HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-17, Page 3tr. r;len By Monkey With A Hangover Man 7 and VerlOne were th pets which kept •dal,r1 etay iataragua s.,a As I de ao like birds or main* in eagea they alaally$ had the rlin Of th house and garden. faVotuite Fwaa. aMall IricalkeY wiljth ,bought froro znY Waaherwainan, Cearnen, dur lag my firet Year in Parageay Wherz I had yet to acquire the knack of haling Wild anlinal4 he monkey carmen 'offered zne WriS strangely quiet and did DO bite me when I toek it in my 'Ulna 1 ,put Dodo, as I had decide to call my new pet, into a box, and went about my chores. Re- turning An now later, I pickial hirn 1.1P arid wa$ badly bitten for flly palasi My indignant era e s brought my husband to the scene. "Now,' he said, "You can see how tame your 4ear little rnophey really He then told me about a dodge the natives have when they 'want to aell a wild animal to a foreigner. They give it cana, saitent rum made from sagas cane, and it stays doped for ea hour or so. Aater wnich the ani - Mal -suffering from a hangover - reverts to its wild state, only slsore so! "You'd better get rid of it," he told me. TIis suggestion merely made me more determined than ever to keep the little monkey. It took a long time and much pa- tience to train it, but alter some sveeks Dodo could not bear me out of his sight, and would con- stantly •ride on my shoulder, with his arm round my neck. He was always up to some mis- chief, and one of his pranks al - nest cost him his life. He got into our medicine cup- board a.nd although unable to ancork any of the bottles, man- aged- to open a tube of laxa- tives and eat about half of the contents. That night: he was a very miserable monkey, and nearly passed out! But he had learned his lesson and never Went: neer -the medicine clip- board again. We lost Dodo when we left him in Paraguay while on holi- day in England, The natives in- formed us that Dodo went into the forest one day and did not aeturn. I very mueh suspected he was resold, as a tune monkey with sech amusing tricks fetch- ed a gond price in the canital, writes Jean Bottrell in "Ttt- gxey d Zits." Another pet was a baby' os- trich. There was no small objeet that he would not swallow thimble, spools of thread, monejy,. paper, nails and soap, Were sotne of the things he seemed to thrive on. But when my husband, caught him in the act Of sWal-• lowing his favourite pensitnife,, I knew that was the end "of that pet. As the ostriches,on our land , were not rillbwed to be Chased or killed, they Were. quite tame a n d would wale within lift, yards of the hause. When next, they appeared, I .took •znina out and introdUced.it to itsre- lations. Alter a preliminary in- , epection they .a1J,Wentoff tti- ether, go I -did net feel that parting too' much. . The onlyaPet 1.. had to keepin a cage Wat a long-legged fox; This is a queer animal, and sorneWhat rare. It has the heed and body of' a• fox, a mane like a. lion and ,a tufted 'tail. It hass longs:leo like a fetal. , It Is seldoni seen during the tilaY-time, As, It trairels by night, eoveking great distances. A paits have only two cubs at a litter and the' parents have _been seen e ach carrying a baby, in their mouths. / ahould 'never have ehogea to •have one of these finimals as it Pet as they, .ate very SaVage, but the., btias' had found it iii a One; aila',thoisght lasesigld lake to haVe it. . , If he'd net aodePticl, I knew Hs life would be znorenalserable -If possible -with tam -than with Ma,1 faind not set it free, itsathae- boys had broken its leg t-iaczi capturing it I made `thein put a splint on the broken nab anal hoped it would heal so that might give it its fteedoin. But It oily lived for abottt ten days longer, Of the snarly pet birds I had, large white owi With big ears • was my bleoutite. My soii Mural s neat with the tritalida owi „ MEW MENAGERIE art bah it Stith geed hi.elit iteeit hew tette wieee all, CHINESE .JUNK ON FLIGHT DECK 2 The aircraft carrier