HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-10, Page 7THE VOICE MEETS ROYALTY - F Marie Cecile of Prussia at a event was held to raise funds EuroPe and Asia in American h F rank Sinatra chats with Princess benefit boll in Hollywood. The to place homeless children of omes, AGENTS ''WANTED • — 10,1 /4 uN Cash In your Spare !`.1,1.ine. Just ;how your friends our carisuass and' All-OceaalotOreetirig Garde preluding Religious) tatienery, GUIs. Write for samples, olOnlel. Card, Ltd., op.* Queen East, TOrent0, .2. " AUTO ACCEISORIES EVIL ,114),G1 AMAZING AUTIOAATIG URGLAR 'ALARM FOR AUTOMO-nzp that blasts out loud exciting noise when Car IS being tampered with. VrOteets car, tires, and eontenta from thieves, This item curries a ten-year guarantee and is easy to install, Low Cost protection indeed: could be Worth litany times the price, which is $7,95 postpaid. If not delighted in seven• days return and InOneY Will be refunded. Send name of ear with money order to: 11. T. RtMdell, g420 State street, Erie, Pennsylvania, i‘genits big profit and good side line. BABY CHICKS REQUEST Bray list Anies in-Cross ready-W.41Y Pullets. Dayolcls to order, Leghorns and dual purpose chicks to order. nook January-February broilers now. See local agent, or write. Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS! OWN AND OPERATE. A Coin-Metered Unattended Westinghouse Laundromat* Equipped Laundry Store. Net $4,000-$8,000 Annually. WRITE or phone today for full infor- 'nation about unattended coin-operated Westinghouse Laundromat equipped laundry store opportunities in your community, You manage in your spare time - while netting high income. We finance 00% of your total purchase , . offer you longest finaneing period at lowest monthly installments. You receive training and advice from a na- tional organization that has helped over 8500 men and women like you go into business for themselves. No experience necessary, Modest invest. merit: This proven new profitable automatic business offers a money. making opportunity to anyone who wants to own his oWn business. FM- pare our complete program, AID CANADA, LTD. 54 Advance Road Toronto 18 ROger 6-7255 BUSINESS. PROPERTY FOR RENT COMPLETE service stollen, showroom, parts and service facilities, for car or farm implement agency. Located No. 4 Highway, Wingham. Write Canadian Oil Companies Ltd. M. S. Sutherland. Box 543, Goderich. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE Grimsby Marine FOR SALE OR LEASE WILL accommodate 200.300 boats, spa. cious grounds, also offices, showroom, and repair shop. House on property. $90,000, $10,000 will handle purchase. ROY COOKE AND SON LTD, BOX 372, GRIMSBY, ONT. WH. 5.5643 - EVGS., WH. 54709 BUILDING MATERIALS FABRICATED STEEL. FOR BUILDING 200' x 70' NO CENTRE POSTS THIS steel was never erected. Price $15,000 f.o.b. Grimsby, Terms can be arranged. ROY COOKE & SON LTD., BOX 372 GRIMSBY BEACH., WH, S-5643 EVGS., WH. 5.2709. LONG DROP - Jack Martin, .17,, sits Cleiptindiett CUrbinl - (thee his gar dropped froin Streei abOVeit Onto busy to Dayton lie had fallen out df,the wheh hi riiiehed to ilate H. was hot` injured; PROPERTIES FOR SALE. RETIRE IN TUE LAND 0' Farm, spa acres mostly 144, ,sonic Xmas trees, good barn , largo house with baterpeei, e11000.00, Posit, 130 acres, also Plot:, good house and barn, Meth op highway 41,...Pur Mere Infer, oration 0n theSe, village houses and Iota, summer cottages, resorts and lakeshore, write: John J• Broker, NOrtnbrook, POULTRY PULLETS, 500 Ghostly white Leghor pullets ready to lay, Pouble vaccinate and wormed, 51.75 each while suppl lasts. John Stutnnen, Mount Elgin,. miles South, 2 mites east. RABBITS RABBIT - BUSINESS WILL net $5,000 profit AMC year, Big business for small investment - 5050,00 full price. Takes only 2 hours a day to Manage, Don't gamble on a business whereyou only think there will be a profit, We have arrangements with many large companies to dispose of 8100,000 rabbits and furs this coming Year alone, and we will give you a meat