HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-11-05, Page 4Book for another Season! CRC RADIO'S Provocative and lively discussion of agricultural problems Starting Monday, November 2nd, 8:30 p.m. with this special broadcast— THE SMALL FARMER A SPECIAL CASE A90.minute broadcast from the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. CBC RADIO -NEW SIGHTS-NEW SOUNDS •S*Sts.tUtlit& buy the new C CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Free! Marls Fraser's new "Bazaar Specials" recipe booklet. Write today DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto frca!-.1 DETROIT ((,).4 nights. eceernrstei!etions-eie CCOC:i410:13d ,00”, ,`genera, sill TY, recite S. plan:.-with hcptod Onfighthel disiss and entertainment nightly by top sPati in the Cnsine. :dent For the, family-baby sitter service.' NMI/ 0 1.21.20 '-'""-""-- MOTOR HOTEL COD CASINO WIND6OR, CANADA cm& _.15ANC41 akilot iiiA ER TO' ,-,MA91 Vfp -13INGLaTiiiintimmiumas.." ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service Highest cash prices paid In slur- rounding district for dead, old, sick or disabled horses and cattle. For the fastest and 'proper removal of, all anImMs, day or night, use our automatic exchange (at no cost to you.) Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 34900 OR GEORGE HISLOP WROXETER 2R15 ••••''',44;*,;m„sisinfs;:•••s• OBILE o . , 1960 -LDSM , . • ,„.,. Ms; • •5 ?:;t3; .... .. . . ,c?". .... ....... ,4*I'AgiNnan*WA: Styling changes, featuring a "balanced" design are illustrated in these three views of Oldsmobile for 1960 by General Motors. Left, is the front end view of a 1960 Oldsmobile ,,Dynamic "88" showing grille bars designed to give the front a wider appearance. Rear end 'styling is shown at right on the "98" Holiday Sports Sedan. The sweeping chrome accent strip on the side of the 1960 Oldsmobile is shown in the side view, centre, of the Oldsmobile "98" SceniCoupe. iriAlyadaY, Noveugsw otik. !••••?`...torr interested In the Wing- ham District High ,School is invited to come on Friday evening, No an informal dance, to •wllilch all for,pm. qtrtrinnfq apw linqtkl, will follow the Commencemer t Dean of Western will be Ba,zaar Specials s teito tact Teaching Traffic Safety starts at home Teach them to tide' iii single close fo the itight hand curb The Commencement Exercises for the graduating classes of 1959 will (be held tin the Wingham District Pligh School on Friday evening, November 6, at eight o'clock. There will be music by the Glee ,Oinlb, a- presentation. of certificates and diplomas, athletic awards, and proficiency prlizes and scholarships. The Ivaledietory address given by Zan Mundell. The speaker is Mr. Milton F. Gregg V. C., a past presidentof • of elle University of New Bruns- wick and former federal cabinet minister, who is now the Medway Hall, Unversity of Ontario. Everyone CLASSirIED ADS LOST — A wallet containing n considerable sum of money, in Brussels. Finder please return to Robt. Farrow, Brussels, Ont. WORK WANTED — Competent Book-Keeper with ten years experience desires part time employment. For particulars write Box. 78, Blyth. Ont. FOR SALE — Red Durham Cow, 4 yrs. old; to freshen. Nov. 80th; good milker, Torrance Dundas, Walton, Ont Phone Brussels 390W6 . . _ FOR-SALE — McIntosh, Spy and Snow Apples, Fancy grade. A quantity of Cooker grade Spy Apples, 50c per bushel in your own container, Fresh Apple Cider, lie per gallon 3n your con. tamer. .Wan. Stratychuk FOR SALE — Girl's 3-piece blue coat set, size 6. Also boy's or girl's grey wool car coat, size 10. Both like new Mrs. Robt. Grasby Phone 17J6 white .land tan legs; tip of tan White, light tan head, fullness in 'threat. Answers to the name "Buster". ,Thos, -Kirkby Phone 142W '"'••••• 1 FOR SALE - Oirl'a, pink and grey check, coat, legging, hat, pink fur triniming, .size 3.4. Also, green coat, legging' :and hat, grey fur trissining, size 3-4. latTIV$ W.01, bunting bag,.; white attached hood, yellow satin ,1" .1s-mning, Alt areielea just dry- Mrs. Graham Work Phone 12,318 FOP SALE -- 1-,nrorted Bulbs. Tulips, daffodils, byttel nth s, 11 a rei Sts cut flowers, netfed -slants,- hasten ferns, phild- drondoit, eacti, We will haVe r thran ,..sh, the winter nsatithis it ;tits streenhoutte, we may hate, ,d•+1-' nit *on watt, Baker's Green-bon/0 'Y'rati• Garden roor, qe4trtrth f+1.;;YE 134ffra c74 4, Igittfi MOr10.1 usad oar See na shant our Tom T'ost Fluateing Setwititt. Asr1kl1Pibla: s'"*ham. nr ROCA; •-f PONNENSBRO ' .f.3e0,,041 titi4wOnne:e 'Metikter Phone '0604t 1§0tiatela Ofteile 24 *rid T'tleley WALTON The following pup(ils were prize winners at the Hallowe'en Party held on Friday afternoon at the WaltOn Public School. Juniors. best dressed. Bryana; funniest dressed. Linda Travjis; best dressed couple Gall Travis and Sharbn Marks; fun- niest dressed couple, Niel McDc. ' and Murray Blake; funniest- face, Judy Thamer; costume most like Hallowe'en, Mary Bewley. Seniors: Best dressed, Anne Blake and Linda Bryans, tied;furmiest dressed, Ken Shortreed; best