HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-12-03, Page 3.,tto SPACE-AGE youngster prepares for CHRISTMAS BUNDLES One '0+ the newest developments in the Christmas tree butirtess ilt this wrapping Machine, Handling from brie lb five trees depending` on size, the Machin* bundiei there hetitly and bloat the branches With cord for shrphierit to market, The Man Who Makes Mr, K's Clothes eQuI0 safely hazard a guess that any of the ties which Nikita 5, Khrushchev Was WOr- lug during his recent American visit came from Angelo. Litrico in Rome. The same hazard could also safely be taken in regard to the lightweight suits and the poiat- ed black shoes which the Soviet dictator was wearing on the less formal occasions of his tour, For Angelo Litrico, Rome's most publicized tailor, has sprung into fame as Mr. Khrush- chev's tailor, The latest order received recently from the over- 1 or d of communism, delivexed recently through the Soviet Ems bas; y in Rome, included a re- quest for two overcoats, lour lightweight suits, 50 silk hand- kerchief ties, two pairs of black shoes, .and• four velour hats. All these, except the hats, are designed. or actually made by Angelo Litrico himself, It is an order worth something like $1,000. Incidentally, bills for clothing are met with the great- est promptitude. Here, then, is a classic of the "rags to riches" story; or, per- haps Angelo Litrico would pre- fer one to say "rags to fame" story since, like other Italians, he would not like the income tax man to suspect him of wealth. The measure of his success, however, can be seen any day lined up in his shop, just off Rome's fashionable Vio Vento, Here among a mass of works of art by many of Italy's, leading artists — some given in payment for clothing and others in gra- titude — are ranged a row of tailor's dummies. No, 1 of these .belongs to Mr. Khrushchev; Noa2 belong to the President of Brazil; No. 3 to U.A.R. President Nasser; No, 4 to President Tito of Yugoslavia; No. 5 to King Hussein, of Jor- dan, and so on down through a list of other` celebrities for all of whom Angelo Litrico has made suits by remote control. Among, the triumphs which he claims is the breach which he has made in ,the citadel of sar- torial and conservative elegance when 'he built a fancy waistcoat 'for British" Prime Minister Har- old Macmillan. ,4 presidential figures wax and wane, so do the dummy fig- ures, in his shop — these limb- less torsos of mute dictators, ("I am afraid I shall have to make 'some adjustments in 'Mr. Khrtuthchesea dummy," said .An- gele littrico as he scanned' a .col- lection of photographs of the Communist dictator in the last lap of his marathon American run-around. "See how my is hanging loose here and there? Mr. Khrushchev must be losing weight.") Six years ago Angelo Litrico arrived ,in Rome with nothing more than his grandmother's blessing and the thousand lire note (about $1.50) which she had slipped into his :pocket, 'and 20 years •of tailoring behind him. Behind, him, too, in Sicily he had left his fisherman lather, his mother, and his 23 brothers and sisters who live In obscurity and modestly in :their Sicilian vil- lage. 'In -front M him lay Rome and unemrSloyment. For, try as he might, no Roman tailor would give him a job, writes Walter Lucas in the Christian Science Monitor. Three years later, at the invi- tation of the Soviet Government, Angelo Litrico, who is no Com- munist, Was leading the first showing of male fashions ever to invade the Soviet Union, Day after day in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev four to five thousand Soviets crowded in to see this novel sight. It was on that occa- sion that Angelo Litrico first met Nikita S. Khrushchev, who was then only sharing with Mar- shal Btilganin the dictatorship' of the Staviet Union. "We Sicilians, you know," An- gelo .Litrico says, "when we are guests we must always take some present to our hosts. It is a code of honour with us. On this occasion I took an overcoat as a Present to the Russian peo- ple and presented it in person to Nikita Khrualschev." This was hiss first encounter with the world's most powerful dictator. Angelo Litrico recalls that Mr, Khrushchev was in MERRY MENAGERIE "I'nt taking a two-week vaeas flea and lastailOT ,fisha Big is oingqd 'day!" CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING For a let of rising yonng exe- cutives these days, the get-ahead look is the well-draped suit:.. natural and unpadded, And in mere and more eases, the "na- tural" look extends all the way UP to the false hair line, Diana Tessler, a well-coiffed brunette whose New York firm frankly labels itself Hairlines, Inc., re- Ports t ha t young businessmen buy at least 40 Per Cent of her hairpieces (lured by such refine- ments as "Ivy League" wigs). Pioneer