HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-11-19, Page 3THAT'S HOW IT GOES — What's going on in the mind of this disgruntled motorist is anyone's guess, as he stands in silence next to a policeman writing him a traffic •ticket on New York's Fifth Ave, • DEAD AIM Bob tailaeecifi• one eyed atiarterback i Sharpens his passing on the practice field In Semitic. With only 10 per cent vision hi his bo eye, he hat' Orripleted more than haft tits post attempts., Drunken. plgs Cause, -Trouble Chaos Was caused by A. drunken donkey in a Y400$1.4- elan village recently. He. found The wine in the cellar of his peasant master and drank the lot — eighteen pints of it. • . Ills owner realized what was happening only when he saw the merry donkey careering drunk. enly through the streets, at- tacking villagers, It took six men to round him up. When he W48. Finally tied up he fell. • asleep, Most animals like .a little aleo- hallo stimulant, Racehorses have been known to run better after. a stiff brandy, Pigs have been known to root round near the waste dump of breweries, hop- ing for free drinks. Snorting, hiccuping, swaying pigs flopped out of a railway car at Sarreguemines, France, not long ago. They were pedigree pigs, :too, "Blind drunk," was veterinary surgeon's verdict when lie examined them after gendarmes had arrested six of them, - What had happened? Some- where along the line, the police found out, the truck was shunted and lurched, Out of their cages tumbled the pigs and out of two .broken barrels flowed fresh Bordeaux wine. The pigs drank the lot. Many animals, especially sonic dogs, enjoy a glass of beer but monkeys generally 'prefer 'whisky Or other spirits. It is said that an elephant's liking for strong drink at the end of his day's work cost a man his life in India ten years ago. The ele- 'phant's owner stopped at a tavern for .a drink and when he emerged the smell of alcohol in his breath so enraged the thirsty elpehant that it trampled him to death. FIGURING — Dr. Solomon Lefs- chetz, above, 75, received an honorary degree from the Uni- versity of Paris, France, for his mathematical studies. He fig- ures Soviet successes in rocket guidance can be traced to their lead in basic math. Driver Had A Smashing. Time Eighty-two-year-old Thomas Jacomella of ,Salt Lake City, backed his car out of the drive. In danger of hitting his house he shifted into forward gear; lost 'control and hit a tree and a clothes pole. Another attempt at backing re- sulted in scraping the side of his house, hitting two more trees and a parked car. Zooming ahead again in forward gear, the driver smashed through a brick wall, a wooden fence, and a steel wire fence, running through some bushes and piling into a pine tree as well. Nothing daunted, Jacomella reversed yet- "again, backing across the two fences and the pine tree already struck. The car finally came to rest against a tree, At this stage the driver retired! • AqpNrs. .VVANT.P. £AIH-4 Cash in roe; Spare Time. Just show your friends our Christmas and All-Oceasion Greeting Cards (inciOding Bellgiousl Stationery, Gifts, Write for samples. Colonial Card Ltd 489-1$ Queen East. Toronto 2 ARTICLES FOR SALE SL clever novelties postpaid only 250. Ross Hancock, Box ga, Postal Station J, remota 5, Ontario, Snowshoes. All sizes and styles. Bates' Humane Snowshoe Harness (Pal). No more blistered toes, Folder. "Snow-shoeing in comfort," Rates' Snowshoes, Dept. W, Metagama, Cot, LADIES; Give that man in your life an exclusive oKrailoe tie. GOarenteeti to resist grease, ink, acids, etc, hooks like a $5.00 lie with an added feature the Permanent fashionable knot. Beautifully gift boxed, State color Preference. Only $1.50 each or 2 for $2.98 postpaid. Send money order to; quinte Sates, Box 51-W, Belleville, °Marie, FRO MONTREAL and QUEBEC at Thrift Season Rates $66- Vow.: 1otol.Agenf:,— No One Can ai'Ve YOU BOW 16% •reduction on vow fetifin .fdie'nfter Jetiparyl, CARINTHIA *SYLVANIA *SAXONIA November 13 keivte, 3buthorriploti • November 27 • .O'reenOck, Liverpool NOYtttibe 'Havre, touthomrlon . *.,Sp .etlet Chrisimes Sailing CHRISTMAS tAllitsidt FROM NEW YORK ANtY HALIFAX f rani New .York 4teMOnlifint CARINTHIA Dec. , 'Dec:. 