HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1960-01-14, Page 10......••••••••••••.........•••••••••••••••A•yele Phone 293 We Deliver East Huron ;Agricultural Society ANNUAL BANQUET and MEETING ;,be held in ST. JOHN,8 ANGLICAN CHURCH FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd Supper Served at 7 p. m. ' The Country Squires of Listowel will entertain T ICKETS $1.50 Tickets Now on Sale - Keep Thls Date Open. VERY BBV., StEWAIlti RITCHBNE14. -SPOOtal Musbc With Conitiiried 'Chbled Thenie "FROM: 'CONFUSION TIC CON'ibBNCES Sunday . "The Uncertain Trumpet Of The: Church." Mowday Marks, .Of .ohrtatiaii:Bkperielite ttieSetay , "1 dive' .a. Matterji,: Wadaeaday . 'Ati4 Meaning of a Creeds' t "The Marks of ;a' Vita :66in:46111i Everyon"e Is Witanfe: 15, Ai.' di' Airighican Church coo CANADA ' RoOtori. boo. W. k. St 8o at: iteiY Eitdhattlit in, school: 114u4ryvi OK #61* • ..;11,:i.11;941.it..*- 1114 ti.ltrifili0 • a. . . a • . • . N W SNOW Tit ES 750 x 14 Nutreads 0 n I y $31.95 a Pair 800 x 14 Nutreads 0 n I y $34.95 a Pair No Trade-in Required — Free Installation THE BRUSSELS iPOST al9Mis task. Poet Onkel Defteitlimeast, Ottallfe rfhursday, January 14tht 1960 Aastberisroi P'o'st Publishing 144)1130 A PC)LLARD'$ 'CHAIN SAW JAMBOREE Brussels Town Hail THURSDAY, JANUARY 218t at 1 F. M, Consisting of Speakers from Saw and Chain Companies Morse Chain. Saw Clinto Case Crawlers, Backhoes Films by the Department of Lands and Forests Entertainment By Grey Woman Killed. .10 riNvo,Car Ci7ash on Icy Road • Morris Tip. Council 1 TIM Colulacil miet in. the Township Hall on .j.a,mary 4th with all the members present, I The following signed the neeleret-, ion of office, Reeve - 1301,10i This community was saddened t NW STATION AGENT 1 Parrott; Council - Walt er Short ter Sh- , , 43c y the death of Mrs, James APPOINTED-HERE ie who was instantly killed reed, Ross 'mean, Stewart Prod. 4.• 00000 0000 • Carnation Evaporated Milk 16 oz. 3 for Clarks 'Beans with Pork 20 oz. 2 for Kam 12 oz. 9 oz. 3 for St. Williams. Assorted Jams 9 oz. '3 for IR I V1,1.114./".0 000000 35c 37c 59c Or. .Gordon. Wilkinson. Charles. Arnold, of Guelph, has in a two-car collision early. Tuesday been appointed. C. N. 11., agent bore , ; Rev, Greene, Brussels, opened the evening to fill the vacancy created by the r meeting with a devotional period, He , The fatal accident occurred on the ' ;retirement of Waiter 0, Kerr. Mr. ; was thanked oe behalf of the 9th concession of Grey Township, Arnold, who has been second °per- : Council by Bailie Parrott and , Walter Shortreed it-let west of the Cranbrook. corner ator. at Gleelph, is expected. to assume ;• when Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane were his duties here within the next ten ; The mineittee of the last meeting , were read and adopted on motion of .f g 1 ay ore° days. • 59c root Listowel, A freezing mitt Stewart Procter and Gordon Wilk- had fallen during, the afteroon end inson. ; Toad surfaces were treacherous and Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- visibility was poor, i•••• $$$ AN. ..,r.... LOCAL BANK MANAGER CCUTCHEON GROCERY • TO GO TO BE BEAMSVILLF 1 L. W. Glasgow, 'manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Cominerce, is leaving Brussels in, the near future to take over similar duities at the Beamsville branch. The Glasgow family will be missed I here where ;they have been active members of. St. John's Church; i the Home and School Association / and Liens Club. BUSHWAKERS DANCE Sponsored by THE LIONS CLUB Proceeds for Retarded Childre4 with the various highlights of other years on the NIGHT OF JAN. 21st CLINTON ORCHESTRA and THYNNE and JOHNSTON Prizes For - ended by Ross Duncan, that the ; North Huron Plowmen's Association Mr. McFarlane was removed to be given a grant of $25.00 for 1159. Winghain Hospital by the D, A..Renn .