contract and guarantee for 5 full years, Limited supply of imported stock. For appointment only Phone or write J, Howe, MR 3.4127 78 Dresden Road, Downsview, Ont, Bo successful rabbit raising 51,00 pe RAW FURS WANTED RAW furs wanted, Mao hides, skins, wool, horsehair, Highest prices paid, Also (molten tanning, New woollen blankets available cheap, B. B. Smith) 37 Sherbourne Si.,Toronto. . STAMPS BUILD up A FABULOUS STAMP COL- LECTION FOR ONLY $1.00 A WEEK. Upon receipt of yout dollar we will send you a selection of au different stamps from a country your first selection wilt Include a complete list each week starting with Albania FIRE ISLAND STAMP CO. and quantity of the shipped BOX 37, U.S.A., WEST ISLIP, N.Y, SWINE . . REGISTERED Tamworths, 3 months old $23,00 BoarS 6 months old $43.00. Choice breeding stock Veterinary in-spected, Gerald kenehan, Joyeeville, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED „ . JUNIOR ROOM TEACHER B.S. No. 6 Southwold, (Talbotville) Duties to commence Jan, 1, Apply stating sal- ary, etc., to J, Burtwistle, Sec.-Treas.. E.R. 7, St Thomas. HUMBER GROVE PUBLIC SCHOOL MALE or female teacher wanted im- mediately for 1.room Protestant school, about 1 mile from Bolton. SALARY schedule in effect, starting salary $2,000, allowance for experience, $200 per year up 10 5 years, plus $100 fAoPr PPLrYinelin writingPai. to the 'undersigned stating qualifications and experience. JACK D. STEWART BOLTON PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD BOX 136, BOLTON, ONT. SUBURBAN MONTREAL CATHOLIC teacher required immedi- ately. Lady to teach Pitman short- hand and bookkeeping1n high school; also lady for elementary grades. The Catholic School Board of Saint Laurent. 1870 Rue Decelles St„ Montreal, GUELPH SEPA RATE -SCHOOL BOARD TEACHERS FOR GRADES VTO-is ALSO TEACHERS FOR OPPORTUNITY CLASS SALARY - Minimum $2,800 for quail- fled teachers. Allowance $100 per Year for eXperience to a maximum of 6 years; also for additional qualifications. ANNUAL Increment $200. Other bene- fits under consideration.. APPLY stating qualificatiOns; expert- enee,, age, onarital status, references and name Of last inspector 'to: J. F. GRUZLESKI, :ADMINISTRATOR 66 NORFOLK ST., ,GUELP,H, ONT . - VACATION RESORTS ALGIERS Motel directly on "the Gulf. Friendly., resort ,for a happy carefree vacation,'-Rooms and bedrodifi %Part- ments, accommodate 1-6. Central heat, . free TV, maid serviceslinfflehoard, patios, parking. Canadian owned and operated. BugivankEthel Bpwia, 11600 Golf med.,' Tteasere*Islatd,,Florlda OILIVIOND Beach, Fla. Ocean-front Alt- ehenette apartments, $20 weekly, $70 monthly.,, 9eurt; t275 Ocean Shore Bld, ' ISSUE 50 — 1959 You Can Depend On When kidney's fail t/ to remove rn:CeS5 acids and wastes, barikaohe, tired feeling, dieturbedisturbed rest often fallow. Dodd's kidney . Pills stimulate kidneys to nermat duty, You feel aA batter-seep bet.-, ter, work bettor, You can depend , so oft Dedd's Oct Dedcl'e Mawr dm, wee, TO PORTRAY Toni Preitiri§e4 .above.,.pottray- thiist .lii the 1-. ,k60-01:'eeatiiiiiiit.. gau• Passion Play: 47, played'. 04.'060 Oka befete hi the fell -oraus tleania, Whtih •staaedevety 10 yeate hi the • ds 0d 0'- ..„K"143N E Pill S s4 :0 tivir te. • ro s Litter4ugf4ino In The Ocectn TQ a Chemed swimmer, a PI)* Orel coating of grease provides protection from the cOldet Bet to a North Atlantic. sea bird, a spot of grease Or oil the size of a quarter means almost certain death since it mats feathers and the thick insulating fluff Under.. neatle letting in the oceans bit- ter cold. With the demise of coal-burn- ing ships, more and more oil has been pouring on these troubled birds-oilers clean out their tonics at sea, burnt lubricants are dumped overboard, cargo ships flush their fuel tanks when empty. The Labrador cure rent picks up the slick in nor - thern sea lanes and concentrates it off Newfoundland-a major wintering area for hundreds of thousands of eider ducks, razor- billed auks, and thick-billed merres. In 1957. a