Louis. Feder agrees, More than 70 per cent of his customers are under 35, he said last month. Even the price of a modern top piece seems to keep it in the executive's (or at least the would-be executive's) bra- cket, A House of Louis Feder creation often costs around $175; and 90 per cent of his custom- ers, Feder says, follow his ad- vice and buy a spare, False hair for successful men is not new of course. Egypt's Pharaohs sported it as part of their court dress, But the real boom in men's top pieces didn't get under way until a few years ago. Feder, who has been hiding bald spots (including his own), for 40. years, says his business has increased seven times, to more than $1 million, since 1954. His staff has grown from four- teen to about 100,. One reason for the spurt, ac- cording to Feder and his execu- tive vice president Ben Z. Kap- lan (whose gray-flecked brush- cut is a Feder, creation), is the advertising c a m p a igne they started at that time ("Our hair- pieces are hurricane proof"). Another reason: Today's hair- piece is a far cry froms the fly- away fright wigs favoured 'by ,,Victorian bartenders and baggy- pants comics. The new, models are cunningly matched to any natural fringes still adorning the customer, and the hairlines, long the bugaboo of any false topper, defy detection. Feder likes to cite one young customer who bought a hair- piece to replace the locks he'd lost in Korea. The GI had It firmly anchored before coming home, and his family unsuspect- ingly admired his virile hairline for six months before he broke down and told them he took it off at night. More important, his fiancée , also had accepted 'his curls as genuine., By the time she found out they weren't, she was firmly hooked. Anyone can spot the most far- sighted `man in the neighborhood. He's getting his garden ready for next year. • • JEWISH MEMORIAL — A re- minder of the tragic past, this elaborate column is part of d neW Jewish cianirtiUriity center to West Berlin. It Was built from portions of a synagogue Whitk the Nazis burned in 1938; on the Site' of which the center Oki heti. By JAMES 1)111ANAN NEA Staff Correspondent; The Scientists and space ex- plorers of the future will be busy this Christmas morning. In living rooms around the ceuntry, rockets will be blast Mg off into space (Pr at least into, the Christmas tree) and youngsters Will be bnilding their awn rocket Alias instead of con- structing model airplanes, an an- cient craft at best. The toy industry, you see, has discovered the small-fry's in- terest in outer - space and has produced for junior almost every conceivable kind pf science toy. There's a four-stage rocket made of unbreakable plastic in which the three preliminary stages actually fall away after launching, leaVing the final stage to fire a rocket or man- made moon into the air. If you want, you can have .the,,missile mounted on a special trailer- truck, a scale' model of the ones actually used by the, armed forces to transport rockets and launch them. There is also one launching device which comes with four different satellite reproductions that can be rocketed into space. Once launched, they soar into• graceful arcs. (If' something should go wrong, and a window is broken, the child has a per- feet alibi! "But mom, all satel- lite launchings are not success- ful.") The space toy boom has pro- duced a miniature duplication of the rocket center at Cape Canaveral,, Fla. It's electronic- ally operated, has its own count- down apparatus, and rockets that fire. Works this way: When all's ready for a launch- Hottest Shot In The Big League The scouting report oil the hottest shot in the National Hockey League this season reads like something less than a rave: "Skating mediodre; not fast. He does not defend with much .enthusiasm, His loW boiling point gets ,hirn into jams, Not a great player, but can score." The last is understatement, as any follower of N.H.L. hockey can testify, for 29 - year - old /Bronco Joseph Horvath, Boston Bruin center, has been, denting the twine at a really remark- able rate. Horvath, a lean, hawk-nosed 6-footer from Port Colborne, Ont, is possessed of no magic other than quick wrists. He does, not power slap "shots with the grace of Jean Beliveati. He does not flash by_ the cage, tipping home' a backhander with the deftness of Rocket Richard. But whenever a 'puck is loose near the opponents' cage and Hor- vath can get near it, the wrists flick and both goalie and goal are in peril, "I like to think I have `a b6ok on it fanWards," says Johnny Bower of Toronto, "but he's one guy I don't read." In a Chicago hotel rooni one day recently, Horvath put aside a book of crossword puzzles', propped his bare torso tip on one elbow;' fingered -gold tell- gietia medal whin hung about his neck; and talked