--- Carried ambulance, He suffered facial t Moved by Ross Dencan. seconded . cuts, lacerations, body bruises and by Cordon tWillfirieon that we concur shock, He is. still in hospital at with the petitien 'of the Council of I time of writing hitt Is reported as the Village of Bnussels to have a , recover* satisfactorily.. retail liquor store and brewers i Mr. Jas. Cathers driver of the warehouse in the Village of : second car, was uninjured. Brit ssels I ' . Carried , Mrs. McFarlane, the former Grace Mqvtd by Stewart Procter, see... Kernaghan, is survived by. her , ended. by Ross Duncan that. By-Law husband; two daughters, MrS. Sohn No. 1, 1960, appointing Township , (Mary Lou) Fish, London, and 'Miss 'Officials, glpdermen, truck giver Jean, a member of the Bank of and Weed inspector for 1060 be Commerce etaff, Brussels. Alec passed as read the 1st, '211a and surviving are her mother, Mrs. . 8rd times •Lonelle Kernaghan, Brussels three - Carried heothers, John, Clifford. and Lloyd, Moved by• Gordon (Wilkinson, HOC• all of Brussels; two sisters, Mrs. °Tided. by alter Shortreed that Garry .Jacklin, Saskatchewan, and :fiber be paid $1.00 per Inettr Mrs. Earl (Ruby) Sholdice, of - . Carried ; Thornhill. MoVed liY Stewart Procter, gee- • Coroner Dr, R. W. Stephens, said ended by Cordon Wilkinson that we there would be no inquest. give the Belgrave Co-Operative Association permission to erect a petrOleum Itlullk storage depot on the . Property at the rear of the mill on NEW SEC.-TREAS FOR lot 1, 5.3/2 4 on Hwy. No. - Carried *V. I Booth Chain Saw Beauty Queen Gent. Clogger Everyone Welcome Lunch Lady Clogger - - - Admission 50c For Further Particulars Listen To CKNX Radio and Television Broadcasts WEEK OF PRAYER Week of Prayer services for Christian Unity will be held in the Brussels United Church beginning beginning on Sunday evening, San. ; 17th, and continuing chrongb the ; week inntil Thursday evening. Each L service' will begin at 8 P. M. The guest speaker will be .the Very Rev. Finlay G. Stewart, D. D. of D. D. of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, iGitehener. Dr.! Stewart has been. the minister of St. Andrew's for over 20 years. For 1 5 years be served in His Majesty's Forces and was decorated for service in 1945 in North West Europe. Be presently holds the rank ii of Major in the Reserve Army, and is Chaplain of the Kitchener Branch of the Canadian Legion and the 48tht Field Squadron R. C. E. He taught ; school in Ottawa, and is past chair- man of the Kitchener Board for Secondary Eateration, In 1956 he became Moderator of the General. Assembly • of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Dr. Stewart Is married and has- 4 children, .Ausimennu owsima IMIIIiimagemmencguAr NOTICE Yes we still issue Motor Dieenses at Brussels. So why wait for the rush? Don't forget your insurance certificate. C. J. Cardiff, Issuer, William St.. Brussels L YCEUM TkiEA..TRE WINGHAIM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p.m. Thurs., Fri.. Sat. Jan, 14 7 15 - 16 Jerry Lewis Diana Merrill 'Don't Give Up The ,Ship Jerry Lewis as a Navy Lieutenant who is ..dragged .away :from ,.his •honeymoo to help locate a '"lost" .destroyer. N OTICE Those interested in Teen Town contact the Rev. K. Jaggs, Wm. H. Ring, Sec.Treas Recreational Commtittee mIlArenr=4•••••ammiaa i•••••••,...•••• N OTICE Call Clerk's Office when Street Lights "are out. Wm, H, 'King, Sec. Treas., B. P. U. , - N OTICE Old Safe for Sale; best the back 00:t, 0. B. M, & G. TELEPHONE. Ray Bronson of Brussels has been engaged as the new Secretary' Treasurer of the Brussels, Morris and Vrey Telephone System. The appointment was made at a Dilrectors' meeting on Wednesday night of this week. Mr. Bronson succeeds W. S, Scott who is retiring at the end of this month, Mr. Scott has filled the position, as well as that of manager, for the past twenty three years, sacL - Moved by Walter Shortreed, see- ended by Ross Duncan that the need: accounts as presented by the Road. Sieperintendent he pt id - Carried Ilitchrled by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Gordon Wilkinson that the general accounts as presented be paid • • - Catried Moved by Rose Duncan. seconded by Walter Shortreed that we give permission to the Town of Seaforth to iseute debentures for the erection of the addition to the Seaforth District High School offer accepted. Wm. H. King, Clerk Treas., Village of Brussels Melville Sunday School SKATING PARTY Brussels Arena THURSDAY JANUARY 21st Lunch at the Ch'unch Admission : 35c and 25c Everyone Welcome ANNUAL MEETING ' of the s' ,BRUSSELS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY in Brussels Library on MONDAY, JANUARY, 18th • at 8.15 P. M.' WEEK OF PRAYER For Christian Unity n Brussels United Church 21st 8:00 p. m. JANUARY 17th — j. Dinner includes : Soup of Tomato baled, vogetamuoc. Dessert and Beverage ' Not to ne disappointed make reservations before Mien OgisturVre • THE AGR1Cn ;te .REN D A N C E Wroxeter Community Hall FRIDAY JANUARY, 15th Music by : Ken Wilbee and His Orchestra Sponsered by : The Hall Board Dances will be held , Every 'Other Friday ' No other fertIliter gives you a higher' return for your investment than AGRICO * Get your SPECIAL EARLY DELIVERY DISCOUNT noW * Granular, dry, free-floWing tt * Drill easier, Won't cake In storage * See the AGRICO DIFFERANCE on your farm * AM1160. has been sold In Fitir!pt Colunty abide 1909 by the sakor lernity CARD OF THANKS 60 at ,1 p. m. , i - .T. wish to extend My heartfelt The following meet:glints were thanks and appreciation for the acts town of Clinton, debentures, of kindness, i On High School messages of sympathy 134.135 and beautiful floral tributes itoceivel,. hours in My recent bereavement, m Good Roads Assoc- dub- ;fro relatives, friend's and neigh- talon, fee 15.00 °Ilitir") Special thanks to Rev. L. Brown, , Menietieril World, 27.00 '72.07 4 Carried paid: 5.30 Pe M. 4 'Singtime" CKNX TV, Mrs. Thompson, arid the pallbeatere. , scriptione Relief A,eccetnt . and Radio N '''''.."'.. ''''''....'*' " ' ' .' . * '' (takers Convalescent CARD OF THANKS . I Rollie We would like to, take thia opper !illytit Telemfione, toils See: Selwyn. Baker BruSeelei Oht. TelepliOne BrOssele 268 .1 8 Contact your AGRICO agent today and get a higher return on your fertilizer dollar 8.00 P. 11x, Week of Prayer Service Dr. Finlay Stewairt, Nitchener 185250 6.90 Plow- reri tom theit lovely filets. They' ale 'Very ioiniedetted and Witt eiwo.Ye bo treasured tie a rerneni, 'trance of our frlende in the 'Odin, hiSt004 7f1-"'"71.7"1: • - #000 and Mary tolodit6t, aiid ?knit* 1 .ttinity tri. Cheek the people -Of L. ft. 'Cerdiff; grant to Beiteettle tbo th6lr ineilY good' men's Association. *Ishee and kiridneeSee bdtdre‘ One' The 'fel/beeline fittpellitirieete Were depattliiite to; Lieteeeet. Mead tinder ilyi'Aow NO'. 1,, tbdO Especial y would we like to thank Clerk - detinge d'. Maiita udde bid doitudil, did b. U.. C., the tiro trong,iipor: =,-Releft iti.Okiiia die toittig. Women's' Pounkeepers •,-,•''' Carl 1Ohtiiittrii, „:„ dititid,,tflie tiOtiS Cikmib and the child- .§bowa•rt Mriteentiatir Frank Stint', kitobeti VetItUrrayi, So* BOW, man o ttratiteti 1•Iopuer, 'Robert 44i,111:0- Mertkri Pine, itieliett 6raiifiti• *hit: .iffeCutcheon. 781frieat Miehte. Robert bird. Bernard, dialer itoiik ttotatip &Ain Nesbitt,. *. ' (eotittiittoa: of iii§tde'bitgo Meiviiie Church Minister: 1-kev. Jonathan Greene Organist: Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. Al, Morning Service The United Church OF CANADA ' Minister: Rev. L Brown B.A.; Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A.M. .Chnrch School' 11 A. M. "Guideposts to Life" Series on. Ten Commandments (2) "What dbes God look like?'' - Carried I Moved by Gordon Wilkinson,,sec- onded by Stewart Procter that we notify N. B. Neilans that we are going ahead with building the Pod- min bridge and that R, DaWson be hired to act as Coneulting En- gineer VVB DXX - Carried eloVed by Walter Shortreed, see. ended by Stewart Procter that By- Law No. 2, 1960 setting a limit of , ten tons on all Morris Township ridges he passed as read the first, second and third timed - Carriee • Moved by Rose Ditricah, seconded by Gordon Wilkinson that the meet- lag" adjourn to Meet again on Feb. roar ~ I. 19 Sporitored by s'. United._ ChurchChurch -Melville Firesbyterfari et, jebn's Anglibmin Chgrch kt. It I t Mode only by .AGAICULti.fitAt. tiOrt kook Oran-044 Various Draws and prizes --- Hundreds of Dollar's Given Away in Merthandise Prizes - Come And Get Your Share THE KANSAS FARMER and Phone 268 CUSTOMER *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Bettorkes - Oils - Lubricants - Car Week lee Cream Cigarettes Per Dinner served from 12 - 2 p.m and 5 - 8 p.m. ?exan Grill Special This Sunday ROAST BEEF or ROAST PORK Brussels, Ont. $2.00 per year ,..*2.59 to lit4 Witit FINA SE CLARK JOHNSTON . " I