12 treeriock, Liverpool tVERNIA Dee, 12 bet, 13, tabli,Flovre,Southoniptch u,.., ..„ar, _..„„ • Offices at: Montreal Halifax • •SSittili John Quebec tatitiata. Winnipeg • Edmonton e Vancouver 444.4444444 PROPERTIES FOR SALE "32,500.00 A real bargain — must be seen: 150 acres on Dori 5illis Rd. offer- ing all the privacy and beauty of our' northland with fast trout stream and swim- ming hole! Picturesque building sites. park-like hills and trees. Natural swim- Front of farm is clay-learn, arable Lick krgi. 160 rods frontage on pavement. Must be seen, Usual farm buildings. 56 ACRES tin. pavement near 400 in King Township. Scenic hills overlooking beautiftil countryside, full price $20,000. 815,000.00 Full price for '100 acres In King Township, rolling. clay loam, 5. throughout, roomed brick house, btu* hare, hydro Good water, CALL us lot farms and small acreages, homes end building sites. W, J. Pear; son, Broker, 11. R. 3, Icing, PA, 7-5873, BARRIE district stock and clairy FARMS, vacant land, country homes. ELLWOOD 1,3104, Farm Broker- TSHOARONN , vg$. Ilk.TYTO BaeyPhone 42.;701; 0-7" 863.1 )3DrAtelRk YbuBilUdSinIgig P2S5Sxt oct eoprnpsdo tatinitoidons ,nLaosechli haot‘e,,a,dir. nguE 6,8cigauotviospldmttlitiaeplliiiirvtotifonlilegtvt,nric.51121.10aLf:::: 000.00 down, balance terms. TOBACCO FARM: 150 Acres, 90 acres workable, sandy loam, creek and pond. Barn is 30 g 00, Green house 150 x 24, 5 (tuns, oil fired, irrigation system Complete line of machinery and equipment, 8 room 2 $cs2tooheouyorlho opunsotewa, n . Located 15 miles from do. Price $70,000,00 Only 150 ACRE FARM: in excellent condition, 120 acres work- able, 5 acres hardwood. bush, flowing creek. 8 room house with bath, large barn 70 x 55, straw shed 28 x 64, ce- ment stables, drilled well, school on farm, close th town, all buildings are in A,-1 repair. Owner retiring, priced to sell at only $18,500 00 Easy terms. STORE: Solid brick 22 x 00 with 0 rooms apart meet above with bath, furnace heavy wiring, suitable for Restaurant or General Store. Located in the Village of Atwood on Highway No, 23. Imme- diate possession, $5,000.00 down, hal- ance terms. DUDLEY E. HOLMES Insurance & Realestate Listowei, Ontario. Bus. Phone 970. PROPERTIES WANTED PROPERTY Wanted - Businesses, Farms, Homes, Small Acreages, Every Description. We cover Ontario. Please write. W. L. Stevenson Real Estate, Phone 325 Mount Forest, Ont. Phone Toronto, EM. 47842. SITUATION WANTED HEAD Gardner or Nursery Foreman, experienced all branches, including greenhouses, experinced with staff - re- quires responsible part. Replies to: Smith, apt. 10, 34 Tobin Street, Hali- fax, NS, STAMPS UILD UP A FABULOUS STAMP COL- ECTION FOR ONLY $1.00 A WEEK, Upon receipt of your dollar we will send you a selection of all different stamps from a country. Your first selection will, include a complete list and quantity of the stamps 'shipped each week starting with Albania, FIRE ISLAND STAMP CO. sox 37, U.S.A., WEST ISLIP, N.Y, TEACHERS WANTED CAMP Petawawa is constructing an- other elementary school and requires for January, 1960, teachers for Grades kindergarten primary to VIII Minimum $3,200 (includes commuting) $200. Al- lowances for experience up to 6 years. General allowances for degrees, certifi- cates, etc. Apply stating qualificatIons, inspector's name, and phone number, etc. to: C. Earl Craig, Supervising Prin- cipal, Camp Petawawa, VACATION RESORTS GATEWAY AREA FURNISHED 1-bedroom apartments, TV, heat, air conditioning, everything furnished, $1,200 up to 6-month season. Also weekly and monthly rates. Carloes Court, 817 N.E., 18th Ave., Ft, Lauder- dale, Florida. ISSUE 47 - 1959 "You can't trust this guy-- last year every other' carrot was a horse-radish!" $tole Keys of the Sank Of