about his sudden success. "As soon as you step On the ice .tact heat that crowd etitea — especially in Boston — you know you got to keep scoring, to be a Star," he said. "You Went them to think you can score when you' step on the ice. You feel SO great WlIcti you hear them roaring, the top of your head wants to fly right Off. The crowd drives the. You Want to hear thcni again and again." Horvath' began his scorina in bettoit chain iii 1955, hut ing, a Warning siren sounds, a lever is pulled , , the doors, of the launching pad swing open . , . the rocket moves slowly skyward into firing position then the automatic count-down clock ticks off 10 - 9 = 8 - 7 4.3.2 count- down; the rocket and saatellite blast of automatically. (Re- member when the big thing was, a whistle on the electric train?) For the youngsters preferring, for the moment, to halt ,at the edge' of space, the toy makers have provided a, jet fighter plane with a junior-sized cockpit equipped with electronic con. trols, ,a radar screen, and rub- ber-tipped rockets that can be aimed and 'fired at the enemy, (Babysitters beware.) The boys, and girls more in- terested in the mysteries of out- er-space have not been neglect- ed 'by the toy manufacturers. With the flick of a light' switch and the -turn of a dial a youngster can 'have his olval planetarium, bringing the outer 'reaches of. space into his dark- ened room. The constellations that have guided explorers, for centuries are suddenly 'project- ed within the, four walls of the child's' private world. Young' star-finders may be en- tranced by a new astronomical toy that has eight plastic plates, each one etched with the pattern of an important constellation. The young astronomer merely slips a plate into the frame hold- er and snaps on the light in the base of the toy. This immedi- ately illuminates the . star pat- tern which our future scientist then moves across the heavens until he lines it up with the real constellation up there in the sky. after one season he was sold to the •New York Rangers. Then he moved to Montreal before Bos- ton picked hiin up in the sum- mer of 1957. "It wasn't as if we set out to get Bronco," admits Lynn Patrick, Boston's general manager. "We had just gotten Johnny Bucyk and I remember- ed that Horvath and Bucyk had played well together in the-min ors. I already had the third member of the line in Vic Sta- siuk so I figured I might as well reunite them all. I grabbed Hor- vath for $15,000." In his first year at Boston, Horvath scored 30 goals, but last year, when his jaw was broken, the total fell off to nineteen. The night he suffered the frac- ture, he came back to finish the game, "Cost us the damn garne, too," Patrick complains, "because he took a swipe at the guy who did, it (Carl Brewer of Toronto) and got jugged and Toronto scored while he was off." This year, as defensernen around the league awaken to the dangers of Horvath, Bronco has been getting roughed up in close to the goat He cries for pea- alties and when the referees ig- nore him, he blows up. In Mon- treal not long ago, he was thrown, out of a game and if tticyk had not held his arma, 'Horvath' would have punched a referee and probably been sus- pended for the year, Since both Bucyk. and Stasiuk RFD Ukrainians, Boston's power group is now called The Slice Line, Horvath, a Croat, is in a pass, But as long as Horvath keeps Pooriiig, for all his Lehi- per, his slow skating, arid his shoddy flefensiire play, 110 one in Boston will do anything, else but raise the top of the head Of their idol with their Garden, rocking roar. T h e school o expel-Mete charges more for its night 'courses. AGENTS WANTED. EARN Vasil in your Spare Time. Just show your friends our ,Christmas and Alt.:Occasion Greeting .Cards Religious) Statienery, Gifts, Write for samples. Colonial Card Ltd., 0941 Queen East, Toronto 2. ARTICLES FOR , SALE Snowshoes. All sizes and styles,Sates' Humane Snowshoe gayness (Pat), N. more blistered toes, Folder. "Snow. shoeing In ComfOrt." Bates' SrieWabees, Dept. W, Metagama, Ont. EASY CHICKS • REQUEST Bray list Arne., 11).crosa ready-to-lay pullets, PaYolde to order, Leghorns and dual purpose chicks to order, Book January-February broilers now, Sep local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 john North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IiV and tedi eLaeranr nu ptyptoewriBoteoor r dally, ep l r at den, New York, U.S.A. home, Nt Typewriter Course, Box,317, wal., BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT COMPLETE service station, showroom, parts and service facilities, for car or farm Implement agency. Located No. 4 Highway, Wingham, Write Canadian 011 Companies Ltd. M. S. Sutherland, Box 543, Goderich, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SAO BUTCHER and locker business (300 lockers), established years in village, 35 miles from Toronto, Best equipped small shop in Canada. Building has new forced air oil furnace, aluminum storms, screens, 5-roOm modern apart- ment, garage, large lot; $22,000 with $12,000 cash. Mortgage arranged on balance. Health reason for selling. (Pri. vale). Box 201, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. GIFTS - NOVELTIES ESTABLISHED 40 years in -popular vil- lage 20 miles from Guelph. Retails home remedies, school books, togs etc., snack bar. Includes brick building, fix. tures, equipment. Full basement, apart- ment with facilities $16,000. Terms or Cash. Stock at invoice. K. G. LEITCH — REAL ESTATE R.R. 1 Guelph — Phone Erin 25R45 Grimsby Marine FOR SALE OR LEASE WILL accommodate 200-300 boats, spa- cious grounds, also offices, showroom, and repair shop, House on property, $90,000, $10,000 will 'handle purchase. ROY COOKE AND SON LTD. BOX 372, GRIMSBY, ONT, WH. 5-5445 — EVGS., WH. 5-2705 great form at this meeting. "Do you know Signor Litrico," he said, "what are the three things in 'Russia you never see? Well, I V:rill ,•tell you. The hydrogen bomb, the hands of the 'Russian male, and his feet. The first you :never •see -because it is deadly secret. The second you never see because the sleeves 'of the men's coats are so long they hide their hands and the third you never see' because the trousers are so wide they hide the-feet. I want to 'see the Russian man better. dressed." Since then there has been . a steady tramp of Soviet feet through Litrico's Roman shop. But this foray into the' Soviet Union ,was only the first of a long list of other similar enter- prises which have covered Bra- zil, Cairo, the Middle East, and. Yugoslavia. Now Denver and New York are to be subjected to the impact of Angelo Litrico's sartorial offensive. Still it is only six years since Angelo Litrico made his first suit in his dark, dingy bedroom in Rome. It was a "smoking," as the Europeans call a tuxedo. Dressed in it he went to• the . opera and sold his second suit to Rossano Brazzi, the movie star. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent hot- water bottles from drying out and cracking? A. An occasional rubdown with glycerine will ward off this dan- ger. Q. How can I prevent that tough "skin," which invariably forms on my puddings? A, By covering the pudding while it's still hot with some waxed paper, auitmtpm..,M/A_TERIAIS FABRICATED STEEL FOR BUILDING 100' x 70' NO CENTRE POSTS THIS steel was never erected, Price /15,001) Grimsby- Terms can be arranged, ROY COOKE & SOht LTP.,11030 GRIMSBY BEACH., WIC aVos., WH. 5.27010. „ - CATALOGUES HURRY) Xmas Special Catalogues. Near wholesale prices of hard to get article., Catalogues 200. A. M. Seaver, 259 Going Street, Pontiac 20, Michigan. • FARMS FOR SAL!' 25 ACRES good clay loam. Remodelled 7 room house, small barn. W. Regier, 5,11. No, 3, Dashwood, Ont. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE NEW Holland Balers. Two only brand new Hayliner 87 regular price *1655:00 December only $1299.00, You save $356,00, JOhn B .Wilson, 11,R. 5, Co- bourg, HANDWRITING ANALYSIS AMAZING Handwriting Analysis! Tells character, traits, and talents, Learn about yourself and others: Send hand. writing and .500. for each analysis to; Scottie, Box 732, Brockton,- Mass. Money Back Guarantee, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LEARN about jobs on U.S., FOREIGN Ships. Beginners, 5100 weekly, no ex- perience necessary. Details, Capt. Wohlenberg, Box 192-C Bowling Green Station, New York 4, New York. HELP WANTED FEMALE ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT exchanged for spare time housework. Other sal- aried work In office, artist's studio, restaurant, or store guaranteed. Suit girl or mother and child. Box 199, 123- 18th Street, Toronto 14, Ont. BAldwin 1.- 1793, HELP WANTED MALE LINOTYPE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED on floor for progres. sive job printing plant, would con- sider two-thirder with aptitude, full scale, fringe benefits, Apply Phibbs Printing Ltd, St, Thomas, Ont, WANTED FOR various territories aggressive deal- ers to sell, assemble and install the famous Excel-Hastings Aluminum Awn- ing now manufactured by HOSKINS SUPPLY COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIMITED. Awning firms preferred but not neces- sary. For full particulars write to HOSKINS SUPPLY COMPANY (CHATHAM) LIMITED, Chatham, Ont, INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les- sons sq. Ask for free circular No, 53, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK FOR sale. Registered Galloway Cattle, 8 months to 2 years. Foundation stock imported from Scotland. Price range $225.00 to $500.00. George Makinson. Makinsons, Newfoundland, CARLOAD lots of