Lexing- ton .dpckeal at Alameda. Calif, with an unusual item on her flight deck - o Chinese junk. The Lexington wasf returning from a seven-month cruise in Far Eastern waters. The Chinese junk is owned by Commander C. D. Curtis, the carrier's navi- gator, who plans to sail it near his home sitting on some eggs and brought one home, As luck would have it, I had a hen sitting at the time, and I gave her the owl's egg to hatch. I took the fledgeling away as soon as it vesas hatched as ,I aelt it was too much to expect the hen to bring up so queer a chick, 1 managed to rear th& baby owl, and when it could fly I had a box made and placed in a tree. near the house. This was always open and the owl stayed in it all•day, but at sun- down it would fly into the house to eat a huge meal of raw zneat. Then it would' set about look- ing for tit -bits such as insects. Its particular favourites were cockroaches and horned beetles. Unfortunately my owl disap- peared one night during mating time. Another feathered friend was a perincho. This 'is about the size of i thrash, striped fawn and black, with a tuft of fea- thers on its head and a rasping cry . . pe-ri-ri, pe-ri-rl. It, was' aiven to me pa A fledgeiing and; as easy to tame. For the first few days it ven- tured only round the house and garden, but' soon was flying far- ther and farther away, only caw- ing home at sundown for a meal. One evening it did .not return, and I thought that was the last I Would see of Pe-ri. But a few days later, back It came greet- ing me with its familiar cry. Be- lieve it or not, it came and went in that manner for .nearly a year, sometimes staying away for a week or more. Then the sad day came when I heard its friendly cry no More. I always hoped its might return bringing a family to visit me, • One of my pets was a toucan. The boys had wounded it iki the :wing with a catapult. Luckily, the bone was not, broken and is ;soon as it ,could fly • again/ a let it so. a••Totteang• are decorative Wads with wide hooked orange beaks, which' they pit to rather doubtful use. A great number of birds i South America. build theirnests in holes in the trunks of tree § and as the toucan's fa, vourite Meal eggs and aledgel- ings, it fiads this beak very use - fill for robbing begs. have seen a toucan clean tisp A dezen or so at a time, with the frantic parent birds Pecks in end sciatching at • it; ,but the atattan tOok absolutely no notice and Calmly cOntinued meal, What You Don't See' Want your beer to be fizzier, your coke to mit Without •callnle Wire 'TV iscivertiStas dei,nd lest month "Advertising Age" ticked off some of the teteke they Use to get the tight ef- fects in television corninercials, Arming thein: 0- Slicing cakes in adverice, then gluing them together, fois -easy euttirtg. • "a --•s, Is Dropping Alka-Seltaei7 _ fnta a glass of bet to tisake it fizz more. st Rubbing oil ovet roast beef te give it a 'juicy effeet • shampod cOtlitterciaitii staletirig , the "alter" shot airst -- When the Model arrives frott the beauty parlor, Then, triUssitag her hair for the "before" shot. „' • At asparty one night a Weineri Was adincinishirig her husband. "Heziras• that'sthe fourth thee yinetre on tintir for Mere food, Meant it erniikirraSS yen?" 010 d the littgjftrid. tell thetit Ni getting it for past "Sucker" Punch Started Race Riot Long before—he-became heavy- weight champion of the world, Joe Louis was being hailed as invincible and the best of the modern heavyweights. Most fans probably feel that by and large that assessment is still correct The postwar "block -busting" tactics of Rocky Mercian° and the controlled fighting fury of Floyd Patterson proved highly successful, but few would give either much chance against 1401.1i5 in his prime. So it was th a t evening in jutse, 1936, when New York', Yankee Stadium w as packed out for "the greatest tioxi-title eight.patiseseatury" - a slagisn incidentellyathat was not 1ibut • In its prophecy. Max Sainueliiig, the isVarthy German who had held the, world, title, was oppos- ed to JO. Louis,' tlie lithe Yaulsif 'Negro !roan Alabama, who was' 'rapidly climbing to the top. .