bit, oaken tort tile NV. It: Willis, Mf. Clean 73ri:0.01.0 doat VOA, deal for tt, tY, and T, ft. • J. C•, Mania and §Oil, I Sallt Meehan Hardware, misc. tor 'Cecil Tfali ti V. Baker,. Welfare it/tort-la: l'OtVlielitp, grading Warring, HOMO, Ont. Geed Road ASSad.i.ntein? fee Salvattoti Army,, grant M, MetititiniiiLM'e 54.'75 13.00 66.00 1.25 8.50 66,25 1.25 51.43 235 5d 6,66 1.64,1t• 15.0(1 • York Choice Peas 20 oz. 17c Breakfast Club Orange Grape- fruit Marmalade 24 oz. . ..... ... ... 35c York Bread and Butter Pickles 25c Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. ,2 for 35c ••••••••••••/,W.104••••,.... • •••••••••••••••••••••4111. ••••,•••••• CCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver allow 0, • CARD OF THANKS The family of The late Mrs. Me.; Fellatio wish to express their grate, ful thanks and appreciation to their 3 :neighbours, friends and relatives for 3 their, many acts of kindness, mese- 1 ages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during their sadden Jamea MCFartanre and Family, Teaching Traffic Safety starts' at home Teach them to ride• in single filo 'dos' to th• right hand cad, beteaVeMent.- Gee, McCutcheon, H. King. 'Reeve Clerk Mrs. Frank McCutcheoe This community was shocked by the sudden death of Mrs. Frank MoCutcheon, Tuesday, In her 28thyear, The former Gwendolyn Hope Ilugdll rof Seaforth, she is survived by her husband and two children, Cheryl, 5; and Blain, 3; her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hugill, Sea. forh; 2 sisters, Mrs. George (Joyce) Miller, Seaforth; and Miss Karen at home; and a. brother, Laverne, Seaford). 'The body is resting at the D. A. Riann funeral helm°, where the funeral servicee will be held at 2 p.m. on -Friday. Interment -will take place in Birussels, cemetery. ied Publishin' g Hausa ganogii dam .rye, Pia clias• Thursday, January 21st, 1960 $ZOO per year - Ll supplies 1.7.07 FIRE DESTROYS CONTENTS Trea8. cOkItty of Huron, OF BRUSSELS Calcium Chloride Merced by W. A.. Williameon, Sec-, R ended by H, '. Pearson that the meeting adjourn, to meet again Jan, 25 or at the call of the reeve. Carried. I 'Brussels fireman were called to I the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Louie Waxman early Monday evening 1 when fire destroyed the contents, A passerby, Mgs, John Rowland, =noticed smoke coning from a win- dow while Me, Warman and son Ted, who had Just returned from 6K— Toronto,. were having stipper in the Texan Grill, one sholrt block away. Mrs,. Waxman had remained in. Toronto where they had attended the funeral of her father, F urnishing of the house were stunned by fire, smoke, and water Cause of the blaze was undeter mined. Loss is 'Partially covered by Insurance, HOME BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport Mr. and Bettssels, wish to announce the the engagement of theit daughter, Helen Sylvia, to MX. Ronald James Aaten, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Aaron Fischer, H. R. -2, Clinton, Marriage to' take place in Melville Presbyterian Church, Bruesels ou t February 6th. VArtierY Stara' lit Winnipeg„ tordiltd, and 1Vidaitreal ate heard an Olt. tailiAYnOgty three' times a '`meek trig' Trans-Canada- network? f3iruce Marsh iii Bost on. Variet,Y lioiirfraifi itgiiiinto; flint heart re*Oiltiy tai the ii146* MacLE S 1 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUAPANTSIDO flatteries Olis — Lubricants — Car WW1:. lee Crown Cigarettes Poo Eta. Phone 268 Brussels, Ont_ he 1f exan Grill Special This Sunday VIRGINIA HAM With Pineapple ROAST BEEF Dinner served from 12 — 2 p.m and 5 — 8 p.m. Dinner includes ; Soup of Tomato reeled, Torepatablae4 Dessert and Beverage. Not to be Olsappointed make reservations before noon Stat4Mgar T iSGRICO DfrFtRACE MEANS RESULTS No other fertilizer gives you a higher return for your investment than AGRICO * Get your SPECIAL EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT now * Granular, dry, free-flowing * Drill easier, won't cake in storage * See the AGRICO DIFFERANCE on your farm * AGRICO has been sold In Huron Colunty since 1909 by the Baker family Contact Your AGRICO agent today and get a higher return on your fertilizer dollar See Selwyn Brussels, Ont. Telephone Brussels 263 j S AGRICO Made only by AGTCULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITti3 London, Port. Hope, lOrahgeVIlle John, Longstaff, Optometrist Change' of Address. OPTICIAN OF seAFORTH announces a -change oaf Office locatien to . GOderiell,-St.W, adjacent. Seaforth Ground. Picot. Parking Facilities Geolists proscriptions filled entities you to 81thaeillight adjtistriiefits ELECTRICAL. HltACTOR TEL'EVISION auct RAMO REPAIRS ALL MAKE*. ogiithigage. taavAL manna out • A HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ,INSTALLS OFFICERS Mrs. Earl Ctrdmore was installed' as president of the Brussels Floc. tice4tural Society, at their meet, ), ing held in the Library on Monday of this week. Mrs. W. H. Bell, pre- sident was io Charge. In her report lolf the year's acti- vides, Mrs. Ella Shurrie mentioned ;; that 10 flower beds were planted' and cared for on, the streets 'of the town; three beds at the north, soluth and east entrances to town., flower boxes on the bridge and on the community hall; two borders On the bank of the river; and ; flower beds at the telephoue office and the municipal building also at, the Lions Park, Baskets were sent weekly to the Convales- cent Home. Other officers installed were as follows: Vice-Presidents — Mrs. R. Ntr Stephens, Mrs. D. A. Rann Secretary-treasurer — Mrs. Ella. Shiarrie -Directors -- Mrs. Robt. Gemmell, Mrs. Lorne Nichol, Alfred N'Wgibit, Mrs. Andrew Coutts„' Mrs. H. V. Kerney, Mr's. W. FL Bell, Mrs. Amy Spelt-, Mrs.: Lloyd Rerna,ghan, Mrs. Wm., Wheeler, Mrs. Jas. W. Arni • - stronlg. Aqitors Miss Addle Cardiff, Mrs. D. C. Mathesor, Alfred.. Knight was appointed delegate to the Ontario Hord- cultural convention to be held in Hamilton, March 10 and 11. Phone 12,2 Brussels We )ProYlide a Complete Trucking Service for Livestock Feed 'Fertilizer Farm Supplies Are Your Windshield Blades Scratching Your Windshield ? If so replace them with Trico Blades At INSPECTOR KINKEAD GUEST SPEAKER The Home and School Association meeting on January 18th was a most interesting one. Mr. J. H. Kinkead, Inspector of Huron, 'was present as guest' sneaker, His surbiect was "Primary Reading". He' also conducted demonstration reading class with pupils of grades one to four. Mrs, Louise Porter conduicted a demon.; stration of Choral Reading with students of grades five and six. ' I An open discussion on . school Matters took 'place following, the = program, Lunch was Served. Mrs. James T. McFarlane There passed away suddenly in a car accident on Tuesday Jan. ,12th, Mrs. James T. McFarlane, the former Grace Pearl Kernaighen) the third • daughter of Mrs, Ker- inaghan and the late James Her- naghan, in her 56th year. Mrs. McFarlane was- born ' in Morris Township and lived all her life in Morris and Grey Townships. She married James McFarlane 30 years ago. Mrs. McFarlane is snrvived her husband and two daughters, Mrs. James (Mary Lou) Fieb, London; and Jean, at home; also her mother, Mrs. Lquella Ketrnagban, Brussels; sisters, Mrs Garry Jack- lin, Sask., and Ws. Earl Sholdice, Thornhill; and three. brothers, Clifford, John and Lloyd, all et Brussels. The funeral took place Friday from the D. A. Rann funeral home conducted. by itev, J. Greene,' of Melville-Presbyterian Church, of 'which tl she was a member. rial took place in Brussels cemetery Pallbears were: W. Bishop, S. Sweeney, H. Jacklin, A. Cardiff, W. Cardiff and. S. Wheeler. Tne beautittl. floral tributes were carried by Lloyd W,hecler and Graham Work. Friends attended frOm Port Huron, Forest,: Toronto, Kincardine. Listowel, Goerie, Wroxeter and Wpiton. ••••• ENGAGEMENT- • Mrs. Eldon Wilson, Ortne plow* or