thousand dead birds a day were washed up on a 90-mile stretch of the New- foundland coast, and this year even more came ashore, The Gulf current transports the lethal waste to the shores of Northern. Europe which have been similarly littered, There is no way, of course, to count those that die at sea and sink, but few by comparison ever float ashore. "Litterbug,ging at its zenith" is the phrase John A. Livingston, executive director of the Audu- bon Society of Canada, used last month to describe oil dumping at sea, Livingston, in New York to attend the National Audubon Society's 55th annual convention. warned that commercial fisher- men on the Atlantic, as well as bird lovers and beachgoers. have good reason for concern about this „wholesale destruction of sea birds. The food chain of the sea from bird guano to plankton to fish to fish market could be severely disrupted, he said, if the oil-slick problem is not solved. Prohibiting the dumping of oil and grease at sea is the ob- vious answer, according .to Liv- ingston, but he acknowledged that a shipowner "is going to have to think rather highly of sea birds to take an extra day" in port when it costs up to $3,000 a day to keep a ship in port while its tanks are flushed. The practical answer, Living- ston added, probably lies in the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, a pact that has as many words in its title as mem- ber' nations, Forty-two countr- ies attended the 1954 London conference, but only twelve have actually signed. The agree- ment prohibits oil dumping in coastal areas, and pact members hope to extend the prohibition to a 300-mile sweep east and south of Newfoundland. Even- tually, the signatories plan to outlaw all oil dumping at sea. But the pact binds only its mem- bers. The members include Canada and the United Kingdom, but not the U.S.-though the U.S. does put restrictions on its own shipping that ,are more stringent than those of the convention. But Livingston wants the active participation of the country he calls "the cradle of public rela- tions" for the effect it would have on indifferent countries. "To put it quite frankly," he added, "the United States is a • good name for our letterhead." Whether the North Atlantic's water-fowl population will reach a point of no return is anybody's guess, obser v e d Livingston., However, he warned, "I have not yet heard of any species which could take this sort' of thing in its stride,"-From NEWSWEEK. DRIVE CAREFULLY — The life you save may be your own. Buried Himself To Cash Insurance The get-rich-quick scheme was worth $10,000. That sum repre- sented the life. insurance value of a lovely twenty-four-year-old American mother, which two plotters, one the beneficiary un- der the policy, hoped to• collect, They. laid their plans with diabolical cunning. Approaching a bridge near Idaho Falls, with her baby boy, Mrs. Roene Gas- ser had not the slightest inkling of danger until the ground sect- denly exploded violently be- neath. her. Dynamite, fired electrically, lifted her car into the air, break- ing it into pieces, But, miracu- lously, she emerged from the wreckage with comparatively light injuries. And her baby boy was unscathed. The law potinced quickly on the . two men, one a youngster of eighteen, whose fiendish -plot 'had miscarried. Convicted of as- sault with intent to commit mur- der, each is now serving fourteen years' .imprisonment Unquestioned is the wisdom oe taking out adequate insurance. to covet all such risks as burg- lary, fire, accident, sudden death or disability in old age. But now and then, unscrupulous people attempt to exploit insurance companies with remarkable cleverness. One international trickster,. Rumanian, conceived the idea of bumping himself ..off in differ-. ent countries and collecting the insurance on himself!. At Youngstown, Pa,, he staged a roadside fatality, using an- other corpse as his own, He stuffed some of his own identity papers, including a copy of his marriage certificate and a re- ceipt for payment of his last life policy premium, into the pockets of the victim, whose face was badly disfigured. The swindler then disappear- ed. Who the real casualty was remains unknown to this clay. Some investigators suspect that he may have been murdered. • • But everything subsequently worked out as the trickster planned. His wife, living with relatives in Belgium, was noti- fied of his "death." The Ameri- can- company paid out the insur- ance claim, $5,000. But hardly had this windfall descended on his wife than he ar- rived, representing himself as .