§ohmeling, sahe bad svoa thae fitle A• foul, had Iola it at his second defence, but Was Ball, at the ar of thirty-one, dan- gerotal fighter and never inora; so than, when hurt. Louis, nines years younger, was ambeaten In his eareee of twenty-seven con- tests, only, four of which had gone the distance. 'General opinion was that this would be a classic scrap, and the problem whether . Louis' strength and .staminst-Wfauld out -- weigh Schmeling's experience cteated enormeus interest „a- .0 much so that Louis' muse was over $150,000, even though it was a non -title tight. So greet was the 'crush that hundreds of ,people, unable ' to get in, scaled the walls Of near- by buildings and spent an un- OinfOrtable evening almost. hanging tin by their 'eyebrows in their -eagernessto see the tight, even if only at a diitance. They were rewarded With „a Seneational start, for the echo of the, first gong had scartely died *Way when. Louis fereect his way through Schinelingat guard and planted a• series of , hooks and jaba on his face and head. The Tontest was searcely tninute old when already Ilehtnelingai left eye was keen to bit nearly closed, The knOwle sidgeable ones round the 'neon tellizig each eithelarathab the fight wouldn't lee longs and that Louis would quickly chop his rival doWn, But It didnit work out like that at all. Schrneling's seconds doctered 111S dye during the interval go skilfully that he was able to come out for the Second round seeing well enough to prevent his yoUng opponent from caus- ing it any further damage, The third round. told the Same stbry. Louis WO'S obviotisly going to win, but the Oermari's' otperi- ence was preVenting him frcith landihg the blewe that Mattered. Still, said the ringsiders, it wat only a menet of tinie. Sooner or later Schinelitig's starniaa would go, and then Joe could finish him off as be But thia Was "bpother guess that Wetit wrong,.. , The fourth tourist brought what ‘ehe reporter hiodestly described as nets hiteedible tarh of velita," The two Mee *ere baagirig away at each other in an ex- change ef patahes, atisi sadden- ly LouiS wag down. The Wity ,Sohmeting, o li ti gf it g freini straight leas and rigats tied *kited' hooks, had anduted •;tpr 44*.i mai, A stiff 1.1sort inspereut that iande4 with Ackening forge just under the 1.\.‘ 'ro't heart. Lotila robbed ot breath, slump. p4 to the canvas - And the erewa went Med. Here was the Marl whom RVEryotte thought invins aible, lyiag on the floor. True, be did not stay there )ong, b4t thot wos his mistake, Pride forced him to his feet, Where eXperience would have told bin, to take a laver rest. And as SchMeling came in the young Negro pawed ineffect- vally at him, strength and tim- ing gone. The crowd yelled at the Garman to finish it off, Schmeling, however. had ether ideas. ale knew just how badly Louis wes hurt, and that ne Would not fully recover for two or three rounds at least. He de. cided to save the knock -out blow and M the meantime wear dowil the youngster with a series of strength -sapping ponches, For two rounds he ignored the crowd's eneouragernent (or it might have been entreaties) to end the fight, and instead went eking at his own pace, gradual- ly cutting Louis down. But weak and inexperienced as he was, Louis was showing *that he had the making of a real champiae in his ability to take punishment as well as give it In the seventh round he came back into the fight with an at- tack that cause4 new damage to Sampling's left eye. The Ger- man looked M a sorry state at the end of the round, but again his seconds patched him up suc- cessfully. Again, in the eighth, Louis went for him while the cram" • stamped and cheered, Bet the Negro was paying now for the battering he had taken. He lack- ed, the strength to maintain his atteek, and as they came out for the ninth it was clear he