HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-10, Page 5On. errl rs .....1••••••••..... _••.••••wi,•,•.••••‘..,p,amc.:4,••=r; To The Ratepiyers of Grey Township I wish to thank all those who supported me in the election of Dec. 7th. I wish everyone the compliments of the season. Archie Mann To The Ratepayers of Grey Township I 'would like to thank those who' supported me in the last election. I will serve you with the best of my ability. I, wish you all a very. Merry 'Christmas and Happy and Posperous: New Year. Kenneth Bray ...omme,ba.amia:or .••••••••miesmon NIVOWAIWIIK AVOW AtelWAVOIrig AVM VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNIt —the we, the comfortable way. Snow-filled skies or Icy roads will make no difference—you'll get where you .want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip. And especially how with CN's new Group Economy Travel 'Plat: you make tremendous savings when you travel in a group of two or More. FOr instance, for fear people going to Montreal from Toronto the fare is only $1 5 each, return! The CN's new Group Economy Travel and the "All Inclusive" Western travel plans cost SO Uttie—why drive! For tickets and ioformation, contact your local Canarliag Natimial ticket offite. This yea); inOre 14Ople who are phig 1)04o ...the CloAtinds se4soit, train i .%,41 el IAN NATIONAL t-9,77 Tedchitid Traffic Safety gait at 'home leach `them to fieVer croSS from between .1:5titked dent': r`r GREY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION MEETING Directors :meeting of Grey Twp. Federation meeting was held in Ethel. President Martin Baan pre- sided, Minutes of previous meeting road by secretary treasurer and adopted on motion or Doug Fraser- and Jack Knight %Jerrie& Motion that 4I-I c lub Members achievement night, when the TWp. Federation will present each 4H member preSent, Who has completed one or more projects, with a Silver dollar, this event to be the night of Annual meeting. Motion by D Fraser and Ross (Knight Carried hat Annual meeting be held Friday, Jan. S 1960 and we try to get DIston Cardiff 'M.P. as speaker. Moved by Wm. Bremner and Cliff Bray. Moved by Orval Harrison and .Scott McLean that Rae Houston and DOUg. Fraser be lunch eorri- inittee. Carried. Moved by Ciff Bray and Reas Smith that, a dance be held. after I the meeting to imisie Of Archie Mann ,orcli:estra Carried. Directors mileage ask-Stance account is payable but that it pass Minitel meeting before accounts are paid. Motion by 0. Harrison and Jack Ittight. carried, Moved by ...tack 'Knight and Doug Prager that 806.-trea,:5 salary be raid, Carried. . Itoports and 'discussion on this 0iitatie Cream Pr Oditeeit Annual Mooting in the Royer York Hotel I TorMitO, Were given by bag Fitsei [ and Rae Tionstoii 'AO had -atteiniedi as doitiltY delegates. Carried, mon 111n 1•••••= mono CRANBROOIc. ....Mrs. Alex „Cameron „and ..baby daughter are home from Wingham hospital. ....Mrs. Earl Dunn is home following an eperation ..I n St. ,.Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener. Keep in mind the annual Concert and 10Inlistmas Tree 'being held on Tuesday evening' Dec. 22nd, at 8 o'clock in the Community Centre. Mrs. John :Grant Its at present at the home of her daughter, Mrs. :fora Schnock. Mrs. Grant is re- markable for her years, being in in her 93rd year. She has been with her neice, Mrs 'George Evans, Brussels. Mrs. John Doherty and little, son, Ooderich, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Clem Stelfer. FOR SALE — Chihuahua Pups, male. Dam and Stud weigh 3 lbs. each. Will hold till Christmas. Dolores 11/1cMcWIhirter Phone 229W Turkey Bingo In Brussels Town Hull on FRIDAY, DEC. 11th 15 Reg. Games $1.00 3 Cash Specials Extra Cards & Specials 25c 5 for $1.00 DOOR PRIZE BINGO 01 START 9 aP. fol. Sponsored by the Brussels Branch 218 of the Canadian ueraltria 111951 'VEM-741.9 Shop aud Save at B Read The Advis. and Buy 00 04 11 1 1 00 0 0 0 to en all CO-OP dairy and beef concentrates and premixes (This offer expires Dec. iSfiLt Cash in on this lot tetinaintee Offer and convert your full grin. erg into extra oroftti frith at balanced feeding otegtent. trains at. deftdialit in seine necessary attrleiltn. mop Co* Centratea make up Shoal de, fiolenelea and aite Yon inefenset milkstud meatPrednettet 'treater Drofttsi for. VAL Valft.00- 8ELCIIAVE. ohoiie-o k Model S2DIL •• a a • a FINISH HOGS FASTER NeW design giVeis free access to feed so hogs will regulate their own diet , gain weight faster oh less feed, No bridging or clogging. Partition t to make separate compartmentt for feeding toncentrafeS and grain in ens feeders available as on optional clecetidry, (Not Atoenitillect). 0 0 0 0 a A utility feeder that fits any operation 0 0 0 0 a a a • 95 • 40 40 95 • 0 WinQiinui 1091 BruSSels 559\4,10 Reg. $31.56 40 • 40 (Assem'bl'ed) 0, 64040400,4040414040640404010 4909,04 010,03r4,3 POST, We wish to thank the ratepayers of Morris .lor the acclamation given to us to be your council for 1950, As in. the past we shall endenivour to serve you to the best of our Wishing you the compliments of the Season. We remain Bailie Parrott Reove Ross Duncan -- Councillor Stewart Proctor -- Councillor A"-Iter Shortreed — Councillor Gordon Wilkinson — Councillor pktootweittolieMottaVokeasw,maiviomel Thank Ton To. The Ratepayers of Grey Township I would like to thank all those who supported me, or helped in anyway in the election on Monday; also the Township Officials during the past three years I served as your reeve. Wishing you the compliments of the Season. George W. Hutchinson I wish to thank the :voters of 'Grey Township for electing tee as Reeve in the recent election. I will endeavour to use my position to further the best Interests of the people in Grey Township and to conduct affairs in a business like and efficient manner. Thanks also to my many frienlds who worked hard to bring about my erection. Clifford R. Dunbar FOR ,COUNCILLORS IMINIMLIIIMMIMMIL../ To The Ratepayers of Grey Township I -woad like to thank you for the large vote I received at the polls and hope I can assist you at any future time, Compliments of the. Season. — Glenn Fluether 'NOTICE — Upholstering of all kinds; repairs; remodeled, recolvIered. Call „ Elgin Pholko Phone 341:21 Atwood / LOST 1 Hereford Steer, 600 lbs„ from Brussels Livestock Sale Yards. No. ) 528 on right hip. Reward $10.00 Phone 160 or 46 Brussels FOR RENT -- ipiood House with bath and fur- nace, built-in cupboards. 'Geo. L. Blake Phone 56r12 J WANTED -- alekt teen-age girl to do housework in modern Brussels home All conveniences. Sleep in. Apply at the Brussels Post. ,110./1•••••MIIMINIINON LOST — Red Steer, with white face,weigh- about 600 lbs.; piece off right car, Lost, sometime ,n NoVeineer A. 0. Noble Phone 83r16 FOR SALE — Electric Meat Slicer, Condition very good. $75.00 Brussels Home Furnishings FOR SALE — Baby Budgies for Christmas, all colors. Mrs Carl Jacklin Phone 21-9 FOR SALE -- Girl's white Skates; 1 pr. tubes size 3; 1 pr. Figure skates size 4; 1 pr, Figure skates size 5 Marie MoTaggart Phone 137 FOR SALE — Ladies Dress Cbat, maroon; size 18; fur trimmed; excellent condit- ion, worn only once. May be seen. at the C. J. Pegelow Harness Shop. WANTED — Wants work by the day. Also blacksmithing, forge work, sharpen haurowe. Phone 97W between 5.30 to S am. and 6 to 10 p.m. I-Tome all clay Thursday. Phone 97W Free f.4eiling TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the `undersigned until January 4th, 1960, for the position of - caretaker in each of the 12 schools in the 'Grey Twp. School Area. Duties to commence February 1st, 1960. Norman S. Hoover, SeccrY. R. R. 3. Brussels ----- TENDERS WANTED Tenders 'will be receiVed by the undersigned until January 4th, 1960, for the supplying of all or part of 70 cords of 14" hardwOod (Maple and Beech) to the schools in :Grey Twp. Sohool Area, also 12 cords of Cedar Wood to ba (rilvered before July let, 1960. Nornian S. Hoover, Seer', It. It 8, Brussels " FOR SALE — Ladies Winter Coat, wool and mohair, size 10, nearly new; brown, with intilti-eolored fleck. Mrs, Bob Raymond Phone 523W FDA SALE --- 2 Vary Ilamtra Sweaters, Size 10-12, just, like new, Christmas Geese, dressed Pbone your order Brussels 227 WANTED — A man for rural Watkins Dealer in Townships of Morris, Grey. How- ick and Tnrnberry, Better than average earnings, No backers needed. Fir Personal interview apply to E. C. Harvey, 544 Albert St. Stratford CARETAKERS WANTED Applications 'will be received until December .31, 1959, for the position of caretaker in each of the ten schools in, Morris Township for the year 1960. Contract will be for one year commencing February 1, 1960. For a n outline of duties con- tact any member of Morris School Board. Applicants will state salary requested. No application necessarily accepted. Ralph Shaw Bluesrale, Out, WINNERS AT LEGION TURKEY BINGO k. A. Smith Ben Walker F, McCormick Katherine Leach Mrs. Riley Pearl Lowe Jack Connelly Mr, Adams Mrs. Raymond Mrs, Al. Logan Mrs. Thuell Mirs. Jack Lowe Mrs, Rutledge Tom Leak F. Cat mack McMormick, 'Speci a l Cash. Bingos Murray Lowe Kenneth .Graber • Dave Rathwell DOOR PRIZE Al Logan gotten, to 1111160.th moved Fraser arid Cliff gad ,5,ocAreaS, BRITISHMORTGAGE & TRUST To finest fir-- see your Wail agent or send us your cheque. Don't delay, interest begins the day we get your investment,' Iiithiey invtetea to 5 rerni in a safe guaranteed British Mortgage certificate. • CLAS,$1,telzA) ADS FOR SALE — few :Dressed Geese. Ken Tyertaan Piton Wt. FOR Quebec Stove and 3 Spaniel Pam I Somers. Phone goo , ••••!..••ie FOR SALE — Orange. Hall in Ethel. Apply et role Brussels Post, Box 50 FOR SALE — Large size Doll Buggy, good condition, Sandra Michel Brussels rts "rownen FOn SALg Dressed Capowl, Chas. .Storey Phone .41`1,141,9 42r Q. I FOR SALE. Coleman Oil Heater. • Max Demaray, ii. IL 2,.altleVele Phoni) 13russois U.N. •