HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-10, Page 1ome4.4.11.00 For Councillors Archie Mann 24 71 31, 32 Glenn Hudther 27 72 28 25 Lawson Ward 29 66 8 12 Kenneth Bray 53 24 17 Harry Bolger 21 39 18 - 84 98 51 52 443 49 95 29 81 406 59 123 64 41 392 53 85 33 48 390 32 71 21 43 287 Santa Claus WILL VISIT SE! At ert Yost, of Vancouver, was Predeceased by her daughter, Mrs. Robert (Margaret) KirkbY two brothers, George and Walter Yost, and one sister, Mrs. Trvine Siege ea'. The body rested -at her late I funeral service was aillta on. Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. -condurited by her pastor,. Rev. 3. II, Greene. Interment was in Brussels ceme- tery, Pallbearers were D. M. MacTaxish, Frank Little, Oliver and Wilson 'Yost, Wm. Hel*ry, Pegolow. 44444414 FQRMEF1 PRLISStk,S MINISTgki GOES TO. PORT Q0I-BORNE Ur, 14, Thompson received- a, letter rove/illy front Rev- Harold 1 dyin of Augu.S.. ,c0ataftling the news ilia he '^ (gr, Colvin) 110,S- received a call from the Pert eel, borne Church, and w11i more there An Dee, 20.th. etrUrell Siiiitlar in size to AlvIvii/o, and has morning and. oven- jug serdees,arld, two Sunday School f. sessions, 040 at 10 e'cleelt and the other at 11 o'clock,' The letter contains an. invitation to the Brussels people tik visit the. C;o14vin, should they be in the Port Colborne area, Port Clotharlie has a population of 15,000 and Mr. Colvin states that several new schools hare been built in reednt years. Mrs. Benjamin Walker Mrs. Benjamin Walker, a respect- ed resident of Brussels, passed away at the Wingham Hospital, on. Mon• day, November 30th in her 76th year. The former Lillian Yost, she was born at Newton, January 28th, 1885. Following her marriage to -Benjamin Walker they resided at New Ham- ,burg from where they came to Brussels: She was a member of Mel, 'rifle Presbyterian Church, and was active in the Ladies' Add and Mission , ary Society, and the Women's in• statute until her health failed her. Stc:viking are her husband, three gyandebildren and one brother, Wilb- 13, C. She i. residence, where the CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank friends and neighbours of -the late Margaret !Robinson for flowers, cards, treats and visits -While a patient in Clinton hospital and also at time of bereave- meat, It Was all appreciated, Shirley and Lloyd Mason Cecil, Laura, Mary and Everett nobilisoti CARD OF CesANKS We the undersigned wish to convey our many thanks to those who sent eats and cards of sympathy at the time of our great loss of wife and grandmother, the late Mrs, Lillie Walker, Special, thanks to the ladies who took charge of the 'Wine and to Dr. Stephens and the nursing staff of Wingham General Hospital and Dick Box of Seaford-I who had charge of the Mineral Ben Walker and Grandchildren SOCIETY TO OFFER PRIZES POR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS The Brussels Horticultural Roe- iety again Offering prizes for the best decorated homes in the Christ- hula theme, as Seen from the street. Another class is also being SPOn,- Stired; store fronts and business establishments'. OttftES 1st $5 plus Bulbs or Shrubs 2nd — $3 Olna $3 in, Bulbs or Shrubs 3rd — $2 '13111 $2 in Bulbs or Shrubs.. The shine :nriteS tot bbstii classes Judges will stress artistic effect drild the Of the Ghris.tina$ season. Home owners in (both to'Oil and country telePitone entries by Dec. ,gist to Mr's. D. A. tiObt. denims! Or. 14r S,' W, PERMA-NENT WAVES- Get Your iies'inalieht..At I•Oiktkiti§ .BEAUTY SALON wheee dett0. deaf Lead • S POST 06 - PubiislaAug ouse Atomise," se assmt4 f 'Oat tAtioe PepettiliSt Wits Ottawa 'We..., • ;26 oz. 2 'for Monarch Ginger Bread mit ,,,,,,, Rose Brand Gerkins 9 ,oz. Green Giant .Fancy.Cream Style Corn 15 oz. for .......... 29c 37C 27c I 29c "Divine Will International Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses" in color "When Is God's Will To Be Done On Earth" Goderich District Collegiate Institute SOUTH STREET GODER1CH, ONT. SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 7:00 P. M. By A. M, 'MacNamara — SUNDAY, DEC. 13, 3:00 p.m. CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES r M"54iN ***!r-9 o•fahr',C-. *.r-VV. 4.1.V.‘4. -91 41.1114,14, ,144.47,1 ea,* 4,7•Fo*. ••44:74,1a3,44.4. CHRISTMA S CONCERT CARD OF THANKS TUESDAY, DEC. 15th S. S. No. 3 Morris at 8:30 p. m. Draw On Lamp Adults 35c Children 15c We would like to take this oppor- r Lenity to thank our many friends and neighbours for the beautiful gifts we received also to the Y. P U. 'Society. Your kindness and thought- ' fulness was greatly appreciated. Ruth, Bert and Marilyn Johnston In IT HAPPENED TO JANE A comedy concerning a determined young widow frof Maine and the head of a railroad, 1 The United Church OF CANADA 1,41nIstar: Rev. L. Brovin' BA.; I.O. 12, TUESDAY, at 8 Brussels Town Hall WEDNESDAY, DEC. 23 'Scott and Alcock Orchestra Admission 50c Admission 35c bANCE DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Ian inilibtosa Orchestra' Sponsored' by' ithenktOn Lions dab Modern and Old Tim -. DANCE O'clock DEC. 22 Children Free 4 Brussels, Saturday, Dec. 12 He will arrive, by C.N.R. train from the North Pole, at the station Brussels at 2.30 p.m., when he will be met and escorted to the Town Halt where the children will receive treafs. FIZAVOREAVAte ,0VAIRMAK ait5t MAK Grey Township Monday Election Results Polling Sub-Div. For Reeve Clifford. R. Dunbar 83 54 25 34 72 7? 46 55 396 George W. Hutchinson 42 41 9 19 25 84 35 -88 293 ATTENTION FARMERS Not only doe; it contravene the Highway Traffic Act, but it is diffi- cult to keep township Concessions, and sideroads free of snow if the plow is being continually lifted for milk cans and cars left on the gravel portion of Ithe road. We are not re- sponsible for any damage that may occur, Road Superintendent of Grey Twp. Earl Bowes Vtle1640VMMIMIN.IVall..•••• • ftl./IVAS? FREE , FREE FREE One Turkey Each Saturday Evening WINNER OF FREE TURKEY ANN DAVIDSON We have a large assortment of Sport Shirts by Forsythe, both Tartans and Broadcloth; also No iron, in Button or Cuff Sleeve. Tie Sets, Tie & Sock Sets Lovely Ties Dress Gloves Sport Coats Jackets and Suburbans. Men's Women's and Children's Slippers WE IN,VITE YOU IN TO SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS GRANTS SHOES and MEN'S WEAR Brussels, Ont. 1 he exan Grill Special This Sunday CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS • or ,ROAST BEEF Dinnesii• ineiddee :SOUP. al Tefifinki Salad, •Vailetablei, .beiniek: anti Eeisei,e0 ' tiaeveit m.: tto 'Mi. Piot to' IA inealiPetnied hinke- befo -m-- nottii :The TekAti •Gtill. *ill be . . ,Vitosed christmas Dar Aria New ,Yettr' Day :$400.por rofor_ STORE HOURS $tores will remain 0100 'Atprday .s.siohte citsrine the Winter 1149001eivs, eterting Jannary 2nci.,: 1969. Cipoin.9 time 43 POI* -.WOW,p1WOWMOisot ..AtriirXxjat rtN,Wra-to,Astt EAST HURON PRODUCE Christmas ri raw BRING YOUR EGGS TO US And Receive a Ticket on The Christmas Draw Prizes — 1st $25 2nd $15 3rd $1e- DRAW TO BE MADE DEC. 19th, AT 8 P. M. (Ticket Given On Each 30 Dom Case) NVOW.MMOICMUR4V6VeAg011ti .• ARE YOU PROPERLY EQUIPPED FOR WINTER ?' CHECK SNOW TIRES ANT'/FRE.t,27E, TH RMOSTAT BATTERIES SPARK PIXOS LIGHTS WINTER •1...U.BRICANTS! •- CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Flatteries -- Oils — Lubricants — Car Wasid Ise Cream Cigarettes Pop Ete. Phone 268 Brussels, OA - • CHMSTMAS W Win An Egg Washer TICKET WITH EAGH CASE OF EGGS Draw On Dec. 24th HONEST GRADE AND PRICES RittMeMcAtzW,,I, 71.? ,EAT AND ENJOY' CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ICE CREAM With Chewy Chunks of Red and Green Cherries iIN BRICKS CONES I/2 GALLONS and 2/2 GALS, Try Our EGG NOG Drink DURING THE ,FESTIVE SEASON Phone :2,2 For a Trial Quart COUSINS DAIRY P!ione 11 Brussels, Ont. MaiiteMMOWAValteMONA-zMss, BARGAINS GALORE On USED FURNITURE CHESTERFIELDS DRESSERS BEDS SPRINGS Sind MATTRESSES RADIDS YOUP .OWN tiktet • All In First Cl,ats Condition Holm Your Filtug Developed Here With. eveey tiodli6to' 'twee 18e r 9'60 fed We' a t'"4 ENLA•PdEMENt "650 itif you favottette' 'Britice:11..Home PHONE 194 Clark's Beans with :POrk Phone 293 We Deliver iffiMalitaSIVOIVMAlitAlleAVAVOIVAIVOIliti SEE FREE FILMS ....~,..•4 4. 044'44- UTCHEON GROCERY Organist: Mrs. A. Es Martin L45 A. 'M. Church School :LI As. M. White Gift Service 1.6 An Nucor. Church 4:111. CANADA I ..- Polak of • • 1 21440*.la'Aii• a 40iiivii• • $.66 itOY• - • ax. ni..Aliittine• Btinday SeliesoI ri biota', 4" Hfinti*iiii• t.39 p. bneintriat Melville Church 31iiinisterz ittoss . Jonathan Erases Organist Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service $ iL YCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Ethowe Each Night Commencing 0 7.15 p. m. Thurs., Fri., Sat, Dec.' 10 - 11 Doris Day Jack Lemon Ernie Kovacs 4aw42.444=44,2.•••••4** ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE and CONCERT by S. S. 7 and Sunday School CRANBROOK In the Community centr"6 Melville Sunday School - CHRISTMAS CONCERT FRIDAY, DEC. 23rd Silver Collection Everybody Welcome 444.4 .44.4*r * Plan To Attend The NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE ETHEL. COMMUNITY CENTRE Watch: for further PartiOtilari VA L S` tV .9. 4 • CUTTING STYLING 'COLD' A • p'e etait'y t iihOne4 Bram," 146 .„ • Thursday, December 10th, 1959 4.‘,0444144 .-4444.-. .444, 4.2;r4 1,4444•41 4,4r 1 2 3 3A 4 5 6 7 Total CHILD BURNED Joan iGarniss, daughter of Mr. and and Mrs. T. IGarniss, Brussels, is back at school after being burned about the face, head, and arms. A.. The accident, which could have resulted in, tragedy, occurred when she lit the gas stove. Fortunately the burns were not too deep. •