• her long-lost brother and, with great gusto, proceeded.• to spend. hie illicit gains. The highlight af this fraud came when, after, insuring him- self even= more heavily, he res turned to his homeland and, taking advantage of local flood-, ing, added his own name to the already long list of casualties. Then, with the local adminis- tration at sixes and sevens, he disguised himself, and reported his own death! Subsequently, with a student accomplice, he proceeded to bury himself in that part of the local cemetery reserved for Seventh. Day Ad- ventists! It was perfectly done. He drove the hearse with his coffin, a crude home-made affair, perch- ed on the floorboards, arid `calm- ly conducted his own burial ser- vice, But before his wife could collect the 50,000 Swiss francs suspicions were roused. The lo- cal police acted on an exhuma- tion order. Judge their amazement when, having dug up the coffin and pried it open, they pulled out the "corpse" a sackful of earth covered with a shroud of old newspapers. For this cold-blood- ed fraud, the swindler was put away for eight years. Some firms set their faces hard against taking out Guar- anteed Fidelity insurances. This covers them against defrauding employees. They believe in the t r u s t e d employee principle. Ninety-nine times out of a hun- dred, such faith is abundantly justified.'But exceptions arise. One appeared recently when a much respected man was ar- rested. Over the years, he had worked himself into the position of his company's secretary, giv- ing him full control of the ac- counts. And it wasn't until a director's interest was roused 'because of his rather frequent absences, due to "stomach trou- ble," that the books were ex- amined. It was discovered that when he was supposed to be away ill he was really at the races. Bet• ting on horses was his master passion. To gratify it, he was stealing from his employers at the rate of $45,000 a year. Not even his wife suspected this evil weakness of his. His arrest came as a tremendous shock to her. She was even more shocked when she. learned the size .of his thefts. Insurance men- tell many good :stories , of narrowly averted cala- mities. Often a quirk of fate can save their companies from meet- ing heavy claims. ,Stich a situa- tion ,prevailed when, a few weeks ago, two dockers, unload- ing a banana ship at Southamp- ton picked up a snake. "Isn't she a beauty?" said one, "let's take her to the uni- versity." So the two men seized their prize and walked with it two miles to the university. The laboratory assistant look- ed,at their offering with horror, "Lay it down. very -gently," - 'he` said. They, did. He instantly clapped a glass case over it, then told them it was a green .mamba, one of the deadliest snakes in the world. it 2 Wasn't dead but only drowiy. Luckily for "them! Had it been in the least lively, nei- ther man would have walked more than a few yards, Damages awarded in accident ` cases sometimes help the victim tie discover a new, activity, With e capital stem, he can realize long‘held dreams and start his Own business. A beautiful girl, perfecting her :teting in repertory, toured America and wail a TV contract in. Hollywood: Stardom seeiried Within her grasp.,, Then, with draniatic finality, all her tons fell epart. The Car 'she was in collided with a tritek. Her lather Was killed, She Was bed- ,ly "disfigured: ghe received $20,000 Clariaagett ha the Court. But though "down s in a filth end stage Senat;, She never Sat doWn tie inapt. With ,ii new nose, , isTidi. 