HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-10, Page 4NO W Have A Large Selection of Gift Items IRONS KETTLES MIXERS TOASTERS HEATING ISLANKETS REATINO. PAPS. RADIOS FIEOQRD ,PLAYERS' V.Aclt1.4M -CLEANERS 'FLOOR POWS1-71E.S.S ALL TYPES TABLE CENTRES MIRROR.' AbID HAND PAINTED PICTURES WALL PLAQUES MANY OTHER ITEMS LAMPS Sp In Floor Coverings, Broadloom Rugs ail te and Drapery UV NOW Free Draw 1st Prize UPHOLSTERED LOVE SEAT 2nd. Prize — COFFEE TABLE' ONE TICKET FOR EVERY 1.00 PURCHASE FOR 1 WEEK ONLY — We will allow you .20 % for your present Chesterfield on Any 'Chesterfield in the Store PHONE 194 BRUSSELS HOME FURNISHINGS 0111VMMailiMAlk—'0111.•• 00. Alts,'04k: '011V4 Arezoitaisimplviamirii4, WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVER/ FRiDAY 'I P. M. Year home merest emery you Ni welcome se Vtittoe, Oraelemar or Derar. PftoNE 46 SRUSSELS, 411104.4444.14.13M11000F114.,,,C70frapZkool.-4r€.151.1' 1H. 44;ZIZ.41iiik1411:64•7140.1..-ftr, •,„4; DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash. Prices Paid tor Slok, Down, or Disabled Caws and Home Alto DEAD COWS and HORSES AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 5c per Pound Phone Collett BRUCE MARLATT k4 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSEL? PERC Y STEPHEN SON PHONE 55r12 ETHEL E A. (TED WILSON L. CRUCTION General Contractors BRUSSELS. uNT. Commercial and ,iiesidential Plastering by Experte elite and Yard Goods -- Littd from Your Stock or Dm Agents for Angel Stone bY Track Load or by PjS _DESIGNING DRAPTING SLUSPRINTIRO Firm t.Iontract Prices adbingted 1,Philtitoi Collect 61 Oardire, 1E141? After "T ?JA;- Bring the whole family to the Lord Elgin —et low coat. This is a family hotel where children trot welcome, FAMILY RATES (Rooms only)—fOrchildrea under 14 yetirS gieronipanied by parents. o Dependable baby titters available and- ream*. able 4 Meals fot children under 10 yeari at iteduct4 prieca o Formulas Tu.. --Allem—nn charge ▪ C a PA ti peryised—on ptorditemt T16.4 cars). 2s' Ott ,:ti`fl—Couut(Ce cdpital Lord g'igin os.e Rteps from the Aidutnteitt Puitdiog8,10,444.' trig stores, rat/tNiy teriniacit eta thetitEk0L, ETHEL Life Membership Given Mrs.. Joe Pearson was presented .• with a title Membership Certificate and pin at the December meeting of 'the W. M. S. of Ethel United Church held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Pearson. • Rev. Lloyd Brown gave the Christmas message, Annual reports were given, Mrs. Alex Pearson gave the report of the nominating committee. Officers for 1960 are: President iMvs. Geo, Pearson Vice-Pres„.......—. 'Mrs. Chester Earl Mrs. Alex. Pearson Secretary 'Mrs. Jim Struthers Ass't Secretary Mrs. Bert Gocliden Treasurer Mrs. Quest Dobson Christian Stewardship ...... ,,„.. Mrs. Cecil Bateman Citizenship Mrs, Joe Peasron Press ...,„„ Mrs. ElVroed. MeTaggart Supply .... .. Mrs. Jim Pearson Literature ,. Mrs. Eliwood M cTa ggart Associate Helpers Mrs. Chester Earl Pianist Mrs,. Roy Tian Assistant Mrs. Joe Pearson Mission Band ....... „... Mrs. Brown Baby Band ... , ... „,„ Mrs, Bert Godderi Flower 'Committee Mrs. Percy Stephenson, Mrs. Roy Hall, Missionary Monthly Alex Pearson The installation of officers will 'be conducted at the .January meeting, Mrs. WIlitam Hollinger Mrs. Wililam• Hollinger entered into rest Monday, .Nov. 23rd. She was ithe former Elizabeth Lamont. beloved wife` of William Hollinger. ' Mrs. Hollinger had been in poor health for the past year, but het eottriige never failed, Born on the LaMont hothestead, the youngest daughter of Angus and Miriam McCrae Lamont, silo resided there all her life, and was the last member of her family, On April 10th, 1918, she was united