HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-11-26, Page 8Men's. Plaid Shirts, Regular $3.50 - $3.98 Special $2.98 Men's. Grey Sweater Coats Special $3.19 50% Off Ladies Straight & Pleated Skirts CAW:. '"cat Coats for 3 - 14 year olds TO END Tlig 7.11. PLACE YO U "X" HERE Voting on the petition to the Governor General requesting the revocation of the Order in Council. which brought into force Part H of the Canada Temperance Act in the County ,of Huron. 1. (Allow yourself 10 points for each answer) Much propaganda against the Canada Temperance Act is grossly misleading—in effect a hoped-for subtle brain-washing. TRUE 0 FALSE 0 2, The liquor interests are working in Huron because of those who hope to gain finan- cially through the repeal of this act. TRUE 0 FALSE 0 111% kiR.t! , • ••••110w .••=14••, *w* • ,*••••••,,,,, . ••• Mit•raw, '1111IMIV, lgaveMber Vt4, 1953 tr "le 11•• ,r,•••••., ••••• Fragrant 'Cospletics Gifts by rdley of England Gifts for Ladies and Men. Colognes Perfume Lotus Lotion Toilet Water Soaps with April Violets Freesia xi Oatmeal Lavender Red Roses Dusting Powder Bath Salts Wooden Shaving Bowls After Shower Powder and Talcum Combination Package Beauty Preparations Complexion Creams Face Powders Lip Sticks Etc. A Gift of Yardleys is always appreciated See Our Large Display of CHRISTMAS CARDS Look Them Over -- Outstanding Value B--x. of 50 Christmas Cards Only 98c t SNUB ALL DRUG STORE hIrie 62 Brussel...4 11 --:^41;NolV:J.Ga.W14;%-tPt.V.4.9":1•.0.4 1be,S;(1,:ln • '1?Ctit,'n r:IrC f.:SCC-9 KNW (.711-9 ^C‘W THE BRIM= IF041 ”.•1!" iffter•••••11 ,Nii •M• •••,,•••••• 4.0, •••••r, gRAetre /dee, umseatil ,,,,,•••••••,,,1•••••••,•••••••••••••1106•1•,•,.......... Lucky Draws Weekly Get your receipt for every Dollar purchase now 1st Draw for a Blanket Saturday, Nov. 28th at 6 p.m. all tickets go in for Final Draw Christmas Eve Dec. 24th Smart Styles in Ladies Coats for a Delux Electric Blanket . „ •••••••••••••••••••• 6•4•41.,,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,.,..., Tip ToP \ Tailors — •••••••••••••••••• ----4(" 14/ 1 U 1T 1N NEW 1 I RIGHT AWAY • REPLACE THE OLD LT'S HAD ITS DAY PLUMB ING*I MING 7-$:kgraorr.44&-:,:olg. BURNERS 'iBRUSS Eta- • 4'44 47X TM-EN-IONE 75 LUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND ;HELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. DUNLOP TIREB Austin Sales and Service p.rt. rind Accessories n,.7„-airs on All Makes of 177..1111 and Trucks .SERV10E BRUillitt.ti. OPT. NOTICE •-ovideeere PhoLtel. 24 Dress Coats Suburban Coats. Car Coats and Snow Suits for Children VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS COUNTY OF HURON VOTERS' LIST, 1959 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with ,,section 9 of the Voters' List Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my office at Brussels, Ont. on the 31st day of October, 1959, the lists of all Persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to ha,ve any errors or ommissions corrected according to law. Win. IL King, Cleric. Published by r; Citizertshi Huron Citizens Legal Control Committee JOHN E. IHNKINS, Chairman • • El HERE S WITS WHERE IT BELONGS IN A COMPACT CAR tiothlag liked new and iidoriitiodtd6t likt the dd lute CdNalr oifj; 4. Actual experience shows requests to the Clergy for home visitation, because of the ravages of over-indulgence in intoxicants, to be up to thirty times greater in areas not under the C.T.A.„ compared to Huron where its protection is enjoyed. TRUE 0 FALSE 0 5. Tax revenues from the sale of intoxicants are wholly inadequate to offset the ever- increasing costs of public welfare institutions and agencies made necessary because of excessive indulgence in these beverages, TRUE 0 FALSE 0 6, Huron has enjoyed an extent of immunity from the devastation of the liquor traffic unknown in counties not favored by the protection of the C.T.A. TRUE 0 FALSE 0 7. The bootlegger flourishes through the illegal sale of intoxicants. Sales to minors are one of his sources of revenue. The daily news in the past few years shows that areas other than Huron have had far more difficulty controlling their problem than this county. TRUE 0 FALSE 0 8. The sale of intoxicating beverages in Quebec operates with a minimum of control. The percentage of financial failures in Quebec is far greater than in Ontario, The records of Huron for financial stability is enviable. It naturally follows that money not spent for intoxicants is available for more useful purposes. The home benefits, so does the average merchant, TRUE 0 FALSE 0 9. While Canadians generously support many good causes organized for the uplift of mankind j they allow minority, interested chiefly in monetary gain, to pull the wool over their eyes in regard to the degrading, health-smashing, soul-searing effects of the excess use of alcoholic beverages. At the same time as we have watched Social drinking, apparently clothed with respectability, we have seen those who could not handle it headed for and arriving at self-destruction, TRUE 0 FALSE 0 10, Loaded firearms, potential killers, are treated with great respect Loaded bottles of beverage alcohol, more powerfullydamaging than firearms, have proven their potentiality as killers through their involvement in hundreds of fatal accidents reported in the daily press, The curses arising out of the excessive use of alcoholic beverages are more urgently in need of solution than are ninny of the causes gen- erously supported in national appeals, Just as no, one would think of trying to remove the danger of loaded firearms by placing them within ready reach. of all and sundry, So it naturally follows that Huron must keep the floodgates Closed by retaining the Canada Temperance Act On November 30, TRUE 0 FALSE 0 If your score is greater for True than False, yOU may consider your- self adequately prepared to vote on the issue up for decision on NOverri, bet 30. If the reverse is true, iKr6 respectfully suggest you need to do cone personal'research into the facts, VOTE AGAINST REVOCATION' — 11400•,,."4""r‘11•r (Published' by Huron dt.A. Committee) L..0 " . ••• We knew Corvair's engine had to go in the rear if we wanted a com- pact car with big car ride, big car• room, big car performance — and maximum efficiency. And that called for the most drastic revolu- tion in auto design and manufac- turing Canada has ever seen. What does a rear engine mean to you as driver or passenger? MORE SPACE —The floor is virtually fiat. The short "opposed six" engine takes up less space, leaves more for passengers. FAR BETTER RIDE —Every wheel can sop up a bump without affecting any other. So the ride is far softer—and the wheels cling to -the pavement better. GREATER TRACTION —Try a Corvair on mud, or snow, you'll be astounded by the difference in road-grip and control. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE BETTER BRAKING — Corvair is de- signed to put an almost equal brake load on every wheel; the rear end maintains solid, sure traction for smooth, straightline stops in virtu- ally any situation. LESS NOISE, LESS HEAT — Engine noise, heat, fumes are behind the passengers; carried away by the wind stream as you drive. LESS MAINTENANCE —Corvair's air- cooled engine never needs antifreeze, never boils in the hottest weather. It warms up quicker in cold weather, so there's much less cold-start wear. BETTER HANDLING—Corvair's "flat" engine arid lower floor gets the centre of gravity 'way down; it rides rock- solid through the tightest turns. Steer- ing is light as a feather, will never need power assistance. LESS NEEDLESS WEIGHT — Corvair's power plant is mostly aluminum. .4ncr it's air-cooled — no need for a radiator, water pump,..hoses or even • • ••••••••• • . : . . . ••• . •:•••••• the weight of the water itself. And there's an added plus here; we de- signed a gas-fired car heater* that gives warmth almost instantly. Engine, transmission, and rear axle are all bolted together into one solid power unit. We save literally hun- dreds of pounds, and that makes a whopping big difference in perform- ance and in gasoline economy. THE RIGHT ANSWER — It`took a terrific amount of engineering and Chevrolet's tremendous resources to design, test and set up production on , a precedent-shattering car like Cor- vair. But the first time you get behind the wheel—you'll agreelt was worth every penny and every hour! *Optional at extra cost. Collor BY CHEVROLET the happiest driving compact car • •••••>:••••:•Mck•;,':: • 74-17.r.,7 gee Four Lo of Auiltoeited -eitettotet. adder utcheon Motors Ltd. Brussels 3. The Canada Temperance Act is a good Act and holds promise of being made bet- ter by amendment through important political sponsorship. following its being retained. TRUE 0 FALSE 0