England A young man of strange habits MRS Cornet Robert Pate, of the 10th Ifussars, son of a wealthy Wisbech landowner, He gave up eating in the mess, saying that the cooks and mess., men were trying to poison him, When the regiment was ordered to India he sold his commission and took rooms in Great Marl- borough Street taking his faith- ful batman as servant. Every morning he would pour half a pint of whisky and 2 oz, of camphor into his bath. He would speed hours mixing his own tooth powder, with a pestle and mortar. Daily at three- fifteen, wet or fine, a hackney Coachman called to drive him out over Putney and Barnes Commons — always the same route, the ride lasting for two hours, Always he would pay the ten- shilling fare in separate shill- ings. His servant had to keep- a. pile of them on the mantel- piece with the Queen's head up- wards. "Mad Pate" carefully stowed them in his pocket in the same order, and gave them to the cab- by in a neat pile. This peculiar obsession with the Queen's head reached a start- ling climax on June 27th, 1850, One afternoon Victoria, with her eldest children, the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred and the Princess Royal, drove to Cam- bridge House, Picccadilly. They were visiting her uncle, the Duke of Cambridge. At six-thirty about two hun- dred people gathered outside the gates to see her leave. As the horses slowed down to pass through the east gate a man stepped out of the crowd and brought his cane down as hard as he could on her face drawing blood. A footman grabbed him. by the collar and handed him over to a police sergeant. The crowd, incensed by the outrage, wanted to lynch him. He was taken to Vine Street Police Station, charged, tried and sentenced to transportation to Tasmania. There was no apparent motive for Pate's senseless attack, Another eccentric in Neville Williams's inimitable gallery of "Knaves And Fools" was Mrs. Elizabeth Dunham, who lodged in Hope Alley, London Wall, early in the last century. She had a mania for acquiring, by' fair means or foul, the keys of important buildings, but never made use of them for felonious purposes. She merely hoarded them to gloat over, until she had amassed more than a trunkful. Her hauls included keys of several noblemen's houses in Mayfair and Belgravia, of the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal Exchange, the Church Mis- sionary Society, Whitehall gov- ernment offices, hospitals, halls and even. Maidstone Jail. She was the terror of house- keepers, porters and nightwatch- men in the City and Westmin- ster. Finally she thought 'she could tackle the Bank Of England, which would be the greatest tri- umph of all, for it had a military guard, She walked right past Shack- ell, the porter, who was busy. Once inside his lodge she found the keys and dropped them in her basket. Sher was questioned as she left, but quickly allayed Shackell's suspicions. But when he wanted to lock the gate at three-thirty he dis- covered that the keys had gone. At once there was a hullabaloo, for the Bank of England's keys had never before been stolen. Shackell gave a description of the woman which was circulated to all City peace officers, Two days later various clues led one of them 'to Hope Alley. Despite Mrs. Dunham's denials, he found in her bedroom the trunk and box crammed with keys and the Bank keys under the mattress. When, at her trial, the two keys were passed to her in the dock for identification, her face lit up with joy. Wrapping them in a handkerchief, she told the court: "I shall hold them for the right of my King, my country and my- self," and refused to give them back. Deemed insane, she was sent to .an asylum — and kept well away from its keys! Charles de Berenger, an officer on Lord Cochrane's staff, landed at Dover in 1814 with bogus news of Napoleon's defeat and massacre by Cossacks in. Paris. His action was part of a con- spiracy, to enable speculators to profit on the Stock Exchange. The quack