had been tamed, and Schmeling re- sumed his wearing -down pro- cess. Two-handed work to the body had Louis dazed and groggy; but he would not go down. The merciless pounding went on un- til.; in the twelfth round, Louis Tell' against the ropes, and Sehnieling decided' the moment had come. terrific right to the jaw staggered the Negro.. While his guard was still down Scluneling, shaWin'g More ferocity"' than at 'aify Other time In the fight, whip- ped three Cr four more punches to "the head. Louis slumped to his 'knees and rolled over, • ex- ' fiausia and teaien. It was his first 'defeat, and none could, liaVie hien more complete. TO many of his followers it teemed the end of the World had come. In many American towns and ,citiee gangs of disappointed Negroes rioted, burning and stoning :the property of •white people. At lea& oise coloured girl took poison. „ Not even Seluneling could have known how far-reaching would haVebeen the effects of that one surprise punch that started Louis "going" in the fourth round. Back in the Fatherland, Hitler made a s,peech hailing the victory as evidence of racial supremacy. Two years later, almost to the • day, Schmeling was to rue that , aPeech. He Met Liattis 'again, this Ulna challenging for the title the Negro now held. He was smashed to a pillp,ilatwo minutes. "'k Navy' .Nit names Have you, rietieed that sailors today • are hardly ever called "Jack Tars" as they Were Up to . the beginning of the first World .War? Nicknatnes die hard in the ‘,NAvy, hut it's easy to See why "jack Tar"' IS Seldan heard to- day. It datea back to the seven- teenth Century, the "Tar" in those days .signifying the ()tans- y aeller'l jetb, Tar Was One of ,themost laisporterit thingIn any Oiling shisa. It often covered • saller'eStands and elotheti all the time he was on duty. It used. •te be said -that sailOrt . had A nickname for everything. Some nicknarnea are still widely used in the Navy, They include Oterieral "The Bloke" arid "ilinitaysthe-One" - the sailor's ilemes for the captain, combust - der and first lieutenant of his ship. 'Gamely -Jack' Was OriCe common for the gultinery lieuteri- eht. Chaplains were called "Devil Dodgers." Navigatirig ofTicera were "Navvies." Naval Ships are oaten given nicknames, especially when their propel' tomes are difficult to PronoUtice. llellerODthon, for ina stance, becethe "Billy Ruffian" a( -td Psyche Wag "Flee' litow edit 1 improvise a g•oett movie at teen fiit Seale home movies?' A. A card table will 'Make Very line serail, Open up just two legs ol the thb1e ahd 11W thee to hoid the table on edge on top of another table. Theta if the cad table ie dark -colored, yeti eat cover it with some 'White Paper or :sheeting. CLASSIFIED AGENTS WANTED EARN Cash in your SPere Tigre« .Iturt rsbow your frienris our Christnias arid All-Occeolon Greeting Cards (Including itelielous) Stattorreey, Gifts, Write for samples, Colonlel ar4 Fads 094 queen East, 'fermate, 8, aAar CHICKS -- .19,11AY has Arries in-Crose reftento-laa pullets avatlable. BectUeet Het RaYa olds and started to order. Leghorn end duaL purpose chicks to order. Jaeuary- February brotlera ahould be booked now. See local agent, -or write Bray Hatchery 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUILDING MATERIALS . , FABRICATED STEEL , . FOR BUILDING low x nr rwcarirt, POS41 Tars atee e r eria ed. Pelee 415,000 f.o.b. gentslal verrns can he arranged, ROY COOKE & SON LTD., BOX 372 GRIMSBY REACH., WH, II -5643 EYGS., Wt4. 5.2705. etleiNESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE Extra Money SellIng Nzlan Hosiery and Gift Items. Send for Frec Sales Kit, To: S. M. Davenport, 610 E, 99th, Inglewood, California. