HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-24, Page 54(r111'kiTeMik.' 0414710/1670, ,..1,43.04ISS 1 V*4156*1 I I I I I Go CNR—the sare, the comfortable way. Scow-filled skies or icy roads will make no difference—you'll get where you -want to go,and you'll en joy,every relaxing minute of your trip. And especially nosy with CN's new Group Economy Travel Plan you make tremendous savings when you travel in at group of two or more. For instance, for four people going to Montreal from Toronto the fare is only $15 each, return! The CN's new Group Economy Travel and the "All Inclusive" Western Travel plans cost so little —why drive! For tickets and information, contact your local Canadian National ticket office, This year, more and more people who are ,goring home for the Christmas season, will 1Off NATIO,AL 1.9.77 ' 141 rn Henry • 40 "By Carl Anderson VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? CARETAKERS WANTED Applications will be received until December 31, 1959, for the position of caretaker in each of the ten schools in Morris Township for the Year 1960. Contract will be for one year commencing February 1, „ 1960. For an outline of duties con- tact any member of Morris School Board. Applicants will state salary requested. No application necessarily accepted. Ralph Show Blue-vale, Ont. WANTED Good used pianos, apartment sizd preferred, Contact Barry or Orden Hamilton Atwood Phone 15 J mo* .0 A ru.a,r • Quite a guy, Charlie. Tall, h4ndsome, ere h..1 /41y liked him—stud Charlie s.,.as t;. lLfc of -whenover their crowd got tol:, • her. Take 1 /4. mas. They vete all there, It had beer; an evening. The patty finally ur . two.thitty. "See ail .x L. 77- Called :Charlie, liut tomettcw ior Charlie. lie had made the r,listalce of havine, one more for the toad. Oh. sure, he Edit O.K.' But he Wasn't. Alcohol had dulled his :Mimes and changed his attitude toward driving. At any Charlie could have avoided tl.ve ac. cid,. t this brae' he didn't fast enoughti .lie that a few o'.2.aces Of Cc. had slowea 11;ss, iitir.Aircd his v.—A 7 ie. )...,narOutatio of Traw.ro,-.: ails you nor to take that Yeti can lose out so easily, jest ere Charlie did. If you intend drinking, don't drive, have Aw, van conscifiltC0 and more fun. 1034 feeeeeeeeeee.. -Pe' • ,e••••.:•:,;,::x;•;;;%:•:.:•:....••-•-•!. • •••• WATS; F}1.04:) tiAtTi-E BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better 15ullr deal" Supply artificial breeding eervilee tor all breeds of cattle. If uhoninaa lour distance, simply ask Ter —e Mato% Zee tls 9-5Rep rr Pelitertaion Zenith 5-51:10. If it is a local tali tree reer regular neraleer -- Minkel ti 2-3441 or PtIlirterston 4501. service or mete information. ewfl Nhtwent1 7— 1.21 and 10,00 w,•Ahlr &Ars. 5,00 and 5.04} P.1 14, SM. urday eTOPIPz1. rOr 00Ws nOtic44 in teat on gurille* Nterininr0, din net untim VonclAAY morrlinK. I :101(17 01.7.0 • otts .146211orr.,, :teeeteerkeisi ""; elereve %erste, 114kt i,zo,t4terkt* flot grow,: teenionfrie are fOni,flo snit- --e*iere rt " 0111 ""a4 0"r", WINDHAM', tofit, volaTERs Co ,r; WAVE YOU MISSE` "EM? MODERNIZE YOUR. I-1EATING SYSTEM 1-1 ' The. ORUSSELS POST tirsday„ Doge . f.,1tliA 1940 ".4t PERFECT • FQR PARTIES SNACKS •PE8ERTO, NOW 'THAT SHE KNOWS WHAT TO DO - SHE MHOS HIM DO IT. .Nell Mee:a% in lw return; q't Jenne .0104. X.nglan4 atter a 1. epereered by the hulk matdeelera • of this diStrici, FOR SALE CAPONS FOR NEW YEAR'S Reelter Phone 94. 41'441,44,^ .eree. 1Vendy ifunepereee daughter • of Mr. And Mrs. Stewart Humphries. 7 In a malent . In Clinton hovital. • : WINNERS OF 'EAST HURON' . ICE CREAM CAKE ROLL A DOUBLE TREAT 9R. TRY 10E-, CREAM FRUIT ROA, SHE, KNOWS HER STUFF THouGt-9- sHE'S PiRgPTINE0404 "TO RIVERSIDE ai moroRc 70 GET ONE OF THEIR FINE , USED CARS THEY HAVE TH4 Bost/ VANILLA ICE CREAM WITH RICH STRAWBERRY FILLING AND COATED WITH CHOCOLATE CHIPS FOR, SALE QR RENT [rouse Apply to. Albert Oartlife Phone 21r4 NOTICE --- Upholstering of all kinds; repairs; r'emo'deled, reco(Vered, call Elgin Plielke Phone 301.Z1 Atwood .,— FOR RENT 'Good -louse with bath and fur- nace, built-in cupboards. Blake Phone 56r12 FOR l3ALE -- Ladies Dress Coat, maroon; size 18; fur trimmed; excellent condit- ion, worn only once. May be seen at the C. J. Pegelow •Harness Shop. CHESTERFIELDS & PIANOS Try Shuett's Mildmay Furniture Showrooms. New and Used Pianos. New Koehler Livingroom. Suites STOCK. Immediate delivery, 0, E. Sehuett, Mildmay WANTED — A. man for rural Watkins Dealer in. Townships of Morris, Grey. How- ick and. Turnberry. Better than average earnings. No backers needed. For personal interview apply to E. C. Harvey, 544 Albert St. Stratford A L USED CARS 1859 Cher, Sedan with automatic Trans. 1958 Pontiac Coach 1957 Pontiac Sedan, radio & Automatic. 1956 Chen. • Coach. Many 'Older Models ICE CREAM PIES IN ASSORTED FLAVOURS ATTENTION FARMERS Not only 'does it contravene the Highway Traffic Act, but it is MI• cult to keep township concessions and elderoads free of snow If the plow is being continually lifted for milk cans and ears left on the gravel portion of the Toad, We are not re- sponsible for any damage that may occur, Road Superintendent of Grey Twp. Earl Bowes 1 Available At 'Your Favourite • COUSINS ICE `:REAM DEALER'S FOR SAL4 CONTRACTOR rELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO A MAKES, — GUARANTEED SERVICE reetervetter Wiring Contractor ORVAL HARRISON COUSINS DAIRY or Phone 22 Brussels -Fetsolvittoweme UPDATED MOTHER GOOSE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIJAH ALEXANDER BARRON ALL PreltSONS having claims against the estate of the above named, late of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, farmer who died on the 17th clay of Nov- ember, 1959, are required to file proof of the same, with the under- signed on or before the 9th day G: JanuarY, 1960. AFTER that date the Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then has hat notice. DATED at Brussels this 12th day of December 1959. Crawford and Hetherington Barrister & c. , Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator N' oms •1 Need Sturm vvineeer Berore You Buy Jet Jacloaor Homes Lte. give you .41 tee. on Al:immure slit storing wrnetreer. Phone Seaforta SW No Obligation, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until January 4th, 1960, for the position of caretaker in each of the 12 schools in the Grey Twp. School Area. Duties to commence February 1st, 1960. Fan for the whole family is in store on _Chrtletereas night When Wayne and Shuster present their Mother Goose pantomime on CBC-TV. Sean Fairfax plays ,rill, Johnny Wayne is, Mother Goose, NOTICE TO CREDieoRS In The Estate of MARGARET J. ROBINSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the Corety of Huron, retired telephone operator, who died on the 22nd day of Nov. ember, 1959, are required to file proof of the same with the under- signed on or befOre the 9th day of January. 1960. AFTER that date the Executors , will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice. DATED at Brussels this 12th day of December 1959. Crawford and. Hetherington I Barrister & c. , Brussels Ontario I Solicitors for the Executors of. •and 'Frank Shuster takes the part of Jack in a now -version Mother Ocere. Norman S. Hoover, Sec'iy. R. R, 3. Brussels 4 I a 4 -eleiwoli011401101.....ISI.Mr""""17 gr" OUR RATE OF ga oar 1 to 6 year Gnarntee'cl reitificttes Is firm antil December Slat., but will Nicely be bower after ihat date. 106WhY1 • Obila Wet 4 MI tarn this tr. holt ma ••• row bad reist Or Hid BRITISH MORTGAGE & TIM Pirsods1 111a MS asad Onto. — STRATFORD TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received by the undersigned until January 4th,. 1960, for the supplying of all or part of 70 cords of 14" hardwood (Maple and Beech) to the schools in Croy Twp. School Area, also 12 cords of Cedar Wood to be rtlivered befoye July 1st, 1960. Norman S. Hoover, Sec'ry. R. R. 3. Brussels 4 4 1 1 4 a 4 4 4 iayrlil NOTICE TO CRELJITORS In The Estate of OTTO SCHNOCK ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above named, late -of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, retired farmer, who died on the 3rd day of November 1959, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th of January 1960. AFTER' that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice, DATED at Brussels this 12th day of DeceMber 1959. Crawford and Hetherington Barrister & c. Brussels Ontario Solicitors for the Executor Toditiismanavairsmagmaii41444oassiromram4=4-4144. 4 •41 • 4 A '1 .11 tteastetarr tettettre My