Dr. Graham, who ran a "A Temple of Health and Hymen" in London, installed a sumptuous "magnetico - electric" bed warranted to make childless couples fruitful. This he hired out at £50 per evening, later re- duced to £25 when the bed's popularity 'began to wane! The murderers, forgers, biga- mists, cheats and hoaxers in this fascinating collection are a monu- ment to human ingenuity and credulity. Big Appetites Twelve-year-old Alfred. Ser- tian loves eating. He entered a water melon eating contest in Florida recently. Although he only weighs 59 lbs. he ate 42 lb. of water-melon in less than five minutes and won first prize. Extraordinary eaters usually begin young. Before he was out of his teens a' London youth ate 100 sausages in less than an hour. Another young man in Yugoslavia ate at a sitting a whole turkey, ten pork chops and five apple dumplings mere- ly to win a $5 wager. The record appetite for a boy was probably that of Yorkshire- born Matthey Daking, according to a report to the Royal Society in 1745. He .was "seized with an insatiable hUnger and ate con- tinuously day and night. During a single day he de- voured about 65 lb. of food, con- sisting of bread, meat, beer, milk, butter, cheese, potatoes, broth, pudding — in that order. Equally hard to swallow was the feast of two brothers in 1804 in a London tavern. In twenty- two minutes one ate a pork sau- sage five feet nine inches long weighing 23 lb., washing it down ' with a quart of porter and two glasses of brandy. The other ate a pound of but- ter with a spoon and a one-and- a-half pound dumpling in ten minutes. Inspired by these feats another London youth swallow- ed sixty-five raw eggs in one sit- ting later that year. Local officials decided to go ahead with the annual goose fair in Nottingham, England, despite the fact that only one goose was entered in the corn- petition, Are Grey Cars More Dangerous? If you prefer pure colours to tints and pastels in clothes and furnishings, the chances are that you are an emotionally well-bal- anced extrovert, 'You are prob- ably a good mixer, more mater- ialistic than those who prefer tints, and consistent, in your views and thoughts. If you prefer tints or pastels, you are more likely to be the introverted type, a thinker rather than a doer, sensitive to criticism or inclined to feel that others don't understand you. Al- though prone to 'introspection, you probably have better taste and judgment than the people who prefer pure colours. These are among the discov- eries recently claimed by psy- chologists and scientists who be- lieve that colour plays a very important part in our lives and emotions. Interior decorators and home, furnishing experts have long suspected that different colours in your home have varying ef- fects on your emotions and atti- tudes. Now the scientists confirm that rooms with blue walls or decor are soothing, and encourage a relaxed environment. Bright colours — yellows, pinks, and some, greens — can be exhilar- ating and conducive to a stimu- lating and cheerful atmosphere, On the other hand, drab grey walls promote fatigue boredom and discontent. Both grey and black act < s depressives. But red is the colour to treat with kid gloves. Apart from driving a bull to distraction, it has a disturbing place in the arena of human emotions. Tests have shown that red, whether as the predominant col- our in clothes or room decora- tion, increases tension, creates restlessness and agitation, and appears to make time pass more slowly. A psychologist, in a recent test, put a highly tense woman in a red dress and sat her with him in a room decorated in the same colour. She was so affect- ed that, within minutes, she had knocked over a vase and spilt a cup of coffee. When the psychologist switch- ed her into a green dress and took her into a room with blue as the main theme, she acted without any nervousness at all, Greens and blues, claim ihe scientists, have a calming effect on people and also make