in marriage to Wm, Rollin, ger, who with two noices, Charles Warren, Hampton. and Mrs. Alexander, Coderich, survive, Mrs, liolllinger was, a member of Melvile Presbyterian diittreh. arid always to help in any way. The funeral ,serviee was conducted by her minister, Rev. ,T. Greene,. Wednesday afternoon with inter- ment in Brussels cemetery, „., The beautiful floral tribitteS expresser) the e:-teen of all Who knew her Thr, pall hearers \Vete 'Minot Armstrong. Melville Lamont, Them MacFarlane, Fred Xeffer, ROSS Stenitr'n<nit, Tlonnid Dirihar. Those attend in ,..t. from out of town ,Tits. Shuttle, Mrs. Minerva Shuttle. ' Statford: Mr. and Mrs. 'Leslie Lainott14. 1<ititarilitle; tad mts, 'Charles. warreh, Mt, :stet Mrs, Alex AltiXatider,. and Mr, rind 'Mrs, nett Ale* Aleander Of 'Gdderieh, Brussels, Ont. ••••••••.. USED CARS — 1959 Chev. Sedan with automatic. Trans. 1958 Pontiac Coach 1957 Pontiac Sedan, radio & Automatic 1956 Chev. Coach Many Older Models ESTATE SALE Household Furniture Effects of the late Margaret Robinson to be held in the Town Hall, Brussels TUESDAY, DEC. 15th, • at 1 P. M. Studio Couch, 'nearly new 2-piece Chesterfield !11," Admiral Television Dining Room Table, chairs, Buffet Radio 2 Wool Thugs Bed, Springs, Mattress, Dressing Table Cihest of Drawers Single Bed, Springs, Chest of Drawers Electric Heater Rangette Quebec.' Heater Dishes, Fine Cihina, Crystal Cooking Utensils Crockery Bureau 6' Frigidaire Refirigierator Clocks. Sewing Machine Curtains Drapes Lamps, Mirrors. End Tables Hassocks Vases Antiques DeSk Ferney Clothes Hamper Cupboards Betty 'Washing Machine Ironing Board Iron Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner Floor Polisher Brooms Mops Lawn Chair Garden 'Utensils MACK REFRIGERATION Electric, Domestic and Commercial Appliance Repairs Reconditioned Used Appliances Motors .Rewined Oil Burner Installation, Service and Wiring Phone 672 Wingham Francl's St. Many other articles too nutnerouS ' 4••••02.5* - to mention House 2--storey frame: 2-piece bath; hardwood floors; hot and cold water; in good repair; easy to heat; good garden; early possession. Terms : Cash Auctioneer: Allan IVIacintyre, Lucknow Executors : Everett Robinson Brussels Mrs. Lloyd Mason, Lucan Pegekw's Shoes it Harness Repairs CHRISTMAS DRAW Shoes Rubbers and Goloshes Expertly Repaired also Harness and Tarpaulins The Christmas Draw to be at 8 p.m. Christmas Eve. With each $1.00 Purchase Prizes 1st $10.00 2nd 1 Pr. Shoes ELtORICAL CONTRACTOR TELF.AlsoN and RADIO REPAIRS Mv, .T. 'W. Fischer, who underwent an operation in the IC-IW Hospital, ! TO ALL MAKES — GUARANTEED SERvICS PEW.' wa KNOW Mrs. 'C. Baeker is a patient in Gait hospital, Her friends regret to hear 'of her illness. 111 C C t • r r- ' A•r. .I. ...., V.. - °tors thf. Ifogot- CWEI?M:..ar- ,2 014210f0074,617 ;BRUSSELS trAdine .567 IM•114 OW OW Ol4f. MOW OW OW.6:41-'. OW'. W. L qaeker & Son 1 MEAT MARKET Custom Killing A Specialty All Beef and Pork Chilled in OUR NEW COOLER, BEFORE CUTTING Weekly Prize — Dec. 24th Draw 1 SIDE HOG CUT AND WRAPPED attM,M.saitt CJW: 1 SMOKED PiCNIG HAM 1 5-lb. PAIL SHORTENING 4 For intormation anti reservations contact year neSrest CNit Agent. PRIASAL.10 Thursday, lkeeinher 10th, 104, ~W l lFE ME.lt1l EMil PS. SENTEO AT W. The DeComber meeting ,of the -W. lwL S. ..and prleAcIsOilp •Cirele. the rulted Church was. held jolntl' The program, in charge of the Denier- group, Consisted ofz trio. li !! June end Ruth Wilbee and Dianne Turban:: duet Mrs. J. Coping, wild Mrs. Ivan Caw:bell; readings, Mrs, McFadden n.ud Air's , J. Turnbull.. Life MelPherships were presented to. IlVirs. J, Rowland, and Lloyd Brown, 'Christmas enrols, led by mrs, Conshts, were sung hr the .rnemb.ers. Lunch served by the FriendshiP Circle, With i.deoOrntions c(i.rrying out the theme o the festive season, brot(ght a very friendly meeting to a close. Mrs. .Jas. Bryans presented the fallowing slate Of W. M. S. officers for 1960 Past Pres„ Mrs. M, Dennis .Pres, Mrs, H, Thomas 1st Vice Pres. ,.,„ Mrs. L. Nichol ,Ind Vice Pres. Mrs, Gallagher Srd Vico Pres„ „,. Mrs, 7 Michel Rec. Sec'ty ... „ . Mrs.. R, 'Walker "Ass't. Sec'ty, . 