4tirtifir lurgery grafting* May tolkow =dlie la determined ta mike' the beet Of thliigt, today iii! Ia Workint in fiVerrillti running, *ith her Mother, the tieihily'i He Got A Divorce — For Two Pine For the third time in leo than a week, the red-haired, fiery- tempered young wife Was wag- ing a battle of words with her equally temperamental husband in their hixttry flat on the, teenth floor of an Anwripan city skyscraper. lier blue eyes blazed,. With fury as she told him his shortcom- ings as a husband, "You're mean although you're rich, you're madly Jealous, of Me for no reason at all, your conversation bores ,me ,to dis- traction and you're certainly not the ideal lover I thought you were when I married you seven years ago," she snapped,ri " . Goaded by her criticism, her husband began enumerating her bad points, "It beats me why I ever thought you worth marrying," he snarled, "You may be pretty, but you ruin your looks with too much make-up and your hot temper and nagging are becom- ing unbearable. Also, you never really loved me! "For two pins I'd divorce you," he added, impetuously, "It would be easy to find rea- sons." Rushing to her dressing table, the infuriated wife picked up two pins and flung them at him, "Go ahead with the divorce," she snapped. "I can hardly wait to be free againl" And so this wholly incompa- tible couple were divorced. Af- ter witnessing a further display of both parties" bad temper in court, the judge unhesitatingly accepted the husband's plea that her "vixen-like temperament" had made married happiness im- possible for both of them. Amazing are some of the grounds on which divorces are often obtained in certain states of America, Many of them are trivial, too, One husband got a divorce be- cause his wife's pet dog snored so loudly that it kept him awake all night. And a nineteen-year- old Chicago wife complained that her husband left her after four months because she was "too skinny." She told the judge who grant- ed her a divorce: "He told me he liked plumper girls." A woman divorced her hus- band in Montclair, New Jersey, because he preferred to sleep on a platform built in a tree in their garden instead of in bed. Then there was the tall Missouri wife who got a divorce because her four-foot-tall husband stood on a chair during a row and punched her in the eye. Another husband gave a di- vorce court judge a good reason for being "down in the mouth." He complained that whenever his wife ran short of ready cash she would steal his gold-plated false teeth and pawn them, Di- vorce granted. An aggrieved husband who filed a petition for divorce in Los Angeles said his wife made, him sleep in the hen-roost or the cellor to make,room for her relatives. He added that on the rare occasions when he was ale lowed to sleep in their bed, he was obliged to share it with the wife's pet snake! It was the grievance of a no- longer-young New York wife that her club-loving husband failed to arrive home for lunch or dinner on a single occasion in sixteen years. "It was the last straw Wiles' he did then up eventually' and abused me because his meal wasn't ready," she declared. The sympathetic judge agreed that a divorce was her only course: Then there was the wife of an enthusiastic amateur boxer who, she complained, used to practise neW punches with her as the punchball. But before obtaining her divorce, she had her re- venge. One night she used her, skill as a neecllewornan to' sew the boxer up in the bed-sheets when he was' asleep, refusing to re- lease him until he had apolo• gized for his punches. Yes, there's no end to the strange excuses offered by eou, file's for severing the marriage' tie. One fed-up husband strode 'into a divorce court and said that although he had been wed- only three weeks he wanted a divorce, "Why?" queried the lawyer, "YoU've had practically no mar- ried life together." "Oell, the fact is that My Wife is not really my wife," Said the young man. "What on earth