dressed couple Carol Wilbee and 'Wendy HumphrieS funniest dressed couple, Larry Walters and Bruce Clerk; funniest face, Sherril Craig; costume most like Hallowe'en, Carol Wilbee. A Hallowe'en Dance was 11,1,1, the Community Fall on Friday even- i ing. ;Prizes were won by Mrs. Stew art McCall and son, best dressed couple; Mrs. Ronald Bennett, heSt dressed lady; Mrs. Ralph Travis best dressed gent. Music was by Clinton Filltopners. SATURDAY, NOV. 14th. Open House Sale of Household. Effects at the home of Jos. R. Hamilton Main St., Brussels, Ont. Watch next week's paper for details I or contact R.C. HAMILTON 354 Victoria St, London, Ont. . • — FOR SALE Girl's white Figure Skater: 2 pair size 10; 1 pair size 11. Phone Brussels 203W,2 NOTICE TO OREDITDRS IN THE ESTATE of GEORGE ADDY, late of the Village of Ethel! In the County of Huron; Retired Farniee, deteased. CREDITORS and others haVing claims against the above named deceased, who died on or aboiit the ninth day of September, 1958; are required to send full'particulars of such Claims to the undersigned on or before the 'seventh day of November, A. D. 1959, after which date the asserts of the estate wilt be distributed, having regard only to claims of which nottee has then henn received. DATED at LiStonrel, Ontario, this 0th day of idctober, A D. 1959. W, M. Pratt, Q, C., Barrister, ete., T.latetvel, Ontario. SOB:titer for the Estate. "#611 tAt.t. NOM storm Wiiinewo. ft Wilt rYau Illly let Atli** Itenils4 t kit 'oil'' *ton Ottiniatii nil MIMiniirit welt' slOttna #11Orte Seliforth ; ttn need should arise:they atiy-h can be cashed atatarty tithe, at bank, for full face vahie plus earned interest They're „ like dollars with :coupons attached, This year' they are better than eyet CANADA tAViNdS, BONDS can be bought for cash or on in'staimentt Alt are re gistered as to tirineinal, interest it Oak( by coupons payable to bearer, or :by diode in the (diger denomination'" you wishi Order yours today through the Payroll SilYings Plan; or itodugh any bahk, dealer, stock' broker', or loan. thinikaity. FOR SALE —. New Sherlock-Manning Pianos Sold, Used Pianos bought and sold, any make. Piano Tuning and Repair- ing. Pianos tuned electronically, takes the guess out of tuning. Contact : Gordon or Barry Hamilton Atwood, Ont. Phone 15J FOR SALE — We have on hand at our house in Ethel, a quantity of Groceries that we are offering at less than whalesole price, in any quantity to any one. Available at any time evenings included. 'Grocers are shin invited to bid on any or all of this stock. Howard Vancamp Ethel, Ont. AGENT WANTED — Large United States and Canadian Manufacturing Company requires Yield Representative in Grey Tawri- ship. Exceptionally high earnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Auto- • mobile essential. Agricultural or Farming backelrotind most import- ant. SaleS 'training given. Reply to. Box 84, London, Ontario. REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroll Motor Club memberships. in this locality. The Ontario Auto- mobile Association provides the finest in Motor Club benefits. Pleasant work that can he handled t either full or part-time. Rush your • name and address for full infor nation as 'territories are being alloted now, No istrestment needed': You should have a car and be from ' ;23 to 50, male or female. Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, , 4Canatia.. NOTICE — W:11 the person taking a felt hat by mistake at the Ethel Town Hall Oct.on. 28th, please get in touch with David Kerr for exchange of his own, Mrs. David Kerr, R. R. 1. Ethel Phone .35,r8 GREY TOWNSHIP scHpoi, BIQARD MEKTING. The NOveMber meeting of the Grey Insp, School Board was held in the Blthel, schoel on MondaY Noar, 2nd at 9 P,I11,, With all Mellthers present- Tha minutes of the October meet, lap were read and adopted on Motion of Cox and rischer - Carried Motion of Conley ,antl. cox that the. Croy Two, School Area do not hold, a. Music Vesti4val in 1960 • Carried Matiosi of Smith. and Fischer that the Board, !insulate U 4 and No, 9 schools as soon Its. possible inotion of Conley and Cox that the following accounts be paid. — Carried Jarnos Bolger, sanding 4 finisibiing floor 1.112 $159.45 T. Kirkby., sand 171 2.00 Cr &s Eranter, damper No.4 3.70 J, M, McDonald Lumber, lumber 40.85 Murray Hockver, labour • 9.45 Meeting adjourned on ;motion of Smith to meet again on Dec. 8th. Norman S. Hocimer, Sec'y. W. D. H, S. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES FRIDAY For those who have trouble hold- ing on to money, this is a convenient and practical way to save. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS are a safe invest- ment with many advantages: if the CANADA SAVINGS Romps Cent a mow, return than alter 4.98 per Cent per yede it held to Maturity. they come denominations Of '$50, $1 060 $500, $1,000 and $5,000 UP to 06,006 of the new series may be held in the ridtheof d4 • • One person (adult or Minor) or of the estate' of ihkootod pfiriOo. `COST — A Beagle Hound, black body and