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI OWN AND OPERATE A coin -Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat* Equipped Laundry Store, Net $4,000-$8.000 Annually. WIGTE or lahon.e-tedaar •for fell Infer, mutton about unattended colmopetated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community. You manage in your spare air•ne - while netting high 'income - We finance 80% of your total' purchase . . offer you longest financing Period at. lowest monthly installments. You receive training and advice from a na- tional orgardzation that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go ,into business for themselyes. No experience necessary. Modesinvest- ment. proven new profitable automatic business offers a money- making opportunity. to anyone who wants to own his own business. Conn part our complete program. ALD CANADA LTD. 54 Advance 'Road Toronto 111 ItOger 6-7255 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FREE - Inv/IA-men NAME BRAND CATALOG WITH coded wholesale priceshown for premiums, prizes and gifts. Full Or Part Time 111 np CAMERAS, lie.PPS, RADIOS, AP- PLIANCES, HOUSEWARRS, RIFT WARES, POWER TOOLS, LUG- GAGE, 1111NOCULARS, SPORTING GOOOS, TOYS, ETC. shlimed completely in 24 hours from enlr glgentic Inventory. CONTINUOU# supply, lower wholesale prates. Visit our showrooms or send for free catalegue now. • SUPERIOR MIRCHANOISE CATALOGUE 274 CHURCH $T, TORONTO, IM.24241 BUSINESS tatortery FOR MINT COMPLETE 'service station,-phowrooM, parts and service fiellittes for car ,dr Al farm 'inement agency. acated No. Highway,' Wingham.- Write Canadian Oil Company; Ltd. ela,S.,flutheriand, Box 543, Goderich. . BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALO TWO Storey Besiness Block' now, so- ond -hand store plus /our apartment, Choice business location. Excellent in vestment. Clifford Weekelleatter, Sault Rte. Marie, Ontario. rimsby M&ine FOR SALE .OR _LEASE WILL accommodate 200300 boats, spa- cloua grounds, also offices,. showroom, and repair, shop. House on property, 990,000. $10,000 will handle purchase. SOY COOKE AND SON LTD. BOX 972, GRIMSBY, ONT. Wk. 5-5443 - SVGS., Wel. 541709 . ,CATALOGUSS JUST 0114 E.P.al Ste' N6W catalogee Ofa-Christiart Books and Supplier!. FREI: 02 illustrated pages of all that's best Chlistlan Books, plaques, records an other etrpinies - „for all ages -- for 411 purposes. Make your Christmart eho SiPlenngdeNaoSwYlfor your Free copy/ EVANIMILICAL 1100K SHOP Dept. W, 241,Yenee St., Termite 1, Ont. How Can 1? By Anne Milky Q. How can I Make easier the Serb ef reopening a Used jar or tan 01 glue? A. To aVold faint trouble, throw away the present cap of your glue container and, instead, seal ;the container with some *trips of cellulose tape. This will be *oily removable tha heat One you stet your glue, Q. When the soles of seine overshOet have /oat their Weed, how can they be Made zionakid again.? A, Ay the application of a thick layer of rubber teinent ttr the soles and that covering this with soisse fine sand. Q. HoW cah I make a better -and more legible job tif address- ing- my packages for Christmas A. Try esing a regular Wood- kitehen match stick, dipped in India ihk, instead of a pen. Your printing will be Much heavier, and much more easily read by the taistal cletkA. , Yenta') Depend On who kidneys tail to remove rkeeta acid4 atid Netiatea, backache, tired' tir,:art:Itairicktedri7{.1tiolltibrit'!tvs,r1. Pills stimelete -kidneys to eornial duty, You (et better-aleeo bet- ter, -work better. Yotl hati 4.16pettd tg Tit Olt Doddar, Get Dodd 'a Maury aistatere. ADVERTISING EMF,LDTMENT OPPGRTYINITIES „ LEARN Obetit ,100A -OISP.S, roamers slops. aegtnnora 4160 weeirlY, ne ea- perlence necessary. Detaua Capt. Wohlenberg, Box tin•C /soloing Green Station, NeW l'eralt 4, New Yeelt, „ FARMS PPR RALD t.• - 120 ACRES cultivated ftli lie acre Steel; YAM. room mita house with fur, nee% hydro' 3 ea bath. Ilarn 44 X 190 and 30 X 00: $Pring fed, creek an prop - fan ittlaaorr fer sale -111 Health All enquitles should be addressed to: - Mr. Roy Tantelyn, R,Ift, No, 2, SUNDER- LAND, Ont, This advertiaement ts auallated free as one of the many benefits of:-- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA),_ 1020 DUNDAS saaaaa EAST, LONDON. ONTARIO, — FARM .MACI•ISNERY FOR bAi..3 NEW lIonand Balers. Two only brand new flayliner 67 regular price 91655,00 December Only $1299.00, You save tourg. 