do you mean?" he was asked. "At the marriage service she did not say `Yes' ,at the allele" "Therefore she is not married to me." Hls 'statement proved true. The Wife had not said the Vital Word --,Ihere.weed Witilteeee to that. She was tee nervous. After much legal debate, the marriage Wag a/Millie& TWO places some teeii-agees 4110.11 stand:. eidesteolite and bat- ter shops. CATALOGUES JUST OFF THE PRESS! E,P.'s Big New catalogue of Christian Books and Supplies. FREE: 92 illustrated pages of all that's best in Christian Books, plaques, records and other supplies - for all ages - for all purposes. Make your Christmas shop- ping easy! Send Now for your Free copy; EVANGELICAL BOOK SHOP Dept. W, 241 Yonge St:, Toronto 1, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE GENERAL Electric Motors (2) 5 11 .P. 550 volts, 60 cycle speed 1737 RPM. 5.2 amps Model 8E2783, Guaranteed nearly new: These are repossessed $125.00 each Waterloo Motors, 379 Waterloo Street, London, GE. 4-4248. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LEARN abOut jobs on U,S., FOREIGN ships. Beginners,' $100 weekly, no ex- perience necessary, Details, Capt. Wohlenbereh-Bent 192,C Bowling Green Station, New Yotk 4, New York. FARMS FOR SALE 25 ACRES epee &flay 'Loam Remodelled 7 room liause, small barn Wr Reeler R.R. No' 3, Dashwood, Ont SQUARE ,100 iierek,I17 PeltiVated; it Maple bilsh; Ten room houte; Hydro; Barn 97 feet x 06 feet, with'Steet roof; School 1 • mile; Highway mile. All enquiries should be addressed la Mr. Wilfred E. Scrivelis, n. cle. 1, OAX WOOD, Ontario. This advertisement is published free as one of the many bent, CI1E ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1029 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON. ONTARIO. FARM MACHINERY FOR ..AL nNeEwW allayollna entd, 8B7olteerzs.Itaropriogyobor5a.101:10 Deceinbee only 51200.00. You says $356.00. John A. B ,Wilson, R.R. 5 CO. GUINEA PIGS •-• RABBITS GUINEA PIGS wanted, also New Zeal- and white Rabbits. Canadian Research Anithal Fatties. Bradford, Ont. HANDWRITING ANALYSIS A IAZING flanclwriting eriatystsr Pelts charaetee traits and talents. Leese about yourself and others Send hand writing and 50e_ for each, analysis 1M Scottie, Bok 732, troeitioti. Mesa Money Beek Guarantee, _ HELP WANTED EXCLUSIVE Jett Information USA- World-Wide, hyi to $1600 Monthly Don't wail, write for fret information today, Eisinger, Box 12, Detroit 13. Michigan. COUPLE Without children or pets wanted to work in -kennel near Tcr- onto. Must Intim kennel experience. COW wages nod own' conihietely fur. nialied apattntent„ box 202y 129.18th Street, New Toronto, Out. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT exellanged for spare tithe housework. Other Sal. arced work, in of artist's sitidio restaurant, ,or ;store guaranteed, Stilt 'girl Or Maher' and Child, Bex 199,. 123. 1187t0131 Street,Tercinte 14, Orit. BAIdtvlii 1- PAYS TO USE OUR CtASSIFIEb. COLUMNS HELP WANTED MALE tINOTYPi OPERATOR ,EXPERIENCED On floor for progres sive Job printing plant, would con• alder two-thirder with aptitude, full scale, scale, fringe benefits. Apply Phibbs Printing Ltd. St, Thomas, Ont. WANTED „... LIMITER, Awning' territories aggressive deal. era to sell, assemble and install the famous ENeel•ilaslings Aluminum Awn-. big U. PLY yMaicatiofvfacit,AUrihd bywnHAOTSHKAINmS) Awning firms preferred but not fleece' sary. For full partieulars write to 110SKINS SUPPLY COMPANY 1CHATITAMi LIMITED, Chatham, Out, • INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 500, Ask for free circular No, 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, LIVESTOCK FOR sate. Registered Galloway Cattle, 8 months to 2 years. Foundation stock imported from Scotland, Price range $226,00 to $500,00. George Makinson. Makinsons, Newfoundland. MACHINERY FOR SALE FOR SALE, rebuilt Model w14 Buckeye trencher, hydraulic centrols, good con- dition, $1,800, George Thompson, 3199 N, Grove, Standish, Michigan. Phone Viking 6.3641. „ . MAGAZINES - ,- , -- MERCHANTS, importers, renders, agents, "Made In Europe” Magazine, Wm year, sample one dollar. D. Bras- 137 HEWARD, Toronto 8. MEDICAL MEDICAL TRY IT1 EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD Tee DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express. Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BUY Wholsale! 8 Ballpoint Pens, $1.00. Novel Waterwhip Lawn Sprinkler $1.00, Postpaid. Grover Gillett, Box 2272, Dal- las 21, Texas. Snowshoes. All sizes and styles. Bates' Humane Snowshoe Harness (Pat). No more blistered toes. Folder. "Snow. shoeing in Comfort," Bates' Snowshoes, Dept. W, Metagama, Ont. RONSON windnte timers, guaran- teed, $2.50' retractable ball point pens, 12 for $1,00; M.D. pencils, rubber tip- ped, 36 for $1.00; Borealis jewelery, necklace and earring 'velvet boxed, $2.50; tie bar and cufflink sets, boxed $2.00; musical lighters, $3.50. Dealer enquiries invited. Estoke's 1148 College St., Toronto, Ont. - -- GENUINE MINK HEADBAN D FANTASTIC quality. Factory to you clearance. Selling in New York $4.95, Be In fashion ,tfaif.1,960, only $3 post- paid. Roberta Fashions, Dept. C, Box 86, Term. A, Toronto. __- XMAS Gift cannot Duplicate. Variety Book of Poems, including The Rockies, Precious Links from the Chain of Got. den Memories, quality finish. Why send a card in place of 30 lovely Poems. Only 75e plus fax. Author, Box 542, New Westminster, B.C. MEN -YOUR FAVORITE WOMEN will love' a, bediniful• banquet of 'reel. dried flowers for Christmas. Their bright mid-summer colours will give pleasure a,11 winter long. Ladies, do try them for your friends too, $6.50 to: J. Spicer, NaRusp„ brings huge box full of beauty - Smaller box $3.00. OPPOR ruNi ME's *OR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 'SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing „ Pleasant dignified,ProIeSsibrirVood wages. Thousands of successful Marvel- Grachiates„ America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue.Free, Write or MARVEL'HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St„ W„ Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL AUTHORS invited; Sabel/S. 'SISS ell types (including poems) for book pub, neation reasonable terms, Stockwell Ltd. Ilfracombe, England (Est'd. 1898.) _ - FEATHER Bird Xmas ' and Gteeting folders with envelopes. Beautiful, deco- ratlike, dIstinctiye. Appealing, artistic vivid living color harmony:., Dozen asserted $1.85. MokieaZO'S, 'Oalekied California ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods 30 assortment rot $2.00. • Fines), qUalitY„ tested, gneranteed Mailed in -plain pealed package plus free Birth Centrol booklet and catalogue of SupplieS.. WeStern Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Saak $1.00.60 :REWARD OFFERED for infotination leading to the arrest and conviction of the Peron, tit persons responsible for, the theft of 1056 White and green Dodge sedan. license 33 786 on November 23 from WilliamstoWnOnt. Law enforcement agencies excluded. Any information should he sent to:- Allied Setrov hit leo,en,(Ooe, litita,de,si 0) 6 it 1029 PHOTOGRAPHY WAN') slides of your 35mtu 'blaekAyhite negatites' 15t per slide. Scud theque or money ord to: 11, Vaildertneeracb. I Port Bur,velt. Ontario. - SAVF. I .11).11 SAVE! films developed and tl maiMe prints in MIAMI 404 12 martin prints .in albUrii 604 Reprints 5d cacti kOt/ Developing roll $1.00 ;(eet including tpir st,$) Color prints 150. etieli ektrai A lisco and Ektachrome 35 Milt, 20 ex' postu res mounted In ,slides $1.25. Color ptints froM slides 54 each. Money r efunded full for .titifiritited nega- . . FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OPPORTUNITY: Lovely apartment, .2 bedrooms,, livitigrOom kitchen with U. 'shape Cupboards and .breakfast nook, piece bathroom, and laundry teeth,. heated, attached shop 20' x 45'4 heavy wired, Low taken Reasonable for meek, sale, Mortgage. cah be .artangd. 'ApPly .i.iAt ibgelti,stob'tchaPlitittatitk Box 324, TAO- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING