HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-11-19, Page 1Thrift Liquid for dishes Nabob Coffee 1 lb. Sc off deal Va Camp Pork & Beans go oz 2 for IrikOrinterrerrerrror 33c. 69c 37c CCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver ,AA Yummy Peanut Butter 1 lb. 4c off deal 10:40 14.. 4 4 4 I 4 -4 4 . 4 4 4 4 • -4 3 THE B U SSELS POST Pott Publishing House a."1"41"4 " "6'4" *tam "1.64, rpm m's L'"'"isN's MORRIS. TOWNSHIP, CGOUNCIL MEETING. Tim .connoil mut in the ' Town. ship Ilan wi the above date with all 11w ttteltibers •PreSenti. • minutes of -the lajg I-fleeting were read. and adopted on motion. of Walter .Shortreed and Gordon 30c winciusou, • Thursday, November 19th., 1959 „ . ,:,Save at. Brussels: $2.00 per year - Zak it.41 Andy Griffiths A mirthful service comedy ONIONHEAD* In Felicia 'Farr 1 1. Melville Chureh telei tsr. Rea, Jonathan Groom. Oeeanlat - Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service Angiii.Cin Church OF. CANADA Parish of Bruolesie Re44.),,ei flov. W. K. Jimgmf SAIL JoIrcil'os 110111.111110 8.30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11 a. m. Mattins The Rev. E. C. Atarell Sunday Schi3o1 Monday - All Soul's Day St. David's 1,45 Evensong • Teaching Traffic Safety Teach them to look both WayS before CrOssing the street starts at home lwA • ."•-• ...„ " McKinley Johnston A wedding of wide interest was solemnized at Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, when Doris Pauline Johnston. ,Clinton, and Berne Allan MeKianley Brantford exchanged wedding vows. The 'bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey C. ,Tornston, Clinton, and the groom is ,son of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Mte Kinley, R. R. 1, Zurich. Tall stan- dards of white and baby blue chrY- stinthemums and lighted tapers in candelabra forMed the setting tor the ceremony which was .performed by the Rev. Grant Mills. .Mr. Louis D. Thompson of ,Brusseis' played 'the wedding music,' and Miss Carol Pepper of Clinton was the soloist. The bride wore a floor-length gown of chantilly lace .over slipper satin, fashitmed with fitted bodice of chantilly lace, lily point sleeves and sabrina neckline 'embroidered with igadescent, _sequins .and-seed pearls. The bouffant skirt of lace appliqued nylpn tulle was. worn over a tiered underskirt of nylon tulle. A jewelled tiara held her fingertip veil of French illusion and she carried a crescent of pink roses with stephanotis, • The bride was attended by her three sisters, Mrs. Grant 'McLean. Hensall, as matron of honor, Mrs. James Armstrong, Jr., Brussels, and, Miss ,Joan Johnston, Clinton, az bridesmaids. They wore waltz lenath gowns of cornflower blue taffeta• with lace and velvet trim Elizabeth panson, Mitchell, was flower girl wearing a similarly styled frock of white nylon, Ring bearer was John McKinley, R. R. 1, Zurich. Grooi n titian \yes Anson Mc- Kinley, RR. 1, Zurich, brother of the groom, Guests were ushered by Jas. Armstrong, Sr. and :Robert. Mc. KinleY, brother of the groom. Receiving, guests in the church auditorium, Mrs. Johnston wore a teal blue brocade ensemble with matching accessories and a corsage of tawney roses, Mrs. Elgin, Mc- Kinley, assisted wearing an, en- aeinble of bIrown, velvet with beige trim, matching accessories corsage of yellow carnations, Vol. traveling, the bride chose a fitted taupe suite with mink collar, brown neceseorleti and tangerine shade hat and gloves, The biride is a graditate of the University of Western Ontario School Of 'MUSic, the couple noire deb- home iii. trttiittei'd. • • CAD OF THANKS' would into to '0.10r6E4lily 3.1001*e. thankS, to all my friends for their • visits, cards and giftsatilithig •111y. recent clay hospital. It was Flit deeply iiPpreelated, Jennie Btraehilit At•idii• AT .6 toittf. THAT ADVERTISE. . Jas. Davis, Rintoul Drain Carl Johnston, Mathers eV Robertson, Mathers Drain 24,00 Win. Robertson, Mathers, - Drain 9.00 Relief Account 72.07 ! Winstam.Post 'Master, un- employment stamps 6.50 Addison Fraser, mailing account 27,78 I Bailie Parrott (leo. C. Martin Reeve Clerk. McNaughton Holmes McDOwell MeNaUghton Hdlmes McDowell died on, Saturday, November 14th. in Victoria Hospital, London in ! his, 45th year. He was ill for several menthe. Born in Brussels, he was. the son of Mrs, Christina McDowell, and the ; late Cordon ,IMeDowell. His eduCatian was rebeiyed in the Itruss.,els public !; anti Continuation echeoTa, He s,erved in the Second 'World War. Prior to 'his illness., lie was an employee in WeStminster Hospital, London, He was Married ; while overseas, to Irene Martin, of Glasgow, who 'survives. Also surviving is his mother two brethers, William of Toronto and him of London; and one sister, Mrs. Rebert (Moral North, Oakville. . The body rests; fit the I). A. , Rata funeral home, Briisaels Where Ithe tunerai service Was conducted 15Y the TI.ev. J, H. Greene of Mel. villa Presbyterian Church, on Times. day, at 2 p.m, Interitetnt was, iti Briissels cenie. tery. i4eil bilhealimill buncanson died StitittilaY, 14th, at his home in alaissela. his Ord year, He was a native of drek a San of the. late Neil thiticansoti and his Ptvite, th6 fortueo, Agnes *de mined 'And WU., the Mat ineither. his Vittieral. Sertiee was held froth the I).. A. .11,M-a funeral, home, eon diteted by the Rev. J. H. Greene oil lvtottlite .Church at 2 t;im. on Mon- day, tritertient lrAl to triniaele eeiti&- ter L. E. CARDIFF It was announced 'Wednesday by Prime Minister DiefenbakeV that L. E. Cardiff, (Huron), of ,j3russels, former whip, has, received the appointment of parliame4ary Sec- . tary of agriculture. CARD OF THANKS; We would like to thank:, all our friends and., neighbours, for acts of kindness shown to our mother during her illness and since her passing. Special thanks to all friends of the ;5th line of Morris for their kind expression of sympathy in our recent bereaVement. They were all much appreciated and will always be remembered. The Jordon Family CA110 OF THANKS,' I would like to eXpress thanks, to all 'my friends and neigh- hours "for their visits, cards, 'flowers. and treats and for help on the farm, while I was in the hospital in London and Seaforth and since I canto home. It has been deeply Tapprec- iated and will always be remembered Jack-Bruce CAIIU .OF THANKS wish to thank all my relatives friends and neighbours who remembered me while I was in Victoria. Hospital and since I came home, I also wish to thank the different societies that brOught me potted Rlants and boxes of goodies They were all very much apprec- iated. Mrs. Eleanor Niche ALFA, tr.t.*Lid PAY RESPECT TO A iFap:EN .,PQMRAPgS Itgeritta Church and 'at the Celle- here With ServIce.s. to Pre* • Itenlailihratiee Day was =Owl is spite of the inclement weather a good representation of ex-service. , men, bulles! ,Aux4liary members, Scouts, Guides and Brownies paraded to the church led by the Brussels Legion Pipe Beech 11t-v. IS, Tages, of St, JAnTe Anglican Church, and the Padre of the local Branch of the Canadian Legion had, charge of the service at the eltureh and was assisted at the Cenotaph by the Rev, L. Brown of The United Church and the Rev. I 3. Greene of Melville Church. Wreaths were Placed by Brussels Legion Branch No ‘18 - Ross Duncan Brussels 'Ladies Auxiliary 218 Mrs. Fred Stephenson Brussels Pipe Band - Thos. Farlane Village of Brussels - Geo. Cutcheon Twp. of Morris - Gordon Wilkin- son. Twp. of Grey - Geo. Hutchinson Ethel W. T. - Mrs. Wm, Dobson. I Stanley Rutledge - Frank Rutledge.' St. Ambrose Church - Clem sterner Queen's Hotel - Thos. Leak Ir Duff's- Church,. Walton - Win. 1 Walton W. .T, - Mrs. Walters Sholdice Cranbrook W. Rev'. W, A. Williams Union United Church Bremner - Majestic W, 7. - Mies. Jack Speir • T. 0. 0. F. & RebekahS - Chas. Shaw A. F. & A. M. Masonic - Ray Bronson. Brussels Lions Club - Frank Shaw Brussels United Church - Verne Grenke Brussels Anglican Church - For. rest Wliittard Melville Church - Mrs, J, Lowe .._ Province of Ontario David Hast- ings Peter Baker - Mrs. J, Baker Brussels Orange Lodge - Fronk Cardiff Following the service a legion banquet was served hi the auxiliary rooms by the ladies of the branch. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP CUTTING - STYLING COLD WAVING A Specialty Phone; Brussels 140 Shop an Watch this column for lucky Christmas Draws 4Ponfored bc), Brussels Business AsSeeiat:ori. Prize Lists will appear soon., REBEKAH VARIETY FAIR IN THE 1.,0, 0 F. Lodge Rooms SATURDAY, NOV. 21st AT 2.30 P. M. Used Clothing, New Articles, Fish Pond, Baking, Candy 11.1........21•Wi arles=6.1eFaisesaMIMIMPIWPWADCGI.V=2293101ROPTOMIPOIMINACTOICAMIII201Thr...M.MIMBIP ANNUAL FIREMEN'S BALL DANCING In Brussels Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, NOV. ,25th ic B y - IAN WILBEE'S MELODY MAKERS Featuring "• Vocalist Donna Wagner Admission : Popular Prices Optional - Everybody Welcome 111213...wieM11111 Brussels Lions 'Club PRESENTS CC THE HARBOURAIRES " OF GODERICH in Brussels United Church on WEDNESDAY, NOV. .25th' AT 8:15 P.M. ADMISSION 75c and 380 Tickets Now On Sale From Lions Club Members - stelontararaciona41612MEI.IP Chesterfiel Sul OS 1 Only Skylar Chesterfield & Chair (Convertible makes into bed) Reg. $289.50 Now $219.00 1 Only Chesterfield & Chair Foam Rubber, Reg. $189.50 $149.50 1 Only Che.s..terfeld & Chair Foam Rubber Cushions, Reg. $169.50 $129.50 Brussels Home Furniture TELEPHONE 194 ,•••••• • • .....00.146.1....041•1111{111111217‘ LET IT SN W But Equip Your Car With Famous FIRESTONE NUTREADS At MacLEA FINA SERVICE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTILIRD - Oils - Lubricants - Car Wash Ise Orem C1iprothis Pop Sti. Phone 268 Brussels, Oat. Turkey In Btuttelg MOM. Hall on. THURSDAY, NOV,. .26th FRIDAY, DEC. 4th FRIDAY., DEC. 11th IS Reg,. •Carnes 3 'Cash .Specials Extra Cards & Speclak 25c 5 for •bodtt PRI2 E rtitiltd Ot. -OtAlt*It -Oo.tM 0' Lanai e,>rpsnalored 6y 6l ie. LYCEUM THEATRE WIr'IGHAM, ONTARIO Two Showe,Eaoh Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m• Thurs., Fri., Bat., Nov., 19 - 20 - ; The United Church OF CANADA VIInIster: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; D.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M. Church School 11 A. M. "Darkness or "Dawn" oz. w .4 r Uclivd by ;i'tewart Procter, second ed by new Duncan that the Assess- 1. meat Roll for 1960. be aeeepted Carrlea I Movad by Ross Dunean, seconded by Stewart Preeter that the Court I of Revision on the 1060 Assessment I Roll be held on Nov. 16 at 2 p.m, - Carried Moved by -Gprdon Wilkinson 1 seconded by Walter Shortreed that the general accounts as presented be paid. -- Carried 1 Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded by Ross Duncan that the tre a.d accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent be paid 1 Carrier" Moved • by Ross Duncan, seconded I ed by Gordon Wilkinson that, we stag proceedings to build a new bridge -on the 4th Concession knOwn as Bodrain bridge in 1960 e . - Carried The meeting adjourned to meet again at the call of the Reeve . The following accounts. were paid Advance-Times, advertising $ 2.24 I 'Timmer Nursing Some 88.25 eurnlies -6.71 Bailie Parrott, selecting. jurors. 'Geo. Marron, selecting jurors Addison Fraser, selecting Jurors 4.00 Baker's Convalescent Home 182.50 Geo. Radford, 111111,s. Drain 134.00 'McGaviti, Mustard Drain 138,00 12,45.; 4.00 4.00 • it . 1 46p, or T-BONE STEAK' Dinner' Soup MI TOInatai. Vegetablitlik Dessert and beeerage" ' binnera Served P.. M. 5.90 Pot. Not disappointed make reierVatiena iodeire. noon SittiOditY 'Oitionina-.IRS Prii"assts Hattie . Midi .060' A Specialty Come In and See THE NEW METEOR FOR 1960 Now On Display USED CARS INCLUDE 1958 FORD HARD TOP 1957 FORD SEDAN 1956 Meteor Coach 1955 Meteor Sedan (All with radio) Many Other Older Models NOW IS THE TIME TO WINTERIZE YOUR CAR AT BRIDGE MOTORS PHONE 249 BRUSSELS ' 7111/# 1 e,xa.n 'Grill Special This Sunday ROAST .CHICKEN ..1.1•11111•0•111.10.r.M.M.M.91.134001...,*.r. Me- I m 1„1 s Mc- 1 Dress