356.00. John A. II R.R. 0, Co, Foe 'ma - MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS, Cards, Doeter's appointment carda, pm per 100(1, postage included, Customs, tax, if any, extra. NadeaU Strong, pe). 111a2, Phoenla, Arizona, ,U.S.A. RONSON windlite ligeters, gearan. teed, $2,59; retractable ball point pens, 12 for $1.00; 103. penclls, rubber tip. Fed, 36 for $1.00; Borealis lewelerY, necklace and earring velvet boxed, $2,50; tie bar and cufflink frets. boxed $2.00; musical ,lighters, $3.50. Dealer enquiries invited. Estokes 1148 College St., Toronto, Ont HANDWRITING ANALYSIS AMAZING,Efandwriting Analysis! Tells character, traits and talents. Learn about yourself and other. Send hand. writing end ses for each analysis to: Scottie, Box 732, Brockton, Mass. Money Back Guarantee, HELP WANTID PIMALS ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT exchanged for spare time housework. Other sal. ;tried work in office, artiat's studio, resteurant, or store guaranteed. Suit girl or mother and child. Box In, 123, 18th Street, Toronto 14, Ont. liAldwin 1- 1783, HIILP YaAPITIO MALI WANTED FOR various territories aggressive deal - erg to sell, assemble and install the famous Excel -Hastings Altuninum Awn- ing now manufactured by HOSKINS SU PP L Y COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIMITED. Awning firms preferred but not neces- sary. For full particulars write to fir/SKINS SUPPLY COMPA,NY (CHATHAM) LIMITED, Chatham, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN moral Bookkeepht , $a1su , ship, Shorthand, Typewri otte. sons 30e. Ask for* free eiEtr No. • Canadian Correspondence Courses, It Bay Street, Toronto. • L.IVISTOCK 7011 sale. Roistered Galloway Cattle, $ menths to 2 year.. Foundation reek Imported from Scotland. Price range 4225.00 tti 9500.00. George MakInson, Mairinsons, Newfoundland. MACHINERY FOR SALE iiOlt SALE, rebqilt Model 14 DstekeYe e neher. hydra e controls, 1000 OBa don, .#1,800. sone Thompson._ lin Grove ,Standieh,. Michigan, Phone king '84641. MAIIARINES MERCHANTS, Imnertereu reseljelle ifitteaMaa. inier°dttiarmitgrat ,44 irarorz,zti,oTo.r..onto b... MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY FCIR NEURITIS AND RHIUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. M11/4R6'VDRUII STORI ILISIN OTTAWA $1.28 Express Ceileit - POST'S .ECZEMA, SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema Mahe, and weeping sidn troubles. Post'* Eczema Salve will•not dasppoiat you. Itching scaling, and burning eel', Ina, acne, tgworm, phnples and foot eczema tti reirpond readily to the stsinless odorless ointment ragardiees sfe how etubbornsorzheedesietaey.seens. Ileitt Pest PrOe in Receipt ef Pee: PRICI 13.50 MIR JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1545 '11'..TCOltlairett,Tvfn0 11125 neponruNITIES FOR - MEN ANC WOMEN 1111 A HA1RDRESSE1t JOIN 'CANADA'S LIAISING SCHOOL Great OpPatunity , .Litarn ilah•dressing • Pleasant' 'dignified profession; ,good tester. Theusands of successful Marvel Graduates aineriee.'s °sagest Setter* lliustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call . MARYIL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 8511 Slaw St. W., Taranto . Bratichea. „ 44 72 ittiltattItLili, gat?: . . PERSONAL ADULTS! Peteonal, Rubber' Goods. 110 esscirtMent for 92,00. Finest quality, testoa, guaranteed. matted , in •plaat fraled paeltege plus free, Birth Control booklet and catalogee of Supplite, Western DistrIbutoes,BOX 24TP Regina,Sask, PET stoOK Pea SALk FOR sale. BOrder Fancy Canarieg. Guar:, anteed singers. Mts. Donald McIntyre, Ashburn, Ontario PEDIGREED Perelan kittens, Most eolete, deposit holds until Christmas: Carolyn Thomas, Grave/ Mad, St, Thoinaa. -- PHOTOGRAPHY Waal slides of your 85mm black -white neg5tive.17 150 per slide. Send cheque or Motley order to: H. Vanderrneerseh, R,R 1, Port Burwell, Ontario. SAVE! SAVE t SAVE! sibits develoPed Old 8 triagrie printe eiburn 40e 12 illegria prints Itt olbum 002 , Reprints each Re0640.01i Develcipltig , tell $1.60 Met theruditig petite) 'Colet prints 660 &telt dittia. Anaear and Ektatht•orne 35 nitn, 20 Mkt peewee •triettrited in slides $1 25 Colet prints 'fterti tildes 314 each. ,Mohde refunded III atill tor otiptintod nogo• 'dyes. FARMEllt' cAMtkA •ellft Bak IS, tiAtir our ti-AYS-....111..14g-E. 11011 dAStinti tottreAM PROPEFITISA FPS Oaf Farm, see eases mesas, sena. AOMM itaTtrtg IN THE LAND o' Latta.% Arius trees, good barn. large beim aWirtells, baalstohrgnail'. agolltiQq'titiara Fairrrr bar1,11i0, aotb on highway 41. Per more linionotast.sumotlinetrbeseco, 4%4101os? rehseouret est'. Aitit(di iskeshore, write: Jolla Sayi0n$ fareker„ azerfaaresa, _ _ RAIIBITS RABBIT - ausiNess WILL net 45,00 Profit Met retiti. tilg business or small Investment 4850,00 ,full priee. Take a only 2 hours aday to manage, Don't gamble on a husineee where you only thiok there will be a profit, We have arrangements with mane large companies to dispose of memo labiate and furs this eenting year alene, and we will give you a meat contract and guarentee for 5 full years, Limited supply of Iniperted stock. For appointment WAY Phone tO write J. Howe, ME. 3-4127 70 Dryden Road, Gownsview, Ont. Beek on successful rabbit raising $1.00 Per copy Postpaid. SWINE _ „ "ATTENTION, commercial bagmen • Landrace gilts, bred sows, top govern- ment premium boars from AcIvanced Registry we with mitstanding scores, Three months 914, either sex, 4 for $100 delivered, without papers, Come or Issue, David waster, Route 4, Ay!. mer, Ont," REOISTERED Tarnworths, 3 months old $23.00 Boars, 6 months old 943.00. Choice breeding stock Veterinary in - tweeted. Gerald Kenehan. Jovceville Ontario, TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER wanted for SS No, 6 East Flamboro, Ditties to COMITICIICO Jan 1, 1969. STATE qualifications and name of last ,school inspector. 'Vernon Hall, eat 2, Camplaeliville, Ont. SkIBUREAN MONTREAL CATHOLIC teacher required Mimed!. atela LatlY to teach Pitman short- hand and bookkeeping In high school; also lady for elementary grades. The Catholic School Board of Saint Laurent. 1870 Rue laccelles St„ Montreal JUNIOR ROOM TEACHER S.S. No. • Southwold, (Talbotville. Duties to continence Jan. L Apply stating sal - *TY, etc., to J. Burtwistle, Sec.-Treas., RA, 7, St. Thomas, GUELPH SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD TEACHERS FOR GRADES 1 TO 11 ALSO TEACHERS FOR OPPORTUNITY CLASS SALARY - Minimum ;2,800. for quali- fied teachers. Allowance $100 per year for experience to a maximum of 6 years; alao for additional qualifieattons. ANNUAL increment 9200. Other ben*- . fits under consideration. ' APPLY stating qualifications, experi- ence, age, marital status, reference* and name of last inspector to: *J. P. GRUZLISKI, ADMINISTRATOR 44 NORFOLK ST., GUELPH, ANT. VACATION RESORTS ttMs motel fitrody on the Gulf, ietindly resort for a, hafoay eareft vecatiort. Rooms and be ma ap Monte, areortunoditte 1-6. entral hea free TV, maid service, shuffieboar tratearldng. Canadian owned and .rat laugh and Ethel Berlin, 11900 Ulf vd, Treasure Island, Florida. OlibiONG Beach, Fle. Ocean -front Site Allumette apartraente, 920 weekly, 470 , monthly. Volvilla, Court, 1274 Ocoee Shore Blvd. ST. •PETERSBURG FLORIDA BEDINGTON Shores on Gulf, three modern apartments, eleetrIc heat in eating, two efficiencies sleeps two and one, two bedroom -sleeps four or more 080 to 975 per week or 1195 to $225 per rnth. Further information write Mrs. Bain, P,O. Box asp, Tampa, 4, aide ISSUE 51 -- 1959 'LIKE A Blitt5 - Mrs. Atthle ./011a kiris, 14, resetutely keeps her pfoce on et utility pole hda,Whs towr Los Angelus. She clitiibed the pole dutin On argurnent was her huthertd. It took to power' came:lady erew with a mebile e.eveitot to get het deavri, She was taken to ci eiPtir tc;* a maniati examinafioila