'Mrs. J. Rowland Trea.s ...... Mrs. McLauchlin Sec'ty. of Chr. Steward- ship Mrs. R. Cousins,. Sec'ty. of Chr. Cjtizen- ship • Mrs, T, Turnbull Seety. of Supply Mira R. Cousins Sec'ty Assoc, Members • Mrs. A, .Armstrong. Sec'ty Miss. Monthly „.„.„, „-Mrs. C. McFadden Sec'ty. Comm, Friend- ship Mrs. T, Strachan Sec'ty of Literature Mrs. J. Rowland - Press Sec'ty Mrs. F. Michel Supt. of Mission Band Mrs. D. • Rann Asst. Supt. of Misa. Band Mrs M. Olt-Meld Supt, of Baby 13and Mrs., G. Stephenson Pianists Mrs. Armstrong Hamilton Finance Corn...... 'Mesdames. Cousins, McLauchlin, Downing & Mann C. G. T, T. Leader , .... Mrs. George Cousin,s, Mrs: Toni McDonald Good Cheer ........ Mrs. 'Downing, Mrs. Mrs., 'William }-1:)T1 Auditors .... Mrs. R. S. Hamilton, Mrs Williamson Friendship Circle 1960 Officers President . Edna Pearson Vice Pres. „.... ..... ....... Malt Smith 2nd Vice Pres. Lillian Smith, Secretary Audrey Cardiff Ass't, Sec, Pieta, Cousins Treasurer ..... Jean Bridge Ass't, Preen. Gwen McCutcheon Sunshine Treas. ...... Garniss .Ass't. Sun, Trees, Edna Budnark Pianist ;Winatona Martin Pa.rsonage Committee Mary Lowe, Marie McTaggart Concrete Work - kr I- °Meg General Roofing Remodelling .Brick and Block Work Farm Building Boaatre 0 mr‘Akt fa*Itze, . 9 OIAV4),1 ,c4.11111117,1) dr. • 4).• ertarmasnimmitioniemestmara=*te..ia r COME TO BRUSSELS! Do your Christmas shopping at home. Gasoline to travel costs money. There is hundreds of dollars in cash and prizes being given away be- tween now and Christmas by Brus- sels Business Association. Help the town and be one of the lucky winners. Watch the. Brussels Post for each merchants prize list, .011.Mat..10•0411/10.48. ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid in Our. rounding district for dead, did, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and proper removal of all animate, day or night, use Our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and adk or ATWOOD 'ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETER 2R15 tWHAT'G 1 GOT 1.05T WRQNG THREE. TffiliE. WITH IT? WITHIN TEN MILES LW* NiGHTI 0Q RR A FAVOR AND STEER, $070 A FINE USED CAR FROM VER VI* Alanwl TNEIR SELECTION IS THE FINEST IN THE CITY( Kitchener; was able to return home `Wednesday of last week. Mys, George .Galbraith, whci is in TOronto General Hospital. Where she underwent surgery recently, Ms reported making a favourable recovery, * *"" Donald BUdtairk) son of My. and Mrs, W, Budnark, :Brussels; is ra Covering from a tobogganing ace dent in Which he suffered a broken lett leg above the ankle. • a ....Paw aital•aata..4 AVOW.* WANT — Good used pianos, apartment Size preferred. Contact Barry- or Gordon Hamilton Atwood Phone 15 ,T Electrical Wiring Contractor ORVAL HARRISON PMONS dmi 6:70%;'• s C # El; i • .71 2'41.:T41 a. 2-0..o.tkih. 010111011V2 TWO vainava 411011KINIAS Iff. 01 13.1.0114 ISOILOYI 64T 111 I .11:i '0 t ':re, rta kir4Lct puD ••-•• t!.0 7 cvai ,Al ti .skits126 4.-14.1 ps;ttli s;n E,ruTsta Pie t0171111111171 Ail, your 'CH tialtot agent about the tremendous saving' you can make tifidet our now 'Group Econoitly Travel and "All ZncTts's'ive'' Weatbrii travel planal'Aleo Pay Later Plan EtVaildble To Winnipeg, Buskatoorl, Edmonton, Jasper ,can °4S ; e