Western Herford calves, Present prices, Heifers 214 lb.. steers 230 lb. Write to George Mc- Sherry, Sidney, Manitoba. Buy quality cattle direct from our ranch, MAGAZINES MERCHANTS, importers, resalera, agents, "Made in Europe" Magazine, $10.00 year, sample one dollar. D. Bras- sard, 137 REWARD, Toronto 8, MEDICAL. GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335• ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of . dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MISCELLANEOUS TOP Grade Pecans, 5 lbs *50 post- -paid. Dealer Inquiries invited, Phil lip White, 124 Maywood Avenue, Missis- sippi City, Miss, PERSONAL ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, Sit assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors, BOX 24110 Regina, Sask. ISSUE 49 — 1959 OPPORTUNIIIE5 FOR MEN ,AND WOMEN. IW A HAIRDRESSER JOIN. CANADA'S LOADING SCHOOL Great OPPOrtunity J,earn Hairdressing Plea3ant dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 3511 Wow' St. Toronto Branches; 44 King St., W„ tronsitton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PHOTOGRAPHY WANT slides of your 35mm black-whlto negatives? 15f per slide, Send cheque or money order to: Ii. Vandermcersch, R.R. 1, Port Burwell, Ontario. SAVE I SAVE 1 SAVE I Films developed and 8 rnagou Prints in album 400 is mune prints in album 600 Reprints 50 each. KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints). Color prints 356 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted In slides`$1,25, Color prints from slides 35¢ each. Money refunded In full for unprinted nega- tives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. RABBITS WILL netR RABBIT —proBfltjaSfilNrsEtSSyear, Big business for small investment 5050.00 full price. Takes only 2 hours a day to manage, Don't gamble on a business where you 'only think there will be a profit We have arrangements with many large companies to dispose of $100,000 rabbits and furs this coming year alone, and we will give you a meat contract and guarantee for 5 full years, Limited supply of Imported stock. For appointment only Phone or write J. •Howe, ME, 3-4127, 78 Dresdee Road, Downsview, Oat, Book on successful rabbit raising SIAS per copy postpaid. STAMPS VATICAN mint set 1.0c if you request selection of bargain approvals. Stamp Den, Pocahontas, Iowa, BUILD UP A FABULOUS STAMP COL- LECTION FOR ONLY $1.00 A WEEK. Upon receipt of your dollar we will send you a selection of all different stamps from a country. Your first selection will Include a complete list and quantity of the stamps shipped each week starting with Albania. FIRE ISLAND STAMP CO. BOX 37, U.S.A., WEST ISLIP, N.Y. SWINE. REGISTERED Tamworths, 3 months old $23.00. Boars 6 months old $43.00. Choice breeding stock Veterinary In- spected. Gerald Kenehan, Joycevills, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED JUNIOR ROOM TEACHER — S.S. No. 6 Southwold, (Talbotville). Duties to commence Jan.. 1. Apply stating sage ary, etc., to J, Burtw1stle, R.R. 7, St. Thomas. PROTESTANT teachers 'for grades 5, 2, 7, Prince Charles School, Verona, Duties to begin January 4, 1960. Writ. stating qualifications, experience and salary expected to James E, Card, Ser. retary-Treasurer, Verona. SUBABAN MONTREAL CATHOLIC teacher required hansedt- ately. Lady to teach Pitman ',tort- hand and bookkeeping in high 'chat also lady for elementary grades. The Catholic School Board of Saint Laurent, 1870 Rue Decelles St., Montreal. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA: Guest House, beautiful, con- venient, reasonable. Couples preferred. 534 Thirty Sixth, West Palm Beach. ORMOND Beach, Fla. Ocean-front kit- chenette apartments, $20 weekly, $75 monthly. Volvilla Court, 1275 ocean Shore Blvd. ALGIERS Motel directly on the Gulf. Friendly resort for a happy carefree vacation. Rooms and bedroom apart- ments, accommodate 1-6. Central heat, free TV, maid service, shuffleboard patios, parking. Canadian owned a41 operated. Hugh and Ethel Bowin 11 Gulf Blvd., Treasure Island, Florida, -GATEWAY AREA FURNISHED 1-bedroom apartments, TV, heat, air conditioning, everything furnished. $1,200 up to 6-month season. Also weekly and monthly rates. Carioca Court, 817 N.E.. 18th Ave.. Ft. Lauder dale, Florida. ea backache! —tied out! —rest 'disturbed! ARE ALL WIVES FED UP? When they are troubled by backache, that tired out feeling or disturbed rest. many, many women turn to Dodd's Kidney Pills. These conditions can be caused by excess acids and wastes it the system and Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate the kidneys and aid their normal action of removing these excess acids and wastes. Then life seems brighter, housework lighter! Why don't you, too, try Dodd's? Rising Young, Men. Mask The. .Bajd. Spots Space Age Invades Living Rooms