time appear to pass more speedily. Possibly the /nest outstanding deductions come from tests on car colours. It has been found that both blue and yellow tend to make objects appear closer than they really are. Greys make objects seem farther away than they are. Consequently, blue or yellow painted cars would seem to be the safest. Other drivers, be- lieving you to be closer than yok, actually are, take action in good' time, Grey-painted vehicles give Other drivers the impression that you are farther off than you ate. As the scientists point eut. these findings only confirm the pattern of colour in nature- A clear blue sky is uplifting; a blue sky and soft green country land- seapes together are usually suf- ficient to' calm the most disturb- ed nerves. ConVersely, people ate ptone. 10 depression under black then. der-clouds or grey skies. PROFESSIONAL PRIDE Steve Lux of Waldron, Itid„ told police he glanced out of his bar window at a stop light, SAW. A &Millar face in the next car, and told IiiS companions, "Thete'S the meathead who WAS wrestl- ing tonight," The Wrestler got put Of his bar, kicked a dent hi Ltix's auto, broke a window, climbed 'back And drove BLANKETS 100‘;,. PORE Virgin Wool, Double Red Size. Write tor pamphlet, S W Sales Co., Box 190 Strathroy, Ont, BABY CHICKS BRAY has ready-to-lay Ames In-Cross Pullets, also started. Dayolds to order. Book your December-January broilers now. Dual purpose and Leghorn chicks, to order. See Meal agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. „ . BUSINESS OPPORTLINITIV: HERE is the opportunity to develop and operate a clean, simple, profitable manufacturing business from yotir home Formula available at reasonable cost plus all necessary information. PHIPPS 86 Knightswood, Guelph Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FROZEN food locker and grocery-meat business, Farming town Clifford Weeks, Realtor, Sault Ste. Marie, ,— - LUMBER and builders' supplies busi- ness located in Southern Ontario (too bacco belt), Established 1948 Terms, Bog 108 123-18th Street. New Toronto, Ontario MACHINE Shop for Sale. Lease. Main Street location. Price $5500.00. Cantelon. Taylor Machine Shop, Collingwood Ont. WATER POWER CHOPPING MILL sawmill, seed cleaning plant. Modern - home. Priced right, easy terms. H. Ilemstock, 2290-5th Ave West, Owen Sound, Ont, Fred Genoe, Realtor. ' EDUCATION EARN College degrees all college sub- jects, from recognized university, through correspondence study. $195., terms. Trinity College, 325 Bankers Trust Bldg., Indianapolis 4, Indiana. , FARMS FOR SALE 25 ACRES good clay loam. Remodelled 7 room house, small barn. W. Regier, R.R. No. 3, Dashweod, Ont. 100 ACRES good land with buildings: Year round stream: School & Highway 1 mile, With or without usual imple- ments or pure bred Ayrshires, Reason for sale: Going to B.C. All enquiries should be addressed to: Mr. Arie den Duyf, RR4, Kenilworth, Ontario. This advertisement Published free as one of the many benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANADA) 1620 DUNDAS STREET EAST, LONDON, ONTARIO. FARM tOUIPMEN1 FOR SALE ELECTRIC DRILI, SALE SALE special Black and Decker 1/4" elec- tric drill with geared chuck key. Power ful universal motor 2,000 R P.M.. Fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. Note this is a genuine Black and Decker drill, nationally advertised, regularly selling for much more. Bargain while " they last $16.90 postpaid For prompt delivery send check or money order 'to: S. & A. Distributors, (90 Brookside Ave., Toronto 9. Ontario, FINANCIAL 6% Interest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ANY TERM, 1-5 YEARS THE Sterling Trusts Corp. 372 Bay St. EM 47495 FOR SALE SMALL McCrae sawmill 44" saw, steel carriage, excellent condition, complete with slab saw, tractor and building $2,000. Also 56 Ford Tractor, Industrial Loader, and two trucks. Ivan Nelson. Port Sydney, Ont. HELP WANTED'FEMALE PHYSIOTHERAPIST TO HEAD DEPARTMENT FOR Baycrest hospital and the Jewish Homo for the Aged. Salary open, de- pendent upon previous experience. CALL or write Mr Sam Ruth adman. Istrator 3560 Bathurst St. RU i-3501. HELP WANTED MALE LINOTYPE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED on floor for progres- sive job. printing plant, would con- sider two-thirder With aptitude, full scale, fringe benefits. Apply Phibbs Printing Ltd. St. Thonias, Oat. COHrief Bay g Sts. Cit, tel EMpire 2'-2011. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Booickeepliitg, Salesman. ship, Shorthand, 'rypewriting.„ eto, iLeia Bons 500. Ask for free Circular No, anadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto. LIVESTOCK CARLOAD lots of Western Herford calves, Present prices, Heifers 210 lb., Moos 23(i. lb. Write to George Me-Sherry, Sidney, Manitoba. Buy quality cattle direct from our ranch, - — — — 40 'YOUNG Ewes $16.00 each, Registered Angus MAILS. Richard McCurdy, li 1. Cliesley. Telephnoe 622.41, REGISTERED ShOrthorn cows heifers, Polled bulls. Accredited, J. A , Armor' strong Sc $ons, IL i, LIM911, Ont. DUAL, Purpose Shorthorn. Present offering - Cow, Bred heifers, Bulls and Bull calves of all ages. Write or visit the farm. Ernest A. Peart and Sons, Caledonia, Ontario, - MEDICAL ROYAL JELLY; Pure, fresh, In natural forin. 5000 rngs. only $5, a 30 day sup-ply, Write for information. Scott Bee Co., Winnsboro, Louisiana. DON'T WAIT - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you itching scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeleSs they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 53.50. PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED IMMEDIATE VACANCIES FOR GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR an active medical-surgical unit. Accomntooation available in modern nurses' residence. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO DIRECTOR OF NURSING IODE Memorial Hospital Windsor, Ont. REGISTERED NURSES Starting Rate — $276.65 REQUIRED by Metropolitan Toronto for Greenacres Home for the Aged, located in Newmarket. 40 hour work week. Permanent position, good ern- ployee benefits. Apply Personnel Office, 387 Bloor St. East, WA, 4-7441, or at 194 Eagle Street, Newmarket. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity ',earn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession;good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PERSONAL KNOW the day of any DATE, 1753 to 1999, Leap Years 1756 to 2000. Send $1 to: Dates, 3502 Station B, Savannah, Georgia, ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods, 36 assortment for $2.00 Finest quality, tested. guaranteed . Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth l'nntrol booklet and catalogue of supplies Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina Sask, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE I Films developed and 8 magna prints In album 400 12 magna prints in album 60t Reprints 54 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints) Color prints 352 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome-35 trim, 20 ex- posures mounted In slides $1 25 Color prints from slides 35e each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GAL.T ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE WINTER PARR FLORIDA DOMMERICH Estates. Beautiful new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Colonial home Cen- tral heating and air-conditioning: fire. place; fully equipped kitchen with dish. washer:.2 car gargge;. landscaped lot. $26,500 Phone MI 4-7262 or write P.O. Beg 536 Maitland- Florida. You Can Depend On when kidneys fail feeling, distorhed ,-Iii-Otd;i'i''';, acids and wastes, backaohe., tired to remove excess Pills stimulate. better- restipi tiotd, dof Dodo's eye; 0:011:,:d1 fbin:aetetis:„, 115, ' '=" es' E ''''' kidneys to normal .'' 'ills -", ter, work better, Ton tan depend 'r 1 C to on Dodd 'a Get Dodd'sat any drurstoro. • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • •